America is not in decline and actually on the verge of resurgence

Sure they did... until the banks crashed and burned under their leadership.

pure nonsense; Banks are led by their boards; not Republicans you dolt. also; let's talk about banks like CITIGROUP; led by CLINTON'S TOP MONEY MAN; TREASURY SECRETARY ROBERT RUBIN

who left right before the bubble burst with CITI holding $34 TRILLION IN TOXIC ASSETS

libs are neck-deep in the very things they blame on others

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Capitalism fucked us up under Bush and banks are indeed led mostly by fat-cat, Republican CEO's.

Government Housing Fanny and Freddie Mac is what fucked us up not capitalism.
Crony Capitalism is what we need to get rid of.
The latest line of propaganda from the Comintern is that it is good to be out of work; so the jobs obamacare is killilng need not be missed.
the same people ranting about capitalism are bragging about the record corporate profits of the DOW under obama; of companies that arent hiring the way they used to. You've come along way in a short time from the Occupy Movement

idiots and hypocrites
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

We're not doing as bad as your doom and gloom either.
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

We're not doing as bad as your doom and gloom either.

We're doing much worse than that. the 6.6% unemployment number is GARBAGE.
MILLIONS arent being counted as unemployed
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

We're not doing as bad as your doom and gloom either.

well we arent doing well enough to cut welfare, food stamps and unemployment by one day or one penny from EMERGENCY LEVELS set at the end of the Bush years and beginning of the obama years. why i just heard a thousand libs screaming how cold and callous it is to even think of scaling them back

idiots and hypocrites
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

We're not doing as bad as your doom and gloom either.

We're doing much worse than that. the 6.6% unemployment number is GARBAGE.
MILLIONS arent being counted as unemployed

Garbage indeed! Let's see... for every unemployed person I personally know... I know at least 100 friends who are happily employed. I see people employed, everywhere.
Garbage indeed! Let's see... for every unemployed person I personally know... I know at least 100 friends who are happily employed. I see people employed, everywhere.

Not exactly the most scientific approach there kidrocks, lol. What you "see" is not considered an accurate measure of things overall.
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

Remember, FDR is a Democrat Greatest Eveh!! President because he had 2 terms of 20% average unemployment, so their definition of doing well is not the same as ours
How can the naysayers possibly dispute this wealth of information? We shall see.

Top five myths about the U.S. economy

Top five myths about the U.S. economy | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

Much has been written about the decline of the U.S. as a world leader since the financial crisis. But despite relatively high unemployment and a widening income gap between the rich and everyone else, growth is accelerating, debt is declining and the banking sector is relatively healthy.

I agree, and think the link is concise. And in the vein, I think our two biggest challenges are continuing to reduce debt/gnp ratio, while simultaneously making post-HS education affordable and providing the infrastructure for continued growth, both of which are necessary to accomplish the first goal of having enough growth to service the debt.
6.6% unemployment.
Triple A rating downgraded.
Rising number of people on food stamps.
Federal Bank making the value of our dollar worth less and less.
Price of food, gas, utilities and health premiums going up.

We are not doing very well at all.

We're not doing as bad as your doom and gloom either.

My doom and gloom?
Those are actual facts.
America became great when the US had a strong middle class.
There is nothing on the horizon that suggest that the middle class will again be strong and viable. With a weak middle class there will never be a true resurgence for America.

As I've stated many times - Obama is trying to destroy the middle class and has been since the day he took office.

The middle class is the result of capitalism. There is not another country on this planet that has fostered a "middle class" like the United States. NOT ONE.

Obama despises capitalism and would like nothing better than to see only the very rich and the very poor - the poor dependent on the government and ONLY the government.

Unfortunately, as in everything else in his life, he has been a miserable failure and the middle class continues.

Speaking of curiosity... do you ever hear how stupid YOU sound? I didn't think so.

Yeah, telling the truth is a bitch, isn't it. Read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and anything EVER written by Karl Marx and Josef Stalin - then get back to me sonny.
As I've stated many times - Obama is trying to destroy the middle class and has been since the day he took office.

The middle class is the result of capitalism. There is not another country on this planet that has fostered a "middle class" like the United States. NOT ONE.

Obama despises capitalism and would like nothing better than to see only the very rich and the very poor - the poor dependent on the government and ONLY the government.

Unfortunately, as in everything else in his life, he has been a miserable failure and the middle class continues.

Speaking of curiosity... do you ever hear how stupid YOU sound? I didn't think so.

Yeah, telling the truth is a bitch, isn't it. Read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and anything EVER written by Karl Marx and Josef Stalin - then get back to me sonny.

Yes, it is a 'bitch'... for you. It's no wonder you're all messed up... reading crap like Marx and Stalin and Saul Alinsky.

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