America is not growing hostile towards Chriastians; it is hostile towards religious bullies.

Let me guess, you're an optimist....... :D
Let me guess, you're an optimist....... :D

I agree with you that life is much better today than in the past for I would guess everyone as a whole - I do wonder if time will catch-up to the next generations that the change has not been enough ... as global warming, asphalt jungle and agradepletion for starters.
I have somewhat different concerns as history has a way of repeating itself, people are involved.........
I have somewhat different concerns as history has a way of repeating itself, people are involved.........

I made it to pg 2, so much for the criticism about copy/paste ... maybe history repeats itself because the same people have always been in charge - rightwing religious fanatics - don't get me wrong I do hope to make it to the Everlasting.
Copy an paste was a link to a book on pdf, not like I'm gonna try and paraphrase or recreate an entire tome in my own words on a message board......... That's a silly analogy.
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........

whatever that is, I thought you liked putting it in your own words. by history when was that time religion was not in charge other than early 20th century when they began receiving what they were dishing out ... was that something new.
Yup, sounds like you may have had a "history" class in high school............ Detail isn't their forte nor is it supposed to be......... :eusa_whistle:

Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.
Last edited:
I agree with you that life is much better today than in the past for I would guess everyone as a whole - I do wonder if time will catch-up to the next generations that the change has not been enough ... as global warming, asphalt jungle and agradepletion for starters.
I have somewhat different concerns as history has a way of repeating itself, people are involved.........
I have somewhat different concerns as history has a way of repeating itself, people are involved.........

I made it to pg 2, so much for the criticism about copy/paste ... maybe history repeats itself because the same people have always been in charge - rightwing religious fanatics - don't get me wrong I do hope to make it to the Everlasting.
Copy an paste was a link to a book on pdf, not like I'm gonna try and paraphrase or recreate an entire tome in my own words on a message board......... That's a silly analogy.
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........

whatever that is, I thought you liked putting it in your own words. by history when was that time religion was not in charge other than early 20th century when they began receiving what they were dishing out ... was that something new.
Yup, sounds like you may have had a "history" class in high school............ Detail isn't their forte nor is it supposed to be......... :eusa_whistle:

Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.
Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.

was that a response or culpable denial, I think the latter.
I have somewhat different concerns as history has a way of repeating itself, people are involved.........
I have somewhat different concerns as history has a way of repeating itself, people are involved.........

I made it to pg 2, so much for the criticism about copy/paste ... maybe history repeats itself because the same people have always been in charge - rightwing religious fanatics - don't get me wrong I do hope to make it to the Everlasting.
Copy an paste was a link to a book on pdf, not like I'm gonna try and paraphrase or recreate an entire tome in my own words on a message board......... That's a silly analogy.
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........

whatever that is, I thought you liked putting it in your own words. by history when was that time religion was not in charge other than early 20th century when they began receiving what they were dishing out ... was that something new.
Yup, sounds like you may have had a "history" class in high school............ Detail isn't their forte nor is it supposed to be......... :eusa_whistle:

Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.
Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.

was that a response or culpable denial, I think the latter.
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?
I made it to pg 2, so much for the criticism about copy/paste ... maybe history repeats itself because the same people have always been in charge - rightwing religious fanatics - don't get me wrong I do hope to make it to the Everlasting.
Copy an paste was a link to a book on pdf, not like I'm gonna try and paraphrase or recreate an entire tome in my own words on a message board......... That's a silly analogy.
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........

whatever that is, I thought you liked putting it in your own words. by history when was that time religion was not in charge other than early 20th century when they began receiving what they were dishing out ... was that something new.
Yup, sounds like you may have had a "history" class in high school............ Detail isn't their forte nor is it supposed to be......... :eusa_whistle:

Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.
Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.

was that a response or culpable denial, I think the latter.
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?

how about you first, I mean pasting a whole book what's that suppose to prove your a fan of english monarchy ....
Copy an paste was a link to a book on pdf, not like I'm gonna try and paraphrase or recreate an entire tome in my own words on a message board......... That's a silly analogy.
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........
As for rightwing religious fanatics having been the only ones in charge..........., something more than HS history would go far to dispel that myth........

whatever that is, I thought you liked putting it in your own words. by history when was that time religion was not in charge other than early 20th century when they began receiving what they were dishing out ... was that something new.
Yup, sounds like you may have had a "history" class in high school............ Detail isn't their forte nor is it supposed to be......... :eusa_whistle:

Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.
Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.

was that a response or culpable denial, I think the latter.
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?

how about you first, I mean pasting a whole book what's that suppose to prove your a fan of english monarchy ....
Deflection? looks like it.
As for history and cultural anthropology it's one of my minors but I pursued individual studies in detail for decades in European, Middle Eastern and American history as well as ancient Greek, Roman and Pre Columbian studies.
Also include more generalized far eastern studies primarily China and Japan, history is one of my passions.
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. Granted the Catholic church wielded great power for a time but that ended hundreds of years ago and (at least in this country and Europe) Christians have mostly "grown up".
Funny. I don't see a hostility towards bitter atheists
"Bitter Atheists"?? I'm not bitter.
Funny. I don't see a hostility towards bitter atheists


because there never have been, its simply ingrained in their 4th century religion to pummel the innocent without sin.
Funny. I don't see a hostility towards bitter atheists
That would be because "bitter atheists" aren't running around trying to pass laws with the purpose of dictating the private behaviours of everyone in the nation.
whatever that is, I thought you liked putting it in your own words. by history when was that time religion was not in charge other than early 20th century when they began receiving what they were dishing out ... was that something new.
Yup, sounds like you may have had a "history" class in high school............ Detail isn't their forte nor is it supposed to be......... :eusa_whistle:

Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.
Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.

was that a response or culpable denial, I think the latter.
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?

how about you first, I mean pasting a whole book what's that suppose to prove your a fan of english monarchy ....
Deflection? looks like it.
As for history and cultural anthropology it's one of my minors but I pursued individual studies in detail for decades in European, Middle Eastern and American history as well as ancient Greek, Roman and Pre Columbian studies.
Also include more generalized far eastern studies primarily China and Japan, history is one of my passions.
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. Granted the Catholic church wielded great power for a time but that ended hundreds of years ago and (at least in this country and Europe) Christians have mostly "grown up".
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs.

