'America Was Never That Great’

Well, we knew this day would eventually come, where even mainstream Democrats would dare make a public statement such as this.

We have now reached that point. Didn't think I would live to see it, but it's here.

Most of America looks on in horror as Trump tweets stupid, racist, misogynistic garbage every damn day as congressional R's do nothing and SAY nothing.
Welcome to our new autocracy run by a Putin Puppet and clueless clown ... Didn't think we'd see that either, but it's here.
Just sayin'

Sure, let's see how much traction this story has...dumbass.
Democrat apologizes after hurling anti-Asian slurs at her opponent
Well, we knew this day would eventually come, where even mainstream Democrats would dare make a public statement such as this.

We have now reached that point. Didn't think I would live to see it, but it's here.

Most of America looks on in horror as Trump tweets stupid, racist, misogynistic garbage every damn day as congressional R's do nothing and SAY nothing.
Welcome to our new autocracy run by a Putin Puppet and clueless clown ... Didn't think we'd see that either, but it's here.
Just sayin'

Sure, let's see how much traction this story has...dumbass.
Democrat apologizes after hurling anti-Asian slurs at her opponent

Not good - she should step down. Happy now?
Well, we knew this day would eventually come, where even mainstream Democrats would dare make a public statement such as this.

We have now reached that point. Didn't think I would live to see it, but it's here.

Most of America looks on in horror as Trump tweets stupid, racist, misogynistic garbage every damn day as congressional R's do nothing and SAY nothing.
Welcome to our new autocracy run by a Putin Puppet and clueless clown ... Didn't think we'd see that either, but it's here.
Just sayin'

Sure, let's see how much traction this story has...dumbass.
Democrat apologizes after hurling anti-Asian slurs at her opponent

Not good - she should step down. Happy now?

Well, we knew this day would eventually come, where even mainstream Democrats would dare make a public statement such as this.

We have now reached that point. Didn't think I would live to see it, but it's here.

Most of America looks on in horror as Trump tweets stupid, racist, misogynistic garbage every damn day as congressional R's do nothing and SAY nothing.
Welcome to our new autocracy run by a Putin Puppet and clueless clown ... Didn't think we'd see that either, but it's here.
Just sayin'

Sure, let's see how much traction this story has...dumbass.
Democrat apologizes after hurling anti-Asian slurs at her opponent

Not good - she should step down. Happy now?
Has any fake news media outlet called for her to step down?
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

What do Democrats like about US? Even when they are in power they complain or apologize about America.
The Constitution, our people, our potential..
Too bad about the scumbag lying thieving GOP and it's silly dupes like you... Thanks for Wrecking the the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever, and the corrupt depressions of 1929 and 2008 and 1989 for that matter... I know, a tax cut for the bloated rich! Dumbass dupes...

The Modern Day Democrats are all-too quick to rip apart the Constitution when they don’t get their way.... reminding US that it is not valid because it was written by white men who owned slaves. Further, you want to blame Conservatives for ruining the Middle Class when the Modern Day Democrats keep pushing policies that align or mirror Socialism. Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. Socialism is a true, locked-in 1 percent and then masses living limited and miserable.

You want to bring back your policies where healthcare costs go up and take home pay goes down for the Middle Class? We did that for 8 years under Obama.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

What do Democrats like about US? Even when they are in power they complain or apologize about America.
The Constitution, our people, our potential..
Too bad about the scumbag lying thieving GOP and it's silly dupes like you... Thanks for Wrecking the the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever, and the corrupt depressions of 1929 and 2008 and 1989 for that matter... I know, a tax cut for the bloated rich! Dumbass dupes...

The Modern Day Democrats are all-too quick to rip apart the Constitution when they don’t get their way.... reminding US that it is not valid because it was written by white men who owned slaves. Further, you want to blame Conservatives for ruining the Middle Class when the Modern Day Democrats keep pushing policies that align or mirror Socialism. Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. Socialism is a true, locked-in 1 percent and then masses living limited and miserable.

You want to bring back your policies where healthcare costs go up and take home pay goes down for the Middle Class? We did that for 8 years under Obama.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.
The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers. | Fact Left
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net.


The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Regulation reduces the price of a product?

Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

What do Democrats like about US? Even when they are in power they complain or apologize about America.
The Constitution, our people, our potential..
Too bad about the scumbag lying thieving GOP and it's silly dupes like you... Thanks for Wrecking the the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever, and the corrupt depressions of 1929 and 2008 and 1989 for that matter... I know, a tax cut for the bloated rich! Dumbass dupes...

The Modern Day Democrats are all-too quick to rip apart the Constitution when they don’t get their way.... reminding US that it is not valid because it was written by white men who owned slaves. Further, you want to blame Conservatives for ruining the Middle Class when the Modern Day Democrats keep pushing policies that align or mirror Socialism. Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. Socialism is a true, locked-in 1 percent and then masses living limited and miserable.

You want to bring back your policies where healthcare costs go up and take home pay goes down for the Middle Class? We did that for 8 years under Obama.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Thank Bill DeBlasio for the new Democrat motto. Democrats claim they are patriots who love America, but every now and then they tell the truth. Republicans will enjoy rubbing Dim noses in DeBlasio's faux pas.

Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.

Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.

"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."

Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.

What do Democrats like about US? Even when they are in power they complain or apologize about America.
The Constitution, our people, our potential..
Too bad about the scumbag lying thieving GOP and it's silly dupes like you... Thanks for Wrecking the the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever, and the corrupt depressions of 1929 and 2008 and 1989 for that matter... I know, a tax cut for the bloated rich! Dumbass dupes...

