America Wants MOAR Government


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
On the Left, liberals want all kinds of government social experimentation and intervention. A War on Poverty. Food stamps, SCHIP, Head Start, "ObamaPhones", employer health insurance tax exemptions, etc.

On the Right, conservatives want the government to tinker with and incentivize procreation and to interfere in the free market. Child tax credits, mortgage interest deductions, business tax credits, etc.

Left and Right absolutely love government social engineering. They literally can't get enough.

Aside from the fact the market prices the interest deduction into the price of a house, thus driving up home prices and negating the gift people demand from the government for buying a house, we get the added bonus of some people having to surrender more of their income to pay for all the gifts everyone else is getting.

In the past 24 hours, a faux conservative on this forum has argued that his deductions allow him to keep more of his income, and that this is a good thing. I would buy that argument were it not for the right wing getting all raged up in the last election cycle over 47 percent of Americans getting to keep more of their income and not paying federal income taxes.

Positively schizophrenic.

The fact is, all these gifts the Left and Right demand end up forcing other people to surrender more of their income. This is the uncomfortable truth a faux conservative avoids at all costs, to the detriment of his connection to reality.

So while you are taking your deduction, and rationalizing it just as much as any food stamp recipient does, you need to be aware that gift has to be paid for by someone else.

This results in people earning identical incomes paying different amounts of their incomes in taxes.

Read that again: This results in people earning identical incomes paying different amounts of their incomes in taxes.

You are forcing someone else to pay more. This is an indisputable fact.

It also means our tax rates are higher because of this.

So when you are working yourself up watching some darkie demand her ObamaPhone, just know that your tax gifts are costing well over a trillion dollars a year, and that dwarfs ObamaPhones into insignificance.

That $16 trillion debt is EVERYONE's fault. Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.

Make that guy renting his apartment pay for my mortage interest deduction. Make that single guy pay for my child tax credit. Make that faggot pay for my Social Security survivor benefits.

Matthew 7:3.
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You must be saying that americans just can't take of themselves anymore. We're devolving back into children.

Yes. The reflex response to any crisis is, "What is the government going to do about this?"

And everyone wants access to the government tit. Worse, they want their gifts at others' expense while trying to push the other sucklings away.

It is time to start demanding ALL the spigots be turned off. We could significantly lower tax rates and take care of those who are incapable of taking care of themselves and prosper again.

We are rewarding irresponsibility, radically interfering in free markets, and becoming far too dependent on Big Nanny.
Actually, the GOP is simply FOS anD fools the hater dupes- they've never been anything but A big deficit bubble and bust catastrophe- stupidest voters in the world. THE ECONOMY AND THE DEFICIT DO BETTER UNDER INTELLIGENT DEMS. We'd be out of this Boooosh mess by now without GOP obstruction and self-inflicted crises. A DISGRACE.

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