American Homeschooling Goes Boom: 5 Million More Kids Will Now Get a Good Education

Let's see your proof that political indoctrination is occurring in schools districts run by conservatives. The home schools movement today will likely prove to be a disaster for my kids.

In Florida, I cannot count the number of times I received withdrawal notifications for my students to be homeschooled by parents I knew from previous conversations were high school dropouts. They used homeschooling as an excuse to dodge mandatory attendance laws until the age of 18 by the state legislature. Many times these children had learning disabilities that could not be overcome by parents.

Thankfully, my kids got a much better education than I did in the 1970. They all three graduated from high school in the 2000s, from 2002 to 2012, the oldest two from the high school where I worked.

I think I have a much better grasp of public education in these United States than anyone else on this forum. I started as a substitute teacher and worked my way up to assistant principal of the largest high school in northeast Florida. I then taught another 11 years in the classroom in a DoD school on an Army post, an inner city middle school, 4 rural school districts, another 1 in my home district and another year as a substitute before I retired. I also have a Master's degree in education, something that few if not zero other posters on this forum obtained. I know schools a shell of a lot better that you and almost everyone else on this message board.
And your college degrees mean nothing. The proof is still in the pudding---homeschooled student do better than public school students on average and they do so for several reasons. Teachers now days rely on parents to teach their kids after school (or other students who have parents who teach their kids to teach their problem children), when the fact is that school be cut out and if you have parent that cares about getting homework done---that they will be able to teach their kid much better than teachers can or are willing to.

Fact is that without teachers 1) parents should be able to teach their kids better if they are provided simple booklets of what kids are expected to know by what age.
2) there are computer programs and booklets that do a wonderful job, better than teachers, in teaching kids ABC, counting, reading, typing etc. Writing seems to be the only issue for the computers, but then again teachers aren't teaching this either nowadays in many instances. History classes should have computer programs designed to teach as well which would be far better than schools current Woke nonsense of social studies.

Get rid of the schools, they are babysitting at best generally. Start designing software to teach kids what they actually have to know without the wokeness and oh my gawd, the same wrong shit that schools teach each generation.
And your college degrees mean nothing. The proof is still in the pudding---homeschooled student do better than public school students on average and they do so for several reasons. Teachers now days rely on parents to teach their kids after school (or other students who have parents who teach their kids to teach their problem children), when the fact is that school be cut out and if you have parent that cares about getting homework done---that they will be able to teach their kid much better than teachers can or are willing to.

Fact is that without teachers 1) parents should be able to teach their kids better if they are provided simple booklets of what kids are expected to know by what age.
2) there are computer programs and booklets that do a wonderful job, better than teachers, in teaching kids ABC, counting, reading, typing etc. Writing seems to be the only issue for the computers, but then again teachers aren't teaching this either nowadays in many instances. History classes should have computer programs designed to teach as well which would be far better than schools current Woke nonsense of social studies.

Get rid of the schools, they are babysitting at best generally. Start designing software to teach kids what they actually have to know without the wokeness and oh my gawd, the same wrong shit that schools teach each generation.
These psycho Leftist suffering from DEMENTIA are fucking CLUELESS ...
No, not at all. He has the time and motivation to do a great job. If you could read, you would know that! Were you homeschooled by an unqualified parent?
I read your comment .....

So, what makes your son so much more qualified than other Americans who home school their children?

I don't doubt that he is.

Do you pretend to know something about these American families that causes you to have doubt in their ability to home school their children?

Would you prefer to abandon them to the Communist indoctrination of today's public education because .....

Fucking why ....

You think some parents aren't qualified?

That stinks of hypocrisy.
I read your comment .....

So, what makes your son so much more qualified than other Americans who home school their children?

I don't doubt that he is.

Do you pretend to know something about these American families that causes you to have doubt in their ability to home school their children?

Would you prefer to abandon them to the Communist indoctrination of today's public education because .....

Fucking why ....

You think some parents aren't qualified?

That stinks of hypocrisy.
How about I know the fact that many of the parents were high school dropouts themselves? Hoe about many of these students have documented learning disabilities that even I, as their classroom teacher for another subject, am not even qualified to address. That's why we have special education teachers.

My son is a disabled vet, having served in Afghanistan, and that is the only reason he could not finish his computer engineering degree. He is one of the smartest people I know, and that includes myself. That being said, his younger sister puts him to shame as she has a degree in biology and serves as an officer in the Army.

There is no fucking Communist indoctrination in the vast majority of schools in the US. The media can convinced morons like you that the problem occurs in every school, and that is a bald-faced lie. Put away your broad brush for once in your miserable life.

My children got an outstanding education, and my other grandchildren are in two different school districts, are getting a stellar education.
No, not at all. He has the time and motivation to do a great job. If you could read, you would know that! Were you homeschooled by an unqualified parent?
Iq is genetic----unqualified parent will have an uneducated kid in school or homeschooled.

