America isn't as white as it used to be. But you know what? That's OK...

The people of the big cities will find that all those problems will go away after electing Republican mayors.

You have WAY to much faith in politicians.

Politician noun, ('bad word) - an elected official, usually who won on a campaign funded by a greedy corporation or other corrupt wealthy political figure(s), put in place to obey lobbyists paid by greedy corporations or other corrupt wealthy political figure(s).

On the local level, politicians can have a fairly significant impact. At the national level, they usually just mess things up. The less they do, the better it is for everyone.

But at the local level, Rudy Giuliani really did greatly improve NYC. As much as the left-wingers would like to decry, and deny it... you really can't. There were like 'no-mans lands' inside NYC before Rudy started reforming and improving the law enforcement.
The people of the big cities will find that all those problems will go away after electing Republican mayors.

You have WAY to much faith in politicians.

Politician noun, ('bad word) - an elected official, usually who won on a campaign funded by a greedy corporation or other corrupt wealthy political figure(s), put in place to obey lobbyists paid by greedy corporations or other corrupt wealthy political figure(s).

On the local level, politicians can have a fairly significant impact. At the national level, they usually just mess things up. The less they do, the better it is for everyone.

But at the local level, Rudy Giuliani really did greatly improve NYC. As much as the left-wingers would like to decry, and deny it... you really can't. There were like 'no-mans lands' inside NYC before Rudy started reforming and improving the law enforcement.
Republicans are more competent at running things than Democrats.
I just started a new job and discovered my boss has a black wife, and his son is half-black and half-white.

And you know what? No big deal.

The only people who care about race anymore are the crazy leftists who are still fighting battles that were won 50 years ago.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream has been achieved.

Careful now...Don’t get cucked...we have plenty of cucks now.
We all have a “I know this one guy” story to tell. The FACT of the matter, if you like facts; is that a whiter America is s more productive, less criminal, more likeminded America...This isn’t trivial for those not PC programmed.
I disagree. America is the great melting pot. Other than blacks and Jews, everyone becomes "white" in a few generations.

You're seeing it now with the Hispanics. I looked at a Hispanic magazine and they had an article complaining that many Hispanics don't even know how to speak Spanish.

You haven’t been to south Mexifonia have you?
There are entire cities you can drive around and not see a single white person or hear English spoken...I kid you not.
Not so coincidentally, every single one of these cities are disgusting, lawless, super shitholes.
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The people of the big cities will find that all those problems will go away after electing Republican mayors.

You have WAY to much faith in politicians.

Politician noun, ('bad word) - an elected official, usually who won on a campaign funded by a greedy corporation or other corrupt wealthy political figure(s), put in place to obey lobbyists paid by greedy corporations or other corrupt wealthy political figure(s).

On the local level, politicians can have a fairly significant impact. At the national level, they usually just mess things up. The less they do, the better it is for everyone.

But at the local level, Rudy Giuliani really did greatly improve NYC. As much as the left-wingers would like to decry, and deny it... you really can't. There were like 'no-mans lands' inside NYC before Rudy started reforming and improving the law enforcement.

In my old hood we had a "safe space " long before the cry baby nazi left p[rogs thought it up ..probably about 20 square blocks

what kept it safe ? white people and ginny gumbas with baseball bats and guns

If you tell native NYr's even black ones from other parts of the 5 boroughs that you grew up in Williamsburg in the 70's and 80-'s they'll respond with "and YoU lived to tell about it "... or something along those lines
tell em you would venture into bushwick and bed stuy at all hours and they respond with ...did ya have a death wish ?
NO shit

The city is primed to head back in that direction and one good large riot will send the transplant half a fag soy boy progressive white kids back to their mamas basement in lily white suburbia's all across fly over deplorable country
I just started a new job and discovered my boss has a black wife, and his son is half-black and half-white.

And you know what? No big deal.

The only people who care about race anymore are the crazy leftists who are still fighting battles that were won 50 years ago.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream has been achieved.

Of course its no big deal. Who cares what happens naturally as people legally immigrate or marry each other? The only disturbing thing is politicians who would like to artificially change the demographics for their purposes, or those individuals who celebrate the demise of caucasians because they believe the way someone looks makes them inherently evil.
The city is primed to head back in that direction and one good large riot will send the transplant half a fag soy boy progressive white kids back to their mamas basement in lily white suburbia's all across fly over deplorable country

I can see that happening. These snowflakes have been shielded by a corrupt DNC and the media.
If and when that bubble bursts, they'll be in for a well deserved rude awakening.
I just started a new job and discovered my boss has a black wife, and his son is half-black and half-white.

