American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

If you are going into ISIS territory on a bike believing evil is only a concept?

You are a total moron

that's it
I wonder what they expected. Group hugs and high fives all around?

AGAIN the causation fallacy has been exposed. See post 157.
Hey I know you! You're the clown who thinks Dems don't support sanctuary cities and blacks aren't running away from your stupidity.

See post #49 to confirm.


Not likely since I've never posted on such a topic.

Prove me wrong. And when you can't do that ------------ admit it.
If you are going into ISIS territory on a bike believing evil is only a concept?

You are a total moron

that's it

And nowhere did they say that's what they were doing. Consider your sources here.
If you are going into ISIS territory on a bike believing evil is only a concept?

You are a total moron

that's it

And nowhere did they say that's what they were doing. Consider your sources here.

Why go close into ISIS? why...

what were they trying to prove?

stupidity is always know?

it's life
Be honest here...would you as an American bike anywhere in Afghanistan? Not me, no way no how

It was Tajikistan. And no.

This from the article Daily Wire cites:

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article said Tajikistan has a "known terrorist presence" and that the couple biked through "ISIS territory." It is more accurate to say that Tajikistan faces a threat of terrorism and is near to northern Afghanistan, which has a significant terrorist presence.

Another article from the Times:

A Dream Ended on a Mountain Road: The Cyclists and the ISIS Militants

In the end all it takes is a couple of assholes and opportunity to ruin something.

More details:

Millennial Couple Bikes Near ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed

Were the American cyclists killed in Tajikistan naive for traveling there?

I think this got more attention for the statement they made about evil being a construct than for the actual act.

Evil is not a construct, evil is an actual concept, and unfortunately they got to see it first hand.

It sucks they are ending up as a lesson in the hatred that can exist in people, and the causal nature some people have when it comes to dealing death.
Maybe their murder satiated a Muslim terrorist's desire to kill an innocent American couple that day who wouldn't be stupid enough to go riding in ISIS territory.

In the end, they were still american citizens and I hope the killers meet some nice gentlemen from a Seal Team or Green Beret team for a "discussion"
I am finding that being a progressive (leftist) one must suppress common sense.
First Daniel Pearl then these two. Just what were they thinking?
Anyone with common sense would never voluntarily go into the den of a lion.
It's called 'idealism'.
It might have been misplaced, and they were stupid to go where they went, but they never meant anyone any harm and crowing about their deaths is fucking rough.
Most people are idealistic to some degree in their youth and are able to grow out of it without getting killed for it.

It seems that you get no sympathy from Americans for being a fellow American these days...what matters is whether you're from the same tribe or not.
"Two Americans got murdered in Turkmenistan the other day you say? Tell me if they're liberals or conservatives so that I know how to feel about it"
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I am finding that being a progressive (leftist) one must suppress common sense.
First Daniel Pearl then these two. Just what were they thinking?
Anyone with common sense would never voluntarily go into the den of a lion.
It's called 'idealism'.
It might have been misplaced, and they were stupid to go where they went, but they never meant anyone any harm and crowing about their deaths is fucking rough.
Most people are idealistic to some degree in their youth and are able to grow out of it without getting killed for it.

It seems that you get no sympathy from Americans for being a fellow American these days...what matters is whether you're from the same tribe or not.
"Two Americans got murdered in Turkmenistan the other day you say? Tell me if they liberals or conservatives so that I know how to feel about it"

I agree with that.

And I hope we find these morons and show our "respects" with a Hellfire missile up their asses.

You can't kill innocent american citizens, even naive ones and get away with it.
I am finding that being a progressive (leftist) one must suppress common sense.
First Daniel Pearl then these two. Just what were they thinking?
Anyone with common sense would never voluntarily go into the den of a lion.
It's called 'idealism'.
It might have been misplaced, and they were stupid to go where they went, but they never meant anyone any harm and crowing about their deaths is fucking rough.
Most people are idealistic to some degree in their youth and are able to grow out of it without getting killed for it.

It seems that you get no sympathy from Americans for being a fellow American these days...what matters is whether you're from the same tribe or not.
"Two Americans got murdered in Turkmenistan the other day you say? Tell me if they liberals or conservatives so that I know how to feel about it"

I agree with that.

