American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.

Liberals are naive and unwise. Most never learn. This couple learned only when it was too late.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go AGAIN. Third time now, expecting different results.

---------------- WHERE does it say anything about "Liberals"?

Once AGAIN cue crickets.

Guarantee they were liberals.

Where does it even say anything about politics at all?

"Everybody knows" fallacy is the same as "crickets". You gave me a 'guarantee'. I'm here to redeem it. :deal:
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Stupid is as stupid does,,,,,,,
A biking vacation in Afghanistan, proof positive that they were idiots
Wasn’t Afghanistan


That was a very important correction. THank's rw.

Sooooo, what do you think about a couple of fellow travelers throwing their lives away trying to prove muslims are not dangerous?

Sooooo, what do you think of Jesus advising 'turn the other cheek'?
What does that have to do with his post? Turning the other check is about forgiveness, it doesn't mean allow people to kill you. you need to read more Jesus, he had a few hardcore statements as well.

Another non-answer.
I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

Ah, but most of you frauds avoid those 'bad neighborhoods' and stick to the all white areas. The 'No Go' places are easy to avoid, and you can bet Pogo made very sure he didn't end up around a lot of 'darkies' or Arabs in his 'Big Adventure'.

Actually I hung out with Arabs all the time. My best friend was Sudanese (and -- hope you're sitting down for this --- black). Learned some Arabic, acquired many invitations to their homes. Again, experiences I did not know going out would be in play, which was (again) the whole point, and (again) ones that you'll never have curled up in your fetal bubble position, which is why I pity you.
Why would you need to mention the color of your friends skin? Seems you have been indoctrinated in thinking that anyone who doesn't have your ideals is a racist.
That thought lacks any common sense.

Because he (the poster) brought it up that's why. :banghead:

I blew that part up real big so even you can find it.
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I am finding that being a progressive (leftist) one must suppress common sense.
First Daniel Pearl then these two. Just what were they thinking?
Anyone with common sense would never voluntarily go into the den of a lion.
It's called 'idealism'.
It might have been misplaced, and they were stupid to go where they went, but they never meant anyone any harm and crowing about their deaths is fucking rough.
Most people are idealistic to some degree in their youth and are able to grow out of it without getting killed for it.

It seems that you get no sympathy from Americans for being a fellow American these days...what matters is whether you're from the same tribe or not.
"Two Americans got murdered in Turkmenistan the other day you say? Tell me if they're liberals or conservatives so that I know how to feel about it"

That, and "get the hell out of my way so I can climb on these dead bodies to go score points on a message board, yeee-hah".

It's embarrassing.
It's a message board, dude. Sorry you're embarrassed, but, you'll get over it. They lacked common sense, and it got them killed.

"Lacked common sense" is a non sequitur. Where they were had no particular terror warnings.
However, Austin and Geoghegan's dream trip came to a tragic and gruesome end when they got to Tajikistan, a weak state with a known terrorist threat that shares a border with Afghanistan, where ISIS and other terrorist groups are highly active. They were riding their bikes through the country on July 29 when a car rammed them, according to CBS News.
Like I said, they lacked common sense, and I'll go out a limb and say the same for you.
YOu asked for a link the other day. I spend quite a bit of time sifting though the crap the libs papers put out, to find some context.

And you never addressed it.

So, forget you and your bullshit link request.

So you have no link. You just pulled it out of your ass.

Guess who knew that before he asked.

You denial of the Left's support for open borders, and Third World Immigration is noted and laughed at.

I said nothing about any "borders" I asked you for a basis and you don't have one.


LOL!!! You don't see a connection between having borders/immigration and keeping US safe from murderers outside those borders?


Sorry, I am not buying it. YOu are just being a troll, now.

Once AGAIN I said nothing about any "borders". I challenged you to put some legs on this:

lefties want those men that murdered them, to have easy access to immigrate to the West

---- and you can't do it. :gay:

That's why you cut your own words out of the post, that's why you're trying desperately to deflect to some shit about "borders". Because you're too much of a WIMP to stand behind your own words.


Secure BORDERS, and a sane immigration policy, would keep people like that, on the other side, away from US.

I'm not sure what you think you are doing here, pretending to be confused by this.

I want people like that to never be allowed into this country, or any Western County.

