America is not in decline and actually on the verge of resurgence

6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

We're not doing as bad as your doom and gloom either.

We're doing much worse than that. the 6.6% unemployment number is GARBAGE.
MILLIONS arent being counted as unemployed
Because they're not unemployed. Unemployed does not mean "doesn't have a job," it means wants to work, could start work if offered, and trying to work. That's what it's always meant.
Speaking of curiosity... do you ever hear how stupid YOU sound? I didn't think so.

Yeah, telling the truth is a bitch, isn't it. Read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and anything EVER written by Karl Marx and Josef Stalin - then get back to me sonny.

Yes, it is a 'bitch'... for you. It's no wonder you're all messed up... reading crap like Marx and Stalin and Saul Alinsky.

So reading Marx, Stalin, and Alinsky messes people up? No wonder Obama's got issues.
the potential of America IS enormous.....we just need to free ourselves from the strangulation of socialism...

if even a rino like Romney had been elected we would be already recuperating from the recession and on our way to a bright future.....but liberal idiots elected the radical left....:cuckoo:

I believe that you have hit the nail squarely on the head here. Obama, from day one, has never been interested in "business" - he is an academic that believes in theories. His main theory in life has always been, and continues to be, that GOVERNMENT is the answer to our problems. He despises capitalism - and why not? His father (whether it be Obama senior or, as I believe, Frank Marshall Davis) were both devout communists. So he had this beat into his pointed little head from birth.

His education consisted of communist professors and he has always aligned himself with marxists and communists.

So, basically - he is a communist.

He has no interest whatsoever in working to ensure a robust capitalist economy. None whatsoever. The BS stimulus is proof of that. 860 BILLION dollars that merely disappeared. What have we to show for it? NOTHING. No new highways, no new business models, no new infrastructure, nothing but billions of dollars simply vanishing.

Once we rid ourselves of this incompetent fool we will (hopefully) have a President that understands the way America works and will lead us in that direction. We have little choice. If we do not return to the roots that made this country great - we have no chance, We will be doomed to the history books.

Fortunately, America is FINALLY waking up to the realization that the AMERICAN WAY works and has since this country's inception. Obama is now looked at as a clown and we are beginning to turn from him - to reality. There is hope for America, in spite of "The Man Who Would Be King".
And in his book "Dreams From My Father", he described having a private sector job as "...being a spy behind enemy lines..."

Had people really read his words and understood whom he was before he was running in 2008, the media properly vetting his credentials...we wouldn't be here. And after failure in his first term? He's voted for again...yeah people ARE indeed waking up...but is it too late?
How can the naysayers possibly dispute this wealth of information? We shall see.

Top five myths about the U.S. economy

Top five myths about the U.S. economy | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

Much has been written about the decline of the U.S. as a world leader since the financial crisis. But despite relatively high unemployment and a widening income gap between the rich and everyone else, growth is accelerating, debt is declining and the banking sector is relatively healthy.
Resurgence into what? An EU-Style Socialist Utopia?

6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

Remember, FDR is a Democrat Greatest Eveh!! President because he had 2 terms of 20% average unemployment, so their definition of doing well is not the same as ours

So you would of allowed people to sleep on the street and die? This country is a much better place as it is moral today.

You wouldn't be saying this if you were one of the poor bastards that want without like the great depressions. FDR was a great leader as he SAID no to the harshness of reality before his time.
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

Remember, FDR is a Democrat Greatest Eveh!! President because he had 2 terms of 20% average unemployment, so their definition of doing well is not the same as ours

So you would of allowed people to sleep on the street and die? This country is a much better place as it is moral today.

You wouldn't be saying this if you were one of the poor bastards that want without like the great depressions. FDR was a great leader as he SAID no to the harshness of reality before his time.
NOT what he stated was it Matt?:eusa_hand:
When in decline... deny reality. That's how some liberals react nowadays. "Oh America is fine, couldn't be any better!" When you show them proof to the contrary, they tell you "where'd you get that? Fox News?" Liberals don't realize the harm their philosophy is causing this great nation of ours. If only they knew. They will dismiss solid facts and evidence saying America is in decline, and attack anything that suggests otherwise. And for now, they have only themselves and their policies to blame for this decline, that when coupled with the malfeasance of the past, will eventually destroy this country as we know it forever.
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When in decline... deny reality. That's how some liberals react nowadays. "Oh America is fine, couldn't be any better!" When you show them proof to the contrary, they tell you "where'd you get that? Fox News?" Liberals don't realize the harm their philosophy is causing this great nation of ours. If only they knew. They will dismiss solid facts and evidence saying America is in decline, and attack anything that suggests otherwise. And for now, they have only themselves and their policies to blame for this decline, that when coupled with the malfeasance of the past, will eventually destroy this country as we know it forever.

Some people need to live that way...they grab onto any article and say, see I told you
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I'd of thought outsourcing jobs through trade agreements that favor other countries and cutting science, infrastructure and r@d is the real reason we're declining.

If it your arguments include the words "science' and "infrastructure," I don't want to hear it. We rank tops in the world for R&D, Matt. Go read a poll or something.
Back that up with some reliable numbers.

You can't.

He's so full of shit his eyes are brown.

Sheesh, and another tea-party racist chimes in with brilliance.

