American Express gives all parents 20 week paid leave - Singles are screwed

People with kids also pay lower taxes. Is that fair? Sure, your expenses rise when you have a kid. That can be said of most things.

If you find that shit so distasteful you should work towards some sort of a flat tax rate everybody pays, with or with out kids. Income based only. Eliminate all deductions. And good luck going up against the million or more attorneys and accountants that feed off of the system just the way it is. And very well I might
So much for equal pay, equal work. People with brats get a paid 20 week vacation every year.

Paid parental leave at American Express rises to 20 weeks

dec 12 2016
American Express will give all parents 20 weeks of paid leave

Starting in January, the financial services giant will expand its paid parental leave policy for mothers and fathers to 20 weeks at full pay, plus another six to eight weeks for women who give birth and require medical leave. Full-time and part-time employees who have worked at Amex for at least a year are eligible.

That's a big shift from the company's current policy of offering six weeks of paid leave for the primary parent plus another six to eight weeks for birth mothers who require medical leave. Secondary caregivers, meanwhile, have gotten just two weeks.

Under the new policy, parents will also have access to a 24-hour lactation consultant.

If you don't like it, don't work for them.

Personally, if I had another kid I would NEVER take 20 weeks off from work because being at home with that crying baby and my wife day in and day out for five months would drive me to jump off a bridge.

Family life is overrated

Nobody will want to marry you anyway, so don't worry about it.
You do realise that Amex doesnt do this as an act of philanthropy ?
They do it to attract and keep the best people.Its not "socialism" it is capitalism at work.

Amongst the very, very many things Shooter hates is 'captitalism at work'- when it offends him.
People with kids also pay lower taxes. Is that fair? Sure, your expenses rise when you have a kid. That can be said of most things.
Whats unfair about it? Do you realize how retarded you sound?

HAHAHA. More namecalling. That's all you ever have. If you want to have a bunch of kids, then go for it. But why should i subsidize your choice.
Parents are gonna price themselves out of a job with all this special treatment. An employer would be a fool to hire newlyweds.
This is normal amount of maternity leave for new mothers in the developed world. America unfortunately is still behind on giving women a proper amount of maternity leave.

Conservatives are always screaming about family values. Well paid maternity and paternity paid leave helps make families stronger.
People with kids also pay lower taxes. Is that fair? Sure, your expenses rise when you have a kid. That can be said of most things.
Whats unfair about it? Do you realize how retarded you sound?

HAHAHA. More namecalling. That's all you ever have. If you want to have a bunch of kids, then go for it. But why should i subsidize your choice.
Why would you think anyone would expect you to subsidize anyones choice when you cant even support yourself? What does that have to do with getting parental leave? Do you think you pay for that?
Employers like to see employees married because it means they are more stable and dependable.

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