American Fascism And The Groomer Panic

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Who says I am silent?

Every time libs such as you trot out that old excuse conservatives agree that all forms of pedophilia are wrong

But coaches, priests and family members are not marching in the streets for their chosen hobby whereas lefties are

Live-in boyfriends are not going into kindergsrten classrooms to extol the virtue of man-boy love, but the cross dressing freaks are promoting their sick lifestyle to children
Paedos arent marching though. You are insane to think so.
Picking on minorities is a nazi standby..

An interesting take on the fashionable right wing scare. The narrator has an irritaating voice but he nails all his points and explains how the fake scare is promoted and formed.

He nails full on fascists Like desantis and Tucker and links it back into fascist history. Hitler played the same game.

Im not saying that all the groomer fans are nazis. Some of them are just stupid.

It's classic right-wing fascism: spread fear and hate by vilifying and lying about a class of persons.

An interesting take on the fashionable right wing scare. The narrator has an irritaating voice but he nails all his points and explains how the fake scare is promoted and formed.

He nails full on fascists Like desantis and Tucker and links it back into fascist history. Hitler played the same game.

Im not saying that all the groomer fans are nazis. Some of them are just stupid.

Sure bub. Don't be late for your drag show.

...or should I say zir?

Antifa security for pedo grooming drag shows.jpg
They are yelling We're here. We're queer.. We are coming for your children and we worship Satan. " These are the stuff of horror movies.
But not a good horror movie. More a crappy one like The Boogeyman vs. an awesome film like From Hell.
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