'America Was Never That Great’

Baloney........you OWN IT..........California is LIBERAL MECCA...........Detroit is a Ancient RUIN of a LIBERAL MECCA........

Stop blaming others for your own failures..........
California has a great economy, people with crap GOP jobs can't afford housing. Detroit is 90% black after the whites and manufacturing jobs left town. Great job!
Tell me the Democrat platform........

Tax the shit out of everything.......
You will install solar panels.......
You better not get caught with a straw......
You Hate Trump.....
You want Open borders....

And now.........drum roll.......AMERICA SUCKS.........

Did you fall on your head at birth............LOL
No one is for open borders, super duper. Pass the 2010 democratic immigration bill with an ID card to end illegal immigration like every other country. You know nothing factual.
Again.............you BLAME EVERYONE ELSE........Dems run those joints.........PERIOD..........YOU OWN IT.........PERIOD......

You aren't slithering out of it.........
And you've been running the country since 1981, dumbass.

Are you bad at math...........Mr. Excuse man.........Liberal States have screwed themselves..........it's what Super Dupes do...........money doesn't grow on trees...........and you keep taking in more illegals costing you even more..........

California uses 25% of Farm workers...........and the Lion's share are working illegally.........bypassing the Law and the DOL program for workers.........which include ........that the employer must HOUSE THEM, FEED THEM, AND PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION.......

You people even screw the illegals working there........
Jobs no Americans want to take... Pass the the 2010 immigration bill with a SSID card 2 end illegal immigration and a living wage and we might get somewhere... The GOP and its silly Dupes like you can keep can this GOP Mess going forever.

Come pick my tomatoes boy.
Cry us a river, snowflake.

I can’t vote for a democrat because they’re that stupid. I’m done with even considering them as an option.
Every other developed country manages damn cheap college and training, Healthcare daycare good infrastructure, living wage good vacations, ID card to end illegal immigration, etc etc. The GOP loves this mess and the giveaway to the rich, you stupid brain washed idiot.
When are you going to learn that nothing is free?

I take pride in having everything I’ve worked for. Are you bitching about the things you aren’t handed?
For the billionth time, I'm fine and retired. I worry about the country which has been going to hell for 35 years now. Thanks for Wrecking the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever, and the world depression. Which you dildos don't even know about LOL.
Should we assume you’re just another old crazy Bernie supporter who did too many drugs in his early years?
You know about assuming don't you? I have all the facts on my side, you have all the b*******propaganda on yours. Great job
Bernie also thinks he has all the facts. That doesn’t make him any less stupid.

Should we be thinking you’re under a doctors care?
The homeless were never a problem until Reagan. I guess you like them hiding under bridges and in sewers like they do in Red States, super duper.
Homelessness has exploded there...............under Dem leadership....

Another point...............your party is a party of EXCUSES...........you got excuses for everything...........and blame everything on others when you destroy the dang place......

GOP dominance and tax rates for 35 years now, worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. The 1974 reconciliation bill says that cutting taxes and services and spending only takes 51 votes. Reform takes 60.

Let's see....8 years Regan, 4 Years BUsh. 8years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Hussein....do the math Frenchie.

Democrats had 60 votes 4 35 days in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown in all that time. Reagan had ahoneymoon, we didn't realize the lying scumbag GOP was done cooperating, ever! Great for the rich, silly dupes.

Are you HIV positive yet?
Fact, the votes are and have been evenly split. You lose.

With reconciliation, the GOP needs only 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Do you need a diagram?
Homelessness has exploded there...............under Dem leadership....

Another point...............your party is a party of EXCUSES...........you got excuses for everything...........and blame everything on others when you destroy the dang place......

GOP dominance and tax rates for 35 years now, worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. The 1974 reconciliation bill says that cutting taxes and services and spending only takes 51 votes. Reform takes 60.

Let's see....8 years Regan, 4 Years BUsh. 8years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Hussein....do the math Frenchie.

Democrats had 60 votes 4 35 days in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown in all that time. Reagan had ahoneymoon, we didn't realize the lying scumbag GOP was done cooperating, ever! Great for the rich, silly dupes.

Are you HIV positive yet?
Fact, the votes are and have been evenly split. You lose.

With reconciliation, the GOP needs only 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Do you need a diagram?

Are you HIV positive?
Enough throwing pearls before brainwashed functional swine for a while... What a waste of time... Poor America.
Glad to kick around liberals who believe in fairy tales for a while..............

