American Homeschooling Goes Boom: 5 Million More Kids Will Now Get a Good Education

5 million more kids will learn math, history and to read and write instead of being duped that humans can change sex on a whim.

Yeah. Plus welding, grass cutting,hunting, fishing,raising animals maybe a lil programming, auto repair, furniture making and carpentry whatever their neighbors,dad,uncles, cousins and grandpas know how to do.
They have a possibility to know more than 3/4 of the dumbasses with a four year kollidje decree by age 16 or so.
Betsy DeVos was head of Education and together they did NOTHING to change the downward death spiral of the American Indoctrination system
I dont blame DeVos

she faced an uphill battle for 4 years that stalemated her efforts

the next conservative president should appoint someone who will focus on overcoming the entrenched liberal opposition to education reform first
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I dont blame DeVos

she faced an uphill battle for 4 years that stalemated her efforts

the next conservative president should appoint someone who will focus on overcoming the entrenched liberal opposition to education reform first
Step 1: EO to reverse JFK’s EO that let teachers unionize.
"Bloc of themes" WTF are those?

I was an educator. I don't speak gibberish!
Okay, let's take into consideration say geography. In the first semester pupils learn about Europe, Asia and Australia - mountains, lakes, rivers etc on these parts of the world. After being taught about Europe, they pass a test about this part, then about Asia and so on.
Really? Let me guess your source for that bullshit? HSLDA?

I want to see your high school dropout teach my pre-calculus class!

The vast majority of parents feel that distance learning has irreparably harmed their children's education, but you probably know that.

Half of America's parents were below average students themselves!

My entire point on this thread is to counter the claims that anyone can homeschool and the broad brush you are using to claim "wokeness" and indoctrination are the norm in every school classroom in the US.

How elitist. How many parents are able to quit work to homeschool their kids? Your whole idea of just sit them in front of a computer with booklets did not work well during Covid. Many kids struggled, access to computers and more importantly broadband is sketchy in many areas, particularly rural. Kids, especially young, need active adult involvement. The people I know who homeschool do it as a full time job and are active,y involved.Get rid of public schools and you will create a bigger gap between the educated and uneducated then ever before.
That is NOT how schooling from home works. It actually takes less time to educate a child at home than it does to send them to school and then work with them on their homework. It is just small increments spread throughout the day. With young kids, you have to sit down and work with them a few minutes at a time to teach some specific item that you want. THE WORKBOOKS sold at Walmart work great. Such as teaching them how to read--I started teaching my kids how to read CAT (after they were taught the alphabet)-------once they learn CAT then I would inform that they now knew two words including AT and they would get really excited.. If you read kids books, keeping in mind that they like silly rhyming word stories and these stories actually educate, you will find that the kids want to learn to read these stories themselves. You go do something else once they learn this simple concept and come back in a day or two teaching BAT, HAT, MAT, PAT,RAT etc. Give them some days to review and learn to sound things out reinforcing the Baa-AT, Haaa--at, Raaa-at etc in short little 5 minute intervals give or take through out the next few days. You let them watch educational cartoons which they love, buy them a few educational computer game programs and you PLAY with them---and they learn rather quickly and easily. Then you move onto DOG, HOG, small increments. Neither the parent or a small child can handle LONG continous hours of this.
Yes, it is an all day job, but it is only a few minutes here and there.

It was never about TIME spent by the kid---they won't learn when they aren't having fun but about the TIME spent thinking about what concept do they need to grasp to get to understand something better and how to teach that concept quickly and painlessly. To do it, you need a parent who knows how their child learns and who is focused on getting the child hooked on learning by teaching the small child what it wants to learn and how to make it want to learn. If you have a parent that takes care of little learning humps, then the computer programs make a game out of further learning.

Btw, I taught my daughter who was a breeze and I taught my step-son who the school refused to allow in holding him behind right before my husband I started to date. I was working when I started to work with him and didn't stop working till after we were married and we moved to another state as per my husbands military orders. We were quite poor back then living off one income and constantly in legal battles with my step sons ever harassing bio-mother who did not have custody.
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Wonderful Hillsdale now offers a K-12 curriculum. Not only for homeschools, but any teacher free to teach.

Lots of free material, ideas & affiliated schools, plus a downloadable curriculum!

5 million more kids will learn math, history and to read and write instead of being duped that humans can change sex on a whim.

