American children will praise Allah

You feel free to teach your fundy children exactly that about Islam. I would leave out no facts. Yes, he killed, yes he had multiple wives. Having multiple young wives was part of the culture back then.

When teaching about the Middle East I would have no qualms in teaching the children the way the culture there does not treat women as equals, and that women's rights are lacking in many of the religious countries. How else can you explain that women there cover themselves head to toe. It's part of learning about that culture to learn things we find distasteful.

But I'm not about simply hashing Islam with simple propaganda statements like what you fundies want "Mohammed was a child molester and murderer ".

have you encountered anyone who has INSISTED that USA school curriculum include a teaching 'MUHUMMAD WAS A CHILD MOLESTER AND MURDERER"???? I have not. I can discuss the school curriculum of some
muslim states-----regarding Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism
Yes, Tilly in this thread advocated that. I don't know why you'd suggest whether or not American education should resemble the education system of "Muslim states". That seems kind of a non-issue.

I consider it an issue. I do believe that American children--------when a bit mature---like high school level-------have a right to know the kind of propaganda that muslim kids are TAUGHT in their schools, mosques and homes. I have actual reasons. My very own kid----
was paired with a PAKISTANI in chemistry lab. ---high school Several times per week he came home saying "you won't believe what SIDDIQUE told me today"-----and a few other unfortunate incidents-------like Siddique yelling 'HINDUISM IS NOT A RELIGION'---------in the vicinity of a hindu girl. My kid
was horrified. Kids in high school have a right to know what they are UP AGAINST so they can deal with it.
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans

AP Photo
by JOHN NOLTE24 Jun 201528,315

The Center for Security Policy released a poll Tuesday that should give all Americans pause. The results show that a startling number of American Muslims, our fellow citizens, agree that violence is a legitimate response to those who insult Islam. A full majority of 51% “agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%). …

Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

A full 25% of those polled agreed that “violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.”

For those who don’t know, Sharia Law is nothing less than the Nazi-ification of a religion. Sharia authorizes murder against non-believers who won’t convert, horrific oppression of women, the execution of gays, the extermination of Jews, and the beheading of anyone who draws Muhammad.

Currently anywhere from 3 million to 7 million Muslims live in America.
I consider it an issue. I do believe that American children--------when a bit mature---like high school level-------have a right to know the kind of propaganda that muslim kids are TAUGHT in their schools, mosques and homes. I have actual reasons. My very own kid----
was paired with a PAKISTANI in chemistry lab. ---high school Several times per week he came home saying "you won't believe what SIDDIQUE told me today"-----and a few other unfortunate incidents-------like Siddique yelling 'HINDUISM IS NOT A RELIGION'---------in the vicinity of a hindu girl. My kid
was horrified. Kids in high school have a right to know what they are UP AGAINST so they can deal with it.
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.

He was off topic and in a real debate would have been penalized. You never debated did you? LOL
I don't debate. I dominate.
have you encountered anyone who has INSISTED that USA school curriculum include a teaching 'MUHUMMAD WAS A CHILD MOLESTER AND MURDERER"???? I have not. I can discuss the school curriculum of some
muslim states-----regarding Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism
Yes, Tilly in this thread advocated that. I don't know why you'd suggest whether or not American education should resemble the education system of "Muslim states". That seems kind of a non-issue.

I consider it an issue. I do believe that American children--------when a bit mature---like high school level-------have a right to know the kind of propaganda that muslim kids are TAUGHT in their schools, mosques and homes. I have actual reasons. My very own kid----
was paired with a PAKISTANI in chemistry lab. ---high school Several times per week he came home saying "you won't believe what SIDDIQUE told me today"-----and a few other unfortunate incidents-------like Siddique yelling 'HINDUISM IS NOT A RELIGION'---------in the vicinity of a hindu girl. My kid
was horrified. Kids in high school have a right to know what they are UP AGAINST so they can deal with it.
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans

AP Photo
by JOHN NOLTE24 Jun 201528,315

The Center for Security Policy released a poll Tuesday that should give all Americans pause. The results show that a startling number of American Muslims, our fellow citizens, agree that violence is a legitimate response to those who insult Islam. A full majority of 51% “agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%). …

Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

A full 25% of those polled agreed that “violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.”