Your a party of no real platform, and of HATE.........nothing more........
California has a great economy, people with crap GOP jobs can't afford housing. Detroit is 90% black after the whites and manufacturing jobs left town. Great job!
No one is for open borders, super duper. Pass the 2010 democratic immigration bill with an ID card to end illegal immigration like every other country. You know nothing factual.
Again.............you BLAME EVERYONE ELSE........Dems run those joints.........PERIOD..........YOU OWN IT.........PERIOD......

You aren't slithering out of it.........
And you've been running the country since 1981, dumbass.

Are you bad at math...........Mr. Excuse man.........Liberal States have screwed themselves..........it's what Super Dupes do...........money doesn't grow on trees...........and you keep taking in more illegals costing you even more..........

California uses 25% of Farm workers...........and the Lion's share are working illegally.........bypassing the Law and the DOL program for workers.........which include ........that the employer must HOUSE THEM, FEED THEM, AND PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION.......

You people even screw the illegals working there........
Jobs no Americans want to take... Pass the the 2010 immigration bill with a SSID card 2 end illegal immigration and a living wage and we might get somewhere... The GOP and its silly Dupes like you can keep can this GOP Mess going forever.
You ignored my point..........normal..........but ignored......

The DOL program actually protects them.........and it is the LEGAL way to do the job..............

Nice twist..........NO DICE.
Illegals are screwed everywhere... That's why the GOP loves this, super duper.
Again.............you BLAME EVERYONE ELSE........Dems run those joints.........PERIOD..........YOU OWN IT.........PERIOD......

You aren't slithering out of it.........
And you've been running the country since 1981, dumbass.

Are you bad at math...........Mr. Excuse man.........Liberal States have screwed themselves..........it's what Super Dupes do...........money doesn't grow on trees...........and you keep taking in more illegals costing you even more..........

California uses 25% of Farm workers...........and the Lion's share are working illegally.........bypassing the Law and the DOL program for workers.........which include ........that the employer must HOUSE THEM, FEED THEM, AND PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION.......

You people even screw the illegals working there........
Jobs no Americans want to take... Pass the the 2010 immigration bill with a SSID card 2 end illegal immigration and a living wage and we might get somewhere... The GOP and its silly Dupes like you can keep can this GOP Mess going forever.
You ignored my point..........normal..........but ignored......

The DOL program actually protects them.........and it is the LEGAL way to do the job..............

Nice twist..........NO DICE.
Illegals are screwed everywhere... That's why the GOP loves this, super duper.
We demand they come here legally....and work legally..........you not so much.

And like I said..........the legal way actually PROTECTS THEM...........but you love them right...........lol
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

What do Democrats like about US? Even when they are in power they complain or apologize about America.
The Constitution, our people, our potential..
Too bad about the scumbag lying thieving GOP and it's silly dupes like you... Thanks for Wrecking the the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever, and the corrupt depressions of 1929 and 2008 and 1989 for that matter... I know, a tax cut for the bloated rich! Dumbass dupes...

The Modern Day Democrats are all-too quick to rip apart the Constitution when they don’t get their way.... reminding US that it is not valid because it was written by white men who owned slaves. Further, you want to blame Conservatives for ruining the Middle Class when the Modern Day Democrats keep pushing policies that align or mirror Socialism. Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. Socialism is a true, locked-in 1 percent and then masses living limited and miserable.

You want to bring back your policies where healthcare costs go up and take home pay goes down for the Middle Class? We did that for 8 years under Obama.
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

I do wonder what the hat will say in 2020? When did Trump think the US was great. When he was free to swindle all kinds of money and do whatever he liked, like not pay taxes.
Link to proof he didn’t pay taxes please. Thanks!

I would have proof if only we could see his taxes, the one in 05, the 1040 was probably the only year he did, otherwise he would prove it. I bet he sent it to Maddow.

So you don’t have proof but you claim it to be true anyway... gotcha. Whenever you complain about Trump lying remember you’re no better than him.
I bet Cuomo can kiss his 3rd term goodbye

Unfortunately no. New York metro area people (NYC, and burbs) mostly have this self loathing view which they think is chic, urbane, evolved, and enlightened. They couldn't be more wrong.
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

I do wonder what the hat will say in 2020? When did Trump think the US was great. When he was free to swindle all kinds of money and do whatever he liked, like not pay taxes.

please provide proof that he did not pay taxes. Or, STFU and stop posting lies.
That comment was not one of Andrew Cuomo's finest hours. It is not fatal in this age though. Trump has made statements, comments and tweets that are just as offensive to many. They are always blown off. We live in a different time now.

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