American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money.

American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Pretty convoluted shit. And I mean shit.

Hillary, Obama and so on went away. Trump is obviously not going anywhere.

That is of course why you're whining.
Uncle Ben's rice has now been renamed "Ben's Original." Apparently even "Uncle" is racist now. My nieces and nephews are going to be very upset.
Because they are racists? I bet they'll miss their aunt Jamima too.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Look at the Woke ratings of professional sports in the post Woke Era!

You should teach this in Bidnis Skool!
Uncle Ben's rice has now been renamed "Ben's Original." Apparently even "Uncle" is racist now. My nieces and nephews are going to be very upset.
Because they are racists? .....
Watch your mouth, hypocrite. Cast aspersions against my family and you will be held to TOS. Very lucky for you that's all. Some people value family.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

The bottom line is make as much money as you can.
To make the most money, corporations do not want to be associated with Trumpism. You might as well be associated with a prostitute or convicted felon as to be associated with Trumpism.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Look at the Woke ratings of professional sports in the post Woke Era!

You should teach this in Bidnis Skool!
Frank, I think you are really losing it. Your response is irrelevant and incomprehensible. Trumpism will eventually rot your brain.
The OP is clearly just as fucking ridiculous as people who get their panties in a wad over fictional families in 30 second commercials. Did someone leave a jar of batshit crazy open in here?
The OP may be the most brilliant human you have ever communicated with. His wisdom is beyond your comprehension.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Pretty convoluted shit. And I mean shit.

Hillary, Obama and so on went away. Trump is obviously not going anywhere.

That is of course why you're whining.
Only shit to Trumpers. Trumpers are fading away, heading back to their appropriate place in society, a rat hole.
The OP is clearly just as fucking ridiculous as people who get their panties in a wad over fictional families in 30 second commercials. Did someone leave a jar of batshit crazy open in here?
The OP may be the most brilliant human you have ever communicated with. His wisdom is beyond your comprehension.
If you're just a partisan troll, why bother to open the discussion?
Uncle Ben's rice has now been renamed "Ben's Original." Apparently even "Uncle" is racist now. My nieces and nephews are going to be very upset.
Because they are racists? .....
Watch your mouth, hypocrite. Cast aspersions against my family and you will be held to TOS. Very lucky for you that's all. Some people value family.
My neighbor's dad just died. He always treated her like his little girl. Mom always hated it. I don't think her mom and her get along at all. She's not going to see her mother anymore. Toxic is toxic doesn't matter if they are related to you or not.

I'm lucky I have a great dad, who drive me crazy, but he loves me and I love him. And a brother who loves me and his two kids love the shit out of me. The youngest is having all his friends over Sunday for a boat outing. They love hanging out with Theo Sealybobo. Theo is uncle in Greek. My brother says my nephews frat brothers talk about me all the time. And they call me Theo Sealybobo too. But I'm probably making all this up too right?
There must be a lot of time to sit and think up little stories sitting all alone in an empty room day after day.
There must be a lot of time to sit and think up little stories sitting all alone in an empty room day after day.
I am sitting alone in my house all day. I get to work from home now. I never have to go back to the office. All the people who do hate it and they are jealous I get to work from home. But at 4pm I get off and either go to the dog park with friends or out on my boat. Not a bad life.
Once in awhile I go in the office and everyone is so happy to see me. I hate it because I have to wake up an hour earlier and I have to stay till 5pm when at home I usually knock off at 4pm.

Oh, and I ran into the guy who got me into wrestling. He was with his wife. You would have thought he ran into a celebrity. That happens alot when you were a great wrestler. I'm sure no one ever does that to you because you wrestled at 125 weight class right?
You know, you can discuss this topic without wallowing in hyper partisan bullshit.
Partisan bullshit is what it is all about. We have a political movement, Trumpism, that corporate America is ignoring. Corporate America is embarrassed to hire Trumpers, they focus their ads on culture that Trump criticizes, a culture Trumpers are trying to destroy.
Corporations are driven by where their businesses will do the best, financially. Trumpism is an embarrassing trend that is fading fast and an embarrassment to out country.
My brother is a HR VP and right now he's dealing with Trumpists who cry about having to get vaccinated and cry about having to come back into work. He says, "hey, if you are vaccinated the CDC says it's safe". And if you are not vaccinated and you lie to us and tell us you are and you come back to work, you could lose your job."

So right now Trumpies are conflicted.
No matter what you do or say, many people do not trust you. Never will. To much back stabbing over convincing people of your agendas. Everything we do internally in our nation is getting more and more expensive because of everything we do is selfish and for ourselves.

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