American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money.

The myth of black and brown men as sexual predators toward white women is a deeply psychological motivator that activates people’s basest survival instincts, one that's been around as long as white men have been colonizing places filled with darker-hued humans. And, it’s clearly been highly effective for getting voters to leave logic behind; It's part of how Donald Trump won the White House.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.
If you don't want more immigrants, you're supporting the wrong party.

The more that "diversity programs" are pushed, the more it just encourages tribalism. Anti-white sentiment is part of the formula as well. If you're not white yourself, then I get it. If you are white, well, good luck -- you're going to need it when we reach South Africa's social paradigm.
I talk to my brother who's a HR VP about this all the time. On one hand 95% of the white collar are white men. So it's hard to feel sorry for us when women and minorities are selected over us to be the new VP because the CEO wants more diversity. Sorry but the good old white boys club is being broken up. I'm not afraid of this. And I think it's only fair. But white men are now crying that they are the ones being discriminated against because of these diversity programs. Sorry but something has to be done. Bias is a big reason why 95% of white collar is white men. In a country as diverse as ours, that's got to change.

Hopefully one day the playing field will be level. Women and minorities won't be negatively affected by white man bias. There needs to be more women and minority CEO's.
I see no need to engage in this. It's a Western conceit that this is necessary. The world outside of the West does not normally do this. If it were beneficial to do so, they would.

Diversity in general seems to be more of a curse than a blessing. Homogeneous societies tend to be more peaceful in nature, and men tend to rise to positions of power at a higher rate than women in nearly every society -- even in the most feminized societies.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.
If you don't want more immigrants, you're supporting the wrong party.

The more that "diversity programs" are pushed, the more it just encourages tribalism. Anti-white sentiment is part of the formula as well. If you're not white yourself, then I get it. If you are white, well, good luck -- you're going to need it when we reach South Africa's social paradigm.
Bullshit. Republicans aren't against legal immigration. As soon as the corporations tell them to import more they will.

And Republicans aren't against illegal employers. They play wack a mole with immigrants because it makes their racist base happy but they don't do a thing about illegal employers.
Oh I agree that the GOP doesn't do enough to prosecute employers of illegals. Neither party does.

The difference is that the Democrats want to go further with this. Amnesty for illegals is the end goal. They pushed a version of this with DACA. Others (like the DSA wing) want complete amnesty, which eventually entails citizenship.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Based on these numbers Clinton was doing his job on this and Bush stopped.
Bush was pretty shitty, but so was Obama. Trump was better on this issue though.
This is why I don't think Trump was sincere about illegal immigration. You can't be if you are unwilling to go after illegal employers and I mean HARD.

emonizing immigrants played a key role in Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency, just as cracking down on “illegal” border crossings and whipping the base into a frenzy over a so-called migrant “invasion” has been a regular feature of his time in office and reelection efforts. But undocumented immigrants have also served another, lesser known but nevertheless vital function in the president’s life: providing cheap labor at his businesses. And not just, like, in years past, or in the first few months of his presidency, but as of—what’s that now?—today. Yes, it’s a tough job to foam at the mouth daily about people entering the country without going through the proper channels first, use it to justify separating families and sending people back to nations they’ve never known—all the while relying on them to keep your golf clubs running—but somebody’s got to do it!

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Fair enough, but I wouldn't say he "demonized" immigrants. That's just liberal spin.

Really? Opinion | Trump's use of the Mexican rapist trope is as old as colonialism

You don't think he was trying to demonize illegals by calling them rapists?
He said some of them were rapists, which is true. Some are cartel members as well. Progressives just shit themselves whenever a white guy tells the truth about other races.
The myth of black and brown men as sexual predators toward white women is a deeply psychological motivator that activates people’s basest survival instincts, one that's been around as long as white men have been colonizing places filled with darker-hued humans. And, it’s clearly been highly effective for getting voters to leave logic behind; It's part of how Donald Trump won the White House.
Colonization often gets a bad rap. As shown by Zimbabwe and South Africa, whites often run places better.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.
If you don't want more immigrants, you're supporting the wrong party.