Wow! Powerful defense of your butt buddy francandbeans. I don't know how I will ever recover from your hurtful, mean words. One, I'm not tea party. Two, I'm not racist. Three, you just proved what a fucking moron you are. Four, I stand by my post that francy is full of shit. Cheers.
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

Remember, FDR is a Democrat Greatest Eveh!! President because he had 2 terms of 20% average unemployment, so their definition of doing well is not the same as ours

So you would of allowed people to sleep on the street and die? This country is a much better place as it is moral today.

You wouldn't be saying this if you were one of the poor bastards that want without like the great depressions. FDR was a great leader as he SAID no to the harshness of reality before his time.

No one was in danger of starving. Running soup kitchens only takes a miniscule amount compared to the sums that FDR spent. FDR took a severe but shot lived recession and turned it into a 12 year depression. In fact, the unemployment was already on the decrease when Congress passed Smoot Hawley, huge tax increases and several other measures that sent the economy into a tail spin.

FDR was a disaster, not a godsend.
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

Remember, FDR is a Democrat Greatest Eveh!! President because he had 2 terms of 20% average unemployment, so their definition of doing well is not the same as ours

So you would of allowed people to sleep on the street and die? This country is a much better place as it is moral today.

You wouldn't be saying this if you were one of the poor bastards that want without like the great depressions. FDR was a great leader as he SAID no to the harshness of reality before his time.

FDR prolonged our misery with all of his worthless social engineering.
Remember, FDR is a Democrat Greatest Eveh!! President because he had 2 terms of 20% average unemployment, so their definition of doing well is not the same as ours

So you would of allowed people to sleep on the street and die? This country is a much better place as it is moral today.

You wouldn't be saying this if you were one of the poor bastards that want without like the great depressions. FDR was a great leader as he SAID no to the harshness of reality before his time.

FDR prolonged our misery with all of his worthless social engineering.

The contraction of the money supply was the real culprit.
When in decline... deny reality. That's how some liberals react nowadays. "Oh America is fine, couldn't be any better!" When you show them proof to the contrary, they tell you "where'd you get that? Fox News?" Liberals don't realize the harm their philosophy is causing this great nation of ours. If only they knew. They will dismiss solid facts and evidence saying America is in decline, and attack anything that suggests otherwise. And for now, they have only themselves and their policies to blame for this decline, that when coupled with the malfeasance of the past, will eventually destroy this country as we know it forever.

Thank the good Lord for President Obama. The r-wing extremists worst nightmare so it appears. Get ready for Hillary you losers! :clap2:
When in decline... deny reality. That's how some liberals react nowadays. "Oh America is fine, couldn't be any better!" When you show them proof to the contrary, they tell you "where'd you get that? Fox News?" Liberals don't realize the harm their philosophy is causing this great nation of ours. If only they knew. They will dismiss solid facts and evidence saying America is in decline, and attack anything that suggests otherwise. And for now, they have only themselves and their policies to blame for this decline, that when coupled with the malfeasance of the past, will eventually destroy this country as we know it forever.

Thank the good Lord for President Obama. The r-wing extremists worst nightmare so it appears. Get ready for Hillary you losers! :clap2:

Sounds to me like you're still stuck in this fantasy world where good and evil are pitted against one another and the only logical side to support is the Democrats. That's a flawed view. Obama, Hillary - all of your heroes - are just as well connected and out of touch as any Establishment Republican candidate. Dude - THEY RECEIVE FUNDING FROM THE SAME SOURCES! I'm no conspiracy person (not discussing illuminati BS) but there exists a Bilderberg conference (there's no denying that) where all of the most powerful business leaders gather in secret to discuss future plans and Obama was a guest in 2008. You don't think they're going to make sure he moves some of their ideas along?

What has Obama done for YOU in the past few years in office?
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When in decline... deny reality. That's how some liberals react nowadays. "Oh America is fine, couldn't be any better!" When you show them proof to the contrary, they tell you "where'd you get that? Fox News?" Liberals don't realize the harm their philosophy is causing this great nation of ours. If only they knew. They will dismiss solid facts and evidence saying America is in decline, and attack anything that suggests otherwise. And for now, they have only themselves and their policies to blame for this decline, that when coupled with the malfeasance of the past, will eventually destroy this country as we know it forever.

Thank the good Lord for President Obama. The r-wing extremists worst nightmare so it appears. Get ready for Hillary you losers! :clap2:

Sounds to me like you're still stuck in this fantasy world where good and evil are pitted against one another and the only logical side to support is the Democrats. That's a flawed view. Obama, Hillary - all of your heroes - are just as well connected and out of touch as any Establishment Republican candidate.

What has Obama done for YOU in the past few years in office?

Well gosh, he's opened the voter rolls to non-citizens, increased food stamp usage, extended unemployment indefinitely, provides free phones......need I go on?
When in decline... deny reality. That's how some liberals react nowadays. "Oh America is fine, couldn't be any better!" When you show them proof to the contrary, they tell you "where'd you get that? Fox News?" Liberals don't realize the harm their philosophy is causing this great nation of ours. If only they knew. They will dismiss solid facts and evidence saying America is in decline, and attack anything that suggests otherwise. And for now, they have only themselves and their policies to blame for this decline, that when coupled with the malfeasance of the past, will eventually destroy this country as we know it forever.

Thank the good Lord for President Obama. The r-wing extremists worst nightmare so it appears. Get ready for Hillary you losers! :clap2:

You can skip the Lord part, it's obvious who you worship.

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