America is not in decline and actually on the verge of resurgence

When in decline... deny reality. That's how some liberals react nowadays. "Oh America is fine, couldn't be any better!" When you show them proof to the contrary, they tell you "where'd you get that? Fox News?" Liberals don't realize the harm their philosophy is causing this great nation of ours. If only they knew. They will dismiss solid facts and evidence saying America is in decline, and attack anything that suggests otherwise. And for now, they have only themselves and their policies to blame for this decline, that when coupled with the malfeasance of the past, will eventually destroy this country as we know it forever.

Thank the good Lord for President Obama. The r-wing extremists worst nightmare so it appears. Get ready for Hillary you losers! :clap2:

Sounds to me like you're still stuck in this fantasy world where good and evil are pitted against one another and the only logical side to support is the Democrats. That's a flawed view. Obama, Hillary - all of your heroes - are just as well connected and out of touch as any Establishment Republican candidate.

What has Obama done for YOU in the past few years in office?

President Obama in effect has kept r-wing extremism at bay and for that, thank God!

President Obama has protected gay rights, civil liberties, science and the environment, has passed affordable health care for all, killed bin-Laden, protected Social Security, fought for minimum-wage, protected Medicare, head start, school lunch programs and extended unemployment benefits.

In effect Obama has told r-wing extremists... hands-off! Back-off
President Obama has protected gay rights

What? The “biggest” thing Obama’s done so far is hint that he supports gays right before the 2012 election. Big whoop. I’m a gay rights supporter myself and Obama has been nothing but a big disappointment/fake in this department. Trust me.

civil liberties

I mean, you gotta be fucking kidding me. NDAA 2012? Prosecuting more whistleblowers than any other president in history? Drone strikes that kill on average 3 innocent civilians per hit? Drone strikes that kill US civilians without arrest warrants? Overseeing an IRS that targets certain political groups? Intimidating the press (AP scandal)? Really? What planet are you living on?

science and the environment
You mean the guy who’s appointed former Monsanto directors to head spots of the FDA? The guy who signed legislation protecting Monsanto from any legal action from people who say their GMOs are causing cancer, etc? Google “the Monsanto Protection Act”.

has passed affordable health care for all
You do realize the ACA is the same exact system we had before (insurance model) accept now we MUST PARTICIPATE under penalty of law? You realize Obama let his largest donors – Big Pharma and the Insurance industry – write gigantic swaths of the bill? You realize it’s estimated over 4 million jobs will be lost directly because of the ACA? You do realize it’s not affordable at all?

killed bin-Laden,
LOL. Man, must have been so incredibly difficult finding him in that 3 million dollar complex he was staying at in a residential area in Pakistan. Wasn't at all suspicious when they dumped his body “in an undisclosed place in the ocean”, despite him being one of the most wanted people of the past 3 centuries. Too bad there are no pictures. Too bad about 8 of the Navy Seals associated with the sting wound up dead months later. But yea, everything is just as they told you it happened…

protected Social Security
What, by running up the debt to 17 trillion?

fought for minimum-wage, protected Medicare, head start, school lunch programs and extended unemployment benefits.
Not even going to get into these…

In effect Obama has told r-wing extremists... hands-off! Back-off

Kidrocks - You need to use your own head. You need to think for yourself. I'm no Republican - by any stretch of the imagination - but that doesn't mean I'm a Democrat. You need to see through all this bullshit they've been feeding you and do some of your own research. Look into what the ACA is, and how it's been affecting people's premiums (for example), and take that as your measure of the bill and not some talking point handed down to you from the Whitehouse. USE YOUR HEAD, friend!
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You see people, they will tell you, you really aren't suffering and you really don't know what you're are talking about you think you are worse off than before, obama

the propaganda spin is deep with some
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President Obama has protected gay rights

What? The “biggest” thing Obama’s done so far is hint that he supports gays right before the 2012 election. Big whoop. I’m a gay rights supporter myself and Obama has been nothing but a big disappointment/fake in this department. Trust me.

civil liberties

I mean, you gotta be fucking kidding me. NDAA 2012? Prosecuting more whistleblowers than any other president in history? Drone strikes that kill on average 3 innocent civilians per hit? Drone strikes that kill US civilians without arrest warrants? Overseeing an IRS that targets certain political groups? Intimidating the press (AP scandal)? Really? What planet are you living on?

