American Exceptionalism Triumphs At G20

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Trump scores a touchdown, spikes the ball, and heads home to the greatest nation in the history of the world.

Now that Trump has Putin by the short hairs, he can let Congress rail against Russia and all Trump has to do is tell Putin he has to appease them as they can override any veto of sanctions. And obviously there's no collusion between Russia and Trump or Putin would've used it as leverage when he just had the chance.

Trump playing three dimensional chess while the great debating society plays with themselves.

Merkel gets to pay for her own global warming propaganda campaign. Get your checkbooks out, Germany. The carbon cleanup from your voters' riots will cost more than any perceived damage done by us not paying your fair share for you.

Is Mexico going to pay for the wall, Mr. President. "Absolutely"

Oh, and by the way, China. The economic impact from not reigning in that idiot in North Korea will far and exceed the economic gains of continuing to trade with him.

Have a nice flight home, Mr. President.
Just like I stated.

Now all Trump has to do is wait for the investigations to report and he can just laugh at the stupid libtardos.


But U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat and vice chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, said that whatever Trump told Putin would have carried more weight if the president hadn't "equivocated" about who was behind the election interference.

"It would also have had more force if he had not again criticized the integrity of our intelligence agencies, among whom there is unwavering agreement about Russia's active interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election," Warner said.

Analysis: Trump checks a box on Russia but questions remain
Have a nice flight home, Mr. President.

And First Lady...
They reminded me of when the Kennedys were in Europe. Pres. Kennedy called himself the man that accompanied Mrs. Kennedy to Paris. Europe couldn't get enough of Mrs. Trump. That was nice to see.

Truly pathetic what has become of the Democrat party. Just a bunch of trash now.

Melania showed true class. Everyone there wanted to be around her.

Kennedy, even though a playboy, had some moral fiber born out of patriotism.

"Ask not what your country can do for you"

Now the party of Socialist scumbags scream at the top of the lungs the government owes us housing, food, healthcare, and an Obamaphone.

Even that capitalist pig, Zuckerberg, thinks the government should give out our hard earned tax dollars as a government stipend.
Trump travelled to Europe and he didn't bash America once.

Obama bashes America over that same period.

It was pretty fucked to have a 2 term President that holds the US in contempt.

Imagine having a CEO that hates the company he is running and constantly tells its employees how bad they are and how bad the company is.

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