You want the opposite.
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.
It is, just ask the people killed there in any number of attacks.
you may not give a shit people die to these crazies, but we do.

Even with continual bomb threats in England I was never under any kind of threat in Europe including all those interactions with Duh EEbil Arabs. Not until I came back to the US. The closest I ever came to being killed was in Philadelphia, and that was the cops with their gun obsession. Europe was a shit ton safer.
So you have no link. You just pulled it out of your ass.

Guess who knew that before he asked.

You denial of the Left's support for open borders, and Third World Immigration is noted and laughed at.

I said nothing about any "borders" I asked you for a basis and you don't have one.


LOL!!! You don't see a connection between having borders/immigration and keeping US safe from murderers outside those borders?


Sorry, I am not buying it. YOu are just being a troll, now.

Once AGAIN I said nothing about any "borders". I challenged you to put some legs on this:

lefties want those men that murdered them, to have easy access to immigrate to the West

---- and you can't do it. :gay:

That's why you cut your own words out of the post, that's why you're trying desperately to deflect to some shit about "borders". Because you're too much of a WIMP to stand behind your own words.


Secure BORDERS, and a sane immigration policy, would keep people like that, on the other side, away from US.

I'm not sure what you think you are doing here, pretending to be confused by this.

I want people like that to never be allowed into this country, or any Western County.

You want the opposite.

I just knew you'd wimp out back to your "borders" deflection.

Wassamatta WIMP? Can't defend your own "those men that murdered them"?
Can't put balls on "you want the opposite"?

Go get a hamburger, Wimpy. Then come back here and pay me back with any post from any thread anywhere any time that even VAGUELY HINTED at what you just accused here, dishonest HACK.
Riding a bicycle makes one a leftist. In fact, if one does not drive a vehicle at least two time bigger and heavier than necessary, one is retrograde. Not possessing a petroleum consuming machine is doubtlessly Stalinist.
Or, so we are led to believe.

Plus everything is political. And everyone. Being a Christian is conservative. Liberals are atheists. All of them. All mass killers are liberals. Except that liberals don’t own guns so I’m not sure how that works. Maybe they’re conservatives when they buy a gun and then switch before they use it. All unemployed people are liberal. Conservatives have jobs.
Well no one ever said that.
But liberals do own guns, they are do as I say not as I do people. They are exempt. It's why rich liberals are never attacked. I don't see the left whining about Al Gore's wealth, or Tom Steyer or George Soros. Or anti gun Rosie ODonell who has an armed bodyguard for her kid. Why is he armed?
In general the left wants people on welfare for control. It's why they want illegals, people who are poor in a foreign land and have no clue on how things work.

Here’s yet another idiot conservative telling us all that liberals want people on welfare because they vote for Democrats. Liberals don’t want immigrants who are on welfare for their votes. Welfare recipients don’t vote. Most poor voters stay home.

FACT CHECK: Bernie Sanders And Whether Poor Americans Vote

The lower your income, the less likely you are to vote in the US.less than 25% of voters making less than $10,000 a year, voted, while 56 of those earning over $150,000 a year voted.

So why would Democrats want to flood the country with poor people who are only going to stay home on Election Day? The answer is they don’t.

These are the bullshit lies and pretzel logic conservatives use all of the time. Only idiots believe this shit.
I am finding that being a progressive (leftist) one must suppress common sense.
First Daniel Pearl then these two. Just what were they thinking?
Anyone with common sense would never voluntarily go into the den of a lion.
It's called 'idealism'.
It might have been misplaced, and they were stupid to go where they went, but they never meant anyone any harm and crowing about their deaths is fucking rough.
Most people are idealistic to some degree in their youth and are able to grow out of it without getting killed for it.

It seems that you get no sympathy from Americans for being a fellow American these days...what matters is whether you're from the same tribe or not.
"Two Americans got murdered in Turkmenistan the other day you say? Tell me if they're liberals or conservatives so that I know how to feel about it"

That, and "get the hell out of my way so I can climb on these dead bodies to go score points on a message board, yeee-hah".

It's embarrassing.
It's a message board, dude. Sorry you're embarrassed, but, you'll get over it. They lacked common sense, and it got them killed.

