"American Blacks should not participate in the American military," says Louis Farrakhan. Trea-...


Nov 7, 2014
Full Title: "American Blacks should not participate in the American military," says Louis Farrakhan. Treasonous statement or not?

He is an awful racist guy as we can see with his statement. But I am asking about the part of his statement that says that some members of our country SHOULD NOT participate in the defense of this country if and when it is attacked?

Are his words in this statement treasonous? (mind you I don't mean did he commit treason with his words...I mean is what he said treasonous?)... :)
Full Title: "American Blacks should not participate in the American military," says Louis Farrakhan. Treasonous statement or not?

He is an awful racist guy as we can see with his statement. But I am asking about the part of his statement that says that some members of our country SHOULD NOT participate in the defense of this country if and when it is attacked?

Are his words in this statement treasonous? (mind you I don't mean did he commit treason with his words...I mean is what he said treasonous?)... :)

A stated personal opinion is not treason. Can say, opinionate, propose, whatever the hell you want. It's when you conspire to make things deterimental to the State happen that things might become seditious or treasonous.

Conscientious objection is the go-to example. It is not treason and is, or has been proposed to be included in the UN Declarations of Human Rights to refuse to kill.
Perhaps they would be best suited for moving targets for our military to practice on during basic training? Works for me.
that's fine with me. they don't want to bother and feel they don't need to. I think Farrakhan should take them all to another country. try Africa if they can find it on a map. he can be their Jim Jones.....

back in day the crap he spews people would have been locked up and should have been
Louis has just one objective,money, and in order to generate more he needs to feed racism,hatred, and fear. In short he is nothing more than a coward protected by thugs. If he followed his own teachings he would have left this country decades ago. The only problem is he likes the money which he would not have outside the US drumming and shaking his rattle about Jews oppression and white people.
Perhaps they would be best suited for moving targets for our military to practice on during basic training? Works for me.

Lol that wouldn't be fair after all we (Blacks, which I am) did to make this country great lol (laughing with...)
that's fine with me. they don't want to bother and feel they don't need to...

This isn't true ma'am :) . I am a Black who is not qualified to serve in the military but I would serve if I could. The military is disproportionately (disproportionate to population stats) Black in fact, if I'm not mistaken.

Many of us Blacks serve and would serve... :)
Full Title: "American Blacks should not participate in the American military," says Louis Farrakhan. Treasonous statement or not?

He is an awful racist guy as we can see with his statement. But I am asking about the part of his statement that says that some members of our country SHOULD NOT participate in the defense of this country if and when it is attacked?

Are his words in this statement treasonous? (mind you I don't mean did he commit treason with his words...I mean is what he said treasonous?)... :)

A stated personal opinion is not treason. Can say, opinionate, propose, whatever the hell you want. It's when you conspire to make things deterimental to the State happen that things might become seditious or treasonous.

Conscientious objection is the go-to example. It is not treason and is, or has been proposed to be included in the UN Declarations of Human Rights to refuse to kill.
His statement was sedition. Years ago when Castro was recruiting American military veterans to train his Army, I was a witness in a GCM against a guy on active duty who tried to recruit soldiers.
Sometimes Calypso Louis is right.

Was he right about this in your opinion (video of him exalting the Salman Rushdie death decree from Iran for nothing but Mr. Rushdie writing against Mohammed ("the prophet.") Apparently he believes, from his words, that it is laudable to murder those who speak against "prophets" that he believes in...:)

Full Title: "American Blacks should not participate in the American military," says Louis Farrakhan. Treasonous statement or not?

He is an awful racist guy as we can see with his statement. But I am asking about the part of his statement that says that some members of our country SHOULD NOT participate in the defense of this country if and when it is attacked?

Are his words in this statement treasonous? (mind you I don't mean did he commit treason with his words...I mean is what he said treasonous?)... :)
Are you going to assert that if someone says people shouldn't join our military it's a treasonous statement?
Are you going to assert that if someone says people shouldn't join our military it's a treasonous statement?

NO offense ma'am but I'm going to be ignoring you on this thread...may God Bless you.:)
...Farrakhan is on record saying that he prefers living in the U.S....but he is against himself & his people defending it if and when it is attacked. Evil b*stard

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