America used the chemical weapons and are trying to blame Assad.

Any time the 'source' is Alex Jones or Jeff Rense or suchlike - it should be taken with a 'grain' of salt the size of Mauna Loa......
What Israel does is immaterial in relation to this situation.

Why don't you people leave Israel the **** alone?!

The first ones to suffer by Syria's hands if an attack occures, will be the Israeli children.

Why dont you stop defending Israels crimes against humanity? Be a human with a soul and a conscience!

The Arab children will have longer life spans if their parents stop killing Israeli children.

Sherri, America will never, ever stop backing Israel.
» Hacked Emails Reveal ?Washington-Approved? Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The leaked emails, obtained by a hacker in Germany, feature an exchange (click here for screenshot) between Britam Defence’s Business Development Director David Goulding and the company’s founder Philip Doughty;


We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?

Kind regards

The fact that the plan involves delivering a CW (chemical weapon) that is “similar to those Assad should have,” clearly suggests that the idea is to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack that could be blamed on Assad by Gulf states like Qatar and NATO powers.


Has this hack exposed yet another American government war crime, a bloody big one this time?

Its on the internets so it must be true.

Especially if it obsolves a Muslim from wrongdoing. :eusa_shifty:
The black flag operations were conducted by the Syrian government and being defended by such as you, georgephilip.

I am very sure the feebs know who you are and what you are doing in your defense of black flag operations.
I'm equally sure any "proof" of the Syrian government's responsibility for the recent gas attacks should be decided by the UNSC.

Are you uncomfortable defending international law?
Not at all. I thought and still Bush's invasion of Iraq broke international law.

The Obama administration's filing last week to give the bushie war hawks immunity for their actions in Iraq rather sickens me. But that is only for the USA.

Any other country can arrest or kidnap them and forward them to the Hague for warcrimes trials if they can catch them.
So now, after allowing UN investigators in, the Syrian govt. shot at them ( :lol: ) too. So, lets create an interesting table of events

1) Bloggers and hacktivists turn information showing that qatar and others may be involved in expoilting chemical use in Syria to blame on Assad.
2) Bloggers find US issue gas masks and other items in distro tents for syrian rebels.
3) Syrian govt. allegedly uses chemical weapons on its people.
4) Then allows UN to enter over the incident to investigate.
5) On their arrival, they are shot at and turn around.
6) ?
Why don't you people leave Israel the **** alone?!

The first ones to suffer by Syria's hands if an attack occures, will be the Israeli children.

Why dont you stop defending Israels crimes against humanity? Be a human with a soul and a conscience!

The Arab children will have longer life spans if their parents stop killing Israeli children.

Sherri, America will never, ever stop backing Israel.

Over1500 dead Palestinian children since 9/30/2000 and counting and and Israel the killer of each one . Deal with the truth, not Zionist fantasies.
Why dont you stop defending Israels crimes against humanity? Be a human with a soul and a conscience!

The Arab children will have longer life spans if their parents stop killing Israeli children.

Sherri, America will never, ever stop backing Israel.

Over1500 dead Palestinian children since 9/30/2000 and counting and and Israel the killer of each one . Deal with the truth, not Zionist fantasies.

The truth is that Israeli heroes are defending their homeland from criminals and brigands.

Deal with reality, Sherri.
U.N. Pushes Back at U.S. Calls to Abort Syria Inspection Mission -

U.N. Pushes Back at U.S. Calls to Abort Syria Inspection Mission

BEIRUT—United Nations weapons inspectors arrived at one of the sites of last week's presumed chemical weapons attacks outside Damascus, spurning U.S. calls for the team to stop their mission as American officials said they are inching closer to a decision for a military strike.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rebuffed the U.S. request to withdraw the inspectors and "stood firm on principle," according to a person familiar with the matter, ordering his team to continue their work establishing whether chemical weapons or toxins were responsible for the estimated hundreds of deaths of Syrian civilians.

Earlier Monday, the U.N. chemical weapons team came under fire from unidentified snipers as they examined the site of the suspected attack at Mouadhamiya, a few miles southwest of Damascus. The team retreated but returned later in the afternoon. Mr. Ban said the team visited two hospitals, interviewed survivors and doctors, and collect samples.

At the same time, U.S. officials were reaching a definitive conclusion that chemical weapons had been used by the Syrian government in military assaults last Wednesday. "Our confidence is growing that this was in fact an episode involving the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime," a senior U.S. official said, the strongest remarks to date on the use of the banned weapons.

Secretary of State John Kerry was due to deliver a statement on Syria's crisis at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, the State Department said.

Although President Barack Obama remains undecided on military action, the U.S. request for the U.N. team to withdraw echoed its moves before it attacked Iraq in 2003, when it asked a U.N. inspection team in Baghdad to withdraw for its own safety as it prepared for military operations.

So, why would we want the Un team to abort? Shouldn't we be sure about these supposed chem attacks? Or is it that this was all a rues to get support in order for a military adventure?

Is the US "afraid" of what the inspection may uncover?
Really? The grassy-knoll, the moon landings, 9/11 truthers, bin Laden is still alive, and now the US is actually using the chemical weapons to 'frame' Assad?

I mean really, there HAS to be something wrong with people who look for the slightest thing to make these incidents into conspiracy theories.

I have a headache...

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