America: “You have the RIGHT to an attorney”.....but not a doctor right guys?

Its like “Oh he cant afford to protect himself in court, so, his govt will provide this basic dignity for its people.”

But then “Hes sick? Screw him let him suffer and die. Thats what he gets for not being able to afford it.”
Uhhh, hospitals have to accept you if you are gravely ill whether you can pay or not.

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia
I keep saying this. They don't like that though, cause it doesn't allow their rage to mature.
Americans are skipping medically necessary prescriptions because of the cost
Americans are skipping medically necessary prescriptions because of the cost

For many Americans, the cost of regularly taking and filling their medications is too much. So much so, 44% of respondents in a new online poll say that within the last year, they did not purchase at least one medically necessary prescription because of cost.

That’s according to an online flash poll of over 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by PawnGuru, an online marketplace that conducts regular surveys on a range of topics affecting low-income and under-banked Americans.
I just want to know when 1000 people get to speak for 300 million? when did that happen?
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.

Yes, you have a right to a doctor. Is someone preventing you from paying for the services of one?

You are not entitled to force a doctor to give you services for free. That’s called slavery, we Republicans banned that quite a while ago.

As for the government providing a “free attorney” when arrested, that is not in the Sixth Amendment of our Constitution. It was a Supreme Court ruling that set the precedent for it. It probably should be overturned and stop wasting taxpayer money defending criminals.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing. But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen?

I get your point Peachfuzz, but understand this:
  1. Law and a legal defense is a matter of government domain. One can need a lawyer for a LOT of reasons, not just because they chose to do something wrong, and the Constitution mandates a fair trial.
  2. Taking care of an illness or injury is a matter of private practice. Your body is not the domain of the government. But yeah, we really do need to fix healthcare.
  3. There ain't an icecube's chance in hell that Bolshevik Bernie will ever be POTUS. Better wrap your head around that fact right now.
Well, all the Democrats except Kobuchar are running on universal health care, aren't they? Correct me if I'm wrong.

And one of them is going to be taking over in January 2021.

The Declaration of Independence, written by our Founding Fathers, says that certain rights are self evident, life being one of them. Now that doctors can actually save lives and improve lives on a daily basis, it seems the right to life should be considered in this argument.
The US has had universal access to affordable healthcare for many years before the Obamacare scam and the current candidates are again cynically using healthcare for political purposes.

HRSA (Health Resources & Services Administration) operates about 12,000 clinics across the US that provide comprehensive primary care and dental care on a sliding scale fee basis. Most also provide prescriptions and health supplies on the same basis. Unless you live in an extremely remote area, there is a clinic near you.

About the Health Center Program

Everyone in the US has affordable access to affordable to comprehensive healthcare and has had it since long before Obamacare. The only flaw in the system involves a small number of people who don't qualify for Medicaid or Medicare and do not have private health insurance who need care beyond primary care. This problem can be easily solved by allowing poor people to temporarily qualify for Medicaid for the duration of the medical crisis.

Just as Obama lied his ass off about poor people having to go to ER's for a cold, the current Democrats are not talking about healthcare but about politics and ideology.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.

Sanders isn't worth the bottom of the toilet. Since you're eager to leach off of society why not move to your utopian paradise ie cuba, sweden, venezuela. No one will miss you.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
Will Bernie tell you what you can and can not eat?
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.
This is a function of your rights under the 5th Amendment - a criminal accusation is an interaction with the state, thus the state must make sure you rights are protected during due process.
But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.
Apples and oranges.
And one of them is going to be taking over in January 2021.
The Declaration of Independence, written by our Founding Fathers, says that certain rights are self evident, life being one of them. Now that doctors can actually save lives and improve lives on a daily basis, it seems the right to life should be considered in this argument.
You have the right to life, liberty, property and self-determination.
You do not have the right to have the means to exercise these rights provided to you by someone else.
The bush boy took our national debt to nearly 13 trillion dollars. He kept most of his wars off the general budget. Funding for it was mostly done by "emergency" spending bills. When Obama took office that debt was added to the general budget. Over night it shot up from 10 trillion to nearly 13 trillion dollars.
Why do you believe "off budget" or "emergency" or supplemental" spending is not accounted for in yearly deficit calculations, which compare total outlays to total revenue?
Americans are skipping medically necessary prescriptions because of the cost
Americans are skipping medically necessary prescriptions because of the cost

For many Americans, the cost of regularly taking and filling their medications is too much. So much so, 44% of respondents in a new online poll say that within the last year, they did not purchase at least one medically necessary prescription because of cost.