The more that "diversity programs" are pushed, the more it just encourages tribalism. Anti-white sentiment is part of the formula as well. If you're not white yourself, then I get it. If you are white, well, good luck -- you're going to need it when we reach South Africa's social paradigm.
Bullshit. Republicans aren't against legal immigration. As soon as the corporations tell them to import more they will.

And Republicans aren't against illegal employers. They play wack a mole with immigrants because it makes their racist base happy but they don't do a thing about illegal employers.
Oh I agree that the GOP doesn't do enough to prosecute employers of illegals. Neither party does.

The difference is that the Democrats want to go further with this. Amnesty for illegals is the end goal. They pushed a version of this with DACA. Others (like the DSA wing) want complete amnesty, which eventually entails citizenship.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Based on these numbers Clinton was doing his job on this and Bush stopped.
Bush was pretty shitty, but so was Obama. Trump was better on this issue though.
This is why I don't think Trump was sincere about illegal immigration. You can't be if you are unwilling to go after illegal employers and I mean HARD.

emonizing immigrants played a key role in Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency, just as cracking down on “illegal” border crossings and whipping the base into a frenzy over a so-called migrant “invasion” has been a regular feature of his time in office and reelection efforts. But undocumented immigrants have also served another, lesser known but nevertheless vital function in the president’s life: providing cheap labor at his businesses. And not just, like, in years past, or in the first few months of his presidency, but as of—what’s that now?—today. Yes, it’s a tough job to foam at the mouth daily about people entering the country without going through the proper channels first, use it to justify separating families and sending people back to nations they’ve never known—all the while relying on them to keep your golf clubs running—but somebody’s got to do it!

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Fair enough, but I wouldn't say he "demonized" immigrants. That's just liberal spin.

The assertion that Mexico is sending rapists to the United States was a test run for how to generate attention in a crowded primary — say something racist and beyond the pale to make the liberals mad, which Steve Bannon's even acknowledged. That got him more screen time than any of his Republican competitors and continues to gain him media coverage and excite his supporters.

Steve Bannon admitted it. Don't be naive.

Also, here is one illegal immigrant rapists Republicans don't like talking about

Why? Because a Republican owned the farm he was working at. And they lied when they said they checked and verified he was legal. They say, "he gave us fake id". Trust me, they knew.

So don't even try to solve the illegal immigrant problem when you refuse to go after illegal employers. Wasting your time. It's like going after people who use cocaine but not go after the drug cartels.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.
If you don't want more immigrants, you're supporting the wrong party.

The more that "diversity programs" are pushed, the more it just encourages tribalism. Anti-white sentiment is part of the formula as well. If you're not white yourself, then I get it. If you are white, well, good luck -- you're going to need it when we reach South Africa's social paradigm.
Bullshit. Republicans aren't against legal immigration. As soon as the corporations tell them to import more they will.

And Republicans aren't against illegal employers. They play wack a mole with immigrants because it makes their racist base happy but they don't do a thing about illegal employers.
Oh I agree that the GOP doesn't do enough to prosecute employers of illegals. Neither party does.

The difference is that the Democrats want to go further with this. Amnesty for illegals is the end goal. They pushed a version of this with DACA. Others (like the DSA wing) want complete amnesty, which eventually entails citizenship.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Based on these numbers Clinton was doing his job on this and Bush stopped.
Bush was pretty shitty, but so was Obama. Trump was better on this issue though.
This is why I don't think Trump was sincere about illegal immigration. You can't be if you are unwilling to go after illegal employers and I mean HARD.

emonizing immigrants played a key role in Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency, just as cracking down on “illegal” border crossings and whipping the base into a frenzy over a so-called migrant “invasion” has been a regular feature of his time in office and reelection efforts. But undocumented immigrants have also served another, lesser known but nevertheless vital function in the president’s life: providing cheap labor at his businesses. And not just, like, in years past, or in the first few months of his presidency, but as of—what’s that now?—today. Yes, it’s a tough job to foam at the mouth daily about people entering the country without going through the proper channels first, use it to justify separating families and sending people back to nations they’ve never known—all the while relying on them to keep your golf clubs running—but somebody’s got to do it!