For those who don’t know, Sharia Law is nothing less than the Nazi-ification of a religion. Sharia authorizes murder against non-believers who won’t convert, horrific oppression of women, the execution of gays, the extermination of Jews, and the beheading of anyone who draws Muhammad.

Currently anywhere from 3 million to 7 million Muslims live in America.

does that mean that 75 % of those creatures covered in black rags
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.


****THE LOSER*****

Bleh, left loons are always proclaiming themselves the winner, Sealydildo was off topic, he lost before he began
And 3 minutes later she's back as SassyIrishLass.

What the hell are you blabbering about now? Why do you idiots get all pissed off when people won't agree with you? Childish
Pissed off? No. Amused? Yes. Mightily.
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.

He was off topic and in a real debate would have been penalized. You never debated did you? LOL
I don't debate. I dominate.

Darvon dear------good news. No psychosexual fantasy is ABNORMAL-------
such perversions do not become crime until you ACT THEM OUT
If You value truth you should not be complicit in hiding the truth about Islams origins.
Again, your fundy truth is a propaganda of hatred. IN geography, the subject is the people of the Middle East today. You learn enough about their history and beliefs to understand them. They do not consider Mohammed a rapist, child molestor, murderer, and thief. So that is not appropriate in learning about them. However, the treatment of women there today traces it's roots back to history and religuon, and so there is no need to hide facts there.

You want propaganda statements taught.

I want facts taught as relevant to understanding Middle EasterN culture today.

When the subject is history, then the focus is more in historical details.

You simply do not understand education and learning.
Muslims know exactly what momad was, they just don't think of it as a problem to them. They'd prefer the rest of us not know, and you want to help them. Shame on you.
You just exposed your insidious hatred of 1.2 billion Muslims, and so your ideas for what the education of our children should be have been rendered null.and void.
Understanding is not hatred. You want to teach lies in school. And it's 1.6 billion :)
You don't understand them. You simply hate them.

I am all for truth to be taught.

You are for propaganda to be taught.
No, you want to whitewash, you want them copying out the shahada, and you want to propagandise for Islam. In schools no less. Tsk tsk tsk.
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.

He was off topic and in a real debate would have been penalized. You never debated did you? LOL
I don't debate. I dominate.

Pfffft you're too easy. That and think entirely too much of yourself
I consider it an issue. I do believe that American children--------when a bit mature---like high school level-------have a right to know the kind of propaganda that muslim kids are TAUGHT in their schools, mosques and homes. I have actual reasons. My very own kid----
was paired with a PAKISTANI in chemistry lab. ---high school Several times per week he came home saying "you won't believe what SIDDIQUE told me today"-----and a few other unfortunate incidents-------like Siddique yelling 'HINDUISM IS NOT A RELIGION'---------in the vicinity of a hindu girl. My kid
was horrified. Kids in high school have a right to know what they are UP AGAINST so they can deal with it.
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.


****THE LOSER*****
What a loser.
Again, your fundy truth is a propaganda of hatred. IN geography, the subject is the people of the Middle East today. You learn enough about their history and beliefs to understand them. They do not consider Mohammed a rapist, child molestor, murderer, and thief. So that is not appropriate in learning about them. However, the treatment of women there today traces it's roots back to history and religuon, and so there is no need to hide facts there.

You want propaganda statements taught.

I want facts taught as relevant to understanding Middle EasterN culture today.

When the subject is history, then the focus is more in historical details.

You simply do not understand education and learning.
Muslims know exactly what momad was, they just don't think of it as a problem to them. They'd prefer the rest of us not know, and you want to help them. Shame on you.
You just exposed your insidious hatred of 1.2 billion Muslims, and so your ideas for what the education of our children should be have been rendered null.and void.
Understanding is not hatred. You want to teach lies in school. And it's 1.6 billion :)
You don't understand them. You simply hate them.

I am all for truth to be taught.

You are for propaganda to be taught.
No, you want to whitewash, you want them copying out the shahada, and you want to propagandise for Islam. In schools no less. Tsk tsk tsk.
I already said I didn't agree with the assignment, but that it was harmless.

I want kids to learn about what Muslims believe and do in their World Geography studies, yes.
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.


****THE LOSER*****
What a loser.
Why are you calling sassie/rosie a loser?
Yes, Tilly in this thread advocated that. I don't know why you'd suggest whether or not American education should resemble the education system of "Muslim states". That seems kind of a non-issue.