That’s according to an online flash poll of over 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by PawnGuru, an online marketplace that conducts regular surveys on a range of topics affecting low-income and under-banked Americans.
When you have to make a choice over paying your rent or paying for a prescription, something has to give
And one of them is going to be taking over in January 2021.
The Declaration of Independence, written by our Founding Fathers, says that certain rights are self evident, life being one of them. Now that doctors can actually save lives and improve lives on a daily basis, it seems the right to life should be considered in this argument.
You have the right to life, liberty, property and self-determination.
You do not have the right to have the means to exercise these rights provided to you by someone else.
Of course you do

That is how modern societies function. You help those who need help.
I guess I missed the bills to pay for them. We aren't paying for them.

so our military is doing its job with no pay? WTF is wrong with you? of course we are paying for them,

Debt. Start paying up. (You knew how stupid your point was before making it)

Oh, you want to talk about debt? Great, lets start with the FACT that obama increased our national debt from 9 trillion to almost 20 trillion in 8 years, more than all other presidents combined. Yeah, lets talk debt and which party's policies have created most of it.

Trump's military expenditures were all funded by congress and included in the budget. do you really want to get into this?

Obama did. See I do not deny that nor did I support much of anything Obama did so yours really is not a valid rebuttal.

The budget was not funded. It ran us into another trillion dollars in debt (just like Obama).

The thing is Obama didn't do that.

The bush boy took our national debt to nearly 13 trillion dollars. He kept most of his wars off the general budget. Funding for it was mostly done by "emergency" spending bills. When Obama took office that debt was added to the general budget. Over night it shot up from 10 trillion to nearly 13 trillion dollars.

Obama started with a national debt of just short of 13 trillion dollars. He took that debt up to 19. trillion.

He added 6 trillion to the national debt. He also slashed the deficit by nearly 1 trillion dollars. The bush boy left a new historic high in deficit and over 1 trillion for the first time in our history. That deficit was 1.4 trillion when Obama took office. When Obama left office it was 400 and something billion. Which is nearly 1 trillion decrease in deficit. If he had more time or the republicans had worked with him, he would have eliminated that deficit and started to work on lowering the debt, just as Clinton was doing. Then the bush boy came along and blew it all up.

Obama got at least a little control on it but trump is president now and it's back to being out of control.

I really wish people would be honest.

Obama ran up the debt. Argue if you wish that you believe he had valid reasons to but I simply noted that like Trump he cut taxes and ran up the debt. He did.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.

What a horseshit OP. No one in the USA is denied medical care. NO ONE. Even those here illegally. But yes, if you get it free it may not be as convenient as if you were paying for it. tough shit.

Top 10 Reasons People Go Bankrupt | HuffPost

Nobody should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick.

they don't. What that article fails to accurately describe is that, yes, most bankruptcies include some medical bills, but no bankruptcies occur only because of medical bills. It also does not address the FACT that unpaid medical bills are almost always written off by the hospital or medical provider. Medical providers do not take people to court for unpaid medical bills.

your article is bullshit

Of course bankruptcies are because of medical bills. Yes, if you are going to file you are going to include everything but those other things are getting paid without the medical bills.

No one should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick.

no one files bankruptcy simply because they get sick. Thats a bullshit lie.

It is factual.
so our military is doing its job with no pay? WTF is wrong with you? of course we are paying for them,

Debt. Start paying up. (You knew how stupid your point was before making it)

Oh, you want to talk about debt? Great, lets start with the FACT that obama increased our national debt from 9 trillion to almost 20 trillion in 8 years, more than all other presidents combined. Yeah, lets talk debt and which party's policies have created most of it.

Trump's military expenditures were all funded by congress and included in the budget. do you really want to get into this?

Obama did. See I do not deny that nor did I support much of anything Obama did so yours really is not a valid rebuttal.

The budget was not funded. It ran us into another trillion dollars in debt (just like Obama).

The thing is Obama didn't do that.

The bush boy took our national debt to nearly 13 trillion dollars. He kept most of his wars off the general budget. Funding for it was mostly done by "emergency" spending bills. When Obama took office that debt was added to the general budget. Over night it shot up from 10 trillion to nearly 13 trillion dollars.

Obama started with a national debt of just short of 13 trillion dollars. He took that debt up to 19. trillion.

He added 6 trillion to the national debt. He also slashed the deficit by nearly 1 trillion dollars. The bush boy left a new historic high in deficit and over 1 trillion for the first time in our history. That deficit was 1.4 trillion when Obama took office. When Obama left office it was 400 and something billion. Which is nearly 1 trillion decrease in deficit. If he had more time or the republicans had worked with him, he would have eliminated that deficit and started to work on lowering the debt, just as Clinton was doing. Then the bush boy came along and blew it all up.

