America: The Defeated.


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2021
I was watching something on "60 Minutes" a while back. They were talking about how much the U.S. is lagging behind Taiwan when it comes to making integrated circuits. I thought that the U.S. had superior technology. As it turns out, the integrated circuit chips they make in Taiwan are 30% better than anything we even have the ability to make. That sucks. But let's keep talking about things like how tragic the inadvertent death of George Floyd was instead.

There is only one manufacturer of integrated circuits here in the U.S. From what they said, that company is getting ready to reinvest around 30 billion dollars into their company. But I don't know if that would give us the ability to catch up to Taiwan. Even then, the Taiwan company that makes integrated circuits is planning to invest 100 billion into their company. Including increased research and development. Maybe the U.S. should start picking up the tab for students here who want to go into that field of study. Instead of expecting them to go into debt up to their necks for their college degree.
America trusted Allies who had no interest in sharing the same Values and Principles over the long haul. Thus, America was only supported if there was a benefit to their governments Ditto to businesses who manufacture elsewhere to save a few pennies.

MANY citizens of the world respect and admire the U.S. Be it Canada, U.K, India, Japan, and even China. The problem as always, is that the U.S government was built and designed to defend liberty and capitalism (when politicians aren't in it just for power), foreign governments, ally and otherwise are NOT.

The innovation and success in America is only possible due to patriotism and capita investment. If people turn their back on it, it's because they aren't committed to principle over more profit.
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I was watching something on "60 Minutes" a while back. They were talking about how much the U.S. is lagging behind Taiwan when it comes to making integrated circuits. I thought that the U.S. had superior technology. As it turns out, the integrated circuit chips they make in Taiwan are 30% better than anything we even have the ability to make. That sucks. But let's keep talking about things like how tragic the inadvertent death of George Floyd was instead.

There is only one manufacturer of integrated circuits here in the U.S. From what they said, that company is getting ready to reinvest around 30 billion dollars into their company. But I don't know if that would give us the ability to catch up to Taiwan. Even then, the Taiwan company that makes integrated circuits is planning to invest 100 billion into their company. Including increased research and development. Maybe the U.S. should start picking up the tab for students here who want to go into that field of study. Instead of expecting them to go into debt up to their necks for their college degree.
What does George Floyd have to do with making integrated circuit boards? It doesn't happen here because we don't have Americans willing to work for slave wages in crowded factories to produce a product that inexpensive enough to sell worldwide.
What does George Floyd have to do with making integrated circuit boards? It doesn't happen here because we don't have Americans willing to work for slave wages in crowded factories to produce a product that inexpensive enough to sell worldwide.
It points out how silly the entire thing junkie killed by a cop and its changed the nation...but falling behind as a nation in the world gets interest at all...
I was watching something on "60 Minutes" a while back. They were talking about how much the U.S. is lagging behind Taiwan when it comes to making integrated circuits. I thought that the U.S. had superior technology. As it turns out, the integrated circuit chips they make in Taiwan are 30% better than anything we even have the ability to make. That sucks. But let's keep talking about things like how tragic the inadvertent death of George Floyd was instead.

There is only one manufacturer of integrated circuits here in the U.S. From what they said, that company is getting ready to reinvest around 30 billion dollars into their company. But I don't know if that would give us the ability to catch up to Taiwan. Even then, the Taiwan company that makes integrated circuits is planning to invest 100 billion into their company. Including increased research and development. Maybe the U.S. should start picking up the tab for students here who want to go into that field of study. Instead of expecting them to go into debt up to their necks for their college degree.
Who do youthink developed that technology? It wasn't Taiwan. Companies closed down here and moved to where they could get away with starvation wages. Greed is the reason we don't do that here any more.
It points out how silly the entire thing junkie killed by a cop and its changed the nation...but falling behind as a nation in the world gets interest at all...
That is not true. The US started losing chip manufacturers long before George Floyd.
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Technology is ruled by individuals again.
Some(Elon-Bezos) have corporations.
Others are "open source"
was watching something on "60 Minutes" a while back. They were talking about how much the U.S. is lagging behind Taiwan when it comes to making integrated circuits. I thought that the U.S. had superior technology. As it turns out, the integrated circuit chips they make in Taiwan are 30% better than anything we even have the ability to make.
The AFL-CIO Teamsters don't have the skills for it, and they won't let anybody else do it either in the U.S.
There is only one manufacturer of integrated circuits here in the U.S.
Actually quite a few of them in Camas, Washington. They grow silicon crystals, cut them into wafers, etc., etc., there are microfiltered air conditioned cleanrooms, computer controlled CNC mills, electrical engineers designing antennas for cell phones.