This has always been available....who knew that running away from a shot would create such a rush from the cowardly RIght.
Home schooling can be done really well or it can be done really badly. There is nothing inherently better about it. It all depends on the abilities of the person doing it. It is also a full time job. Not everyone can afford to lose an income. The other downside is homeschooling can be an easy way to hide child abuse.

This family did homeschooling.

Some families do homeschooling exceptionally well, some do it reasonably well, some fair, and some terribly. I once had a 5th grader come into our school who could not even read 1st grade sight words and did not know her letters. "Homeschooled". Right.

Many private schools are terribly woke these days as well.

In short, generalizations are dumb.
Let's see your proof that political indoctrination is occurring in schools districts run by conservatives. The home schools movement today will likely prove to be a disaster for my kids.

In Florida, I cannot count the number of times I received withdrawal notifications for my students to be homeschooled by parents I knew from previous conversations were high school dropouts. They used homeschooling as an excuse to dodge mandatory attendance laws until the age of 18 by the state legislature. Many times these children had learning disabilities that could not be overcome by parents.

Thankfully, my kids got a much better education than I did in the 1970. They all three graduated from high school in the 2000s, from 2002 to 2012, the oldest two from the high school where I worked.

I think I have a much better grasp of public education in these United States than anyone else on this forum. I started as a substitute teacher and worked my way up to assistant principal of the largest high school in northeast Florida. I then taught another 11 years in the classroom in a DoD school on an Army post, an inner city middle school, 4 rural school districts, another 1 in my home district and another year as a substitute before I retired. I also have a Master's degree in education, something that few if not zero other posters on this forum obtained. I know schools a shell of a lot better that you and almost everyone else on this message board.

Homeschoolers do not ever want you to talk about the folks in their rank who use it to hide abuse and neglect. A small minority, but definitely a factor. Absolutely.

27 years here, all public school. 2 states, 3 districts, 12 schools, I don't know how many bosses. Too many to count. I have had very affluent students and very poor students.
And your college degrees mean nothing. The proof is still in the pudding---homeschooled student do better than public school students on average and they do so for several reasons. Teachers now days rely on parents to teach their kids after school (or other students who have parents who teach their kids to teach their problem children), when the fact is that school be cut out and if you have parent that cares about getting homework done---that they will be able to teach their kid much better than teachers can or are willing to.

Fact is that without teachers 1) parents should be able to teach their kids better if they are provided simple booklets of what kids are expected to know by what age.
2) there are computer programs and booklets that do a wonderful job, better than teachers, in teaching kids ABC, counting, reading, typing etc. Writing seems to be the only issue for the computers, but then again teachers aren't teaching this either nowadays in many instances. History classes should have computer programs designed to teach as well which would be far better than schools current Woke nonsense of social studies.

Get rid of the schools, they are babysitting at best generally. Start designing software to teach kids what they actually have to know without the wokeness and oh my gawd, the same wrong shit that schools teach each generation.

Being on computers for any amount of time--certainly for the amount of time it takes to gain true reading comprehension skills--is really damaging for young children. We saw this in spades during remote learning. They wilted.

Substituting SOME kind of school with online teaching is a very bad idea.
Being on computers for any amount of time--certainly for the amount of time it takes to gain true reading comprehension skills--is really damaging for young children. We saw this in spades during remote learning. They wilted.

Substituting SOME kind of school with online teaching is a very bad idea.

You do know that homeschooled kids beat government schoolers by every metric.
You do know that homeschooled kids beat government schoolers by every metric.

That effect is probably about to wane very quickly. Homeschoolers are very defensive and very insular, and that's about to serve them poorly with so many pouring into their ranks.

I'm very aware that homeschooled kids do exceptionally well on the whole. Homeschoolers are however SO defensive and SO insular that you cannot ever say one negative thing about any one single case, etc.

This is not a good direction going forward.
That effect is probably about to wane very quickly. Homeschoolers are very defensive and very insular, and that's about to serve them poorly with so many pouring into their ranks.

I'm very aware that homeschooled kids do exceptionally well on the whole. Homeschoolers are however SO defensive and SO insular that you cannot ever say one negative thing about any one single case, etc.

This is not a good direction going forward.

And based on the study you did??

Bigoted nonsense.

Academic Performance

  • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (Percentiles range from 1 to 99 on these tests.)

  • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.

  • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.

  • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.

  • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.

  • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.