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Fair enough, but I wouldn't say he "demonized" immigrants. That's just liberal spin.

Really? Opinion | Trump's use of the Mexican rapist trope is as old as colonialism

You don't think he was trying to demonize illegals by calling them rapists?
He said some of them were rapists, which is true. Some are cartel members as well. Progressives just shit themselves whenever a white guy tells the truth about other races.
I showed you this is a tactic white male politicians use to rile up their white base and it's very effective. Trump isn't the first one to ever use this tactic. Steve Bannon admits they did this on purpose. It made Trump stand out among his republican competitors.
The myth of black and brown men as sexual predators toward white women is a deeply psychological motivator that activates people’s basest survival instincts, one that's been around as long as white men have been colonizing places filled with darker-hued humans. And, it’s clearly been highly effective for getting voters to leave logic behind; It's part of how Donald Trump won the White House.
Colonization often gets a bad rap. As shown by Zimbabwe and South Africa, whites often run places better.
Ask a native American who runs America better us or them. I bet they would say them.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.
If you don't want more immigrants, you're supporting the wrong party.

The more that "diversity programs" are pushed, the more it just encourages tribalism. Anti-white sentiment is part of the formula as well. If you're not white yourself, then I get it. If you are white, well, good luck -- you're going to need it when we reach South Africa's social paradigm.
Bullshit. Republicans aren't against legal immigration. As soon as the corporations tell them to import more they will.

And Republicans aren't against illegal employers. They play wack a mole with immigrants because it makes their racist base happy but they don't do a thing about illegal employers.
Oh I agree that the GOP doesn't do enough to prosecute employers of illegals. Neither party does.

The difference is that the Democrats want to go further with this. Amnesty for illegals is the end goal. They pushed a version of this with DACA. Others (like the DSA wing) want complete amnesty, which eventually entails citizenship.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Based on these numbers Clinton was doing his job on this and Bush stopped.
Bush was pretty shitty, but so was Obama. Trump was better on this issue though.
This is why I don't think Trump was sincere about illegal immigration. You can't be if you are unwilling to go after illegal employers and I mean HARD.

emonizing immigrants played a key role in Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency, just as cracking down on “illegal” border crossings and whipping the base into a frenzy over a so-called migrant “invasion” has been a regular feature of his time in office and reelection efforts. But undocumented immigrants have also served another, lesser known but nevertheless vital function in the president’s life: providing cheap labor at his businesses. And not just, like, in years past, or in the first few months of his presidency, but as of—what’s that now?—today. Yes, it’s a tough job to foam at the mouth daily about people entering the country without going through the proper channels first, use it to justify separating families and sending people back to nations they’ve never known—all the while relying on them to keep your golf clubs running—but somebody’s got to do it!

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Fair enough, but I wouldn't say he "demonized" immigrants. That's just liberal spin.

The assertion that Mexico is sending rapists to the United States was a test run for how to generate attention in a crowded primary — say something racist and beyond the pale to make the liberals mad, which Steve Bannon's even acknowledged. That got him more screen time than any of his Republican competitors and continues to gain him media coverage and excite his supporters.

Steve Bannon admitted it. Don't be naive.

Also, here is one illegal immigrant rapists Republicans don't like talking about

Why? Because a Republican owned the farm he was working at. And they lied when they said they checked and verified he was legal. They say, "he gave us fake id". Trust me, they knew.

So don't even try to solve the illegal immigrant problem when you refuse to go after illegal employers. Wasting your time. It's like going after people who use cocaine but not go after the drug cartels.
It was a useful tactic for sure, but it was also a nice change from the politically correct garbage we normally get with American politics.

That being said, I agree that Trump should have been more harsh about going after employers of illegals, but we know neither party would have allowed it.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.
If you don't want more immigrants, you're supporting the wrong party.

The more that "diversity programs" are pushed, the more it just encourages tribalism. Anti-white sentiment is part of the formula as well. If you're not white yourself, then I get it. If you are white, well, good luck -- you're going to need it when we reach South Africa's social paradigm.
Bullshit. Republicans aren't against legal immigration. As soon as the corporations tell them to import more they will.

