I do not remember obama inviting the WHITE kid who nibbled his poptart to look like a gun to the WH.

Yeah, pretty sure the kid's clock looked a little more like a bomb than ole Big Ben. But no one's saying it was a bomb. People are just having some fun pointing out that the kid could have come up with a better project. I mean, someone could have advised him.

Muslims carrying around things that look eerily like timers for bombs, probably isn't such a good idea these days. It may be non-PC to say that, but it is the reality. His parents could have helped him out on this one. A different project would have been the wise move.
Ha, he invites a muslim kid with a device that looks like a bomb to the White House. Real smaaat there Mr. President. And yeah, pretty sure if he were a white boy, Obama would have ordered him straight to GITMO by now.

Pretty sure if he were a white boy, the Oathkeepers would be on their way to rescue him from tyranny.

Nothing wrong with that. Fighting against tyranny is a good thing.
It's so fucking ridiculous. I've lost count of how many little children have been suspended for talking about bubble guns, drawing a gun, holding their hand like a gun, taking a tiny plastic GI Joe gun to school, biting a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun or drawing a picture of a gun. The schools stuck by the punishment they doled out.

Now, a Muslim student makes a clock that looks a lot like actual bombs that killed people in the past. It's not a plastic toy. It's not a drawing. It's not a Pop Tart. It's ticking. Hello, people!! And Obama, right on cue, acts like the school's reaction was solely based on the fact that the kid is a Muslim.

For Obama to invite the kid to the White House and make a big deal out of it is alarming. The message here is that when future Muslim students bring in ticking briefcases, the schools better look the other way or the president will get involved and throw accusations of discrimination around. What could possibly go wrong?

I am amazed that the kid's parents allowed this. I am sure everyone is well aware of the school's policies regarding bombs.

Only in Obama's America is a bomb replica clock more innocent than a piece of food in a certain shape. We've officially passed the threshold of insanity!
Now a bomb = clock. Only white people can make this shit up. :laugh:

You might want to educate yourself and look up pics of actual bombs. They are similar to the clock the boy made. The device the kid took to school does not resemble a typical clock. Schools have a policy against bombs and guns. It seems that means that things even resembling those things will get kids in trouble. Stop making comments like the one above because it just makes you look stupid.

Only liberals think a little pink bubble gun or a Pop Tart = danger.

How does this look like a clock? The digital timer and all the wires highly resemble bombs.

It's so fucking ridiculous. I've lost count of how many little children have been suspended for talking about bubble guns, drawing a gun, holding their hand like a gun, taking a tiny plastic GI Joe gun to school, biting a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun or drawing a picture of a gun. The schools stuck by the punishment they doled out.

Now, a Muslim student makes a clock that looks a lot like actual bombs that killed people in the past. It's not a plastic toy. It's not a drawing. It's not a Pop Tart. It's ticking. Hello, people!! And Obama, right on cue, acts like the school's reaction was solely based on the fact that the kid is a Muslim.

For Obama to invite the kid to the White House and make a big deal out of it is alarming. The message here is that when future Muslim students bring in ticking briefcases, the schools better look the other way or the president will get involved and throw accusations of discrimination around. What could possibly go wrong?

I am amazed that the kid's parents allowed this. I am sure everyone is well aware of the school's policies regarding bombs.

Only in Obama's America is a bomb replica clock more innocent than a piece of food in a certain shape. We've officially passed the threshold of insanity!
Now a bomb = clock. Only white people can make this shit up. :laugh:

You might want to educate yourself and look up pics of actual bombs. They are similar to the clock the boy made. The device the kid took to school does not resemble a typical clock. Schools have a policy against bombs and guns. It seems that means that things even resembling those things will get kids in trouble. Stop making comments like the one above because it just makes you look stupid.

Only liberals think a little pink bubble gun or a Pop Tart = danger.

How does this look like a clock? The digital timer and all the wires highly resemble bombs.

You should take an electronics course. That looks nothing like a bomb. :laugh:
It's so fucking ridiculous. I've lost count of how many little children have been suspended for talking about bubble guns, drawing a gun, holding their hand like a gun, taking a tiny plastic GI Joe gun to school, biting a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun or drawing a picture of a gun. The schools stuck by the punishment they doled out.

Now, a Muslim student makes a clock that looks a lot like actual bombs that killed people in the past. It's not a plastic toy. It's not a drawing. It's not a Pop Tart. It's ticking. Hello, people!! And Obama, right on cue, acts like the school's reaction was solely based on the fact that the kid is a Muslim.

