American civil liberties union RIP

Ruth Bader Ginsburg...ex ACLU general counsel attorney. Shouldn't that one fact forever preclude lying leftists from challenging judicial appointments based on their "judicial temperament" i.e. their political views?

The ACLU is a communist front group. That's well known. We are deconstructing the lies of the left and the ACLU is one of their biggest lies.

You aren't deconstructing anything. You're making shit up.
What a "convincing" and "well reasoned" argument you provide. Thanks for the humor.

Nothing more complex needed to counter your silly remarks. The ACLU is a communist front group? That's insane.
Have you read the founder Roger Baldwin's remarks? Or are you just relying on your own powers of denial?
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'

Roger Nash Baldwin - Wikipedia
In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets. Later, however, as more and more information came out about Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original).[5] He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor."[6] In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.[6]
ACLU Founder Roger Baldwin:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.
Communism isn't abolition of The State, it is the elevation of The State to lord and master over all....Gaddamit are commies stupid.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg...ex ACLU general counsel attorney. Shouldn't that one fact forever preclude lying leftists from challenging judicial appointments based on their "judicial temperament" i.e. their political views?

The ACLU is a communist front group. That's well known. We are deconstructing the lies of the left and the ACLU is one of their biggest lies.

You aren't deconstructing anything. You're making shit up.
What a "convincing" and "well reasoned" argument you provide. Thanks for the humor.

Nothing more complex needed to counter your silly remarks. The ACLU is a communist front group? That's insane.
Have you read the founder Roger Baldwin's remarks? Or are you just relying on your own powers of denial?
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'

Roger Nash Baldwin - Wikipedia
In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets. Later, however, as more and more information came out about Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original).[5] He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor."[6] In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.[6]
Good catch! Baldwin condemned Stalin's tyrannical regime but he never did the same for the values of Marxist communism on which Stalin's rule was based.

That's how you know Baldwin was a true brainwashed believer. Communism has never failed. It just hasn't been
properly tried. Carry on.
You aren't deconstructing anything. You're making shit up.
What a "convincing" and "well reasoned" argument you provide. Thanks for the humor.

Nothing more complex needed to counter your silly remarks. The ACLU is a communist front group? That's insane.
Have you read the founder Roger Baldwin's remarks? Or are you just relying on your own powers of denial?
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'

Roger Nash Baldwin - Wikipedia
In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets. Later, however, as more and more information came out about Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original).[5] He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor."[6] In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.[6]
Good catch! Baldwin condemned Stalin's tyrannical regime but he never did the same for the values of Marxist communism on which Stalin's rule was based.

That's how you know Baldwin was a true brainwashed believer. Communism has never failed. It just hasn't been
properly tried. Carry on.

Baldwin called communism "A NEW SLAVERY" and in the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members. He didn't call only Stalin's flavor of communism that, and he didn't lead the effort to purge the ACLU of only Stalinist Communist Party members.
So anybody that doesn't support Trump is anti American? What a goober you are.
/-----/ Strawman argument of the day. Congrats.
View attachment 229299

Can you name a single person or group who doesn't support Trump that you don't think is Anti-American?
/——/ Nobody said that anyone who doesn’t support Trump is any-American except you.
So anybody that doesn't support Trump is anti American? What a goober you are.
/-----/ Strawman argument of the day. Congrats.
View attachment 229299

Can you name a single person or group who doesn't support Trump that you don't think is Anti-American?
/——/ Nobody said that anyone who doesn’t support Trump is any-American except you. BTW your use of double negatives makes your question indecipherable

There is no double negative in that post because they refer to different things, but I will reword the question if you are confused. Can you name a single person or group who opposes Trump that you wouldn't call Anti-American. If so, who might that be?
/----/ Republican Never Trumpers for starters.
So anybody that doesn't support Trump is anti American? What a goober you are.
/-----/ Strawman argument of the day. Congrats.
View attachment 229299

