American hunter in viral photo of slain giraffe is "proud to hunt"

Why do people do shit like this ?


American hunter in viral photo of slain giraffe is "proud to hunt"

Because the money they pay to shoot the one giraffe pays to save the entire population of Giraffes.....since without that money, they are nothing but nuisance animals to farmers....
Why are you people so unbelievably stupid and ignorant? Why? Are you so damn oblivious to life? Have you zero understanding how the animal and plant kingdom work? Damn all these dumb asses.

Let me explain one more time to the misinformed idiots on here as to how ecosystems work, and how we as a species benefit . Let's take Yellowstone. At the turn of the century, we wiped out every Gray Timberwolf in the west. And what happened when we exterminated the wolves? The land was over run by overgrazing of hoofed mammals depleting grasses, forbes, and small trees like willow and Cottonwood on the river banks. This reduced dramatically critical habitat for other species, creating an ecological desert. But one day, we decided to bring the wolves back. And guess what happened? The Cottonwoods and willows started to come back, providing a healthy food source of what was becoming a balanced herd of hoofed mammals because wolves were taking out the weak and sick, and allowing the essential plant life to come back. Guess what else happened? Beavers started to come back. And why are they so important? Because they built dams on the river providing critical habitat for water birds like Eagles, because the fish were pooled up and concentrated. It provided critical habitat for diving ducks to feed on submerged plants and gave them safer nesting sites. Everything benefited from bringing the wolves back, by perpetuating and growing populations of these animals. Hell, the wolves were responsible for changing the course of the rivers up there, because they changed the entire ecosystem for the good.

In other words, getting rid of a species, can mean the detriment of other species, and a decline in the health of the environment as a whole. And, when the health of an environment is in decline, do you think man himself is immune to that decline? This is why hunting a species that is endangered is such a foolish, dangerous game we play. These animals need to perpetuate at all costs. Even if it means going to war with those idiots who think indiscriminate hunting is good for the world. They are idiots, and unfortunately, we are forced to deal with them.

When predators are thinned to much hunting is the only means of thinning the herd to avoid overpopulation of herbivores and their starvation.
Man must take the place of the carnivore which kill livestock.
I say it's a fair trade since we get to eat those tasty animals.

Whitetail deer were almost hunted to extinction so they made hunting them illegal. Ten years later they had overpopulated and were starving.
Hunting them is game management and beneficial to the sustainability of the animal.
We'll, I thought it would take longer for the ignorant to show up with something ridiculous, but I was wrong. But, it's not all your fault either, just to be fair. To truly understand the man, wildlife, livestock relationship, one must understand everything. You don't.

First off, you will notice, I never said I was against hunting. I hunt myself. And as a hunter,wildlife manager, student of nature, Ecology,Botany, Ornithology, Entomology, etc. I have a deep understanding and love for nature, and its usefulness to all life, including our own. I admire it, and appreciate what it gives us as a resource. But remember what I said. Everything, and I do mean everything has to balance. Which brings me to your argument about predators and livestock. Let me ask you this, if a population of humans in this country went from 325 million to say 1 billion, how many more livestock would we need to have to feed such a population, and how many more wolves would we need to shoot to feed such a population? And, how much more land would we need? If you could answer that question honestly and accurately you would tell me that we need to shoot more wolves and graze more wilderness right? Again, for us and nature to balance, concessions must be our number one priority, or something will lose. And nature is not in the business of losing. The wolves, like the Buffalo, the Elk, the Mule deer, the Rabbits, fish, Eagle, Trees, grass, and forbes were put here for a reason. They were put here to purify the environment and perpetuate their own kind by having other species preserve their own existence. Species depend on each other to perpetuate. It's been done for thousands of years, and has never needed our help.

Which brings me back to livestock and overpopulating humans again. That dynamic works the same way. When too many cows are put onto BLM land for example, overgrazing occurs, the land itself begins to spoiliate leaving the area as an ecological desert itself. Which is what happened in Yellowstone until the wolves came back. Meaning, we as humans have choices to make. Do we let a population balloon to 1 billion at the expense of overgrazed land by cattle and the extermination of the wolf again, or do we strive to balance our own population in order to maintain the health of the land and the plants and animals that live there? That's the real argument you need to discuss with yourself. It was never an argument about shooting wolves on grazing land outside the parks. The argument is, am I wise enough to understand the limitations of my own environment and to implement strategies so as all life has the chance to survive, perpetuate, and grow. This cannot be an argument that rests on blaming wolves. There is a much bigger question we need to ask. But, to answer it correctly, you must understand your own surroundings.