For Obama to invite the kid to the White House and make a big deal out of it is alarming. The message here is that when future Muslim students bring in ticking briefcases, the schools better look the other way or the president will get involved and throw accusations of discrimination around. What could possibly go wrong?

I am amazed that the kid's parents allowed this. I am sure everyone is well aware of the school's policies regarding bombs.

Only in Obama's America is a bomb replica clock more innocent than a piece of food in a certain shape. We've officially passed the threshold of insanity!
Now a bomb = clock. Only white people can make this shit up. :laugh:

You might want to educate yourself and look up pics of actual bombs. They are similar to the clock the boy made. The device the kid took to school does not resemble a typical clock. Schools have a policy against bombs and guns. It seems that means that things even resembling those things will get kids in trouble. Stop making comments like the one above because it just makes you look stupid.

Only liberals think a little pink bubble gun or a Pop Tart = danger.

How does this look like a clock? The digital timer and all the wires highly resemble bombs.

You should take an electronics course. That looks nothing like a bomb. :laugh:

The Pop Tart looked nothing like a gun. The Hello Kitty bubble gun looked nothing like a weapon. No one thinks it looks like a real bomb, but it has a stronger resemblance to a bomb than any of the toy guns had to real guns. Pop Tarts, paper, tiny GI Joe plastic guns, etc. could never ever be mistaken for the real thing, but that didn't help those kids who were pretending.

Why don't you liberals admit that you support schools suspending little boys and girls for some toys because you want to teach children that no one should have any guns? And you falsely accuse the school of discrimination because it's politically incorrect to say anything bad about any Muslim?

Obama only stepped in because he takes every opportunity to accuse America of racism and discrimination. It fits his agenda and we all know there is no other reason.

And the kid is only in trouble because he had something that resembled a fake bomb. You liberals here are being disingenuous for insisting that the Muslims should only get in trouble if they bring an actual gun or bomb rather than a lame imitation.

The kids suspended for bringing "guns" had items that were even farther from looking like the real thing that this kid's clock. You know it, but since your lips are stuck to Obama's ass, you are unable to see things objectively.

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Of course, the BROWN kid that made THIS he invites to the white house. Cause to liberals, this looks just like an alarm clock.

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com

Oh but remember that 5 year old little girl who was suspended because she was TALKING about her HELLO KITTY BUBBLE GUN?

Pennsylvania girl, 5, suspended for talk of 'shooting' a Hello Kitty 'bubble gun' - CNN.com

Get that? I remember when all of the stupid deranged liberals claiming how bad it was that the little 5 year old girl was talking about the little gun but they are all up in arms when a MUSLIM kid makes that "alarm cock."

If I saw that thing, I would most certainly think that could very well be a fucking bomb.


Oh, and our precious pathetic affirmative action in chief is being invited to the white house. Did the 5 year old kid who nibbled his poptart pasty into a shape that looked like a gun?


Look at it. Did obama interject himself into that ridiculous situation? Did our beloved affirmative action bag of shit president invite this kid to the white house?

I think you guys should word these tropics better for search purposes. Obama is using the CAIR model to gather sympathies towards muslims. The president shouldn't be involved in local school matters period.
If an (OTW) is allowed into a school with a suspicious package because someone is afraid someone like you will call them a name, I will pray to God for your soul. This country is under attack. If some students can't have objects that resemble a gun, why should another student be allowed to have an object that resembles a bomb ? Are you saying it's ok because this student is OTW ? Doesn't that expose you as being a racist ?
Maybe if the kid had nibbled his poptart to look like a clock he would get invited
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If an (OTW) is allowed into a school with a suspicious package because someone is afraid someone like you will call them a name, I will pray to God for your soul. This country is under attack. If some students can't have objects that resemble a gun, why should another student be allowed to have an object that resembles a bomb ? Are you saying it's ok because this student is OTW ? Doesn't that expose you as being a racist ?

All libs know is he is BROWN and NOT CHRISTIAN.

I am telling you, that is all they know about this. They will not even admit that the "alarm clock" looks like a bomb.

Now this bag of shit president (democrats) use this as an opportunity to capture more minority voters by propagating their victimology strategy. That is all they do.

When the colors of skin and religion fits their pathetic victimology narrative, they will exploit it for political expediency.

And to hell with national security. Still not what this fucking pathetic lying American hating bag of affirmative action shit means when he says we need to be "vigilant." What, seeing something that very much looks like a bomb is not being vigilant?