Can you name a single person or group who doesn't support Trump that you don't think is Anti-American?
/——/ Nobody said that anyone who doesn’t support Trump is any-American except you.
So anybody that doesn't support Trump is anti American? What a goober you are.
/-----/ Strawman argument of the day. Congrats.
View attachment 229299

Can you name a single person or group who doesn't support Trump that you don't think is Anti-American?
/——/ Nobody said that anyone who doesn’t support Trump is any-American except you. BTW your use of double negatives makes your question indecipherable

There is no double negative in that post because they refer to different things, but I will reword the question if you are confused. Can you name a single person or group who opposes Trump that you wouldn't call Anti-American. If so, who might that be?
/----/ Republican Never Trumpers for starters.

So you say Republican Never Trumpers aren't Anti American? Is that what you are saying? What makes them different from other never Trumpers?
What a "convincing" and "well reasoned" argument you provide. Thanks for the humor.

Nothing more complex needed to counter your silly remarks. The ACLU is a communist front group? That's insane.
Have you read the founder Roger Baldwin's remarks? Or are you just relying on your own powers of denial?
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'

Roger Nash Baldwin - Wikipedia
In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets. Later, however, as more and more information came out about Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original).[5] He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor."[6] In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.[6]
Good catch! Baldwin condemned Stalin's tyrannical regime but he never did the same for the values of Marxist communism on which Stalin's rule was based.

That's how you know Baldwin was a true brainwashed believer. Communism has never failed. It just hasn't been
properly tried. Carry on.

Baldwin called communism "A NEW SLAVERY" and in the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members. He didn't call only Stalin's flavor of communism that, and he didn't lead the effort to purge the ACLU of only Stalinist Communist Party members.
He called the Soviet Union a new slavery. Not communism per se. Important distinction that you seem to want to ignore.
You are running but you cannot hide.

The ACLU has never given up it's defense of the long term goals of communism, i.e removal of religion from the public
sphere (and eventually everywhere), infanticide, redistribution of wealth, removal of national borders etc.
That's what makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg such a cunning deceptive liar who prefers the values of South Africa and the European Charter of Rights (a communist document) over the US constitution. Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the US Constitution.

If you are unaware try to learn something. If you are arguing cynically knowing full well what you support, then get bent.
Freedom of Speech, peac
ACLU Founder Roger Baldwin:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Is this where you got the quote from.
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal' is the #1 conservative website. pulls together political commentary and analysis from over 100 leading columnists and opinion leaders, research from 100 partner organizations, conservative talk-radio and a community of millions of grassroots conservatives. is designed to amplify those conservative voices in America’s political debates.

Hard to imagine the right wing nut Barber being an attorney and into the constitutional law. LOL
------------------------------------------------------------------ He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).
Freedom of Speech, peac
ACLU Founder Roger Baldwin:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Is this where you got the quote from.
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal' is the #1 conservative website. pulls together political commentary and analysis from over 100 leading columnists and opinion leaders, research from 100 partner organizations, conservative talk-radio and a community of millions of grassroots conservatives. is designed to amplify those conservative voices in America’s political debates.

Hard to imagine the right wing nut Barber being an attorney and into the constitutional law. LOL
------------------------------------------------------------------ He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).
The big LOL is for you. Baldwin's quote can be found many places and certainly not just at Townhall.
When you think like a brainwashed binary thinking partisan you can sometimes appear foolish as you did here.
But continue with your demonize the source and ignore the issue posting.
Nothing more complex needed to counter your silly remarks. The ACLU is a communist front group? That's insane.
Have you read the founder Roger Baldwin's remarks? Or are you just relying on your own powers of denial?
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'

Roger Nash Baldwin - Wikipedia
In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets. Later, however, as more and more information came out about Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original).[5] He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor."[6] In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.[6]
Good catch! Baldwin condemned Stalin's tyrannical regime but he never did the same for the values of Marxist communism on which Stalin's rule was based.