As a lifelong hunter I can say you're full of shit.
Game management works,it's no different than fish management.
You control the taking of animals or fish and it mimics predation.

What you claim to be an expert in is denied by your (cough) colleges.....
Managed hunting can help maintain animal populations
I never said managed hunting doesn't maintain animal populations. That isn't the purpose or point of my post. Obviously I went right over your head. If you cannot comprehend my last two sentences, I cannot force you to. "Managed hunting to maintain animal populations" is only one part of a puzzle that has dozens of other parts to consider. Those who are not willing to learn what those other parts are, are destined to die not knowing, and will have never participated in the success or failure of species, and their existence.
there will always be pictures and video of these animals even if they disappear . In fact , i'd love to see Grizzly , wolves and cougar disappear never to be seen again in the wild . City Folk like YOU can look at them in 'piture books' Flopper
And when grizzlies , wolves and cougar are all gone, there will be an explosion of the populations of deer, coyotes, coons, ect which in turn will dissimulate their food source.

Removing any level from an ecosystem disrupts a delicate balance that may have evolved over millions of years. These systems are comprised of a series of checks and balances between predator and prey, that tend to balance the whole. The removal of the top predators leads to an increase in their prey which in turn decreases it's food supply and which continues on down the chain.
------------------------------ AS Example] so you just start killing deer as example , kill them wholesale , no limit on how many can be killed . Out here we refer to Deer as Woods Rats there are so many of them Flopper .
Is there an unlimited population?
Because the money they pay to shoot the one giraffe pays to save the entire population of Giraffes.....since without that money, they are nothing but nuisance animals to farmers....
Why are you people so unbelievably stupid and ignorant? Why? Are you so damn oblivious to life? Have you zero understanding how the animal and plant kingdom work? Damn all these dumb asses.

Let me explain one more time to the misinformed idiots on here as to how ecosystems work, and how we as a species benefit . Let's take Yellowstone. At the turn of the century, we wiped out every Gray Timberwolf in the west. And what happened when we exterminated the wolves? The land was over run by overgrazing of hoofed mammals depleting grasses, forbes, and small trees like willow and Cottonwood on the river banks. This reduced dramatically critical habitat for other species, creating an ecological desert. But one day, we decided to bring the wolves back. And guess what happened? The Cottonwoods and willows started to come back, providing a healthy food source of what was becoming a balanced herd of hoofed mammals because wolves were taking out the weak and sick, and allowing the essential plant life to come back. Guess what else happened? Beavers started to come back. And why are they so important? Because they built dams on the river providing critical habitat for water birds like Eagles, because the fish were pooled up and concentrated. It provided critical habitat for diving ducks to feed on submerged plants and gave them safer nesting sites. Everything benefited from bringing the wolves back, by perpetuating and growing populations of these animals. Hell, the wolves were responsible for changing the course of the rivers up there, because they changed the entire ecosystem for the good.

In other words, getting rid of a species, can mean the detriment of other species, and a decline in the health of the environment as a whole. And, when the health of an environment is in decline, do you think man himself is immune to that decline? This is why hunting a species that is endangered is such a foolish, dangerous game we play. These animals need to perpetuate at all costs. Even if it means going to war with those idiots who think indiscriminate hunting is good for the world. They are idiots, and unfortunately, we are forced to deal with them.

When predators are thinned to much hunting is the only means of thinning the herd to avoid overpopulation of herbivores and their starvation.
Man must take the place of the carnivore which kill livestock.
I say it's a fair trade since we get to eat those tasty animals.

Whitetail deer were almost hunted to extinction so they made hunting them illegal. Ten years later they had overpopulated and were starving.
Hunting them is game management and beneficial to the sustainability of the animal.
We'll, I thought it would take longer for the ignorant to show up with something ridiculous, but I was wrong. But, it's not all your fault either, just to be fair. To truly understand the man, wildlife, livestock relationship, one must understand everything. You don't.

