'America Was Never That Great’

Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

No it isn't. Who pays the taxes? The top 20% income earners pay the taxes. 50% of the people pay NO Federal Income Tax. You are just plain WRONG, or you are LYING.
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

We were all brainwashed as kids "How Great America Is" in grade school, fed the propaganda taught in school and like gullible children believed it. When we became we realized we were lied to and America actually really was never that great to begin with and very overrated. We were brainwashed into how great Capitalism is and taught how bad Socialism is, but no one gave us a chance as kids to hear the other side of the story... to hear about Capitalism from a Socialist who is against Capitalism. We were only provided one opinion and view to everything about America. We were lied to in grade school about how our really "Great America" got the land from the Indians... not being told about the reality of mass Genocide of American Indian's in this country. No no teachers couldn't tell that side of the story that would contradict with the "How Great America Is" story they were brainwashing their school children into thinking.

As an adult besides just hearing about Capitalism and Socialism and Communism from America's perspective I decided to be fair and lend my ear to other countries that did not agree with America to hear their side of their story and see if their arguments had any merit. I heard their anger toward America and their arguments why they didn't agree with America on some things and to be fair I think there were things they were right about and somethings they were still wrong about. Hearing from brilliant speakers all over the globe on youtube for example really opened my eyes and by listening to their side of the story I began to realize that America actually really was never that great to begin with :)
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Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

We were all brainwashed as kids "How Great America Is" in grade school, fed the propaganda taught in school and like gullible children believed it. When we became we realized we were lied to and America actually really was never that great to begin with and very overrated. We were brainwashed into how great Capitalism is and taught how bad Socialism is, but no one gave us a chance as kids to hear the other side of the story... to hear about Capitalism from a Socialist who is against Capitalism. We were only provided one opinion and view to everything about America. We were lied to in grade school about how our really "Great America" got the land from the Indians... not being told about the reality of mass Genocide of American Indian's in this country. No no teachers couldn't tell that side of the story that would contradict with the "How Great America Is" story they were brainwashing their school children into thinking.

As an adult besides just hearing about Capitalism and Socialism and Communism from America's perspective I decided to be fair and lend my ear to other countries that did not agree with America to hear their side of their story and see if their arguments had any merit. I heard their anger toward America and their arguments why they didn't agree with America on some things and to be fair I think there were things they were right about and somethings they were still wrong about. Hearing from brilliant speakers all over the globe on youtube for example really opened my eyes and by listening to their side of the story I began to realize that America actually really was never that great to begin with :)

in which countries has socialism worked? in which countries has communism worked? Give us a list.
We were all brainwashed as kids "How Great America Is" in grade school, fed the propaganda taught in school and like gullible children believed it. When we became we realized we were lied to and America actually really was never that great to begin with and very overrated. We were brainwashed into how great Capitalism is and taught how bad Socialism is, but no one gave us a chance as kids to hear the other side of the story... to hear about Capitalism from a Socialist who is against Capitalism. We were only provided one opinion and view to everything about America. We were lied to in grade school about how our really "Great America" got the land from the Indians... not being told about the reality of mass Genocide of American Indian's in this country. No no teachers couldn't tell that side of the story that would contradict with the "How Great America Is" story they were brainwashing their school children into thinking.

As an adult besides just hearing about Capitalism and Socialism and Communism from America's perspective I decided to be fair and lend my ear to other countries that did not agree with America to hear their side of their story and see if their arguments had any merit. I heard their anger toward America and their arguments why they didn't agree with America on some things and to be fair I think there were things they were right about and somethings they were still wrong about. Hearing from brilliant speakers all over the globe on youtube for example really opened my eyes and by listening to their side of the story I began to realize that America actually really was never that great to begin with :)

And now you are dissatisfied with your pathetic life? So you can blame everyone, and everything else for your failure? I guess it sucks to be you, huh?
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30

Interestingly those countries also have socialist healthcare.
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

We were all brainwashed as kids "How Great America Is" in grade school, fed the propaganda taught in school and like gullible children believed it. When we became we realized we were lied to and America actually really was never that great to begin with and very overrated. We were brainwashed into how great Capitalism is and taught how bad Socialism is, but no one gave us a chance as kids to hear the other side of the story... to hear about Capitalism from a Socialist who is against Capitalism. We were only provided one opinion and view to everything about America. We were lied to in grade school about how our really "Great America" got the land from the Indians... not being told about the reality of mass Genocide of American Indian's in this country. No no teachers couldn't tell that side of the story that would contradict with the "How Great America Is" story they were brainwashing their school children into thinking.