That's how you know Baldwin was a true brainwashed believer. Communism has never failed. It just hasn't been
properly tried. Carry on.

Baldwin called communism "A NEW SLAVERY" and in the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members. He didn't call only Stalin's flavor of communism that, and he didn't lead the effort to purge the ACLU of only Stalinist Communist Party members.
He called the Soviet Union a new slavery. Not communism per se. Important distinction that you seem to want to ignore.
You are running but you cannot hide.

The ACLU has never given up it's defense of the long term goals of communism, i.e removal of religion from the public
sphere (and eventually everywhere), infanticide, redistribution of wealth, removal of national borders etc.
That's what makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg such a cunning deceptive liar who prefers the values of South Africa and the European Charter of Rights (a communist document) over the US constitution. Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the US Constitution.

If you are unaware try to learn something. If you are arguing cynically knowing full well what you support, then get bent.

Well, no. That particular quote didn't mention the Soviet Union. I see you are now claiming a US Supreme Court Justice is a traitor to the US. That's just a little more insane than I care to deal with right now, so I must bid you and your tinfoil hat a fond farewell.
Have you read the founder Roger Baldwin's remarks? Or are you just relying on your own powers of denial?
ACLU: 'Communism is the Goal'

Roger Nash Baldwin - Wikipedia
In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets. Later, however, as more and more information came out about Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original).[5] He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor."[6] In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.[6]
Good catch! Baldwin condemned Stalin's tyrannical regime but he never did the same for the values of Marxist communism on which Stalin's rule was based.

That's how you know Baldwin was a true brainwashed believer. Communism has never failed. It just hasn't been
properly tried. Carry on.

Baldwin called communism "A NEW SLAVERY" and in the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members. He didn't call only Stalin's flavor of communism that, and he didn't lead the effort to purge the ACLU of only Stalinist Communist Party members.
He called the Soviet Union a new slavery. Not communism per se. Important distinction that you seem to want to ignore.
You are running but you cannot hide.

The ACLU has never given up it's defense of the long term goals of communism, i.e removal of religion from the public
sphere (and eventually everywhere), infanticide, redistribution of wealth, removal of national borders etc.
That's what makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg such a cunning deceptive liar who prefers the values of South Africa and the European Charter of Rights (a communist document) over the US constitution. Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the US Constitution.

If you are unaware try to learn something. If you are arguing cynically knowing full well what you support, then get bent.

Well, no. That particular quote didn't mention the Soviet Union. I see you are now claiming a US Supreme Court Justice is a traitor to the US. That's just a little more insane than I care to deal with right now, so I must bid you and your tinfoil hat a fond farewell.
You are wrong whether intentionally of just because you can't think critically.
I didn't call her an actual traitor and you can't point out where I did.
But if the old dingbat could press a button and irrevocably change the US to a socialist dream nation of hers I believe she would. So take your tinfoil hat and shove it up your straw man.
ACLU is doing just fine...helping us curb Trump's excesses.
Roger Nash Baldwin - Wikipedia
In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets. Later, however, as more and more information came out about Joseph Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union, Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original).[5] He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor."[6] In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.[6]
Good catch! Baldwin condemned Stalin's tyrannical regime but he never did the same for the values of Marxist communism on which Stalin's rule was based.

That's how you know Baldwin was a true brainwashed believer. Communism has never failed. It just hasn't been
properly tried. Carry on.

Baldwin called communism "A NEW SLAVERY" and in the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members. He didn't call only Stalin's flavor of communism that, and he didn't lead the effort to purge the ACLU of only Stalinist Communist Party members.
He called the Soviet Union a new slavery. Not communism per se. Important distinction that you seem to want to ignore.
You are running but you cannot hide.