First off, you will notice, I never said I was against hunting. I hunt myself. And as a hunter,wildlife manager, student of nature, Ecology,Botany, Ornithology, Entomology, etc. I have a deep understanding and love for nature, and its usefulness to all life, including our own. I admire it, and appreciate what it gives us as a resource. But remember what I said. Everything, and I do mean everything has to balance. Which brings me to your argument about predators and livestock. Let me ask you this, if a population of humans in this country went from 325 million to say 1 billion, how many more livestock would we need to have to feed such a population, and how many more wolves would we need to shoot to feed such a population? And, how much more land would we need? If you could answer that question honestly and accurately you would tell me that we need to shoot more wolves and graze more wilderness right? Again, for us and nature to balance, concessions must be our number one priority, or something will lose. And nature is not in the business of losing. The wolves, like the Buffalo, the Elk, the Mule deer, the Rabbits, fish, Eagle, Trees, grass, and forbes were put here for a reason. They were put here to purify the environment and perpetuate their own kind by having other species preserve their own existence. Species depend on each other to perpetuate. It's been done for thousands of years, and has never needed our help.

Which brings me back to livestock and overpopulating humans again. That dynamic works the same way. When too many cows are put onto BLM land for example, overgrazing occurs, the land itself begins to spoiliate leaving the area as an ecological desert itself. Which is what happened in Yellowstone until the wolves came back. Meaning, we as humans have choices to make. Do we let a population balloon to 1 billion at the expense of overgrazed land by cattle and the extermination of the wolf again, or do we strive to balance our own population in order to maintain the health of the land and the plants and animals that live there? That's the real argument you need to discuss with yourself. It was never an argument about shooting wolves on grazing land outside the parks. The argument is, am I wise enough to understand the limitations of my own environment and to implement strategies so as all life has the chance to survive, perpetuate, and grow. This cannot be an argument that rests on blaming wolves. There is a much bigger question we need to ask. But, to answer it correctly, you must understand your own surroundings.

As a lifelong hunter I can say you're full of shit.
Game management works,it's no different than fish management.
You control the taking of animals or fish and it mimics predation.

What you claim to be an expert in is denied by your (cough) colleges.....
Managed hunting can help maintain animal populations
I never said managed hunting doesn't maintain animal populations. That isn't the purpose or point of my post. Obviously I went right over your head. If you cannot comprehend my last two sentences, I cannot force you to. "Managed hunting to maintain animal populations" is only one part of a puzzle that has dozens of other parts to consider. Those who are not willing to learn what those other parts are, are destined to die not knowing, and will have never participated in the success or failure of species, and their existence.

And what would those other parts be?
Is there any other species of animal on the planet that kills helpless prey for fun?
there will always be pictures and video of these animals even if they disappear . In fact , i'd love to see Grizzly , wolves and cougar disappear never to be seen again in the wild . City Folk like YOU can look at them in 'piture books' Flopper
And when grizzlies , wolves and cougar are all gone, there will be an explosion of the populations of deer, coyotes, coons, ect which in turn will dissimulate their food source.

Removing any level from an ecosystem disrupts a delicate balance that may have evolved over millions of years. These systems are comprised of a series of checks and balances between predator and prey, that tend to balance the whole. The removal of the top predators leads to an increase in their prey which in turn decreases it's food supply and which continues on down the chain.
------------------------------ AS Example] so you just start killing deer as example , kill them wholesale , no limit on how many can be killed . Out here we refer to Deer as Woods Rats there are so many of them Flopper .
Is there an unlimited population?

Of course not moron.
There's no such thing,they'd be starving to death without management.
and by the way , the last Grizzly known in Kalifornia was seen in about 1910 though they might be being Reintroduced nowadays in 'kalifornia' . And no problems in Kali due to being near Grizzly or totally Grizzly Free Flopper .
but the main problem nowadays are Cougar attacks and some killing of humans in 'southern kalifornia' Flopper .
but the main problem nowadays are Cougar attacks and some killing of humans in 'southern kalifornia' Flopper .

We saw them on occasion in Junction Texas but they weren't a menace.
If they became one I wouldnt hesitate in shooting them.
Personally, I only hunt Jackelopes
In the wild, it is kill or be killed
They will sneak up behind you and go right for your throat!

Trophy hunters should be taken outside and shot. Although I believe in giving them a sporting chance...say, about a 75 yard running start.
and how many species of Animal have gone extinct throughout known or ancient PREHISTORY. No big deal if Giraffes or Lions or wolves are hunted to extinction in my opinion except to the pointy headed 'expurts' or those that make a living being 'pointy headed' taxpayer paid Expurts .
but the main problem nowadays are Cougar attacks and some killing of humans in 'southern kalifornia' Flopper .

