America: “You have the RIGHT to an attorney”.....but not a doctor right guys?

Food is more necessary than healthcare.

Housing is more necessary than healthcare.

Expect the Communist / Socialist wing of the Democrat party to soon demand more free stuff.

All of it is more important than wars to prop up wall street but no one ever asks how we will pay for that.
On the contrary, every military action is faced with demands to know how we'll pay for it.

I guess I missed the bills to pay for them. We aren't paying for them.

so our military is doing its job with no pay? WTF is wrong with you? of course we are paying for them,

Debt. Start paying up. (You knew how stupid your point was before making it)
Start withholding funds to pay the debt from a lower priority. National Defense is the Number ONE priority and gets funded first.
Debt. Start paying up. (You knew how stupid your point was before making it)

Oh, you want to talk about debt? Great, lets start with the FACT that obama increased our national debt from 9 trillion to almost 20 trillion in 8 years, more than all other presidents combined. Yeah, lets talk debt and which party's policies have created most of it.

Trump's military expenditures were all funded by congress and included in the budget. do you really want to get into this?

Obama did. See I do not deny that nor did I support much of anything Obama did so yours really is not a valid rebuttal.

The budget was not funded. It ran us into another trillion dollars in debt (just like Obama).

The thing is Obama didn't do that.

The bush boy took our national debt to nearly 13 trillion dollars. He kept most of his wars off the general budget. Funding for it was mostly done by "emergency" spending bills. When Obama took office that debt was added to the general budget. Over night it shot up from 10 trillion to nearly 13 trillion dollars.

Obama started with a national debt of just short of 13 trillion dollars. He took that debt up to 19. trillion.

He added 6 trillion to the national debt. He also slashed the deficit by nearly 1 trillion dollars. The bush boy left a new historic high in deficit and over 1 trillion for the first time in our history. That deficit was 1.4 trillion when Obama took office. When Obama left office it was 400 and something billion. Which is nearly 1 trillion decrease in deficit. If he had more time or the republicans had worked with him, he would have eliminated that deficit and started to work on lowering the debt, just as Clinton was doing. Then the bush boy came along and blew it all up.

Obama got at least a little control on it but trump is president now and it's back to being out of control.

I really wish people would be honest.

I wish you would be honest. Obama doubled the debt, nothing you can say changes that.

And Trump has been adding to it by a trillion a year.
still isn't as much as obammy/
All of it is more important than wars to prop up wall street but no one ever asks how we will pay for that.
On the contrary, every military action is faced with demands to know how we'll pay for it.

I guess I missed the bills to pay for them. We aren't paying for them.
If you pay taxes, you do.

Great. Then by your standard, health care and education is already being for.
If it were, we would not be paying for insurance or tuition. We are.

The bottom line is, defense is constitutionally mandated, while health care and education is not.

The argument is that you are not paying for it. We wouldn't be wasting billions if you actually had to pay for it.
Tell that to those who have to file bankruptcy over their medical bills.

Besides, why do you want them wrote off so that you end up paying for them?

who are they? give us some valid stats, not propaganda.

We who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who cannot or will not. nothing new there. Why do you think your hospital charges you $5 for an aspirin? because they gave it free to the 50 in front of you in line.

I've provided the link.

you provided a link to a propaganda site, not a valid link to factual data.

It is true that most bankruptcy filings have some medical bills listed in them, But it is not true that americans are filing bankruptcy solely due to medical bills..

Nearly every single site you can find will state the same thing.
There's no dispute that most bankruptcies are caused by illness or loss of job causing loss of insurance

Many times they go together.
On the contrary, every military action is faced with demands to know how we'll pay for it.

I guess I missed the bills to pay for them. We aren't paying for them.
If you pay taxes, you do.

Great. Then by your standard, health care and education is already being for.
If it were, we would not be paying for insurance or tuition. We are.

The bottom line is, defense is constitutionally mandated, while health care and education is not.

The argument is that you are not paying for it. We wouldn't be wasting billions if you actually had to pay for it.
The taxpayer ultimately pays for everything the government spends, either now or later.
All of it is more important than wars to prop up wall street but no one ever asks how we will pay for that.
On the contrary, every military action is faced with demands to know how we'll pay for it.

I guess I missed the bills to pay for them. We aren't paying for them.

so our military is doing its job with no pay? WTF is wrong with you? of course we are paying for them,

Debt. Start paying up. (You knew how stupid your point was before making it)
Start withholding funds to pay the debt from a lower priority. National Defense is the Number ONE priority and gets funded first.