Social, Emotional, and Psychological Development​

  • The home-educated are doing well, typically above average, on measures of social, emotional, and psychological development. Research measures include peer interaction, self-concept, leadership skills, family cohesion, participation in community service, and self-esteem.

  • Homeschool students are regularly engaged in social and educational activities outside their homes and with people other than their nuclear-family members. They are commonly involved in activities such as field trips, scouting, 4-H, political drives, church ministry, sports teams, and community volunteer work

Gender Differences in Children and Youth Respected?​

  • One researcher finds that homeschooling gives young people an unusual chance to ask questions such as, “Who am I?” and “What do I really want?,” and through the process of such asking and gradually answering the questions home-educated girls develop the strengths and the resistance abilities that give them an unusually strong sense of self.

  • Some think that boys’ energetic natures and tendency to physical expression can more easily be accommodated in home-based education. Many are concerned that a highly disproportionate number of public school special-education students are boys and that boys are 2.5 times as likely as girls in public schools to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Success in the “Real World” of Adulthood​

The research base on adults who were home educated is growing; thus far it indicates that they:

  • participate in local community service more frequently than does the general population,

  • vote and attend public meetings more frequently than the general population, and

  • go to and succeed at college at an equal or higher rate than the general population.

  • Internalize the values and beliefs of their parents at a very high rate.

General Interpretation of Research on Homeschool Success or Failure​

It is possible that homeschooling causes the positive traits reported above. However, the research designs to date do not conclusively “prove” that homeschooling causes these things. At the same time, there is no empirical evidence that homeschooling causes negative things compared to institutional schooling. Future research may better answer the question of causation.


The above findings are extensively documented in one or more of the following sources, all (except one) of which are available from

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->A Homeschool Research Story, Brian. D. Ray, 2005, in Homeschooling in Full View: A Reader.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->A Sense of Self: Listening to Homeschooled Adolescent Girls. Susannah Sheffer, 1995.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Home Educated and Now Adults: Their Community and Civic Involvement, Views About Homeschooling, and Other Traits, Brian D. Ray, 2004.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Home schooling: The Ameliorator of Negative Influences on Learning, Brian D. Ray, Peabody Journal of Education, 2000, v. 75 no. 1 & 2, pp. 71-106.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Homeschoolers on to College: What Research Shows Us, by Brian D. Ray, Journal of College Admission, 2004, No. 185, 5-11.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->National Education Association. (2005). Rankings and estimates: A Report of School Statistics Update. Retrieved 7/10/06 online

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->The Truth About Boys and Girls. Sara Mead, 2006.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Worldwide Guide to Homeschooling, Brian D. Ray, 2005.

About the Author​

Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
is an internationally known researcher, educator, speaker, and expert witness, and serves as president of the nonprofit National Home Education Research Institute. He has taught as a certified teacher in public and private schools and served as a professor in the fields of science, research methods, and education at the graduate and undergraduate levels. His Ph.D. is in science education from Oregon State University and his M.S. is in zoology from Ohio University. Dr. Ray has been studying the homeschool movement for about 24 years.

For more homeschool research and more in-depth interpretation of research, please contact:

National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)

PO Box 13939 Salem OR 97309 USA

tel. (503) 364‑1490 [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
You do know that homeschooled kids beat government schoolers by every metric.

So every home schooled kid takes the same standardized tests as public school students. Every one takes the ACT/SAT. All of them attend college.

Is that the kind of statistical crap used by home schoolers to justify their sacrifice for their kids?

Students who are truly homeschooled usually have a parents undivided attention and support, which is not possible in any private or public school. They should do better academically than public or private school students. Unfortunately we have no way to know how many parents are home schooling to get out of mandatory attendance laws, the reasons of which are numerous.
So every home schooled kid takes the same standardized tests as public school students. Every one takes the ACT/SAT. All of them attend college.

Is that the kind of statistical crap used by home schoolers to justify their sacrifice for their kids?

Students who are truly homeschooled usually have a parents undivided attention and support, which is not possible in any private or public school. They should do better academically than public or private school students. Unfortunately we have no way to know how many parents are home schooling to get out of mandatory attendance laws, the reasons of which are numerous.

"So every home schooled kid takes the same standardized tests as public school students."

I don't mind educating you.

Every NYC homeschool parent must file a statement of curriculum each year.

Every NYC homeschool student must take the same standardized exams given to government school children.

BTW, I belong to several homeschool groups in Brooklyn and Queens, we have volunteer classes, science and talent fairs, and sports events. were saying?

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