You mean the guy who’s appointed former Monsanto directors to head spots of the FDA? The guy who signed legislation protecting Monsanto from any legal action from people who say their GMOs are causing cancer, etc? Google “the Monsanto Protection Act”.

You do realize the ACA is the same exact system we had before (insurance model) accept now we MUST PARTICIPATE under penalty of law? You realize Obama let his largest donors – Big Pharma and the Insurance industry – write gigantic swaths of the bill? You realize it’s estimated over 4 million jobs will be lost directly because of the ACA? You do realize it’s not affordable at all?

LOL. Man, must have been so incredibly difficult finding him in that 3 million dollar complex he was staying at in a residential area in Pakistan. Wasn't at all suspicious when they dumped his body “in an undisclosed place in the ocean”, despite him being one of the most wanted people of the past 3 centuries. Too bad there are no pictures. Too bad about 8 of the Navy Seals associated with the sting wound up dead months later. But yea, everything is just as they told you it happened…

What, by running up the debt to 17 trillion?

fought for minimum-wage, protected Medicare, head start, school lunch programs and extended unemployment benefits.
Not even going to get into these…

In effect Obama has told r-wing extremists... hands-off! Back-off

Kidrocks - You need to use your own head. You need to think for yourself. I'm no Republican - by any stretch of the imagination - but that doesn't mean I'm a Democrat. You need to see through all this bullshit they've been feeding you and do some of your own research. Look into what the ACA is, and how it's been affecting people's premiums (for example), and take that as your measure of the bill and not some talking point handed down to you from the Whitehouse. USE YOUR HEAD, friend!

Did you conveniently forget Obama's repeal of 'don't ask don't tell'?

Drone kills? Looks like you bought into the r-wing propaganda machine yourself.

Obama does indeed protect civil-rights (see gay rights in the military, fought Arizona profiling law)

Obama continues to protect the environment and is hated for it by the extremists.

ACA is slowing beginning to work (3 1/2 million signed and counting) give it time will ya?

And the rest you are not willing to get into, well I don't blame you.

Last but not least, you my friend, are a r-winger at heart. Of that there is no doubt.
the potential of America IS enormous.....we just need to free ourselves from the strangulation of socialism...

if even a rino like Romney had been elected we would be already recuperating from the recession and on our way to a bright future.....but liberal idiots elected the radical left....:cuckoo:

I believe that you have hit the nail squarely on the head here. Obama, from day one, has never been interested in "business" - he is an academic that believes in theories. His main theory in life has always been, and continues to be, that GOVERNMENT is the answer to our problems. He despises capitalism - and why not? His father (whether it be Obama senior or, as I believe, Frank Marshall Davis) were both devout communists. So he had this beat into his pointed little head from birth.

His education consisted of communist professors and he has always aligned himself with marxists and communists.

So, basically - he is a communist.

He has no interest whatsoever in working to ensure a robust capitalist economy. None whatsoever. The BS stimulus is proof of that. 860 BILLION dollars that merely disappeared. What have we to show for it? NOTHING. No new highways, no new business models, no new infrastructure, nothing but billions of dollars simply vanishing.

Once we rid ourselves of this incompetent fool we will (hopefully) have a President that understands the way America works and will lead us in that direction. We have little choice. If we do not return to the roots that made this country great - we have no chance, We will be doomed to the history books.

Fortunately, America is FINALLY waking up to the realization that the AMERICAN WAY works and has since this country's inception. Obama is now looked at as a clown and we are beginning to turn from him - to reality. There is hope for America, in spite of "The Man Who Would Be King".
And in his book "Dreams From My Father", he described having a private sector job as "...being a spy behind enemy lines..."

Had people really read his words and understood whom he was before he was running in 2008, the media properly vetting his credentials...we wouldn't be here. And after failure in his first term? He's voted for again...yeah people ARE indeed waking up...but is it too late?

And that's the problem, isn't it? Look, whether you like them or not, the folks here whether they be right or left, take the time to at least state their positions (at least as they believe them to be). The left are a bunch of clowns, but at least those here take the time to let their feelings be known and they attempt to defend their positions. That's 100% better than the majority of Americans.