Obama got at least a little control on it but trump is president now and it's back to being out of control.

I really wish people would be honest.

I wish you would be honest. Obama doubled the debt, nothing you can say changes that.

And Trump has been adding to it by a trillion a year.
The right to an attorney is in the Constitution. The right to a doctor isn't. The right to a doctor is simply something that the "Greatest Christian Nation" in the world should provide. After all Communist Cuba is even able to do that.

Heck what is odd is the "Greatest Christian Nation" in the world even tried to stop that from happening. Makes no sense to me.

While the right answer is out there somewhere, nobody is holding the conversation.

If you start with the get what you have now....nothing.

What should we provide. I have an opinion. I am willing to discuss it. When you tell me the answer.....without listening to me....I shut my hears and label you an asshole.

You say you want to discuss this and then call me a name. No, not interested.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.

Quiet you.
What a horseshit OP. No one in the USA is denied medical care. NO ONE. Even those here illegally. But yes, if you get it free it may not be as convenient as if you were paying for it. tough shit.

Top 10 Reasons People Go Bankrupt | HuffPost

Nobody should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick.

they don't. What that article fails to accurately describe is that, yes, most bankruptcies include some medical bills, but no bankruptcies occur only because of medical bills. It also does not address the FACT that unpaid medical bills are almost always written off by the hospital or medical provider. Medical providers do not take people to court for unpaid medical bills.

your article is bullshit

Of course bankruptcies are because of medical bills. Yes, if you are going to file you are going to include everything but those other things are getting paid without the medical bills.

No one should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick.

no one files bankruptcy simply because they get sick. Thats a bullshit lie.
Happens all the time
What do you think happens with overwhelming medical bills?

they get written off by the medical provider, no one files bankruptcy solely due to medical bills. YOU are lying as you do every day on this board.
Americans are skipping medically necessary prescriptions because of the cost
Americans are skipping medically necessary prescriptions because of the cost

For many Americans, the cost of regularly taking and filling their medications is too much. So much so, 44% of respondents in a new online poll say that within the last year, they did not purchase at least one medically necessary prescription because of cost.

That’s according to an online flash poll of over 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by PawnGuru, an online marketplace that conducts regular surveys on a range of topics affecting low-income and under-banked Americans.

True, and who does big pharma provide political funding to? Which party is fighting Trump on mandatory reductions of drug prices? answer to both: democrats.
They may refer you to a cancer specialist but they are not going to treat it.
Yes, Medicaid patients do get cancer treatment.

Government healthcare not good enough?


Not everyone qualifies for Medicaid but as you point out, taxpayers are on the hook for that. I thought that is what you are arguing against?
When we started social programs this opened up a lot of potential hornets nests. The downside was and is that medical costs have escalated into the stratosphere. It is a shame that prices went up as much as they did. Having reasonable prices with the social help would be a good thing. Somehow medical care quality would be affected if forced on providers under a government system. But we seem to be heading that way.

Your arguments are that medical costs only went up because of the governments involvement. I reject that. The governments in other countries are even more involved in their health care than ours and their costs are lower.

Medical costs did go up when reagan got our government involved.

He deregulated the insurance industry and privatized most hospitals.

Before reagan most insurance was non profit and so were most hospitals. We also had a lot of public hospitals.

That all changed in the 80s with reagan.

He also inflicted "cost shifting" on us. Which is one of the biggest reasons why our medical bills are so high. The medical bills that aren't paid, are then cost shifted to those of us who do pay our medical bills causing our bills too be many more times higher than they should be.

Reagan also inflicted the HMOs on us.

Obamacare has saved America at least 2.3 trillion dollars as of the end of 2018.

The Affordable Care Act has saved billions in health care costs - STAT

View attachment 309118

most of your post is true, except the lies about ACA saving money..
Americans are skipping medically necessary prescriptions because of the cost
Americans are skipping medically necessary prescriptions because of the cost

For many Americans, the cost of regularly taking and filling their medications is too much. So much so, 44% of respondents in a new online poll say that within the last year, they did not purchase at least one medically necessary prescription because of cost.

That’s according to an online flash poll of over 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by PawnGuru, an online marketplace that conducts regular surveys on a range of topics affecting low-income and under-banked Americans.
When you have to make a choice over paying your rent or paying for a prescription, something has to give

who is faced with that choice? No one. Geez dude, can you stop lying for just one day?

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