Fucking liberals folks. Their PC bullshit and their victimology narrative has all but ruined us. They are not stopping. No way.
Where is the NRA defending the right of a muslim kid to bear clocks?

Grampa Murked UPlatinum Member
Jun 13, 2011

It's simple. This is a dry-run to de-sensitize the public into not responding to a device that looks like a bomb. His dad probably gave it to him and told him to take it to school to see what happens. That's probably why he couldn't explain what the device was. Anything that looks like a bomb should be reported no matter who is carrying it. To give anyone a pass for whatever reason is wrong. Keep up the good work LEO's.
Click to expand.
You have lost your fucking mind. May God, if he exists, have mercy on you.


Grampa Murked UPlatinum Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Kansas City

It's simple. This is a dry-run to de-sensitize the public into not responding to a device that looks like a bomb. His dad probably gave it to him and told him to take it to school to see what happens. That's probably why he couldn't explain what the device was. Anything that looks like a bomb should be reported no matter who is carrying it. To give anyone a pass for whatever reason is wrong. Keep up the good work LEO's.
Click to expand...

You have lost your fucking mind. May God, if he exists, have mercy on you.

The father is a Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed who is quite the activist.
Ahmed Mohamed and the 'Islamophobia' Clock - Breitbart
Nothing to see here.

An OTW student with a device that resembles a bomb is ok but a non OTW student with a pop-tart that resembles a gun, not so much.
Prolly because the white kid wasn't targeted because of his ethnicity.

What is that picture? I don't believe there is a picture of the actual clock to view as the cops confiscated it.

I totally agree. Muslims are being targeted all over the world by white people. Did you know that they are even accusing some Muslims of bringing down the World Trade Center? It is total racism and has to be stopped! Kill all white capitalist!
The police fucked with this kid long after they knew the clock was a clock.

I hope his parents sue the city of Irving into bankruptcy. That would be the best thing EVER.
Prolly because the white kid wasn't targeted because of his ethnicity.

What is that picture? I don't believe there is a picture of the actual clock to view as the cops confiscated it.

you don't really expect the whining lunatic right to understand that, do you?
Prolly because the white kid wasn't targeted because of his ethnicity.

What is that picture? I don't believe there is a picture of the actual clock to view as the cops confiscated it.

I totally agree. Muslims are being targeted all over the world by white people. Did you know that they are even accusing some Muslims of bringing down the World Trade Center? It is total racism and has to be stopped! Kill all white capitalist!

quiet, troll.
It's so fucking ridiculous. I've lost count of how many little children have been suspended for talking about bubble guns, drawing a gun, holding their hand like a gun, taking a tiny plastic GI Joe gun to school, biting a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun or drawing a picture of a gun. The schools stuck by the punishment they doled out.

Now, a Muslim student makes a clock that looks a lot like actual bombs that killed people in the past. It's not a plastic toy. It's not a drawing. It's not a Pop Tart. It's ticking. Hello, people!! And Obama, right on cue, acts like the school's reaction was solely based on the fact that the kid is a Muslim.

For Obama to invite the kid to the White House and make a big deal out of it is alarming. The message here is that when future Muslim students bring in ticking briefcases, the schools better look the other way or the president will get involved and throw accusations of discrimination around. What could possibly go wrong?

I am amazed that the kid's parents allowed this. I am sure everyone is well aware of the school's policies regarding bombs.

Only in Obama's America is a bomb replica clock more innocent than a piece of food in a certain shape. We've officially passed the threshold of insanity!
Now a bomb = clock. Only white people can make this shit up. :laugh:

You might want to educate yourself and look up pics of actual bombs. They are similar to the clock the boy made. The device the kid took to school does not resemble a typical clock. Schools have a policy against bombs and guns. It seems that means that things even resembling those things will get kids in trouble. Stop making comments like the one above because it just makes you look stupid.

Only liberals think a little pink bubble gun or a Pop Tart = danger.

How does this look like a clock? The digital timer and all the wires highly resemble bombs.

You should take an electronics course. That looks nothing like a bomb. :laugh:

The Pop Tart looked nothing like a gun. The Hello Kitty bubble gun looked nothing like a weapon. No one thinks it looks like a real bomb, but it has a stronger resemblance to a bomb than any of the toy guns had to real guns. Pop Tarts, paper, tiny GI Joe plastic guns, etc. could never ever be mistaken for the real thing, but that didn't help those kids who were pretending.

Why don't you liberals admit that you support schools suspending little boys and girls for some toys because you want to teach children that no one should have any guns? And you falsely accuse the school of discrimination because it's politically incorrect to say anything bad about any Muslim?