Homeschools produced better educated kids....intelligent people can easily teach their intelligent kids better than any teacher can.
And your college degrees mean nothing. The proof is still in the pudding---homeschooled student do better than public school students on average and they do so for several reasons. Teachers now days rely on parents to teach their kids after school (or other students who have parents who teach their kids to teach their problem children), when the fact is that school be cut out and if you have parent that cares about getting homework done---that they will be able to teach their kid much better than teachers can or are willing to.

Fact is that without teachers 1) parents should be able to teach their kids better if they are provided simple booklets of what kids are expected to know by what age.
2) there are computer programs and booklets that do a wonderful job, better than teachers, in teaching kids ABC, counting, reading, typing etc. Writing seems to be the only issue for the computers, but then again teachers aren't teaching this either nowadays in many instances. History classes should have computer programs designed to teach as well which would be far better than schools current Woke nonsense of social studies.

Get rid of the schools, they are babysitting at best generally. Start designing software to teach kids what they actually have to know without the wokeness and oh my gawd, the same wrong shit that schools teach each generation.

Really? Let me guess your source for that bullshit? HSLDA?

I want to see your high school dropout teach my pre-calculus class!

The vast majority of parents feel that distance learning has irreparably harmed their children's education, but you probably know that.

Half of America's parents were below average students themselves!

My entire point on this thread is to counter the claims that anyone can homeschool and the broad brush you are using to claim "wokeness" and indoctrination are the norm in every school classroom in the US.
Really? Let me guess your source for that bullshit? HSLDA?

I want to see your high school dropout teach my pre-calculus class!

The vast majority of parents feel that distance learning has irreparably harmed their children's education, but you probably know that.

Half of America's parents were below average students themselves!

My entire point on this thread is to counter the claims that anyone can homeschool and the broad brush you are using to claim "wokeness" and indoctrination are the norm in every school classroom in the US.
Parent's to stupid to get rid of the distance learning bullshit are looking for someone to blame. DISTANCE LEARNING is a nightmare meant only to try to keep paychecks going to teachers not about the kids. Parents would be better served getting a list and workbooks of what their children are expected to know by what age and teaching at home without the logistical nightmare of distance learning or inept/lazy/woke teachers just creating more issues.

If you have a kid capable of doing higher level math---I guarantee that they have a higher iq parent capable of learning it as well in most cases. IN calculus specifically, there are youtube videos and self help books more than capable of teaching children and adults capable of learning calculus under you how to learn it on their own. YOU are not necessary to learn calculus. I am sorry, but especially in regards to math--computer programs, books, and youtube break it down better than you ever could. And btw, I have never found any use for calculus in real life.

Oh and do not get testy with me about knowing that homeschool students do better academically than public school students. I'm an atheist----that reads or atleast used to read a massive number of studies---I know study after study after study repeatedly shows that generally speaking homeschooled students do better academically even among the hyper religious. I once considered teaching from home for all my kids grades, but in the end, it wasn't the teachers but the other students for socializing as my main reason to keep my kids in school. The shit that I have seen teachers and their kids (oh my god, teachers kids what a joke) do really speaks for itself.
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Parents and members of the community need to wrestle control of their local schools boards away from the liberals who support BLM, CRT, and Antifa. The federal government can do little or nothing to prevent the downhill slide until they do.

in conservative areas of the country, school boards do not promote these types of progressive beliefs and usually hold the students accountable for their learning without fear of being sued by parents with an agenda.l
Hold accountable means giving the students low grades or expelling them from the school? If yes, then I don't think the latter should be possible in principle.

Also, the teacher's grades should be replaced by testing after learning some bloc of themes.
Hold accountable means giving the students low grades or expelling them from the school? If yes, then I don't think the latter should be possible in principle.

Also, the teacher's grades should be replaced by testing after learning some bloc of themes.
"Bloc of themes" WTF are those?

I was an educator. I don't speak gibberish!
The point is you don't know what you are posting about ....

As usual ....
Actually I do. I used data from the last NORMAL year. Using data from 2020 is inaccurate in terms of a trend since many parents were off work, and schools struggling to transition to online.

And your college degrees mean nothing. The proof is still in the pudding---homeschooled student do better than public school students on average and they do so for several reasons. Teachers now days rely on parents to teach their kids after school (or other students who have parents who teach their kids to teach their problem children), when the fact is that school be cut out and if you have parent that cares about getting homework done---that they will be able to teach their kid much better than teachers can or are willing to.

Fact is that without teachers 1) parents should be able to teach their kids better if they are provided simple booklets of what kids are expected to know by what age.
2) there are computer programs and booklets that do a wonderful job, better than teachers, in teaching kids ABC, counting, reading, typing etc. Writing seems to be the only issue for the computers, but then again teachers aren't teaching this either nowadays in many instances. History classes should have computer programs designed to teach as well which would be far better than schools current Woke nonsense of social studies.

