American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

Stupid is as stupid does,,,,,,,
A biking vacation in Afghanistan, proof positive that they were idiots
Wasn’t Afghanistan

Same difference

Ah, so you've been to both, have you. Why don't you regale us with ruminations of the cultural, topographical, linguistic and historical contexts of the two. Wait, let me get my notepad.
Both third world shit holes, Not worth the bother, Both not ranked high on vacation travel destinations.
Stupid is as stupid does,,,,,,,
A biking vacation in Afghanistan, proof positive that they were idiots
Wasn’t Afghanistan

Same difference

Ah, so you've been to both, have you. Why don't you regale us with ruminations of the cultural, topographical, linguistic and historical contexts of the two. Wait, let me get my notepad.
Both third world shit holes, Not worth the bother, Both not ranked high on vacation travel destinations.

So you DON'T know the difference.

Could you find them on a map?
Nature's way of cleaning the gene pool. Brain dead vegan liberals who put their lives on the line to test their leftist theories finally found out the hard way, but at least they spent the last year of their lives really enjoying things seeing the world.

Where does it say they were "Liberals"?

aaaaaand CUE crickets.
There is only one creature on earth stupid enough to claim evil does not exist.

And you asking that question firmly entrenches you in that gene pool.

I did say cue crickets some time ago. You're late.
Nice diversion. Sorry, I was busy helping kids in extreme poverty in Africa today.

Well then here's what happened while you were out.

Fake-poster spilled something on the board about the subjects being "Liberals". I challenged him to quote where any article said anything about "Liberals", which as always I already knew does not exist. He read that, ran back to his original post to take the word "Liberals" out, and then ran away. He's still hiding as we speak, jockeying for bush space with Sean Spicer.

See, you miss fun stuff.
Only leftists are stupid enough to believe evil does not exist.
Seems you just can't fix stupid! Anyone else want to volunteer to finish their tour?

A lot of liberals have this misguided concept of believing we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

In WWII g.i.'s with their sick sense of humor would say right before a banzai charge....we have nothing to fear but fear itself. making fun of FDR.
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble in Duh Bubble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
Seems you just can't fix stupid! Anyone else want to volunteer to finish their tour?

A lot of liberals have this misguided concept of believing we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

In WWII g.i.'s with their sick sense of humor would say right before a banzai charge....we have nothing to fear but fear itself. making fun of FDR.
No one but far lefties claim evil does not exist. They have a very small bubble world they live in
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
Meaningless gibberish.
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble in Duh Bubble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
“You watch the news and you read the papers and you're led to believe that the world is a big, scary place. People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. People are axe murderers and monsters and worse.

I don't buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we've invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own—it's easier to dismiss an opinion as abhorrent than strive to understand it. Badness exists, sure, but even that's quite rare. By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.”

#22 (Douar Sidi Mohamed Chelh, Morocco - Ceuta, Spain)
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
Meaningless gibberish.

It simply means what you klowns swallowed hook line and stinker on the backs of the dead, just to score your little moronic message board points, has no basis. You were sold a causation that has no evidence, and you dove right in. Because you're fucking stupid.

Clear enough?
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
Meaningless gibberish.

It simply means what you klowns swallowed hook line and stinker on the backs of the dead, just to score your little moronic message board points, has no basis. You were sold a causation that has no evidence, and you dove right in. Because you're fucking stupid.

Clear enough?
You’re slow.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

Weatherman, educating Leftards since 1978
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
Meaningless gibberish.

It simply means what you klowns swallowed hook line and stinker on the backs of the dead, just to score your little moronic message board points, has no basis. You were sold a causation that has no evidence, and you dove right in. Because you're fucking stupid.