And you know what? No big deal.

The only people who care about race anymore are the crazy leftists who are still fighting battles that were won 50 years ago.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream has been achieved.

Of course its no big deal. Who cares what happens naturally as people legally immigrate or marry each other? The only disturbing thing is politicians who would like to artificially change the demographics for their purposes, or those individuals who celebrate the demise of caucasians because they believe the way someone looks makes them inherently evil.

It's more about statistics.

Every group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat. So the only way for Democrats to have ultimate power is to get rid of whites; not in a genocidal way, but in a political way.

So they fight to keep their sanctuary cities, fought against Kate's Law, provide them with drivers licenses, fight against the wall or any impediments for illegals to come here. If the Democrat politicians can't do it, their activist judges will.

It's all about making us whites a minority for the first time in history of our country. Once they succeed in that, it will begin the end of the Great Experiment, and the USA will be no longer.
It's absolutely, in no world okay that Americans are replaced by invaders. This is the country of Americans, even if the democrat politicians are working their best against us.

It's a blatant lie that no one cares about race. The democrat party is dominated by identity politics, with prominent politicians lecturing us about "white privilege". If you were smart you would stop spreading lies and organize with your own just like the rest are doing. They do care about identity very much while telling you not to, because that makes you an easy picking.
It's absolutely, in no world okay that Americans are replaced by invaders. This is the country of Americans, even if the democrat politicians are working their best against us.

It's a blatant lie that no one cares about race. The democrat party is dominated by identity politics, with prominent politicians lecturing us about "white privilege". If you were smart you would stop spreading lies and organize with your own just like the rest are doing. They do care about identity very much while telling you not to, because that makes you an easy picking.
Well, I started by talking about blacks. There is no way we can accuse blacks of being "invaders".
It's absolutely, in no world okay that Americans are replaced by invaders. This is the country of Americans, even if the democrat politicians are working their best against us.

It's a blatant lie that no one cares about race. The democrat party is dominated by identity politics, with prominent politicians lecturing us about "white privilege". If you were smart you would stop spreading lies and organize with your own just like the rest are doing. They do care about identity very much while telling you not to, because that makes you an easy picking.
Well, I started by talking about blacks. There is no way we can accuse blacks of being "invaders".

"America isn't as white".

This is not a statement regarding blacks, it's a statement about whites, whose country America is.

And it's in large part because of the invasion act and letting illegals come in freely.
I just started a new job and discovered my boss has a black wife, and his son is half-black and half-white.

And you know what? No big deal.

The only people who care about race anymore are the crazy leftists who are still fighting battles that were won 50 years ago.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream has been achieved.

Careful now...Don’t get cucked...we have plenty of cucks now.
We all have a “I know this one guy” story to tell. The FACT of the matter, if you like facts; is that a whiter America is s more productive, less criminal, more likeminded America...This isn’t trivial for those not PC programmed.
I disagree. America is the great melting pot. Other than blacks and Jews, everyone becomes "white" in a few generations.

You're seeing it now with the Hispanics. I looked at a Hispanic magazine and they had an article complaining that many Hispanics don't even know how to speak Spanish.

“America is the great melting pot. Other than blacks and Jews, everyone becomes "white" in a few generations.”

We’re in different times...There is no reason to force Americans to invest in three generations of thirdworlders while we wait for them to become quality Americans.
It's absolutely, in no world okay that Americans are replaced by invaders. This is the country of Americans, even if the democrat politicians are working their best against us.

It's a blatant lie that no one cares about race. The democrat party is dominated by identity politics, with prominent politicians lecturing us about "white privilege". If you were smart you would stop spreading lies and organize with your own just like the rest are doing. They do care about identity very much while telling you not to, because that makes you an easy picking.

If a black man votes Democrat, and states it's because it's in his races best interest, the Democrats say he voted for his best interest.

If a white person states they voted for a Republican because Republicans have his races best interest, he's a racist.
I just started a new job and discovered my boss has a black wife, and his son is half-black and half-white.