The Modern Day Democrats are all-too quick to rip apart the Constitution when they don’t get their way.... reminding US that it is not valid because it was written by white men who owned slaves. Further, you want to blame Conservatives for ruining the Middle Class when the Modern Day Democrats keep pushing policies that align or mirror Socialism. Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. Socialism is a true, locked-in 1 percent and then masses living limited and miserable.

You want to bring back your policies where healthcare costs go up and take home pay goes down for the Middle Class? We did that for 8 years under Obama.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...
What do Democrats like about US? Even when they are in power they complain or apologize about America.
The Constitution, our people, our potential..
Too bad about the scumbag lying thieving GOP and it's silly dupes like you... Thanks for Wrecking the the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever, and the corrupt depressions of 1929 and 2008 and 1989 for that matter... I know, a tax cut for the bloated rich! Dumbass dupes...

The Modern Day Democrats are all-too quick to rip apart the Constitution when they don’t get their way.... reminding US that it is not valid because it was written by white men who owned slaves. Further, you want to blame Conservatives for ruining the Middle Class when the Modern Day Democrats keep pushing policies that align or mirror Socialism. Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. Socialism is a true, locked-in 1 percent and then masses living limited and miserable.

You want to bring back your policies where healthcare costs go up and take home pay goes down for the Middle Class? We did that for 8 years under Obama.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I bet Cuomo can kiss his 3rd term goodbye

Unfortunately no. New York metro area people (NYC, and burbs) mostly have this self loathing view which they think is chic, urbane, evolved, and enlightened. They couldn't be more wrong.

Don't know his audience at this venue, but nobody seemed to agree or appreciate the comment. Even if he goes get a 3rd term as Governor, he won't make a future President. People don't forget that kind of attitude or comment.
The Constitution, our people, our potential..
Too bad about the scumbag lying thieving GOP and it's silly dupes like you... Thanks for Wrecking the the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever, and the corrupt depressions of 1929 and 2008 and 1989 for that matter... I know, a tax cut for the bloated rich! Dumbass dupes...

The Modern Day Democrats are all-too quick to rip apart the Constitution when they don’t get their way.... reminding US that it is not valid because it was written by white men who owned slaves. Further, you want to blame Conservatives for ruining the Middle Class when the Modern Day Democrats keep pushing policies that align or mirror Socialism. Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. Socialism is a true, locked-in 1 percent and then masses living limited and miserable.

You want to bring back your policies where healthcare costs go up and take home pay goes down for the Middle Class? We did that for 8 years under Obama.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.
I bet Cuomo can kiss his 3rd term goodbye

Unfortunately no. New York metro area people (NYC, and burbs) mostly have this self loathing view which they think is chic, urbane, evolved, and enlightened. They couldn't be more wrong.

Don't know his audience at this venue, but nobody seemed to agree or appreciate the comment. Even if he goes get a 3rd term as Governor, he won't make a future President. People don't forget that kind of attitude or comment.
Brainwashed hater dupes you mean...
The Modern Day Democrats are all-too quick to rip apart the Constitution when they don’t get their way.... reminding US that it is not valid because it was written by white men who owned slaves. Further, you want to blame Conservatives for ruining the Middle Class when the Modern Day Democrats keep pushing policies that align or mirror Socialism. Socialism does not permit a Middle Class. Socialism is a true, locked-in 1 percent and then masses living limited and miserable.

You want to bring back your policies where healthcare costs go up and take home pay goes down for the Middle Class? We did that for 8 years under Obama.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30
You mean least communist, super duper. Which is pure socialism not socialism in the real world anymore...
"Now we are all socialists"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with a good safety net. The wrecking of the middle class in the country has happened in the last 35 years of new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper. A period of GOP dominance That continues and in fact gets worse under Trump... 75% of those on the exchanges Pay less than$100 a month for coverage. The problem of course is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after years of GOP non regulation.

Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30
And God knows what heritage the lying scumbags mean...
Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30
And God knows what heritage the lying scumbags mean...

Socialism has less of a Middle Class than Capitalism. The more Socialist, the less of a Middle Class is present and the more of a 1 percent. Further, there is less upward mobility or opportunity for individual prosperity in Socialism. You think Socialism is so great yet your party needs to mask it because it is not what the American People want. Legal Immigrants who come to America do so for opportunity, not Socialism. I’m many cases, they are leaving Socialism.
Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30
You mean least communist, super duper. Which is pure socialism not socialism in the real world anymore...
"Now we are all socialists"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...
Could you translate that into English?
Define “Fair Capitalism”.
Socialism. That whole list of benefits I've been arguing. And taxing the rich and investing in America for a change...

You better look at the results of Socialism. The rich are not taxed; the high income earners are taxed and the Middle Class becomes none existent.
I don't know what socialism you are talking about, but outside doop world it is Scandinavia the EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan where they have huge middle classes and not many poor. They still have plenty of rich people. Only brainwashed idiots allow a flat tax system like we have.

The countries you listed are some of the least socialist in the entire world.

Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Country Rank

New Zealand 3
Australia 5
Canada 9
Japan 30
And God knows what heritage the lying scumbags mean...

The Heritage Foundation is a think tank, you ignorant douchebag.
America was never great? tell that to my grandfather, Eugene Finnegan Ambrose, who came from Vietnam in a box.

these are disgusting comments, and there's no walking it back!

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