We saw them on occasion in Junction Texas but they weren't a menace.
If they became one I wouldnt hesitate in shooting them.
--------------------------- i've only heard about it . A young woman or kid will put on her jogging shoes and go out for a run in some little park near her house and the Cougar gets her , mauls her . Probably doesn't kill her but that has happened . Same for kids , not many and the argument is that people are encroaching on the land that the lions / cougars have bought and paid for .
Is there any other species of animal on the planet that kills helpless prey for fun?
Let's hope not. One's more than enough.
------------------------- you musta missed or ignored this info on animals that like to thrill kill Flopper . ------ If You Think Dolphins Are Anything But Vicious Killers, You're Dead Wrong --- was originally put up by HEREWEGO and hunting and shooting a Giraffe is not a thrill kill as if that even matters Flopper .
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Is there any other species of animal on the planet that kills helpless prey for fun?

Wow, can't believe you really asked that. You're usually a fairly bright poster.
Unless you're being sarcastic ?

It's not unusual at all, and may be right in your own household if you have a pet cat.

Ever read about Bottlenose Dolphin's ? Those bastards can be nothing short of hideously cruel.

There's plenty more out there.
there will always be pictures and video of these animals even if they disappear . In fact , i'd love to see Grizzly , wolves and cougar disappear never to be seen again in the wild . City Folk like YOU can look at them in 'piture books' Flopper
And when grizzlies , wolves and cougar are all gone, there will be an explosion of the populations of deer, coyotes, coons, ect which in turn will dissimulate their food source.

Removing any level from an ecosystem disrupts a delicate balance that may have evolved over millions of years. These systems are comprised of a series of checks and balances between predator and prey, that tend to balance the whole. The removal of the top predators leads to an increase in their prey which in turn decreases it's food supply and which continues on down the chain.
------------------------------ AS Example] so you just start killing deer as example , kill them wholesale , no limit on how many can be killed . Out here we refer to Deer as Woods Rats there are so many of them Flopper .
Is there an unlimited population?

Of course not moron.
There's no such thing,they'd be starving to death without management.
Animal populations manage themselves and their populations naturally through natural selection. Hunting has no role in that. To know what I am talking about you need to understand the Biology of the animal. For example, if you live in the eastern US where grey squirrels live in abundance, you would have noticed squirrels running around in the yard. If you live in an area with mature hardwoods and are sitting on your back deck, you may see three, four, and possibly ten running around your half acre yard. But, have you ever seen fifty in your yard? No! And if anyone said yes, they'd be lying. Do you know why you will never see fifty? Because the lands "carrying capacity cannot support fifty. So, how do they control their own populations? Sometimes squirrels will self abort because the mother is not healthy enough due to a carrying capacity issue with the existing population and a food shortage. Others will simply not bear as large a litter during a time at maximum population levels. Nature has prepared for this. And while hunting can be a contributing factor in both squirrel and deer reductions, nature will solve the problem on its own.

As for Deer, they do the same thing. If overpopulation of Deer exist due to habitat destruction, often times the mother will only have one fawn. I have seen this personally, where visible browse lines decimated the productive vegetation in an area, and Deer numbers were so high for a period of time, antler development was stunted. Often times you would see young Bucks trying to breed other Bucks because of overpopulation. The Biological process of self correcting itself was ongoing to curb the population naturally. However, controlled hunting would have been a valuable tool in this case. Which by the way, I was a part of.
but the main problem nowadays are Cougar attacks and some killing of humans in 'southern kalifornia' Flopper .
Because we are interrupting their expanding territory needs. They belong there. Millions of houses in the hills of southern California shouldn't be there to begin with. It's an ecological disaster waiting to happen. Mudslides and wildfires are the norm because the land is unstable in the hills to begin with when there are massive rains. We have too many people.

Male yearling cougars will disperse to stake out their own thirty square mile territory. That is what is going on.

So, what is the solution? Do we yield to the cougar and let him and her have their hills? If we are smart, the answer is yes.

Can we exterminate the cougar? Yes! But it won't do any good. The land itself cannot support homes everywhere in the hills. Nature has proven that for us in the last few decades. So killing the cougar won't solve our problems with living space in S.C.
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