The vast number of americans are content to vote for a smile, or a gender, or a race or, in some cases, a party (it was good enough for my Dad, it's good enough for me). 75% of Americans can't name the vice-president, or the speaker of the house or, hell, in some cases, the president. They JUST DON'T CARE. And that's what BOTH parties have been counting on for years.

We have made this monster. We feed him every day and he gets bigger. One day he will eat us.
The times are good, so the people get dumb
So they elect thug, so sure and smug
To reverse all the progress that's been made
'cause they don't know times can be bad

Slowly but surely some start to suffer
but for most it's as good as ever
then some more start to feel the pain
But the thug's still sure times haven't changed

They undermine all that they had
so sure that progress is to blame
Then all start to suffer and cry out loud
But many still believe the thugs refrain

Finally in the end they must endure
until progesses slow fix will find the cure
It takes a generation 'til things are right and
The times are good, so the people get dumb.
Did you conveniently forget Obama's repeal of 'don't ask don't tell'?

No I didn't forget DADT; about 1% of Americans are in the military (so we can assume roughly this affects 1% of gays). I'm concerned about things like DOMA, and gay marriage.

Drone kills? Looks like you bought into the r-wing propaganda machine yourself.

WHAT? Are you saying we don't kill an insane amount of civilians with our drone strikes? This is CNN, buddy: Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says -

And out of curiosity, what part about the drone strikes and civilian deaths - specifically - did you classify as "propaganda"? Do we not use drones? Do we not kill people? I can't wrap my head around your response.

Obama does indeed protect civil-rights (see gay rights in the military, fought Arizona profiling law)
Haha, Ok, I gave you an example where Obama signed legislation that made it legal for him to arrest ANY United States citizen if the Executive office (not a court) decides they're a terrorist, and hold that person indefinitely (NDAA 2012), and an example of how drone strikes ordered by Obama have killed numerous innocent CHILDREN as an example of a rights violation, and you counter with ending DADT? really?

Is DADT supposed to offset the deaths of children, or the suspension of a human right to trial?

ACA is slowing beginning to work (3 1/2 million signed and counting) give it time will ya?
Because people are signing up for something is evidence it's "working"? What about all the folks who had premium hikes this year, w/the company citing Obamacare as the reason (INCLUDING ME), what about the 4 million jobs we're projected to lose? What about the hospital closings? There's nothing fundamentally different about the system before and after Obamacare except that we're now required to participate; how is that supposed to drive savings? I mean, are you thinking for yourself man?

Last but not least, you my friend, are a r-winger at heart. Of that there is no doubt.
What is that supposed to mean? If you don't subscribe to the Obama hysteria you're a r-winger? That doesn't even make sense.

Again dude, you need to learn to think for yourself. Open those eyes! Operate using your own thoughts.
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The times are good, so the people get dumb
So they elect thug, so sure and smug
To reverse all the progress that's been made
'cause they don't know times can be bad

Slowly but surely some start to suffer
but for most it's as good as ever
then some more start to feel the pain
But the thug's still sure times haven't changed

They undermine all that they had
so sure that progress is to blame
Then all start to suffer and cry out loud
But many still believe the thugs refrain

Finally in the end they must endure
until progesses slow fix will find the cure
It takes a generation 'til things are right and
The times are good, so the people get dumb.

what does this idiotic post even mean?

who is blaming "progress"?
can you actually say we have made "progress" under obama?
or is it more likely the Left's call for patience is just more denial of the failures of obama and the Progressive agenda?
I believe that you have hit the nail squarely on the head here. Obama, from day one, has never been interested in "business" - he is an academic that believes in theories. His main theory in life has always been, and continues to be, that GOVERNMENT is the answer to our problems. He despises capitalism - and why not? His father (whether it be Obama senior or, as I believe, Frank Marshall Davis) were both devout communists. So he had this beat into his pointed little head from birth.

His education consisted of communist professors and he has always aligned himself with marxists and communists.

So, basically - he is a communist.

He has no interest whatsoever in working to ensure a robust capitalist economy. None whatsoever. The BS stimulus is proof of that. 860 BILLION dollars that merely disappeared. What have we to show for it? NOTHING. No new highways, no new business models, no new infrastructure, nothing but billions of dollars simply vanishing.