National Defense would take a fraction of what we spend. We aren't defending our country by what we are doing all around the world.
Oh, you want to talk about debt? Great, lets start with the FACT that obama increased our national debt from 9 trillion to almost 20 trillion in 8 years, more than all other presidents combined. Yeah, lets talk debt and which party's policies have created most of it.

Trump's military expenditures were all funded by congress and included in the budget. do you really want to get into this?

Obama did. See I do not deny that nor did I support much of anything Obama did so yours really is not a valid rebuttal.

The budget was not funded. It ran us into another trillion dollars in debt (just like Obama).

The thing is Obama didn't do that.

The bush boy took our national debt to nearly 13 trillion dollars. He kept most of his wars off the general budget. Funding for it was mostly done by "emergency" spending bills. When Obama took office that debt was added to the general budget. Over night it shot up from 10 trillion to nearly 13 trillion dollars.

Obama started with a national debt of just short of 13 trillion dollars. He took that debt up to 19. trillion.

He added 6 trillion to the national debt. He also slashed the deficit by nearly 1 trillion dollars. The bush boy left a new historic high in deficit and over 1 trillion for the first time in our history. That deficit was 1.4 trillion when Obama took office. When Obama left office it was 400 and something billion. Which is nearly 1 trillion decrease in deficit. If he had more time or the republicans had worked with him, he would have eliminated that deficit and started to work on lowering the debt, just as Clinton was doing. Then the bush boy came along and blew it all up.

Obama got at least a little control on it but trump is president now and it's back to being out of control.

I really wish people would be honest.

I wish you would be honest. Obama doubled the debt, nothing you can say changes that.

And Trump has been adding to it by a trillion a year.
still isn't as much as obammy/

He hasn't been president for as long so........

But you knew this.
I guess I missed the bills to pay for them. We aren't paying for them.
If you pay taxes, you do.

Great. Then by your standard, health care and education is already being for.
If it were, we would not be paying for insurance or tuition. We are.

The bottom line is, defense is constitutionally mandated, while health care and education is not.

The argument is that you are not paying for it. We wouldn't be wasting billions if you actually had to pay for it.
The taxpayer ultimately pays for everything the government spends, either now or later.

Trump said we shouldn't worry about the debt. If we can pay for wars later we can pay for health care later.
Its like “Oh he cant afford to protect himself in court, so, his govt will provide this basic dignity for its people.”

But then “Hes sick? Screw him let him suffer and die. Thats what he gets for not being able to afford it.”
Uhhh, hospitals have to accept you if you are gravely ill whether you can pay or not.

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

And they send you a bill. Which isnt free. Attorneys are free
If you pay taxes, you do.

Great. Then by your standard, health care and education is already being for.
If it were, we would not be paying for insurance or tuition. We are.

The bottom line is, defense is constitutionally mandated, while health care and education is not.

The argument is that you are not paying for it. We wouldn't be wasting billions if you actually had to pay for it.
The taxpayer ultimately pays for everything the government spends, either now or later.

Trump said we shouldn't worry about the debt. If we can pay for wars later we can pay for health care later.
The constitution mandates the one, not the other.
Great. Then by your standard, health care and education is already being for.
If it were, we would not be paying for insurance or tuition. We are.

The bottom line is, defense is constitutionally mandated, while health care and education is not.

The argument is that you are not paying for it. We wouldn't be wasting billions if you actually had to pay for it.
The taxpayer ultimately pays for everything the government spends, either now or later.

Trump said we shouldn't worry about the debt. If we can pay for wars later we can pay for health care later.
The constitution mandates the one, not the other.

You are supposed to pay for it. I'm perfectly willing to pay for health care.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.

The right to LIFE is a God-given right....but Democrats have declared THEY have the right to murder babies outside the womb fighting for life, a baby that has survived a failed abortion. That baby is a living, breathing US citizen that has every Constitutional Right afforded to EVERY US citizen. THAT BABY that survived a failed abortion has MORE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS than the violent illegals who have flooded across our borders - violent illegals who the Democrats want to give free healthcare, and education, housing, food, etc.... at MY tax dollar expense.

It's funny how liberal pro-abortionists want THEIR own free heath care....just as long as they can continue to murder babies who can survive outside the womb....and now babies who are outside the womb after a failed abortion, gasping for air trying to hold onto life.
-- Since a few feet away there are adults / doctors discussing the possibility of murdering this newly born US citizen, shouldn't THAT new US citizen be afforded a lawyer to protect its Rights and life, too?

I read some dumbass liberal declare that owning a home is a, its an earned privilege / ability. No tax payer - I - do not OWE 'you' a home. I worked my ass off for mine.

He said owning a car, having A/C and cable...are RIGHTS. WTF? These are POSSESSIONS, things people long for and work for. They are not 'rights'.