"Lacked common sense" is a non sequitur. Where they were had no particular terror warnings.
However, Austin and Geoghegan's dream trip came to a tragic and gruesome end when they got to Tajikistan, a weak state with a known terrorist threat that shares a border with Afghanistan, where ISIS and other terrorist groups are highly active. They were riding their bikes through the country on July 29 when a car rammed them, according to CBS News.
Like I said, they lacked common sense, and I'll go out a limb and say the same for you.

You just linked to Afghanistan. That's not where they were.

Is your position so weak you have to lie?
It's called 'idealism'.
It might have been misplaced, and they were stupid to go where they went, but they never meant anyone any harm and crowing about their deaths is fucking rough.
Most people are idealistic to some degree in their youth and are able to grow out of it without getting killed for it.

It seems that you get no sympathy from Americans for being a fellow American these days...what matters is whether you're from the same tribe or not.
"Two Americans got murdered in Turkmenistan the other day you say? Tell me if they're liberals or conservatives so that I know how to feel about it"

That, and "get the hell out of my way so I can climb on these dead bodies to go score points on a message board, yeee-hah".

It's embarrassing.
It's a message board, dude. Sorry you're embarrassed, but, you'll get over it. They lacked common sense, and it got them killed.

"Lacked common sense" is a non sequitur. Where they were had no particular terror warnings.
However, Austin and Geoghegan's dream trip came to a tragic and gruesome end when they got to Tajikistan, a weak state with a known terrorist threat that shares a border with Afghanistan, where ISIS and other terrorist groups are highly active. They were riding their bikes through the country on July 29 when a car rammed them, according to CBS News.
Like I said, they lacked common sense, and I'll go out a limb and say the same for you.

You just linked to Afghanistan. That's not where they were.

Is your position so weak you have to lie?
No, but it seems you have to. Or, you are illiterate.
However, Austin and Geoghegan's dream trip came to a tragic and gruesome end when they got to Tajikistan, a weak state with a known terrorist threat that shares a border with Afghanistan, where ISIS and other terrorist groups are highly active. They were riding their bikes through the country on July 29 when a car rammed them, according to CBS News.
Millennial Couple Bikes Near ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed

I made it big for you and cut down the number of words you had to read.
You not only lack common sense but, you lack honesty.
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Stupid is as stupid does,,,,,,,
A biking vacation in Afghanistan, proof positive that they were idiots
Wasn’t Afghanistan


That was a very important correction. THank's rw.

Sooooo, what do you think about a couple of fellow travelers throwing their lives away trying to prove muslims are not dangerous?

Sooooo, what do you think of Jesus advising 'turn the other cheek'?
What does that have to do with his post? Turning the other check is about forgiveness, it doesn't mean allow people to kill you. you need to read more Jesus, he had a few hardcore statements as well.

Another non-answer.

From you.
Riding a bicycle makes one a leftist. In fact, if one does not drive a vehicle at least two time bigger and heavier than necessary, one is retrograde. Not possessing a petroleum consuming machine is doubtlessly Stalinist.
Or, so we are led to believe.

Plus everything is political. And everyone. Being a Christian is conservative. Liberals are atheists. All of them. All mass killers are liberals. Except that liberals don’t own guns so I’m not sure how that works. Maybe they’re conservatives when they buy a gun and then switch before they use it. All unemployed people are liberal. Conservatives have jobs.
Well no one ever said that.
But liberals do own guns, they are do as I say not as I do people. They are exempt. It's why rich liberals are never attacked. I don't see the left whining about Al Gore's wealth, or Tom Steyer or George Soros. Or anti gun Rosie ODonell who has an armed bodyguard for her kid. Why is he armed?
In general the left wants people on welfare for control. It's why they want illegals, people who are poor in a foreign land and have no clue on how things work.

Well, black Democrats are some of the best armed people in the country; see south Chicano, Baltimore, Compton, Ca. and other Democratic Party strongholds. They have the most active gun owners in the U.S., shooting all day and all night. And they most certainly don't support registration and any kind of screening, either.
You denial of the Left's support for open borders, and Third World Immigration is noted and laughed at.

I said nothing about any "borders" I asked you for a basis and you don't have one.


LOL!!! You don't see a connection between having borders/immigration and keeping US safe from murderers outside those borders?


Sorry, I am not buying it. YOu are just being a troll, now.

