American held hostage by Taliban

Biden was stuck by nothing.
Wow really?

This hostage was taken in January 2020, while Trump was the president.

How the hell is that NOT Biden getting stuck with this now and how come all of you rightwingers had absolutely ZERO to say about this when it actually happened?
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You and Meister should really try another concept of attacking the poster, you both suck at it.

so says the trollboy with the most posts of all posters at USMB that nobody ever listens to who posts 24 hours a day and does this when he cant counter pesky facts:scared1::abgg2q.jpg:
At least we qualified your stupidity as to why you're stupid. Only a stupid person wouldn't recognize
the reasons given for it.
I am sure you use Vaseline when you mentally masturbate in high gear, yet I am not the subject of this thread Mr. Moderator. I am sure you feel justified in attacking people because it fulfills a need to dismiss Donald Trump and his half assed resolutions of Afghanistan along with Biden's.
so says the trollboy with the most posts of all posters at USMB that nobody ever listens to who posts 24 hours a day and does this when he cant counter pesky facts:scared1::abgg2q.jpg:
You have no facts to pester or be in an anti position since you desire to make this thread about me and not the OP's subject matter.
I am sure you use Vaseline when you mentally masturbate in high gear, yet I am not the subject of this thread Mr. Moderator. I am sure you feel justified in attacking people because it fulfills a need to dismiss Donald Trump and his half assed resolutions of Afghanistan along with Biden's.
Am I posing in red, moonie? If not, I'm a poster just like you. When pinned in a corner this is how you respond? :rolleyes-41:
Just getting down on who you are, you can't bring yourself to admit that Biden's decision was a boneheaded one.
Cut and run
I have yet to see one president in the last twenty years not have a bonehead decision on Afghanistan. That is what you can't admit..
No thanks, I hate Biden and have for forty years, now make up some more bullshit you throw trying to make it stick. The whole jam is everyone fault who had a hand in its creation.
Nope, this disaster is Biden's fault. More so since he actually played a part for eight years as VP, you folks ignore that as well.
The Neo-GOP hate most Americans these days, they obviously hope and pray something bad happens so they can play the blame game again.

What terrible Americans they turned out to be.
Literacy and logic aren't really your thing, eh? Keep defending Biden, you can follow him off the cliff like a good little lemming.

He is actually being clever,he mixed it in on one of his posts that he blames Biden same as Trump,Obama and Bush making it look like he is being objective but all his other posts clearly proves he is kissing Bidens ass and they all contradict that post. His nose has grown miles long across the country from lying.
I have yet to see one president in the last twenty years not have a bonehead decision on Afghanistan. That is what you can't admit..
I can admit a lot of things that were screwed up in Afghanistan, but I would never and I mean never defend a
president that would pull troops out before the Americans were extracted. That IS what you're doing.
YOU turned your back on American when you voted for Xiden/Xarris....if you did.
Hostage getting taken by Taliban during Trump administration means we turned our back on America by electing Biden?

You sure about that dummy?
Nope, this disaster is Biden's fault. More so since he actually played a part for eight years as VP, you folks ignore that as well.:yes_text12:
Moonglow can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is after you OWNED his ass and checkmated him.:clap:
Yeah... what the hell ever...LOL!

If the Talimen start axing Americans this will easily qualify as the biggest foreign policy fuckup in US history. It actually, already is. Just the level of ineptitude. OMFG...LOL!

Nothing will beat Bushes FUBAR occupation of Iraq.
The Neo-GOP hate most Americans these days, they obviously hope and pray something bad happens so they can play the blame game again.
Something DID happen. Taliban took American prisoner during Trump's administration, they just held off the blame game untill Biden got there.
I can admit a lot of things that were screwed up in Afghanistan, but I would never and I mean never defend a
president that would pull troops out before the Americans were extracted. That IS what you're doing.
amen to that.:thup: somehow he will want to say this thread is about HIM after this post you gave of facts he cant counter. :abgg2q.jpg:
You abuse your position that is how you act when "pinned". Again, this thread is not about "ME"...
Did you get thread banned? Did you get a warning? Did you get banned?
Just how did I abuse my moderating when I was responding as a poster?
You were the one that came here and blamed the Americans in Afghanistan
for being left behind as the troops are starting to leave. And, for what, bragging rights?
Donald made a deal to leave by a date certain. President Biden is stuck with that date...

If there was a problem with that date, Biden could've changed it. Presidents change things put in place by their predecessors all the time.

Biden didn't do it because he's inept, and for no other reason...
I can admit a lot of things that were screwed up in Afghanistan, but I would never and I mean never defend a
president that would pull troops out before the Americans were extracted.

No? Lets see about that:

This prisoner was taken by Taliban in January 2020 (with exactly zero news coverage)

You want to now blame Biden for not getting him out, but Trump admin had a whole year to get him out and did nothing, so shouldn't we blame them as well?

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