American Express gives all parents 20 week paid leave - Singles are screwed

No different than the suck it ups who pay for school taxes and don't even have kids. But hey it's accepted because why it's a law a nice law Democratic idiots put in so they can skim off those taxes while the people make it from pay check to pay check.
That must be the dumbest thing ever written on here.

Do you not connect with the benefits of having an educated population ?

Maybe you should take the time to look up " Charlotte Iserbyt" maybe then you can understand how all this indoctrination starts in the public schools.

The Elites have a nice wordage program going on where it all sounds good on the outside but under neath it all oh it's all on a level most can't even figure out. That's why we all come across as whatever lol.
No different than the suck it ups who pay for school taxes and don't even have kids. But hey it's accepted because why it's a law a nice law Democratic idiots put in so they can skim off those taxes while the people make it from pay check to pay check.
That must be the dumbest thing ever written on here.

Do you not connect with the benefits of having an educated population ?

Maybe you should take the time to look up " Charlotte Iserbyt" maybe then you can understand how all this indoctrination starts in the public schools.

The Elites have a nice wordage program going on where it all sounds good on the outside but under neath it all oh it's all on a level most can't even figure out. That's why we all come across as whatever lol.
You are now making a different point.
No different than the suck it ups who pay for school taxes and don't even have kids. But hey it's accepted because why it's a law a nice law Democratic idiots put in so they can skim off those taxes while the people make it from pay check to pay check.
That must be the dumbest thing ever written on here.

Do you not connect with the benefits of having an educated population ?

Maybe you should take the time to look up " Charlotte Iserbyt" maybe then you can understand how all this indoctrination starts in the public schools.

The Elites have a nice wordage program going on where it all sounds good on the outside but under neath it all oh it's all on a level most can't even figure out. That's why we all come across as whatever lol.
You are now making a different point.
It probably seems that way to you b.c. this information isn't connecting or rather how it would connect.
I totally understand. Anyway the information is there .
We will place the surnames Iserbyt and De Vos in the Skull and Bones file.

'That same week, Monica Lewinsky returned from a Thanksgiving visit to her father's home in Los Angeles, and she was again becoming impatient with Clinton and his friends. Vernon Jordan hadn't returned any of her telephone calls since their meeting in November....As they ate turkey sandwiches in his office, Jordan jokingly urged her to take out her anger with the busy, neglectful Clinton on him. Later that day after sending Lewinsky away with a renewed promise to help her find a job, Jordan called top executives at three major New York firms: American Express; the diversified holding company McAndrews and Forbes, which owns Revlon, and the worldwide advertising agency Young & Rubicam.'
(Conason and Lyons, The Hunting of a President)
So much for equal pay, equal work. People with brats get a paid 20 week vacation every year.

Paid parental leave at American Express rises to 20 weeks

dec 12 2016
American Express will give all parents 20 weeks of paid leave

Starting in January, the financial services giant will expand its paid parental leave policy for mothers and fathers to 20 weeks at full pay, plus another six to eight weeks for women who give birth and require medical leave. Full-time and part-time employees who have worked at Amex for at least a year are eligible.

That's a big shift from the company's current policy of offering six weeks of paid leave for the primary parent plus another six to eight weeks for birth mothers who require medical leave. Secondary caregivers, meanwhile, have gotten just two weeks.

Under the new policy, parents will also have access to a 24-hour lactation consultant.

Play your cards right and you're way ahead. In other words spend your time wisely that you would have devoted to pleasing the little women. Don't wait to long to have kids though
It is a great place to work. I know a gal working there that makes 180 grand a year, and that's base salary. And she's only 41 years old.

Your pitiful attempt to change the subject is noted. Even you know it's indefensible to give parents a 20 week paid vacation every year and then tell everyone else - YOU GOTTA WORK.
It is a great place to work. I know a gal working there that makes 180 grand a year, and that's base salary. And she's only 41 years old.

Your pitiful attempt to change the subject is noted. Even you know it's indefensible to give parents a 20 week paid vacation every year and then tell everyone else - YOU GOTTA WORK.

Was I talking to you dickhead?
So much for equal pay, equal work. People with brats get a paid 20 week vacation every year.

Paid parental leave at American Express rises to 20 weeks

dec 12 2016
American Express will give all parents 20 weeks of paid leave

Starting in January, the financial services giant will expand its paid parental leave policy for mothers and fathers to 20 weeks at full pay, plus another six to eight weeks for women who give birth and require medical leave. Full-time and part-time employees who have worked at Amex for at least a year are eligible.

That's a big shift from the company's current policy of offering six weeks of paid leave for the primary parent plus another six to eight weeks for birth mothers who require medical leave. Secondary caregivers, meanwhile, have gotten just two weeks.

Under the new policy, parents will also have access to a 24-hour lactation consultant.
Its not an annual entitlement you dumb fuck.
It is a great place to work. I know a gal working there that makes 180 grand a year, and that's base salary. And she's only 41 years old.

Your pitiful attempt to change the subject is noted. Even you know it's indefensible to give parents a 20 week paid vacation every year and then tell everyone else - YOU GOTTA WORK.

Makes perfect sense
So much for equal pay, equal work. People with brats get a paid 20 week vacation every year.

Paid parental leave at American Express rises to 20 weeks

dec 12 2016
American Express will give all parents 20 weeks of paid leave

Starting in January, the financial services giant will expand its paid parental leave policy for mothers and fathers to 20 weeks at full pay, plus another six to eight weeks for women who give birth and require medical leave. Full-time and part-time employees who have worked at Amex for at least a year are eligible.

That's a big shift from the company's current policy of offering six weeks of paid leave for the primary parent plus another six to eight weeks for birth mothers who require medical leave. Secondary caregivers, meanwhile, have gotten just two weeks.

Under the new policy, parents will also have access to a 24-hour lactation consultant.

That's nothing. People who are married get perks as well. Guess being single just sucks
It's a good policy. New parents need help. I'm fine with it.

But is it fair to the people who don't have kids? You're so dumb you don't even understand what this thread is about.
Stop whining. You sound like a petulant child. If it doesnt pertain to you then you have no loss. How are you going to get parental leave if your silly ass doesnt have any kids?
People with kids also pay lower taxes. Is that fair? Sure, your expenses rise when you have a kid. That can be said of most things.

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