I consider it an issue. I do believe that American children--------when a bit mature---like high school level-------have a right to know the kind of propaganda that muslim kids are TAUGHT in their schools, mosques and homes. I have actual reasons. My very own kid----
was paired with a PAKISTANI in chemistry lab. ---high school Several times per week he came home saying "you won't believe what SIDDIQUE told me today"-----and a few other unfortunate incidents-------like Siddique yelling 'HINDUISM IS NOT A RELIGION'---------in the vicinity of a hindu girl. My kid
was horrified. Kids in high school have a right to know what they are UP AGAINST so they can deal with it.
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Shock Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans

AP Photo
by JOHN NOLTE24 Jun 201528,315

The Center for Security Policy released a poll Tuesday that should give all Americans pause. The results show that a startling number of American Muslims, our fellow citizens, agree that violence is a legitimate response to those who insult Islam. A full majority of 51% “agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%). …

Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

A full 25% of those polled agreed that “violence against Americans here in the United States can be justified as part of the global jihad.”

For those who don’t know, Sharia Law is nothing less than the Nazi-ification of a religion. Sharia authorizes murder against non-believers who won’t convert, horrific oppression of women, the execution of gays, the extermination of Jews, and the beheading of anyone who draws Muhammad.

Currently anywhere from 3 million to 7 million Muslims live in America.

does that mean that 75 % of those creatures covered in black rags
Probably, unless you revert, or pay jizzya as a wee dhimmi :)
You're getting annoying, if a parent doesn't want their child exposed to Islam it's the parent's right, children belong to parents, not society. When a child gets older and wants to explore different religions then they can, until then keep it out of schools
do you say the same thing about science?
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.


****THE LOSER*****
What a loser.
Why are you calling sassie/rosie a loser?

The above is why I view you as childish. Get back on point
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.


****THE LOSER*****
What a loser.
Why are you calling sassie/rosie a loser?
that was for you, dearest DhimmiDav.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.


****THE LOSER*****
What a loser.
Why are you calling sassie/rosie a loser?

The above is why I view you as childish. Get back on point
You started it. :biggrin::boohoo:
So you do want them to learn about Muslims, but only to learn to hate and fear Muslims. You don't want kids to learn what Muslims believe themselves, but you want them to learn only that Muslims hate all non Muslims and therefore Muslims are evil.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.

He was off topic and in a real debate would have been penalized. You never debated did you? LOL
I don't debate. I dominate.
Delusional Dav.
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.


****THE LOSER*****
What a loser.
Why are you calling sassie/rosie a loser?

The above is why I view you as childish. Get back on point
You started it. :biggrin::boohoo:

That's what our six year old says...."they started it"....get it?
Muslims know exactly what momad was, they just don't think of it as a problem to them. They'd prefer the rest of us not know, and you want to help them. Shame on you.
You just exposed your insidious hatred of 1.2 billion Muslims, and so your ideas for what the education of our children should be have been rendered null.and void.
Understanding is not hatred. You want to teach lies in school. And it's 1.6 billion :)
You don't understand them. You simply hate them.

I am all for truth to be taught.

You are for propaganda to be taught.
No, you want to whitewash, you want them copying out the shahada, and you want to propagandise for Islam. In schools no less. Tsk tsk tsk.
I already said I didn't agree with the assignment, but that it was harmless.

I want kids to learn about what Muslims believe and do in their World Geography studies, yes.
But you are wilfully ignorant and seek only to whitewash. Terrible attitude that has no place in education.
True. I want to know if Muslims really believe Sharia law should be the law of the USA and do they really believe all non muslims should be murdered. Ask a Christian they'll tell you yes. But Christians only want you to hear their side of the story.

Reminds me of when I tell them Christianity is just another made up religion and I show them evidence. They don't want to hear anything that contradicts what their pastor has told them, which is just another lie. He may believe what he's saying but he was lied to too. So was his ancestors etc.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....another atheist heard from
Yep. Simple trolling. Evidence you've lost this debate.

He was off topic and in a real debate would have been penalized. You never debated did you? LOL
I don't debate. I dominate.

Pfffft you're too easy. That and think entirely too much of yourself

Are you from the terrorist wing of the Irish people?

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