American Airlines refuses disabled veteran and aid dog...Obama invites to White House

See the thing is...leftist (or in Obama's case - pretend leftist) they don't rely on facts, or even particularly care about facts when making decisions. It is all emotional.
So when some kid reportedly builds a sophisticated clock and gets kicked out of school - you would think the White House would vet the story before inviting the kid to meet the President of the United would hope so.
But no....they were so outraged by the story - who needs to check it out...get him here NOW!!!

But when a Purple heart recipient and former Captain of the Marines is refused service to board a plane because of a misunderstanding...this is not something that would outrage liberals. So no invitation to the White House.
This is the perfect description of the far right. It is called mirroring: "they don't rely on facts, or even particularly care about facts when making decisions. It is all emotional". The far righties see their own worst angst in the mirror and project on their enemies.
...just kidding...Obama did not invite him to White House, no room for purple heart recipient Captain, but room for a kid who fakes building an alarm clock and a youtube lady who gets into a bathtub of cereal.

More at 11...

Airline stops veteran, service dog from boarding flight
If they had shot and killed the veteran we'd have republicans here screaming about how the police couldn't possibly have know he wasn't a threat.
This is the perfect description of the far right. It is called mirroring: "they don't rely on facts, or even particularly care about facts when making decisions. It is all emotional". The far righties see their own worst angst in the mirror and project on their enemies.

Nice try...but.... FAIL
I saw where it said that the vet and person who had the dog were not given their money back. To me, they should both sue the airline.

God bless you and them always!!!

This is the perfect description of the far right. It is called mirroring: "they don't rely on facts, or even particularly care about facts when making decisions. It is all emotional". The far righties see their own worst angst in the mirror and project on their enemies.

Go get yourself a beer and shadaaap.

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