American Homeschooling Goes Boom: 5 Million More Kids Will Now Get a Good Education

So, what should be done in these liberal school districts to improve the situation? As I can understand from your post, in conservative areas the things are much better in this regard?
Parents and members of the community need to wrestle control of their local schools boards away from the liberals who support BLM, CRT, and Antifa. The federal government can do little or nothing to prevent the downhill slide until they do.

in conservative areas of the country, school boards do not promote these types of progressive beliefs and usually hold the students accountable for their learning without fear of being sued by parents with an agenda.
5 million more kids will learn math, history and to read and write instead of being duped that humans can change sex on a whim.

This is wonderful news for many of American children to be saved from the public school system..
Parents and members of the community need to wrestle control of their local schools boards away from the liberals who support BLM, CRT, and Antifa. The federal government can do little or nothing to prevent the downhill slide until they do.

in conservative areas of the country, school boards do not promote these types of progressive beliefs and usually hold the students accountable for their learning without fear of being sued by parents with an agenda.
The top school districts don’t fall in line with your partisan B.S.

This is wonderful news for many of American children to be saved from the public school system..
Home schooling can be done really well or it can be done really badly. There is nothing inherently better about it. It all depends on the abilities of the person doing it. It is also a full time job. Not everyone can afford to lose an income. The other downside is homeschooling can be an easy way to hide child abuse.

This family did homeschooling.

Home schooling can be done really well or it can be done really badly. There is nothing inherently better about it. It all depends on the abilities of the person doing it. It is also a full time job. Not everyone can afford to lose an income. The other downside is homeschooling can be an easy way to hide child abuse.

This family did homeschooling.

Absolute utter BULLSHIT as the article in the OP clarifies.
This is wonderful news for many of American children to be saved from the public school system..
Parents are rejecting distance learning because of COVID. They want their kids in class in a public school wit a teacher in a classroom. Let's face it people. Most of you morons cannot train a cat to use a litter box, yet you try to homeschool your children!
Parents are rejecting distance learning because of COVID. They want their kids in class in a public school wit a teacher in a classroom. Let's face it people. Most of you morons cannot train a cat to use a litter box, yet you try to homeschool your children!
Right .....

That's why the article in the OP points out that some 5 million kids have been saved from the public educations system in this Country in the last 18 months.

What part is utter bullshit?
That there is nothing inherently better about it.

That's Bullshit.

Of course there the rare cases where parents claim to be home schooling their children but don't.

Those are not the norm.

Most home schooled children are academically light years ahead of their piers because they are learning reading, writing and arithmetic, and not how to hate the Country and how many hundreds of genders there are..
Right .....

That's why the article in the OP points out that some 5 million kids have been saved from the public educations system in this Country in the last 18 months.

5 million? Do you have any clue as to how many school age children there are in this country? It's about 12 times that many! So you are looking at best a 8.5% "savings".

This homeschooling usually lasts only a few months before parents realize they do not have the time or money to provide a quality education for their kids, and reenroll them in public schools where they are behind the rest of the students.

I do not oppose homeschooling if you can do it properly. My own granddaughter is homeschools and excelling because her father is a disabled vet and can give her his undivided attention. b That is something that most homeschooling parents either cannot or will not do.
5 million? Do you have any clue as to how many school age children there are in this country? It's about 12 times that many! So you are looking at best a 8.5% "savings".

This homeschooling usually lasts only a few months before parents realize they do not have the time or money to provide a quality education for their kids, and reenroll them in public schools where they are behind the rest of the students.

I do not oppose homeschooling if you can do it properly. My own granddaughter is homeschools and excelling because her father is a disabled vet and can give her his undivided attention. b That is something that most homeschooling parents either cannot or will not do.
The fact that 5 million school children have been save from the poison of government indoctrination really upsets you doesn't it?

You are DELUSIONAL about the home school movement that exist in this Country today.

It is not what you obviously think it is.

It is no longer the 1980's "admiral".
The fact that 5 million school children have been save from the poison of government indoctrination really upsets you doesn't it?

You are DELUSIONAL about the home school movement that exist in this Country today.

It is not what you obviously think it is.

It is no longer the 1980's "admiral".
Homeschooling accounts for only 3-4% of the nations school kids.
That there is nothing inherently better about it.

That's Bullshit.

Of course there the rare cases where parents claim to be home schooling their children but don't.

Those are not the norm.

Most home schooled children are academically light years ahead of their piers because they are learning reading, writing and arithmetic, and not how to hate the Country and how many hundreds of genders there are..
It isn’t bullshit. It is fact. Homeschooling is all over the board. some are better, some worse. They can learning anything. Including “how to hate our country”….or how to be a racist….or how to be a responsible citizen. You don’t know. It’s just partisan BS.
It isn’t bullshit. It is fact. Homeschooling is all over the board. some are better, some worse. They can learning anything. Including “how to hate our country”….or how to be a racist….or how to be a responsible citizen. You don’t know. It’s just partisan BS.
Once again your ignorance is on display for ALL to see.

It's not the 1980's anymore.

Homeschooling is interactive and very involved today.
So what does that say when the majority believe that distance learning because irreparably harmed their children's education?
I prefer to leave this world knowing that the youth know math is not racist, humans don’t change sex on a whim, and know the facts of history so they can try to avoid the bad parts and repeat the good parts.
Once again your ignorance is on display for ALL to see.

It's not the 1980's anymore.

Homeschooling is interactive and very involved today.
I am not saying it isn’t. I know people who homeschool. They are very dedicated and do a good job. They also say the same thing. It can be well done and it can be badly done, just like public schools can be good or bad. The idea that just because it is homeschooling it is better is ignorant.
It isn’t bullshit. It is fact. Homeschooling is all over the board. some are better, some worse. They can learning anything. Including “how to hate our country”….or how to be a racist….or how to be a responsible citizen. You don’t know. It’s just partisan BS.
Homeschooling is all over the board. some are better, some worse.
And major Democratic cities top high school graduates have a 1.7 GPA.

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