Once we rid ourselves of this incompetent fool we will (hopefully) have a President that understands the way America works and will lead us in that direction. We have little choice. If we do not return to the roots that made this country great - we have no chance, We will be doomed to the history books.

Fortunately, America is FINALLY waking up to the realization that the AMERICAN WAY works and has since this country's inception. Obama is now looked at as a clown and we are beginning to turn from him - to reality. There is hope for America, in spite of "The Man Who Would Be King".
And in his book "Dreams From My Father", he described having a private sector job as "...being a spy behind enemy lines..."

Had people really read his words and understood whom he was before he was running in 2008, the media properly vetting his credentials...we wouldn't be here. And after failure in his first term? He's voted for again...yeah people ARE indeed waking up...but is it too late?

And that's the problem, isn't it? Look, whether you like them or not, the folks here whether they be right or left, take the time to at least state their positions (at least as they believe them to be). The left are a bunch of clowns, but at least those here take the time to let their feelings be known and they attempt to defend their positions. That's 100% better than the majority of Americans.

The vast number of americans are content to vote for a smile, or a gender, or a race or, in some cases, a party (it was good enough for my Dad, it's good enough for me). 75% of Americans can't name the vice-president, or the speaker of the house or, hell, in some cases, the president. They JUST DON'T CARE. And that's what BOTH parties have been counting on for years.

We have made this monster. We feed him every day and he gets bigger. One day he will eat us.
The monster is almost done with the appetizer and is ready for the main course...
Reading the title, I can feel the "green shoots" rising again!

By the way, whatever became of those green shoots from 2009? Did somebody goof and spray them with Roundup?
Did you conveniently forget Obama's repeal of 'don't ask don't tell'?

No I didn't forget DADT; about 1% of Americans are in the military (so we can assume roughly this affects 1% of gays). I'm concerned about things like DOMA, and gay marriage.

Drone kills? Looks like you bought into the r-wing propaganda machine yourself.

WHAT? Are you saying we don't kill an insane amount of civilians with our drone strikes? This is CNN, buddy: Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says -

And out of curiosity, what part about the drone strikes and civilian deaths - specifically - did you classify as "propaganda"? Do we not use drones? Do we not kill people? I can't wrap my head around your response.

Haha, Ok, I gave you an example where Obama signed legislation that made it legal for him to arrest ANY United States citizen if the Executive office (not a court) decides they're a terrorist, and hold that person indefinitely (NDAA 2012), and an example of how drone strikes ordered by Obama have killed numerous innocent CHILDREN as an example of a rights violation, and you counter with ending DADT? really?

Is DADT supposed to offset the deaths of children, or the suspension of a human right to trial?

ACA is slowing beginning to work (3 1/2 million signed and counting) give it time will ya?
Because people are signing up for something is evidence it's "working"? What about all the folks who had premium hikes this year, w/the company citing Obamacare as the reason (INCLUDING ME), what about the 4 million jobs we're projected to lose? What about the hospital closings? There's nothing fundamentally different about the system before and after Obamacare except that we're now required to participate; how is that supposed to drive savings? I mean, are you thinking for yourself man?

Last but not least, you my friend, are a r-winger at heart. Of that there is no doubt.
What is that supposed to mean? If you don't subscribe to the Obama hysteria you're a r-winger? That doesn't even make sense.

Again dude, you need to learn to think for yourself. Open those eyes! Operate using your own thoughts.

DADT was much, much bigger than the 1% you quote when taking it all in account. This was historic significance on the level of Women's right to vote, Civil Rights act of 64 and Emancipation Proclamation.

On the subject of drones... it is my humble that the drone-strikes save lives in the long run. We could be like Israel and massacre women and children by the thousands but we don't. We are America and we are better than that. I'd rather use drones on terrorists anyday than to commit and send in American troops. Think about it Kevin.

ACA will work despite the private's sectors attacks on it using Americans as collateral.

And finally, yes you are just another conservative who hates Obama with a passion. Lighten up my friend. Think!
And in his book "Dreams From My Father", he described having a private sector job as "...being a spy behind enemy lines..."