And Republicans aren't against illegal employers. They play wack a mole with immigrants because it makes their racist base happy but they don't do a thing about illegal employers.
Oh I agree that the GOP doesn't do enough to prosecute employers of illegals. Neither party does.

The difference is that the Democrats want to go further with this. Amnesty for illegals is the end goal. They pushed a version of this with DACA. Others (like the DSA wing) want complete amnesty, which eventually entails citizenship.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

Based on these numbers Clinton was doing his job on this and Bush stopped.
Bush was pretty shitty, but so was Obama. Trump was better on this issue though.
This is why I don't think Trump was sincere about illegal immigration. You can't be if you are unwilling to go after illegal employers and I mean HARD.

emonizing immigrants played a key role in Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency, just as cracking down on “illegal” border crossings and whipping the base into a frenzy over a so-called migrant “invasion” has been a regular feature of his time in office and reelection efforts. But undocumented immigrants have also served another, lesser known but nevertheless vital function in the president’s life: providing cheap labor at his businesses. And not just, like, in years past, or in the first few months of his presidency, but as of—what’s that now?—today. Yes, it’s a tough job to foam at the mouth daily about people entering the country without going through the proper channels first, use it to justify separating families and sending people back to nations they’ve never known—all the while relying on them to keep your golf clubs running—but somebody’s got to do it!

The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
Fair enough, but I wouldn't say he "demonized" immigrants. That's just liberal spin.

Really? Opinion | Trump's use of the Mexican rapist trope is as old as colonialism

You don't think he was trying to demonize illegals by calling them rapists?
He said some of them were rapists, which is true. Some are cartel members as well. Progressives just shit themselves whenever a white guy tells the truth about other races.
I showed you this is a tactic white male politicians use to rile up their white base and it's very effective. Trump isn't the first one to ever use this tactic. Steve Bannon admits they did this on purpose. It made Trump stand out among his republican competitors.
Well, hopefully more GOP candidates will walk the walk in addition to talking the talk.
The myth of black and brown men as sexual predators toward white women is a deeply psychological motivator that activates people’s basest survival instincts, one that's been around as long as white men have been colonizing places filled with darker-hued humans. And, it’s clearly been highly effective for getting voters to leave logic behind; It's part of how Donald Trump won the White House.
Colonization often gets a bad rap. As shown by Zimbabwe and South Africa, whites often run places better.
Ask a native American who runs America better us or them. I bet they would say them.
True. But that's a good demonstration of the importance of border security. Native Americans were pretty primitive though. When looking at things from a civilization perspective, whites did better than them by a longshot.
It’s funny that business pander to the youth of the nation because they know they are the most likely to go out and spend a thousand plus dollars on the latest I Phone or new next big thing even though few of them can actually afford it. Clearly they have learned you can profit off the stupidity of others.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

While I do think many conservatives make too much of a big deal about ads having more interracial couples, corporations go woke for multiple reasons. Potential profit is one of those reasons, but another is simply the fact that woke ideology keeps the working class divided by race and various other factors.

They prefer that social environment, because it reduces the chance that labor is united in favor of various reforms. The more that labor is united, the easier the working class can focus on investigating the corruption of corporations. It's like how 9/11 was convenient for them in changing society's focus towards terrorism. Before that, we had been focusing more on holding corporations accountable.
Corporations do not have ads that associate with Trumpism. Trumpers are the scourge of the earth. Trump still thinks he will be reinstated as President before the end of 2021. Anyone who does not back him is thrown off the ship. That does not include all the Trump rats that are abandoning the ship because they are realizing they have been conned by Trump.
It’s funny that business pander to the youth of the nation because they know they are the most likely to go out and spend a thousand plus dollars on the latest I Phone or new next big thing even though few of them can actually afford it. Clearly they have learned you can profit off the stupidity of others.
Corporations ads are looking for those with disposable income, no matter what their IQ. But there is a direct correlation with higher IQ and higher disposable income.
There is a direct correlation between low IQ and supporting Trump.

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