Once AGAIN I said nothing about any "borders". I challenged you to put some legs on this:

lefties want those men that murdered them, to have easy access to immigrate to the West

---- and you can't do it. :gay:

That's why you cut your own words out of the post, that's why you're trying desperately to deflect to some shit about "borders". Because you're too much of a WIMP to stand behind your own words.


Secure BORDERS, and a sane immigration policy, would keep people like that, on the other side, away from US.

I'm not sure what you think you are doing here, pretending to be confused by this.

I want people like that to never be allowed into this country, or any Western County.

You want the opposite.

I just knew you'd wimp out back to your "borders" deflection.

Wassamatta WIMP? Can't defend your own "those men that murdered them"?
Can't put balls on "you want the opposite"?

Go get a hamburger, Wimpy. Then come back here and pay me back with any post from any thread anywhere any time that even VAGUELY HINTED at what you just accused here, dishonest HACK.

You asked me specifically about "borders" and now you are attacking me for responding about "borders"?

Are you insane?
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.

Sorry, I'm not in your race-obsessed camp and "white countries" never even occurred to me. I went to France out of a combination of opportunities. It had far more to do with the annual wine harvest --- which is what I went there for ---- than anything about "wait, what color are these people?" I had no idea where that road would lead, and that was the whole point. Had "South Africa or Indonesia" been on the opportunity table then I would have gone there but they don't hold a particular interest. Brazil might have been much more enticing.

This may come as stunning news but that's MY choice, not yours.

You slimeflakes who bunk up in your little bubbles obsessing on what color people are and never venture out into the world because you're too skeered and too wimpy just have my pity. Because you'll never learn anything and never crawl out of that self-imposed hole.

lol what a liar; you didn't go any of those places because you're a racist, and it would never occur to you to go anywhere else but white countries. You're one of the biggest racist posters on this board, so you can't really make any noises about anybody else, either. You sleazy left wing fascists are having a hard time of it these days.
Riding a bicycle makes one a leftist. In fact, if one does not drive a vehicle at least two time bigger and heavier than necessary, one is retrograde. Not possessing a petroleum consuming machine is doubtlessly Stalinist.
Or, so we are led to believe.

Plus everything is political. And everyone. Being a Christian is conservative. Liberals are atheists. All of them. All mass killers are liberals. Except that liberals don’t own guns so I’m not sure how that works. Maybe they’re conservatives when they buy a gun and then switch before they use it. All unemployed people are liberal. Conservatives have jobs.
Well no one ever said that.
But liberals do own guns, they are do as I say not as I do people. They are exempt. It's why rich liberals are never attacked. I don't see the left whining about Al Gore's wealth, or Tom Steyer or George Soros. Or anti gun Rosie ODonell who has an armed bodyguard for her kid. Why is he armed?
In general the left wants people on welfare for control. It's why they want illegals, people who are poor in a foreign land and have no clue on how things work.

Here’s yet another idiot conservative telling us all that liberals want people on welfare because they vote for Democrats. Liberals don’t want immigrants who are on welfare for their votes. Welfare recipients don’t vote. Most poor voters stay home.

FACT CHECK: Bernie Sanders And Whether Poor Americans Vote

The lower your income, the less likely you are to vote in the US. 2/3 of voters making
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.
It is, just ask the people killed there in any number of attacks.
you may not give a shit people die to these crazies, but we do.

More people are killed every day in the USA by crazies with guns than die in terrorist attacks in Great Britain one year. And you don’t care about those people. They’re just the price you pay for 2nd Amendment rights.

The fear and paranoia right wing Americans have over radical jihadist terrorism is just laughable. They wet their pants daily over it. But then ignore the 38 gun murders that happen every day in the US, and the over 100,000 people who shot and recover from their wounds, every year.

American fixation of jihadi terrorism while ignoring murders and gun violence perpetrated by Americans would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad.

There really is no cure for stupid.
I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

Ah, but most of you frauds avoid those 'bad neighborhoods' and stick to the all white areas. The 'No Go' places are easy to avoid, and you can bet Pogo made very sure he didn't end up around a lot of 'darkies' or Arabs in his 'Big Adventure'.

