America will remember how the left and the msm acted during the pandemic .

fast tracking drug trials and vaccine research, mobilizing the private sector in the US to produce badly need medical equipment that china is the major supplier of [actions we haven't seen since ww2] getting badly needed cash into the hands of small businesses and people ,daily briefings to educate and inform the public and remind them that its not up to the government to stop the virus but individual responsibility and social distancing , New York harbor dredged to get the hospital ship docked ahead of schedule ! testing ramped up at level where the US is testing far more than any country on earth ! and on and on and on !with all of these great and nearly impossible achievements there is one sector in the country that refuses to recognize the advancements in fighting the virus ..instead of applauding actions taken they have put the country through hell with lies and propaganda ! attempting to frighten citizens instead of calming them by accurately reporting on actions taken that have slowed the spread of the disease ! they even refuse to blame china for any wrong doing ! now many on the left will eagerly buy into the propaganda being spread but millions more know the truth and will show their contempt of the lefts politicizing of the pandemic in the voting booth in Nov.
Yall said that about the left during the Iraq War know, the left who were opposed to invading -- the left you called traitors and terrorists for being against that dumb ass decision.....

How did that work out? Was the "left" right or no?
ohhhh no commie !! weve been hearing the left blame everyone but the chicoms and the WHO ! look for vids on the lefts comments run by the RNC as we draw closer to the election ! its to late to backtrack the left is on record ! and chicom Joe will be called out on his ties to the chicom gov that gave his sons company over a billion $ ! once again a vote for dems is a vote for china !

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