Had people really read his words and understood whom he was before he was running in 2008, the media properly vetting his credentials...we wouldn't be here. And after failure in his first term? He's voted for again...yeah people ARE indeed waking up...but is it too late?

And that's the problem, isn't it? Look, whether you like them or not, the folks here whether they be right or left, take the time to at least state their positions (at least as they believe them to be). The left are a bunch of clowns, but at least those here take the time to let their feelings be known and they attempt to defend their positions. That's 100% better than the majority of Americans.

The vast number of americans are content to vote for a smile, or a gender, or a race or, in some cases, a party (it was good enough for my Dad, it's good enough for me). 75% of Americans can't name the vice-president, or the speaker of the house or, hell, in some cases, the president. They JUST DON'T CARE. And that's what BOTH parties have been counting on for years.

We have made this monster. We feed him every day and he gets bigger. One day he will eat us.
The monster is almost done with the appetizer and is ready for the main course...

Indeed, Brother. Indeed.
Thank the good Lord for President Obama. The r-wing extremists worst nightmare so it appears. Get ready for Hillary you losers! :clap2:

Sounds to me like you're still stuck in this fantasy world where good and evil are pitted against one another and the only logical side to support is the Democrats. That's a flawed view. Obama, Hillary - all of your heroes - are just as well connected and out of touch as any Establishment Republican candidate.

What has Obama done for YOU in the past few years in office?

President Obama in effect has kept r-wing extremism at bay and for that, thank God!

President Obama has protected gay rights, civil liberties, science and the environment, has passed affordable health care for all, killed bin-Laden, protected Social Security, fought for minimum-wage, protected Medicare, head start, school lunch programs and extended unemployment benefits.

In effect Obama has told r-wing extremists... hands-off! Back-off

You seem to be all about "gay rights".
Sounds to me like you're still stuck in this fantasy world where good and evil are pitted against one another and the only logical side to support is the Democrats. That's a flawed view. Obama, Hillary - all of your heroes - are just as well connected and out of touch as any Establishment Republican candidate.

What has Obama done for YOU in the past few years in office?

President Obama in effect has kept r-wing extremism at bay and for that, thank God!

President Obama has protected gay rights, civil liberties, science and the environment, has passed affordable health care for all, killed bin-Laden, protected Social Security, fought for minimum-wage, protected Medicare, head start, school lunch programs and extended unemployment benefits.

In effect Obama has told r-wing extremists... hands-off! Back-off

You seem to be all about "gay rights".

And your point?
President Obama in effect has kept r-wing extremism at bay and for that, thank God!

President Obama has protected gay rights, civil liberties, science and the environment, has passed affordable health care for all, killed bin-Laden, protected Social Security, fought for minimum-wage, protected Medicare, head start, school lunch programs and extended unemployment benefits.

In effect Obama has told r-wing extremists... hands-off! Back-off

You seem to be all about "gay rights".

And your point?

I guess it's true - some of us only care about what effects us, then.
DADT was much, much bigger than the 1% you quote when taking it all in account. This was historic significance on the level of Women's right to vote, Civil Rights act of 64 and Emancipation Proclamation.
Not buying it Kidrocks, though. Women's vote affected 100% of women directly, Civil Rights 100% of Blacks directly (and 100% of all non-white races), Emancipation Proclamation 100% of blacks directly, but DADT again affects only 1% of gays directly. I'm just saying Obama said a lot of things in 2008, has signed a lot of executive orders helping out other special interest groups, but when it comes to gays they get one TV interview of his where he said that he sort of approves of gay marriage. Big whoop.

On the subject of drones... it is my humble that the drone-strikes save lives in the long run. We could be like Israel and massacre women and children by the thousands but we don't. We are America and we are better than that. I'd rather use drones on terrorists anyday than to commit and send in American troops. Think about it Kevin.
Hmm, but again kidrocks to me it's simply not acceptable to kill an average of 3 innocent civilians per drone strike. I think that during the Obama Admin we had about 350+ strikes and there's been an estimated 1,000 innocent dead. You might see that as an acceptable "necessary evil", but when the chances of dying in the US from a terrorist attack is literally on par with being struck from lightning, I think it's bullshit. And it's bullshit that Obama seems to not grasp the gravity of it all:
[ame=]Obama Jokes About Killing Jonas Brothers With Predator Drones - YouTube[/ame]

ACA will work despite the private's sectors attacks on it using Americans as collateral.
ACA is simply this: Americans must buy health insurance, and the insurers must take on pre-existing conditions. There's some other stuff, but those are the biggies and to be honest I have no idea where the savings will come from. Do you? The ACA is a mess, man, and that's the opinion of most Republicans AND Democrats at this point. It's not Universal Healthcare (which I'd be open to explore) in ANY sense of the word. Again, where will the savings come from?