Actually I hung out with Arabs all the time. My best friend was Sudanese (and -- hope you're sitting down for this --- black). Learned some Arabic, acquired many invitations to their homes. Again, experiences I did not know going out would be in play, which was (again) the whole point, and (again) ones that you'll never have curled up in your fetal bubble position, which is why I pity you.
Why would you need to mention the color of your friends skin? Seems you have been indoctrinated in thinking that anyone who doesn't have your ideals is a racist.
That thought lacks any common sense.

Have you seen Pogo's website? Here you go ...

Black People Love Us!

Welcome to our website:
Black People Love Us!

We are well-liked by Black people so we're psyched (since lots of Black people don't like lots of White people)!! We thought it'd be cool to honor our exceptional status with a ROCKIN' domain name and a killer website!!

Johnny always plays up his (Italian, Irish, Jewish, etc.) ethnicity to me—as an entree into friendship!

Johnny always says: "I'm not racist; one of my best friends is Black!" I think he might mean me!

Our White friends just don't get it!!

It's crazy—Black people really do seem to love them!!

And we know he never went near any of the Muslim enclaves in France or England; he's just full of shit as usual. He also never goes into black neighborhoods, either. He wets himself a lot after dark if he has to use public transportation.
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That, and "get the hell out of my way so I can climb on these dead bodies to go score points on a message board, yeee-hah".

It's embarrassing.
It's a message board, dude. Sorry you're embarrassed, but, you'll get over it. They lacked common sense, and it got them killed.

"Lacked common sense" is a non sequitur. Where they were had no particular terror warnings.
However, Austin and Geoghegan's dream trip came to a tragic and gruesome end when they got to Tajikistan, a weak state with a known terrorist threat that shares a border with Afghanistan, where ISIS and other terrorist groups are highly active. They were riding their bikes through the country on July 29 when a car rammed them, according to CBS News.
Like I said, they lacked common sense, and I'll go out a limb and say the same for you.

You just linked to Afghanistan. That's not where they were.

Is your position so weak you have to lie?
No, but it seems you have to. Or, you are illiterate.
However, Austin and Geoghegan's dream trip came to a tragic and gruesome end when they got to Tajikistan, a weak state with a known terrorist threat that shares a border with Afghanistan, where ISIS and other terrorist groups are highly active. They were riding their bikes through the country on July 29 when a car rammed them, according to CBS News.
Millennial Couple Bikes Near ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed

I made it big for you and cut down the number of words you had to read.
You not only lack common sense but, you lack honesty.

Please find enclosed a screenshot
of your "highly active" link above. WHAT DOES IT SAY?

Who the liar now, beeyatch?

DO NOT sit on this board and claim what is there is not there.

And your CBS link *AGAIN* makes no connection between this cycling trip and the sentiments plugged into it from the couple's past social media ruminations. It's not what they were there for.
I said nothing about any "borders" I asked you for a basis and you don't have one.


LOL!!! You don't see a connection between having borders/immigration and keeping US safe from murderers outside those borders?


Sorry, I am not buying it. YOu are just being a troll, now.

Once AGAIN I said nothing about any "borders". I challenged you to put some legs on this:

lefties want those men that murdered them, to have easy access to immigrate to the West

---- and you can't do it. :gay:

That's why you cut your own words out of the post, that's why you're trying desperately to deflect to some shit about "borders". Because you're too much of a WIMP to stand behind your own words.


Secure BORDERS, and a sane immigration policy, would keep people like that, on the other side, away from US.

I'm not sure what you think you are doing here, pretending to be confused by this.

I want people like that to never be allowed into this country, or any Western County.

You want the opposite.

I just knew you'd wimp out back to your "borders" deflection.

Wassamatta WIMP? Can't defend your own "those men that murdered them"?
Can't put balls on "you want the opposite"?

Go get a hamburger, Wimpy. Then come back here and pay me back with any post from any thread anywhere any time that even VAGUELY HINTED at what you just accused here, dishonest HACK.

You asked me specifically about "borders" and now you are attacking me for responding about "borders"?

Are you insane?

BULLSHIT. ***YOU*** brought up "borders", Sprinkles, not me. I challenged you on your accusation that I "want" these murderers here. And you can't handle that so you start crying about "borders" and posts of mine you can't find because they don't exist. You pulled all of that out of your ass and you don't have the cojones to man up to it.

You're a fraud. Get out.

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