America is not in decline and actually on the verge of resurgence

He meant the deficit is declining. Now at 500 billion, and 400 of that is UE and assistance for victims of PUB RECESSION AMD OBSTRUCTION. Debt is 78 per cent of GDP. Get out of the way, silly brainwashed debt cultists...
the potential of America IS enormous.....we just need to free ourselves from the strangulation of socialism...

if even a rino like Romney had been elected we would be already recuperating from the recession and on our way to a bright future.....but liberal idiots elected the radical left....:cuckoo:

I believe that you have hit the nail squarely on the head here. Obama, from day one, has never been interested in "business" - he is an academic that believes in theories. His main theory in life has always been, and continues to be, that GOVERNMENT is the answer to our problems. He despises capitalism - and why not? His father (whether it be Obama senior or, as I believe, Frank Marshall Davis) were both devout communists. So he had this beat into his pointed little head from birth.

His education consisted of communist professors and he has always aligned himself with marxists and communists.

So, basically - he is a communist.

He has no interest whatsoever in working to ensure a robust capitalist economy. None whatsoever. The BS stimulus is proof of that. 860 BILLION dollars that merely disappeared. What have we to show for it? NOTHING. No new highways, no new business models, no new infrastructure, nothing but billions of dollars simply vanishing.

Once we rid ourselves of this incompetent fool we will (hopefully) have a President that understands the way America works and will lead us in that direction. We have little choice. If we do not return to the roots that made this country great - we have no chance, We will be doomed to the history books.

Fortunately, America is FINALLY waking up to the realization that the AMERICAN WAY works and has since this country's inception. Obama is now looked at as a clown and we are beginning to turn from him - to reality. There is hope for America, in spite of "The Man Who Would Be King".
How can the naysayers possibly dispute this wealth of information? We shall see.

Top five myths about the U.S. economy

Top five myths about the U.S. economy | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

Much has been written about the decline of the U.S. as a world leader since the financial crisis. But despite relatively high unemployment and a widening income gap between the rich and everyone else, growth is accelerating, debt is declining and the banking sector is relatively healthy.

Your stupidity is making my eye twitch so badly I'm tempted to gorge it out.

High unemployment and rising income inequality is your idea of an economy that is resurging? The fact that these things have been increasing for several years amidst the "recovery" is the positive proof that our economy is in fact in the shit hole. Our current economic situation is no better than the under Bush. Sure, unemployment was at a reasonable level and home ownership was at its highest levels. But those facts in a vacuum were just as useless as indicators of economic strength as what you are saying here.
Lets see thanks to millions dropping out of the workforce the unemployment rate is now at 6.6% a few more years of this and we will have it down to zero over the last five years our national debt has gone from ten trillion to seventeen trillion and thanks to Obamacare many either already have had their hours cut or been let go outright and many other's will as well when Obama stops pushing the employer mandate back till not only after this years midterms but the 2016 Presidential election. Let the good times roll.
Lets see thanks to millions dropping out of the workforce the unemployment rate is now at 6.6% a few more years of this and we will have it down to zero over the last five years our national debt has gone from ten trillion to seventeen trillion and thanks to Obamacare many either already have had their hours cut or been let go outright and many other's will as well when Obama stops pushing the employer mandate back till not only after this years midterms but the 2016 Presidential election. Let the good times roll.

And that's exactly what the "followers" of Obama are counting on - destruction of the middle class - and bringing them to dependency on the government. The ONLY possible way their "plan" could work is that if there is only the very rich - and the very poor.

Obama's "plan" is for the destruction of the middle class - those people who are successful in the capitalist system. Unfortunately for him, we have hung on - albeit by our fingertips - but just enough to usher the asshole out of office.

The unemployment rate is nowhere NEAR 6.6 percent. However, with the media on his side acting as his Joseph Goebbels, they are attempting to convince americans that "all is well" while trying to destroy us. Sleep through your death - as Plato once said.

Fortunately for us - the american people - Obama is quickly becoming completely irrelevant. But don't go to sleep; this idiot will not go quietly.
I guess if continual high unemployment, massive debt, deficits, record numbers on welfare are the new criterion for a rewarding economy then yeah.....we're cruising to success.

Well, that is the way a 'Conserative' defines success. After all, they are so proud of the Bush 2 economic successes.
How can the naysayers possibly dispute this wealth of information? We shall see.

Top five myths about the U.S. economy

Top five myths about the U.S. economy | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

Much has been written about the decline of the U.S. as a world leader since the financial crisis. But despite relatively high unemployment and a widening income gap between the rich and everyone else, growth is accelerating, debt is declining and the banking sector is relatively healthy.

Your stupidity is making my eye twitch so badly I'm tempted to gorge it out.

