America is not in decline and actually on the verge of resurgence

You are very wrong on Obama and Gay rights. The ramifications of Obama repealing DADT are monumental. Ask around if you do not want to believe me. ACA will work out eventually, give it time. It will be around forever now. As for the drones? Well, I'm almost sure that top terrorists around the world fear this as their number 1 concern... without a doubt.

Finally, President Obama will go down in history as one of America's finest POTUS.

I think that DADT was a good thing, no doubt, but will agree to disagree on it's scale and impact. But I've asked you a few questions that I'm curious to hear your answer on:

1.) Why hasn't Obama been more vocal on the #1 gay issue of the day - marriage? Why did he remain largely silent on this until only months leading up to the 2012 election?

2.) Why do you believe that ACA will drive down costs? My position is that it still utilizes the old, broken insurance system AND now even makes those companies take on pre-existing conditions. If you don't modify something in a fundamental way, why would you expect some sort of different outcome?

3.) So you find it acceptable that just about 30% of drone strike victims are not terrorists but innocent individuals like you or I? Really? You don't see that as a human rights violation? Is blowing the arms and legs off of innocent children on A CONSISTENT BASIS a good way to "stop terrorism" and deter people from striking the US?

4.) What are your thoughts on Obama signing the "Monsanto Protection Act" despite 200,000 US citizens urging him not to in a petition weeks earlier? With GMOs at the top of many individual's list of concerns, why do you think Obama was compelled to move forward on the bill and ignore the petition?

5.) NDAA 2012. Obama said he had "great reservations" about indefinite detention but signed the bill to pass funding. In July of 2012, a district judge rulled indefinite detention unconstitutional and the Obama admin swooped in to appeal. Funding was already provided to the military, so why would he do this? Was he lying when he made his first statement in late december?
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The Fed is injecting 80 billion./month into the economy and some think that is awesome!!! And some dickheads on this thread are taking bows about the deficit being near 500 billion.


We have gotten to a point where the population is so deep into the matrix, they embrace any information that just sounds good.


WHen the bubble pops on the derivitives market, its going to make 2008 look like Romper Room circa 1970. Then the pushback........and its gonna get fucking ugly.

And some on here are going to be defending their possessions with wiffle ball bats and Nurf guns.

Have fun s0ns.......I'll be laughing so hard, my balls might fall off!!!
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The Fed is injecting 80 billion./month into the economy and some think that is awesome!!! And some dickheads on this thread are taking bows about the deficit being near 500 billion.


We have gotten to a point where the population is so deep into the matrix, they embrace any information that just sounds good.


WHen the bubble pops on the derivitives market, its going to make 2008 look like Romper Room circa 1970. Then the pushback........and its gonna get fucking ugly.

And some on here are going to be defending their possessions with wiffle ball bats and Nurf guns.

Have fun s0ns.......I'll be laughing so hard, my balls might fall off!!!

Yeah, the current market situation (literally) astounds me. Not one person is concerned with "what happens" when QE stops. Not one. I can't help but believe that they feel all will be well without that 80 BILLION dollars going into bonds.

And you are correct. It's going to be ugly - far more ugly than 2008. But, by then, Barry is gone and whomever the next slob is - will be left with the crash and the left on boards like this will be extolling the virtues of Obama; "Well, this didn't happen on HIS watch!"

Of course not - he merely engineered it.

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