Clear enough?
I wonder if he still felt evil does not exist as he watched his wife’s neck shoot blood 6 ft after they hacked the artery in her neck.
The left is going to make gains in these midterms and you and the other Trump Tards are going to be standing there the day after Election Day with your dick in your hands.
Again, nitwit, I’m not talking politically. God you people have such a reading comprehension problem. :eusa_doh:
The left is going to make gains in these midterms and you and the other Trump Tards are going to be standing there the day after Election Day with your dick in your hands.
Again, nitwit, I’m not talking politically. God you people have such a reading comprehension problem. :eusa_doh:
It will be politically defeated as well.

Pretty much only dumb people vote Democrat now.
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
Meaningless gibberish.

It simply means what you klowns swallowed hook line and stinker on the backs of the dead, just to score your little moronic message board points, has no basis. You were sold a causation that has no evidence, and you dove right in. Because you're fucking stupid.

Clear enough?
Where’d ya go? I’m not done disembowling you yet.
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
Meaningless gibberish.

It simply means what you klowns swallowed hook line and stinker on the backs of the dead, just to score your little moronic message board points, has no basis. You were sold a causation that has no evidence, and you dove right in. Because you're fucking stupid.

Clear enough?
You’re slow.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

Weatherman, educating Leftards since 1978

Gee Wally, a real link on the internets! Gosh! And look -- it goes right to the thread we're already in!!!


What a fucking cretin...
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.

Liberals are naive and unwise. Most never learn. This couple learned only when it was too late.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go AGAIN. Third time now, expecting different results.

---------------- WHERE does it say anything about "Liberals"?

Once AGAIN cue crickets.
While geography-boi is working feverishly on that, time to douse this fire.

>> There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience.

... On 15 August, the Pluralist web site published an article that accurately described the details of couple’s trip and their deaths, but the headline they employed — “Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed” — and other phrasing may have created the impression that the couple’s deaths were infused with irony and served as a kind of allegorical warning about cosmopolitan, liberal naivety:

... We found no evidence that either Austin or Geoghegan set out on their cycling trip for the purpose of vindicating an existing belief about the overall goodness or kindness of humanity. Based on posts on the couple’s blog, the predominant motivation behind their trip appears to have been no more than a sense of adventure and a desire to experience life in other parts of the world. In one post, for example, they wrote:

In the summer of 2016, we flew to Iceland with our bicycles and enjoyed a delightful month riding around the country. We cycled over a thousand kilometers and camped for twenty-six nights straight and, by the end of our time there, agreed that we wanted more of it: more peaceful pedaling through gorgeous landscapes, more sleeping in open fields under clear skies, more quiet sunsets and more friendly people and more adventure and, importantly, more time together too, living life on simpler, more meaningful terms. So we decided to quit our jobs and bike around the world.

A few qualifiers. For one, we’re not breaking any world records: not the longest ’round-the-world bike ride, nor the quickest — not necessarily even a proper circumnavigation. We have neither a firm route nor a timetable, a sponsorship nor a place we need to be, and so we’re comfortable just pedaling where the winds and the world and our own hearts take us.
<< -- Snopes

Sorry Nihilists. Once again you were duped by a fake headline. Proving once again why actually reading beyond that headline keeps you out of trouble. "Because it feels good" is not sufficient reason to just gulp this shit down without reading ingredient labels.
Meaningless gibberish.

It simply means what you klowns swallowed hook line and stinker on the backs of the dead, just to score your little moronic message board points, has no basis. You were sold a causation that has no evidence, and you dove right in. Because you're fucking stupid.

Clear enough?
You’re slow.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

Weatherman, educating Leftards since 1978

Gee Wally, a real link on the internets! Gosh! And look -- it goes right to the thread we're already in!!!


What a fucking cretin...
A link to him stating evil does not exist.

You’re into having me box your ears I see.

Why are you so ignorant?
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.

Liberals are naive and unwise. Most never learn. This couple learned only when it was too late.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go AGAIN. Third time now, expecting different results.

---------------- WHERE does it say anything about "Liberals"?

Once AGAIN cue crickets.
Moron extraordinaire.

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