High unemployment and rising income inequality is your idea of an economy that is resurging? The fact that these things have been increasing for several years amidst the "recovery" is the positive proof that our economy is in fact in the shit hole. Our current economic situation is no better than the under Bush. Sure, unemployment was at a reasonable level and home ownership was at its highest levels. But those facts in a vacuum were just as useless as indicators of economic strength as what you are saying here.

Well, kiddo, get out of your mothers basement, get an education and a good paying job, and see what the rest of the world sees.
If you're going to speak, have something worth saying. Otherwise, you're just contributing to global warming from the breath you are wasting.
Yeah, and 80 per cent of those leaving the work force the last 2 years have been baby boomers retiring, hater dupes. Get the fek out of the way of the recovery, fear mongered functional morons....
Yeah, and 80 per cent of those leaving the work force the last 2 years have been baby boomers retiring, hater dupes. Get the fek out of the way of the recovery, fear mongered functional morons....

Back that up with some reliable numbers.

You can't.
I guess if continual high unemployment, massive debt, deficits, record numbers on welfare are the new criterion for a rewarding economy then yeah.....we're cruising to success.

Well, that is the way a 'Conserative' defines success. After all, they are so proud of the Bush 2 economic successes.

We're living it currently under O. Bush' economy was actually magnitudes better until the housing crash.
Yeah, and 80 per cent of those leaving the work force the last 2 years have been baby boomers retiring, hater dupes. Get the fek out of the way of the recovery, fear mongered functional morons....

Back that up with some reliable numbers.

You can't.

Of course he can't. He's merely parroting what his "masters" over at MSNBC are telling him - that, and he's full of crap…..
Lets see thanks to millions dropping out of the workforce the unemployment rate is now at 6.6% a few more years of this and we will have it down to zero over the last five years our national debt has gone from ten trillion to seventeen trillion and thanks to Obamacare many either already have had their hours cut or been let go outright and many other's will as well when Obama stops pushing the employer mandate back till not only after this years midterms but the 2016 Presidential election. Let the good times roll.

From the beginning the Republicans vowed that that the Obama administration would fail and that they would do anything and everything to see that to the end. With their do nothing, obstructive congress they managed to get our credit-rating down, they destructively shut down the government and ceased unemployment benefit to millions thus forcing millions to permanently drop out of the work force. Thanks Republicans... mission accomplished.
How can the naysayers possibly dispute this wealth of information? We shall see.

Top five myths about the U.S. economy

Top five myths about the U.S. economy | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

Much has been written about the decline of the U.S. as a world leader since the financial crisis. But despite relatively high unemployment and a widening income gap between the rich and everyone else, growth is accelerating, debt is declining and the banking sector is relatively healthy.

you are correct:

I guess if continual high unemployment, massive debt, deficits, record numbers on welfare are the new criterion for a rewarding economy then yeah.....we're cruising to success.

Well, that is the way a 'Conserative' defines success. After all, they are so proud of the Bush 2 economic successes.

We're living it currently under O. Bush' economy was actually magnitudes better until the housing crash.

That darned Housing Crash! :lol:
All Obama's fawlt.
Lets see thanks to millions dropping out of the workforce the unemployment rate is now at 6.6% a few more years of this and we will have it down to zero over the last five years our national debt has gone from ten trillion to seventeen trillion and thanks to Obamacare many either already have had their hours cut or been let go outright and many other's will as well when Obama stops pushing the employer mandate back till not only after this years midterms but the 2016 Presidential election. Let the good times roll.

From the beginning the Republicans vowed that that the Obama administration would fail and that they would do anything and everything to see that to the end. With their do nothing, obstructive congress they managed to get our credit-rating down, they destructively shut down the government and ceased unemployment benefit to millions thus forcing millions to permanently drop out of the work force. Thanks Republicans... mission accomplished.

Losing unemployment benefits forced millions out of the workforce really? If your drawing unemployment then your not part of the workforce people drop out of the workforce because they can't find jobs not because their unemployment benefits ran out the logic of the liberal is truly unique.
Lets see thanks to millions dropping out of the workforce the unemployment rate is now at 6.6% a few more years of this and we will have it down to zero over the last five years our national debt has gone from ten trillion to seventeen trillion and thanks to Obamacare many either already have had their hours cut or been let go outright and many other's will as well when Obama stops pushing the employer mandate back till not only after this years midterms but the 2016 Presidential election. Let the good times roll.

From the beginning the Republicans vowed that that the Obama administration would fail and that they would do anything and everything to see that to the end. With their do nothing, obstructive congress they managed to get our credit-rating down, they destructively shut down the government and ceased unemployment benefit to millions thus forcing millions to permanently drop out of the work force. Thanks Republicans... mission accomplished.

But they couldn't stop Obamacare, the main drag on the economy these days.

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