The ACLU has never given up it's defense of the long term goals of communism, i.e removal of religion from the public
sphere (and eventually everywhere), infanticide, redistribution of wealth, removal of national borders etc.
That's what makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg such a cunning deceptive liar who prefers the values of South Africa and the European Charter of Rights (a communist document) over the US constitution. Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the US Constitution.

If you are unaware try to learn something. If you are arguing cynically knowing full well what you support, then get bent.

Well, no. That particular quote didn't mention the Soviet Union. I see you are now claiming a US Supreme Court Justice is a traitor to the US. That's just a little more insane than I care to deal with right now, so I must bid you and your tinfoil hat a fond farewell.
You are wrong whether intentionally of just because you can't think critically.
I didn't call her an actual traitor and you can't point out where I did.
But if the old dingbat could press a button and irrevocably change the US to a socialist dream nation of hers I believe she would. So take your tinfoil hat and shove it up your straw man.

I guess you missed my last response to you, so I'll repeat it just one more time. You're too nuts to deal with right now. Have a nice day.
Good catch! Baldwin condemned Stalin's tyrannical regime but he never did the same for the values of Marxist communism on which Stalin's rule was based.

That's how you know Baldwin was a true brainwashed believer. Communism has never failed. It just hasn't been
properly tried. Carry on.

Baldwin called communism "A NEW SLAVERY" and in the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members. He didn't call only Stalin's flavor of communism that, and he didn't lead the effort to purge the ACLU of only Stalinist Communist Party members.
He called the Soviet Union a new slavery. Not communism per se. Important distinction that you seem to want to ignore.
You are running but you cannot hide.

The ACLU has never given up it's defense of the long term goals of communism, i.e removal of religion from the public
sphere (and eventually everywhere), infanticide, redistribution of wealth, removal of national borders etc.
That's what makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg such a cunning deceptive liar who prefers the values of South Africa and the European Charter of Rights (a communist document) over the US constitution. Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the US Constitution.

If you are unaware try to learn something. If you are arguing cynically knowing full well what you support, then get bent.

Well, no. That particular quote didn't mention the Soviet Union. I see you are now claiming a US Supreme Court Justice is a traitor to the US. That's just a little more insane than I care to deal with right now, so I must bid you and your tinfoil hat a fond farewell.
You are wrong whether intentionally of just because you can't think critically.
I didn't call her an actual traitor and you can't point out where I did.
But if the old dingbat could press a button and irrevocably change the US to a socialist dream nation of hers I believe she would. So take your tinfoil hat and shove it up your straw man.

I guess you missed my last response to you, so I'll repeat it just one more time. You're too nuts to deal with right now. Have a nice day.
I didn't miss it at all. Not in any sense, but thanks for taking the time to tell me again you aren't going to interact with me anymore. That seems pointless and ironic. You still know what you can do with your tin foil hat, don't you.
So anybody that doesn't support Trump is anti American? What a goober you are.

Point of the Reason article is that ACLU is beholding to an OVERWHELMING preponderance of leftist funders. And Leftists are NOT Civil Libertarians. USED to be the Dems were overall more RELIABLE on ALL aspects of Civil Liberties. Like in ALL 10 of the Bill of Rights sections and specific dust-ups like asset forfeiture, emanate domain, government abuse of surveillance.

Leftists see the Bill of Rights as suggestions when it interferes with their wishes. And now you're progressive left wants to trash and rewrite large sections of the Constitution..

So like everything else -- like how this tribal partisan war virally spread public and to the media -- The ACLU finds itself picking and choosing ONLY the battles it's funders can stomach. And now there is Institute for Justice (actually more libertarian than conservative) that picks up all the OTHER cases that the ACLU won't handle.

Fact is -- THERE ARE NO CIVIL Libertarians in America's 2 parties anymore. They roll over on serious domestic spying problems and citizen abuse by govt/corporate collusion.

And what we GET to ATTEMPT to hold on to Civil Liberties is a bunch of PARTISAN protection agencies like ACLU or IJustice.

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