And finally, yes you are just another conservative who hates Obama with a passion. Lighten up my friend. Think!
I dislike Obama the same way I disliked George Bush. These guys are just instruments of very powerful interest groups, and generally will enact very similar sets of policies. Obama - whether you choose to acknowledge it or not - has done nothing but perpetuate and expand many of Bush's policies. We still are bailing out the banks (Quantitative Easing), we still are having our privacy violated by the DHS and NSA, we still are killing innocents abroad in drone strikes and aggressive military policy, our gov't is still catering to the big food companies like Monsanto, we still have the Bush tax cuts in place, we're still spending massive amounts of money with no real set budget, etc, etc, etc.

I'm not in the right/left mindset, so please don't approach me in a way that assumes that.
DADT was much, much bigger than the 1% you quote when taking it all in account. This was historic significance on the level of Women's right to vote, Civil Rights act of 64 and Emancipation Proclamation.
Not buying it Kidrocks, though. Women's vote affected 100% of women directly, Civil Rights 100% of Blacks directly (and 100% of all non-white races), Emancipation Proclamation 100% of blacks directly, but DADT again affects only 1% of gays directly. I'm just saying Obama said a lot of things in 2008, has signed a lot of executive orders helping out other special interest groups, but when it comes to gays they get one TV interview of his where he said that he sort of approves of gay marriage. Big whoop.

On the subject of drones... it is my humble that the drone-strikes save lives in the long run. We could be like Israel and massacre women and children by the thousands but we don't. We are America and we are better than that. I'd rather use drones on terrorists anyday than to commit and send in American troops. Think about it Kevin.
Hmm, but again kidrocks to me it's simply not acceptable to kill an average of 3 innocent civilians per drone strike. I think that during the Obama Admin we had about 350+ strikes and there's been an estimated 1,000 innocent dead. You might see that as an acceptable "necessary evil", but when the chances of dying in the US from a terrorist attack is literally on par with being struck from lightning, I think it's bullshit. And it's bullshit that Obama seems to not grasp the gravity of it all:
[ame=]Obama Jokes About Killing Jonas Brothers With Predator Drones - YouTube[/ame]

ACA will work despite the private's sectors attacks on it using Americans as collateral.
ACA is simply this: Americans must buy health insurance, and the insurers must take on pre-existing conditions. There's some other stuff, but those are the biggies and to be honest I have no idea where the savings will come from. Do you? The ACA is a mess, man, and that's the opinion of most Republicans AND Democrats at this point. It's not Universal Healthcare (which I'd be open to explore) in ANY sense of the word. Again, where will the savings come from?

And finally, yes you are just another conservative who hates Obama with a passion. Lighten up my friend. Think!
I dislike Obama the same way I disliked George Bush. These guys are just instruments of very powerful interest groups, and generally will enact very similar sets of policies. Obama - whether you choose to acknowledge it or not - has done nothing but perpetuate and expand many of Bush's policies. We still are bailing out the banks (Quantitative Easing), we still are having our privacy violated by the DHS and NSA, we still are killing innocents abroad in drone strikes and aggressive military policy, our gov't is still catering to the big food companies like Monsanto, we still have the Bush tax cuts in place, we're still spending massive amounts of money with no real set budget, etc, etc, etc.

I'm not in the right/left mindset, so please don't approach me in a way that assumes that.

You are very wrong on Obama and Gay rights. The ramifications of Obama repealing DADT are monumental. Ask around if you do not want to believe me. ACA will work out eventually, give it time. It will be around forever now. As for the drones? Well, I'm almost sure that top terrorists around the world fear this as their number 1 concern... without a doubt.

Finally, President Obama will go down in history as one of America's finest POTUS.
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