... often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. .:eusa_liar:

just being scripturally religious in those times was the religious belief that prompted their history of persecution and repression. the triumph against spoken conviction is telling by even today's standards reflecting 4th century zealotry.
Yup, sounds like you may have had a "history" class in high school............ Detail isn't their forte nor is it supposed to be......... :eusa_whistle:

Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.
Basically you're using extremely oversimplified generalizations, conclusions that only come from a serious lack of detailed historical data.

was that a response or culpable denial, I think the latter.
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?

how about you first, I mean pasting a whole book what's that suppose to prove your a fan of english monarchy ....
Deflection? looks like it.
As for history and cultural anthropology it's one of my minors but I pursued individual studies in detail for decades in European, Middle Eastern and American history as well as ancient Greek, Roman and Pre Columbian studies.
Also include more generalized far eastern studies primarily China and Japan, history is one of my passions.
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. Granted the Catholic church wielded great power for a time but that ended hundreds of years ago and (at least in this country and Europe) Christians have mostly "grown up".
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs.

... often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. .:eusa_liar:

just being scripturally religious in those times was the religious belief that prompted their history of persecution and repression. the triumph against spoken conviction is telling by even today's standards reflecting 4th century zealotry.
The 4th century Papal power and Europe is your only basis for your overarching statement, really?
Funny. I don't see a hostility towards bitter atheists
"Bitter Atheists"?? I'm not bitter.
Funny. I don't see a hostility towards bitter atheists


because there never have been, its simply ingrained in their 4th century religion to pummel the innocent without sin.

Who is innocent?
Who is innocent?

not you sinner, those who have conquered sin, Free Spirits ...


they are a magnet for your type.
...But, you see, America isn't becoming hostile towards Christians - it's just had its fill of religious bullies....
Does this include atheists, militant or otherwise?
First, atheism is not a religion. Second, atheists aren't using the law to infringe on the personal choices, and behaviours of religious people. You'll notice when I gave Avatar4321 the opportunity to demonstrate atheists doing this, he chose to stop posting. Perhaps you would like to provide examples of atheists/secularists endorsing laws that would dictate the personal, private choices, and behaviours of the religious?
was that a response or culpable denial, I think the latter.
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?

how about you first, I mean pasting a whole book what's that suppose to prove your a fan of english monarchy ....
Deflection? looks like it.
As for history and cultural anthropology it's one of my minors but I pursued individual studies in detail for decades in European, Middle Eastern and American history as well as ancient Greek, Roman and Pre Columbian studies.
Also include more generalized far eastern studies primarily China and Japan, history is one of my passions.
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. Granted the Catholic church wielded great power for a time but that ended hundreds of years ago and (at least in this country and Europe) Christians have mostly "grown up".
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs.

... often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. .:eusa_liar:

just being scripturally religious in those times was the religious belief that prompted their history of persecution and repression. the triumph against spoken conviction is telling by even today's standards reflecting 4th century zealotry.
The 4th century Papal power and Europe is your only basis for your overarching statement, really?
The 4th century Papal power and Europe is your only basis for your overarching statement, really?

yes, and you do have a point where my hostility is directed at the 4th century book and their false religion however to the credit of scripted religions world wide they paralleled the same alliance with monarchical, patriarchal rule at the time and forward to suppress free Spirited people world wide.
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?
It was a response. Simple questions, how much history did you take in college? Other than college 101 classes. Have you done any detailed historical or socio-anthropological post grad studies?

how about you first, I mean pasting a whole book what's that suppose to prove your a fan of english monarchy ....
Deflection? looks like it.
As for history and cultural anthropology it's one of my minors but I pursued individual studies in detail for decades in European, Middle Eastern and American history as well as ancient Greek, Roman and Pre Columbian studies.
Also include more generalized far eastern studies primarily China and Japan, history is one of my passions.
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. Granted the Catholic church wielded great power for a time but that ended hundreds of years ago and (at least in this country and Europe) Christians have mostly "grown up".
Of course religion played a major part during different times throughout history but not all those in power did what they did because of religious belief, often they did it in spite of religious beliefs.

... often they did it in spite of religious beliefs. .:eusa_liar:

just being scripturally religious in those times was the religious belief that prompted their history of persecution and repression. the triumph against spoken conviction is telling by even today's standards reflecting 4th century zealotry.
The 4th century Papal power and Europe is your only basis for your overarching statement, really?
The 4th century Papal power and Europe is your only basis for your overarching statement, really?

yes, and you do have a point where my hostility is directed at the 4th century book and their false religion however to the credit of scripted religions world wide they paralleled the same alliance with monarchical, patriarchal rule at the time and forward to suppress free Spirited people world wide.
You're basing the argument you made to me that it was Christians up to around 100 years ago that were the cause of all the worlds problems on what occurred in the 4th century........? You do realize there were a few extra centuries between then and now, right?

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