As an adult besides just hearing about Capitalism and Socialism and Communism from America's perspective I decided to be fair and lend my ear to other countries that did not agree with America to hear their side of their story and see if their arguments had any merit. I heard their anger toward America and their arguments why they didn't agree with America on some things and to be fair I think there were things they were right about and somethings they were still wrong about. Hearing from brilliant speakers all over the globe on youtube for example really opened my eyes and by listening to their side of the story I began to realize that America actually really was never that great to begin with :)

in which countries has socialism worked? in which countries has communism worked? Give us a list.
Pure socialism as an economic system doesn’t work since it provides nothing for individual incentive. On the other hand, many countries with a mix of capitalism and socialism work very well. They have a strong middle class, universal healthcare, good standard of living by a number of indicators. Is that bad?

He's not though.

Cuomo gave voice to the view of the left in general.

Simple truth, you CANNOT be an American AND a democrat. The Marxist democrats seek to end this nation - fact.
Pure socialism as an economic system doesn’t work since it provides nothing for individual incentive. On the other hand, many countries with a mix of capitalism and socialism work very well. They have a strong middle class, universal healthcare, good standard of living by a number of indicators. Is that bad?

Do you agree with Cuomo and the DNC in general that America was never great and must be overthrown to provide "justice" through a brutal Marxist dictatorship?

Of course you do.
Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30

Interestingly those countries also have socialist healthcare.

Healthcare in Japan is not socialist.

It is government regulated but privately provided. Like Fascist Care, it is mandatory.

Cuomo's a rich spoiled rotten little douchebag. He was born with a silver spoon. America has been pretty great to him. He's just another Limousine Liberal douche. Nuff said.
Pure socialism as an economic system doesn’t work since it provides nothing for individual incentive. On the other hand, many countries with a mix of capitalism and socialism work very well. They have a strong middle class, universal healthcare, good standard of living by a number of indicators. Is that bad?

Do you agree with Cuomo and the DNC in general that America was never great and must be overthrown to provide "justice" through a brutal Marxist dictatorship?

Of course you do.

Did anyone actually say that? Of course they didnt. But if you are upset about drooling for authoritarianism look no further than the White House today.

I love my country but I am fully aware that it wasn’t always so great for certain groups of people. Recognizing that is recognizing our history and our present circumstances but loving her none the less. It means we as a country were built under some wonderful principals and ideals we are still struggling to realize, we are not frozen in some mythical past that never really existed for all Americans.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30

Interestingly those countries also have socialist healthcare.

Healthcare in Japan is not socialist.

It is government regulated but privately provided. Like Fascist Care, it is mandatory.

The government oays 70% of the cost.
Health care system in Japan - Wikipedia
Cuomo's a rich spoiled rotten little douchebag. He was born with a silver spoon. America has been pretty great to him. He's just another Limousine Liberal douche. Nuff said.
Like Trump.

Nah, Trump loves his country. Cuomo is a typical Limousine Liberal douche. America has afforded him all his good fortune. It's been great to him and his family. He should be ashamed of what he said.
Cuomo's a rich spoiled rotten little douchebag. He was born with a silver spoon. America has been pretty great to him. He's just another Limousine Liberal douche. Nuff said.
Like Trump.

Nah, Trump loves his country. Cuomo is a typical Limousine Liberal douche. America has afforded him all his good fortune. It's been great to him and his family. He should be ashamed of what he said.
Trump loves whatever enriches himself and his family.
Did anyone actually say that?

Of course they didnt.

Why are you telling such foolish lies?

But if you are upset about drooling for authoritarianism look no further than the White House today.

More fucking lies?

Who do you think you're fooling? Trump has done WHAT that is authoritarian? All we get from you Stalinists is fucking lies, slander and libel.

I love my country

Is your country Venezuela? You show only contempt and hatred for the Constitution that America is founded on.

but I am fully aware that it wasn’t always so great for certain groups of people. Recognizing that is recognizing our history and our present circumstances but loving her none the less. It means we as a country were built under some wonderful principals and ideals we are still struggling to realize, we are not frozen in some mythical past that never really existed for all Americans.

We are in a civil war.

You win, or America survives. It's one or the other and we all know it. You seek to utterly destroy America and replace it with some vision of revenge against the white people and Christians that built the greatest nation in history.

You cannot build, so you will destroy. You bring in hoards of third world savages to empower you as you dismantle that which did make the nation great.
You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30

Interestingly those countries also have socialist healthcare.

Healthcare in Japan is not socialist.

It is government regulated but privately provided. Like Fascist Care, it is mandatory.

The government oays 70% of the cost.
Health care system in Japan - Wikipedia

Yes. The service is provided through corporations. It is very similar to Obama's Fascist Care.
So many Democrats have gotten filthy rich by way of America and Capitalism. Yet they keep pushing Communism on the little people. They don't care how awful their agenda is, because they'll always be filthy rich. They'll never have to stand in a bread line for 10 hours. Does anyone really believe Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo would ever stand in a bread line with the little people?

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