And you know what? No big deal.

The only people who care about race anymore are the crazy leftists who are still fighting battles that were won 50 years ago.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream has been achieved.

Careful now...Don’t get cucked...we have plenty of cucks now.
We all have a “I know this one guy” story to tell. The FACT of the matter, if you like facts; is that a whiter America is s more productive, less criminal, more likeminded America...This isn’t trivial for those not PC programmed.
I disagree. America is the great melting pot. Other than blacks and Jews, everyone becomes "white" in a few generations.

You're seeing it now with the Hispanics. I looked at a Hispanic magazine and they had an article complaining that many Hispanics don't even know how to speak Spanish.

“America is the great melting pot. Other than blacks and Jews, everyone becomes "white" in a few generations.”

We’re in different times...There is no reason to force Americans to invest in three generations of thirdworlders while we wait for them to become quality Americans.

Melting pot? Yeah a melting pot of people from England.

Israel is a melting pot, a nation of immigrants. Open borders for Israel. Isn't this shit what the invaders always tell the invaded?
The city is primed to head back in that direction and one good large riot will send the transplant half a fag soy boy progressive white kids back to their mamas basement in lily white suburbia's all across fly over deplorable country

I can see that happening. These snowflakes have been shielded by a corrupt DNC and the media.
If and when that bubble bursts, they'll be in for a well deserved rude awakening.

After SHTF It wont be a neat and orderly evac of "normies "as the pentagon believes it will be.
Normies and leftwing nazi morons of all backgrounds who brought it on themselves

Megacities Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity, Pentagon Video

Fanatical Futurist
Published on Oct 31, 2016

According to a startling Pentagon video obtained by The Intercept, the future of global cities will be an amalgam of the settings of "Escape from New York" and "Robocop" — with dashes of the "Warriors" and "Divergent" thrown in. It will be a world of Robert Kaplan-esque urban hellscapes — brutal and anarchic supercities filled with gangs of youth-gone-wild, a restive underclass, criminal syndicates, and bands of malicious hackers. At least that's the scenario outlined in "Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity," a five-minute video that has been used at the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations University. All that stands between the coming chaos and the good people of Lagos and Dhaka (or maybe even New York City) is the U.S. Army, according to the video, which The Intercept obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.

Vote globo homo democratic socialism ....what could possibly go wrong

socialist-scum-2 (1).png
The city is primed to head back in that direction and one good large riot will send the transplant half a fag soy boy progressive white kids back to their mamas basement in lily white suburbia's all across fly over deplorable country

I can see that happening. These snowflakes have been shielded by a corrupt DNC and the media.
If and when that bubble bursts, they'll be in for a well deserved rude awakening.

After SHTF It wont be a neat and orderly evac of "normies "as the pentagon believes it will be.
Normies and leftwing nazi morons of all backgrounds who brought it on themselves

Megacities Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity, Pentagon Video

Fanatical Futurist
Published on Oct 31, 2016

According to a startling Pentagon video obtained by The Intercept, the future of global cities will be an amalgam of the settings of "Escape from New York" and "Robocop" — with dashes of the "Warriors" and "Divergent" thrown in. It will be a world of Robert Kaplan-esque urban hellscapes — brutal and anarchic supercities filled with gangs of youth-gone-wild, a restive underclass, criminal syndicates, and bands of malicious hackers. At least that's the scenario outlined in "Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity," a five-minute video that has been used at the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations University. All that stands between the coming chaos and the good people of Lagos and Dhaka (or maybe even New York City) is the U.S. Army, according to the video, which The Intercept obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.

Vote globo homo democratic socialism ....what could possibly go wrong

View attachment 276777

I can’t help but wonder...had we followed our founders wishes and kept this nation WHITE would we even need to think about this shit?
I just started a new job and discovered my boss has a black wife, and his son is half-black and half-white.

And you know what? No big deal.

The only people who care about race anymore are the crazy leftists who are still fighting battles that were won 50 years ago.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream has been achieved.

Now if only Democrats would understand that instead of inciting racism and creating more intensely populated Plantation Blue city ghetto's....
For example, the Irish, the Italians and the Polish had big problems integrating into American society.

Now they're "white."
The Irish, Italians and Polish are all European, aka white.

They were never not white.

Don’t fall for leftist bullshit.

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