Get rid of the schools, they are babysitting at best generally. Start designing software to teach kids what they actually have to know without the wokeness and oh my gawd, the same wrong shit that schools teach each generation.
How elitist. How many parents are able to quit work to homeschool their kids? Your whole idea of just sit them in front of a computer with booklets did not work well during Covid. Many kids struggled, access to computers and more importantly broadband is sketchy in many areas, particularly rural. Kids, especially young, need active adult involvement. The people I know who homeschool do it as a full time job and are active,y involved.Get rid of public schools and you will create a bigger gap between the educated and uneducated then ever before.
Actually I do. I used data from the last NORMAL year. Using data from 2020 is inaccurate in terms of a trend since many parents were off work, and schools struggling to transition to online.

Know who always wins the National Geographic Bee, the Scripps National Spelling Bee, the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair, and the GSN National Vocabulary Championship?

Homeschooled kids.
Hmmm….food on the table….or home schooling. Tough choices.

I did both.

So you're saying you aren't as capable?


By the way...starvation has never....NEVER....been a problem in America, you dunce.

According to my quick reading of the Life and death during the Great Depression by José A. Tapia Granadosa and Ana V. Diez Roux, the only noticeable increase of mortality was suicide, with a noticeable decline of mortality in every other category.

It's interesting that this paper was written in 2009, before the (shall we say) sensationalist Russian claim of 7 million deaths.

According also to Michael Mosley, life expectancy actually rose through the Great Depression. In his Horizon programme Eat, Fast and Live Longer he claims

From 1929 to 1933, in the darkest years of the great depression when people were eating far less, life expectancy increased by 6 years.

seeing as the US diet was far higher than starvation standards before the GD, even a serious reduction would have been unlikely to induce starvation level conditions in the majority of the population. And with enough food available overall, and the US always having had a very active local charity network, it's quite likely there would have been help for at least the majority of those who could not afford to feed themselves. In fact for quite a few people a somewhat leaner diet may well have contributed to the increased life expectancy. –


They include a table that shows trends in death rates per 100,000 population. Starvation does not appear on the list, nor does it rate a mention in the article. The researchers do acknowledge that malnutrition led to decreased health during the Depression, but not to increased mortality. Malnutrition was a widespread problem, starvation was not.

Importantly, this study shows that economic crisis does not guarantee a mortality crisis, but instead reinforces the notion that what crucially matters is how governments respond and whether protective social and public health policies are in place both during and in advance of economic shocks

Sources: David Stuckler, Christopher Meissner, Price Fishback, Sanjay Basu, Martin McKee. 2011. "Banking crises and mortality during the Great Depression: evidence from US urban populations, 1929-1937." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (link)

Price Fishback, Michael Haines, and Shawn Kantor. 2005. "Births, Deaths, and New Deal Relief During the Great Depression."

How many people in the US starved to death during the Great Depression?

I was trying to look this up earlier and could not easily find reliable information on the internet, mostly due to a new popular claim that 7 million people starved to death in the Great Depression!

Does your sort ever read a book?????


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I did both.

So you're saying you aren't as capable?


By the way...starvation has never....NEVER....been a problem in America, you dunce.

According to my quick reading of the Life and death during the Great Depression by José A. Tapia Granadosa and Ana V. Diez Roux, the only noticeable increase of mortality was suicide, with a noticeable decline of mortality in every other category.

It's interesting that this paper was written in 2009, before the (shall we say) sensationalist Russian claim of 7 million deaths.

According also to Michael Mosley, life expectancy actually rose through the Great Depression. In his Horizon programme Eat, Fast and Live Longer he claims

From 1929 to 1933, in the darkest years of the great depression when people were eating far less, life expectancy increased by 6 years.

seeing as the US diet was far higher than starvation standards before the GD, even a serious reduction would have been unlikely to induce starvation level conditions in the majority of the population. And with enough food available overall, and the US always having had a very active local charity network, it's quite likely there would have been help for at least the majority of those who could not afford to feed themselves. In fact for quite a few people a somewhat leaner diet may well have contributed to the increased life expectancy. –


They include a table that shows trends in death rates per 100,000 population. Starvation does not appear on the list, nor does it rate a mention in the article. The researchers do acknowledge that malnutrition led to decreased health during the Depression, but not to increased mortality. Malnutrition was a widespread problem, starvation was not.

Importantly, this study shows that economic crisis does not guarantee a mortality crisis, but instead reinforces the notion that what crucially matters is how governments respond and whether protective social and public health policies are in place both during and in advance of economic shocks

Sources: David Stuckler, Christopher Meissner, Price Fishback, Sanjay Basu, Martin McKee. 2011. "Banking crises and mortality during the Great Depression: evidence from US urban populations, 1929-1937." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (link)

Price Fishback, Michael Haines, and Shawn Kantor. 2005. "Births, Deaths, and New Deal Relief During the Great Depression."

How many people in the US starved to death during the Great Depression?

I was trying to look this up earlier and could not easily find reliable information on the internet, mostly due to a new popular claim that 7 million people starved to death in the Great Depression!

Does your sort ever read a book?????
Poor in America is your iPhone is a model 6.

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