And I hope we find these morons and show our "respects" with a Hellfire missile up their asses.

You can't kill innocent american citizens, even naive ones and get away with it.

The killers are already dead. The local security got 'em.
I am finding that being a progressive (leftist) one must suppress common sense.
First Daniel Pearl then these two. Just what were they thinking?
Anyone with common sense would never voluntarily go into the den of a lion.
It's called 'idealism'.
It might have been misplaced, and they were stupid to go where they went, but they never meant anyone any harm and crowing about their deaths is fucking rough.
Most people are idealistic to some degree in their youth and are able to grow out of it without getting killed for it.

It seems that you get no sympathy from Americans for being a fellow American these days...what matters is whether you're from the same tribe or not.
"Two Americans got murdered in Turkmenistan the other day you say? Tell me if they're liberals or conservatives so that I know how to feel about it"

That, and "get the hell out of my way so I can climb on these dead bodies to go score points on a message board, yeee-hah".

It's embarrassing.
I am finding that being a progressive (leftist) one must suppress common sense.
First Daniel Pearl then these two. Just what were they thinking?
Anyone with common sense would never voluntarily go into the den of a lion.
It's called 'idealism'.
It might have been misplaced, and they were stupid to go where they went, but they never meant anyone any harm and crowing about their deaths is fucking rough.
Most people are idealistic to some degree in their youth and are able to grow out of it without getting killed for it.

It seems that you get no sympathy from Americans for being a fellow American these days...what matters is whether you're from the same tribe or not.
"Two Americans got murdered in Turkmenistan the other day you say? Tell me if they liberals or conservatives so that I know how to feel about it"

I agree with that.

And I hope we find these morons and show our "respects" with a Hellfire missile up their asses.

You can't kill innocent american citizens, even naive ones and get away with it.

The killers are already dead. The local security got 'em.

Good. Do you have a link to that information? Can't seem to find it in the stories I read.

Not asking for proof, just want to read up on it.
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.

Oh look. Here's another lifeless bag who found a story of a tragic murder and the first thing he thinks is "hey! I can drag their corpses to USMB and score points for Numero Uno!!" :eusa_dance:

Pathetic shit. Well I guess it's good to know who the sociopaths are.

Now that you've been discovered --- what in the wide world of Blue Fuck does this story have to do with "Democrats"? Or with any "politics"?

Now. One last thing.

It's FEWER voters, not "less" voters. :banghead:

Learn to English.

Yet you support antifa.....

This is waaaay too easy but...............

---- Link?

Guess we'll see that klown "LATER".....

Come on...we know you love you some antifa.

He and his peers also want people to believe they had something to do with freeing the slaves or something, too, so yes, he does love em.
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

Ah, but most of you frauds avoid those 'bad neighborhoods' and stick to the all white areas. The 'No Go' places are easy to avoid, and you can bet Pogo made very sure he didn't end up around a lot of 'darkies' or Arabs in his 'Big Adventure'.
They didn’t bike through ISIS territory, but I am not surprised the ghouls are all giddy over these murders.

Snopes is labelling this story misleading. An American couple were killed by ISIS but they were travelling in what was deemed to be a safe area of Tajikstan which the State Department had issued no travel advisories for.

The part about them taking risks to prove the evil is a made up concept, is completely false.
Riding a bicycle makes one a leftist. In fact, if one does not drive a vehicle at least two time bigger and heavier than necessary, one is retrograde. Not possessing a petroleum consuming machine is doubtlessly Stalinist.
Or, so we are led to believe.
Riding a bicycle makes one a leftist. In fact, if one does not drive a vehicle at least two time bigger and heavier than necessary, one is retrograde. Not possessing a petroleum consuming machine is doubtlessly Stalinist.
Or, so we are led to believe.

Plus everything is political. And everyone. Being a Christian is conservative. Liberals are atheists. All of them. All mass killers are liberals. Except that liberals don’t own guns so I’m not sure how that works. Maybe they’re conservatives when they buy a gun and then switch before they use it. All unemployed people are liberal. Conservatives have jobs.

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