America’s execution frenzy begins

60 - 35 support death penalty. A clear majority find it moral. This is something that drives distraction those who presume to set standards of morality for others, ie: the terminally self righteous.

View of Death Penalty as Morally OK Unchanged in U.S.

Morality by vote?

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper
You think morality should be dictated by bible thumpers? Or maybe you should do so?

Please don't assume that you have the moral standing to establish what is moral. It truly makes you look insufferably self-righteous.

Of course I can determine what is moral.......It comes with a USMB membership
Killing someone to prove that murder is wrong is also stupid.

Executing someone as punishment works for me.
Certain depraved criminal acts deserve execution.
It's our duty as a society to punish those who commit
heinous acts against it.They are beyond rehabillatation.

It doesn't work for most of the civilised world.
It's our duty as civilised societies to punish those who commit heinous incarcerating them for the rest of their natural maximum security prisons.
Life in prison no parole ever...a fate worse than death.

It's our duty to keep all convicteds case they're innocent.

Besides that, death chambers are oh so 'yesterday'.
The civilised world has moved on.

I think it is demeaning for a society to have to sink to the level of performing executions
The state convicts someone, then kills them.
Then goes 'mental' when someone does the same thing to someone in society they convict in their mind of doing them or others wrong.
"Monkey see, monkey do".

The states should abolish their death chambers and give up all the killing they do in them.

Horseshit. If that is truly your understanding of it, I weep for your ignorance. One is the crime and the other is the punishment for the crime. Read a book. Figure it out.

Lol. 'We are going to kill you to prove that killing is wrong'.

Hasn't helped much with the murder rate, has it?

How do you know? In fact I would say it most definitely lowers murder rates.
Kind of hard to kill again when you're dead.
Killing someone to prove that murder is wrong is also stupid.

Executing someone as punishment works for me.
Certain depraved criminal acts deserve execution.
It's our duty as a society to punish those who commit
heinous acts against it.They are beyond rehabillatation.

It doesn't work for most of the civilised world.
It's our duty as civilised societies to punish those who commit heinous incarcerating them for the rest of their natural maximum security prisons.
Life in prison no parole ever...a fate worse than death.

It's our duty to keep all convicteds case they're innocent.

Besides that, death chambers are oh so 'yesterday'.
The civilised world has moved on.

Total BS. If that were true you'd have prisoners committing suicide on a daily basis.
Why do you think people on death row are always trying to get a "stay of execution"?
I would bet you any amount of money that if you gave prisoners the option of life in prison or death every fucken one of them would choose to live.
Killing someone to prove that murder is wrong is also stupid.

Executing someone as punishment works for me.
Certain depraved criminal acts deserve execution.
It's our duty as a society to punish those who commit
heinous acts against it.They are beyond rehabillatation.

It doesn't work for most of the civilised world.
It's our duty as civilised societies to punish those who commit heinous incarcerating them for the rest of their natural maximum security prisons.
Life in prison no parole ever...a fate worse than death.

It's our duty to keep all convicteds case they're innocent.

Besides that, death chambers are oh so 'yesterday'.
The civilised world has moved on.
If life w/o parole is a fate worse than death, why then, in your righteous indignation, would you prefer that?

Would you prefer people to "suffer" for the rest of their lives simply to spare you from an overactive guilt complex.
The state convicts someone, then kills them.
Then goes 'mental' when someone does the same thing to someone in society they convict in their mind of doing them or others wrong.
"Monkey see, monkey do".

The states should abolish their death chambers and give up all the killing they do in them.

Horseshit. If that is truly your understanding of it, I weep for your ignorance. One is the crime and the other is the punishment for the crime. Read a book. Figure it out.

Lol. 'We are going to kill you to prove that killing is wrong'.

Hasn't helped much with the murder rate, has it?

Logic is not your strong suit I see. We kill them because some crimes are so heinous that justice demands they lose their life. It's punishment for their crime. Very different from murder. As for the murder rate, it removes the murderer from ever being able to murder again, so yes, it does help.
Lol. 'We are going to kill you to prove that killing is wrong'.

Hasn't helped much with the murder rate, has it?
That's silly. Killing is not always wrong, murder is.

Some people call it "murder by the State"...the State's premeditated, cold-blooding killing of human beings.

Yes, well just like the poor, there will always be idiots among us too. All we can do is attempt to help them understand justice and reality.
You are correct, the constitution limits what the government CAN do. But in doing so, it says what the government is responsible for. I don't trust the government to do shit, but there are certain enumerated powers granted in the constitution. You really should study it sometime.

Where in the Constitution does it say that the government has the right to use the death penalty?

And if you "don't trust the government to do shit", then why do you trust them to use the death penalty?

Were you born stoopid or are you just willfully ignorant?

Let me know when you have an original, non-redundant, and insightful post. Your response if nothing else is lazy.
Where in the Constitution does it say that the government has the right to use the death penalty?

And if you "don't trust the government to do shit", then why do you trust them to use the death penalty?

Were you born stoopid or are you just willfully ignorant?

Let me know when you have an original, non-redundant, and insightful post. Your response if nothing else is lazy.

I gave you a perfectly good response and all you did was repeat yourself because you didn't like it. If you aren't going to have a serious conversation, being called stupid is what you'll get from me. Wise up.

It is our "eye for an eye" states that perform the bulk of our executions


Lots of the midwest and west have it as well. hardly the "bible-belt"

I never understood why the Baptists in the Bible Belt push so hard for a death penalty. Most of our other major religions no longer support it

Wasn't Jesus wrongly given the death penalty?

Not according to those cheering for it, and those carrying it out.

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