And that's just one small town in America. There are also companies in Medford, Eugene, Salem, Oregon, and many many more in California, who all make different sorts of integrated circuits for special applications.
That is not true. The US started losing chip manufacturers long before George Floyd.
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AFL-CIO Teamsters are involved, I'm telling you. Those guys are getting burned out at work and they can't afford the fire insurance premiums on their homeowners policies anymore. They're computer guys who surf the internet at work. They can't have any women on the job because it's a "hostile environment" and they're suing of sexual harassment at the drop of a hat.
I was watching something on "60 Minutes" a while back. They were talking about how much the U.S. is lagging behind Taiwan when it comes to making integrated circuits. I thought that the U.S. had superior technology. As it turns out, the integrated circuit chips they make in Taiwan are 30% better than anything we even have the ability to make. That sucks. But let's keep talking about things like how tragic the inadvertent death of George Floyd was instead.

There is only one manufacturer of integrated circuits here in the U.S. From what they said, that company is getting ready to reinvest around 30 billion dollars into their company. But I don't know if that would give us the ability to catch up to Taiwan. Even then, the Taiwan company that makes integrated circuits is planning to invest 100 billion into their company. Including increased research and development. Maybe the U.S. should start picking up the tab for students here who want to go into that field of study. Instead of expecting them to go into debt up to their necks for their college degree.
I see the problem as companies making short-term vs long-term investments. Leveraged buyouts are an example of a market ploy that helps the bottom line in the short term. They have their place in a market economy but there is a major focus on stock price and dividends and less on long term investment. It seems like only companies headed by billionaires, like Musk, can really afford to look to the future.
I see the problem as companies making short-term vs long-term investments. Leveraged buyouts are an example of a market ploy that helps the bottom line in the short term. They have their place in a market economy but there is a major focus on stock price and dividends and less on long term investment. It seems like only companies headed by billionaires, like Musk, can really afford to look to the future.
The government, Wall Street, industries, and people all have the same problem. They all seek short-term gain over long-term prosperity.
Congressmen would sell their souls to get reelected.
Wall Street and banks with over-leveraged financing are well known.
Nearly half of Americans aren’t saving at all for retirement
The government, Wall Street, industries, and people all have the same problem. They all seek short-term gain over long-term prosperity.
Congressmen would sell their souls to get reelected.
Wall Street and banks with over-leveraged financing are well known.
Nearly half of Americans aren’t saving at all for retirement
Agreed but what to do about it?

The only thing the government can do is fiddle with tax policy. Maybe make capital gains subject to higher taxes unless the investment is held for X number of years?
Agreed but what to do about it?

The only thing the government can do is fiddle with tax policy. Maybe make capital gains subject to higher taxes unless the investment is held for X number of years?
Right now tax and regulation policies are largely partisan. But the problem is part of human nature, as shown by the famous marshmallow experiment.

This site has some detailed statistics.

Yes, America is falling behind in many ways, but too many Americans are afraid to admit the facts.
Here's a detailed explanation on why America has fallen so far behind on 'quality of life'.

Each of the parameters on which the rankings are made are listed below:

  • A good job market
  • Affordability
  • Economic stability
  • Family friendly
  • Income equality
  • Politically stable
  • Safety
  • Well-developed public health system
  • Well-developed public education system
Some are so dismally bad in America that it gives the impression that it should be much further down the list than 15th!

And many have been purposely destroyed by Trump in the name of extremism and racism!
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:laugh: That's just something they want you to believe like murica, apple pie, and the flag. We lag behind because our school systems suck ass. We lag behind because kids have to worry about getting shot by cops.

I think the biggest problem was the U.S. disinvesting in the American people and sending so many American jobs overseas. As for kids getting shot by cops, from what I have seen, more of them need to be shot.
America trusted Allies who had no interest in sharing the same Values and Principles over the long haul. Thus, America was only supported if there was a benefit to their governments Ditto to businesses who manufacture elsewhere to save a few pennies.

MANY citizens of the world respect and admire the U.S. Be it Canada, U.K, India, Japan, and even China. The problem as always, is that the U.S government was built and designed to defend liberty and capitalism (when politicians aren't in it just for power), foreign governments, ally and otherwise are NOT.

The innovation and success in America is only possible due to patriotism and capita investment. If people turn their back on it, it's because they aren't committed to principle over more profit.

Look at Bill Gates. The racist fuck. There is a racist organization out there called LaRaza. It means The Race. You can't get any more of an open statement of racist intent than that. And it isn't gringos who they support. Since 2003, Bill Gates has donated 29 million dollars to them. Our falling behind in technology is just a symptom of such treason.

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