Your ability to own the desired healthcare that you want is not a RIGHT....which is why you saw Barry and Democrats bend America over and ram their liberal socialist minority-supported agenda-driven ACA down the throats of the majority of Americans who DID NOT WANT it...and then scramble to write / pass ACA EXEMPTIONS for them and their staff.

The Democrats are openly declaring they are going to strip Americans of their own freely chosen preferred health care they pay for themselves - will make them CRIMINALS for owning a legal service they pay for - in order to FORCE them to be subservient to the govt, to relinquish their freedom and control over their own lives / health care to the govt.

Please show me in the Constitution where elected officials can use US law to strip Americans of free choice, especially over their own healthcare they pay for, to ENSLAVE the American people.....

No wonder Bernie praises Fidel Castor and his oppresive Communist govt.
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If it were, we would not be paying for insurance or tuition. We are.

The bottom line is, defense is constitutionally mandated, while health care and education is not.

The argument is that you are not paying for it. We wouldn't be wasting billions if you actually had to pay for it.
The taxpayer ultimately pays for everything the government spends, either now or later.

Trump said we shouldn't worry about the debt. If we can pay for wars later we can pay for health care later.
The constitution mandates the one, not the other.

You are supposed to pay for it. I'm perfectly willing to pay for health care.
obammycare sort of ruined our health insurance. for no fking reason.
If it were, we would not be paying for insurance or tuition. We are.

The bottom line is, defense is constitutionally mandated, while health care and education is not.

The argument is that you are not paying for it. We wouldn't be wasting billions if you actually had to pay for it.
The taxpayer ultimately pays for everything the government spends, either now or later.

Trump said we shouldn't worry about the debt. If we can pay for wars later we can pay for health care later.
The constitution mandates the one, not the other.

You are supposed to pay for it. I'm perfectly willing to pay for health care.

And you do if you have health insurance. You pay a lot for it.
who are they? give us some valid stats, not propaganda.

We who pay have always paid the medical bills of those who cannot or will not. nothing new there. Why do you think your hospital charges you $5 for an aspirin? because they gave it free to the 50 in front of you in line.

I've provided the link.

you provided a link to a propaganda site, not a valid link to factual data.

It is true that most bankruptcy filings have some medical bills listed in them, But it is not true that americans are filing bankruptcy solely due to medical bills..

Nearly every single site you can find will state the same thing.
There's no dispute that most bankruptcies are caused by illness or loss of job causing loss of insurance

Many times they go together.
No they don't. The govt doesn't take anything away from a person who doesn't have the HC he/she wants or needs. It's not my fault anyone gets sick. And it's not their fault if I get sick.

However, when the State uses its power to lock up you or I, the govt is acting to take away a freedom guaranteed under the const.
Is the right to a doctor in the Constitution?


Obamacare said 1) I could keep my plan, 2) keep my doctor and that 3) I would save at least $2500 a year.

Obamacare lied.

Now what?
Trump said we would "have such great healthcare at a tiny fraction of the cost and it will be so easy!"

He also said he would repeal and replace Obamacare.

Trump lied.

Now what?
The argument is that you are not paying for it. We wouldn't be wasting billions if you actually had to pay for it.
The taxpayer ultimately pays for everything the government spends, either now or later.

Trump said we shouldn't worry about the debt. If we can pay for wars later we can pay for health care later.
The constitution mandates the one, not the other.

You are supposed to pay for it. I'm perfectly willing to pay for health care.

And you do if you have health insurance. You pay a lot for it.
basically you pay for catastrophic care. you still pay out of pocket costs for every normal office visit or prescriptions. so what one really pays for is catastrophic help if it were to happen.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
I suppose you want free electricity, water, food, housing, and clothing, too, comrade?

As for a doctor, you are provided one if you cannot afford one. Have you not heard of Medicaid?
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen?

That is excellent!
I hear Venezuela can use his help.
Is he going to run for their presidency after the Dems screw him out of the nomination?
Or after Trump crushes him in November?
However, when the State uses its power to lock up you or I, the govt is acting to take away a freedom guaranteed under the const.
If you break the law, are convicted, and jailed so be it. When the Govt makes me a criminal for paying for my own health care in order to force me to be subservient and reliant to them, to force me to surrender my freedom of choice and be their 'slave'.....we got a serious f*in' problem. IMO, that's one of those lines crossed that makes me glad we have the right to bear arms....The Founding Fathers would be the 1st ones grabbing their weapons and marching on DC over acts like this. They would be the 1st ones to oppose 'Castro FanBoy' and the Socialist Democrats dragging the country down THAT road.
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