Obama only stepped in because he takes every opportunity to accuse America of racism and discrimination. It fits his agenda and we all know there is no other reason.

And the kid is only in trouble because he had something that resembled a fake bomb. You liberals here are being disingenuous for insisting that the Muslims should only get in trouble if they bring an actual gun or bomb rather than a lame imitation.

The kids suspended for bringing "guns" had items that were even farther from looking like the real thing that this kid's clock. You know it, but since your lips are stuck to Obama's ass, you are unable to see things objectively.

If you think those two things look alike you are either blind or stupid. I dont care if the ADHD kids pop tart looked like a gun. He had behavioral problems and the fake gun was just another manifestation of that.
Have you people no empathy? I mean .... I mean can you even possibly begin to imagine the shame and loathing Michelle would lump upon some stupid fat white redneck with a GD poptart stuck in his piggy little cheeks. He'd leave there forever changed and possibly gay. We should be thinking the white Jesus himself that the muslim Kenyan atheist socialist didn't bring whitey to the white house. (-:
If you think those two things look alike you are either blind or stupid. I dont care if the ADHD kids pop tart looked like a gun. He had behavioral problems and the fake gun was just another manifestation of that.

It looks like a toy bomb.

You guys are being technical here just because it was a Muslim student.

You don't think the kid should be suspended because it wasn't a real bomb.

Funny, considering the stuff those little white kids got suspended for. Would you fall for it if someone walked into a bank waving a little pink bubble gun and demanded money? The little girl did not have any behavior problems. Neither did the kid who bought a little GI Joe with a tiny plastic rifle. Most had no issues and were just being kids, but the rules are the rules and NO CHILD is allowed to bring anything to school that even remotely resembles a real weapon. The clock more closely resembled a weapon than any other of the items bought to school. It's the rule and intent means nothing. You know that, but are so hellbent on painting all of America as a racist, Islamaphobic country.

Obama didn't stand up for the kids who had innocent toys, yet acts like the school is being unreasonable in this case. It is simply because the kid is Muslim and no other reason. Yet, no one on the left said shit when any of those other kids got suspended.

Quit trying to spin this. The kid broke the school's policy. Period.

Maybe this means a few lefties are willing to stop the nonsense. Of course, your solution will just be to allow some kids to break the rules. It will make it easier when a real terrorist wants to get away with something. Questioning Muslims is considered wrong no matter what. I almost think this might have been planned just to let schools know that holding Muslims to the same rules as everyone else will not be tolerated.

Quit your fucking whining about how the clock isn't exactly like a bomb. It's closer than any of the other objects were. It broke the school's rules, but some think Muslims should get a free pass. We can't allow some to have special treatment. By inviting the kid to the White House, Obama is giving his stamp of approval for Muslim kids to ignore the school's zero tolerance policies. Notice how no Muslim ever gets blamed for anything by the Obama administration.
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If you think those two things look alike you are either blind or stupid. I dont care if the ADHD kids pop tart looked like a gun. He had behavioral problems and the fake gun was just another manifestation of that.

It looks like a toy bomb.

You guys are being technical here just because it was a Muslim student.

You don't think the kid should be suspended because it wasn't a real bomb.

Funny, considering the stuff those little white kids got suspended for. Would you fall for it if someone walked into a bank waving a little pink bubble gun and demanded money? The little girl did not have any behavior problems. Neither did the kid who bought a little GI Joe with a tiny plastic rifle. Most had no issues and were just being kids, but the rules are the rules and NO CHILD is allowed to bring anything to school that even remotely resembles a real weapon. The clock more closely resembled a weapon than any other of the items bought to school. It's the rule and intent means nothing. You know that, but are so hellbent on painting all of America as a racist, Islamaphobic country.

Obama didn't stand up for the kids who had innocent toys, yet acts like the school is being unreasonable in this case. It is simply because the kid is Muslim and no other reason. Yet, no one on the left said shit when any of those other kids got suspended.

Quit trying to spin this. The kid broke the school's policy. Period.

Maybe this means a few lefties are willing to stop the nonsense. Of course, your solution will just be to allow some kids to break the rules.
No it doesnt look like a toy bomb.

Why are you asking me all these irrelevant questions about pink bubble gum? The intent of the student was to make a clock not a toy bomb to scare anyone. The school was irresponsible and thats why the kid was addressed by the POTUS. Once you claim the POTUS did so because the kid is muslim you loose any credibility you had left.

Sorry but youre wrong. Go sleep it off.
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