American hunter in viral photo of slain giraffe is "proud to hunt"

but the main problem nowadays are Cougar attacks and some killing of humans in 'southern kalifornia' Flopper .
Because we are interrupting their expanding territory needs. They belong there. Millions of houses in the hills of southern California shouldn't be there to begin with. It's an ecological disaster waiting to happen. Mudslides and wildfires are the norm because the land is unstable in the hills to begin with when there are massive rains. We have too many people.

Male yearling cougars will disperse to stake out their own thirty square mile territory. That is what is going on.

So, what is the solution? Do we yield to the cougar and let him and her have their hills? If we are smart, the answer is yes.

Can we exterminate the cougar? Yes! But it won't do any good. The land itself cannot support homes everywhere in the hills. Nature has proven that for us in the last few decades. So killing the cougar won't solve our problems with living space in S.C.
---------------------- feck the animals BWK .
but the main problem nowadays are Cougar attacks and some killing of humans in 'southern kalifornia' Flopper .
Because we are interrupting their expanding territory needs. They belong there. Millions of houses in the hills of southern California shouldn't be there to begin with. It's an ecological disaster waiting to happen. Mudslides and wildfires are the norm because the land is unstable in the hills to begin with when there are massive rains. We have too many people.

Male yearling cougars will disperse to stake out their own thirty square mile territory. That is what is going on.

So, what is the solution? Do we yield to the cougar and let him and her have their hills? If we are smart, the answer is yes.

Can we exterminate the cougar? Yes! But it won't do any good. The land itself cannot support homes everywhere in the hills. Nature has proven that for us in the last few decades. So killing the cougar won't solve our problems with living space in S.C.
---------------------- feck the animals BWK .
And the earth will send you a bill; Count on it.
As i said , Grizzly disappeared from 'kalifornia' since the early 20s and nobody missed them BWK . Same would happen if cougar disappeared except for the pointy heads that make a living off taxpayer money trying to preserve the animals BWK .
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As i said , Grizzly disappeared from 'kalifornia' since the early 20s and nobody missed them BWK . Same would happen if cougar disappeared except for the pointy heads that make a living off taxpayer money trying to preserve the animals . BWK .
Anyone who cheers for the extinction of a species in any area, in my book, their soul belongs to the Devil. Not much we can do with you.
As i said , Grizzly disappeared from 'kalifornia' since the early 20s and nobody missed them BWK . Same would happen if cougar disappeared except for the pointy heads that make a living off taxpayer money trying to preserve the animals . BWK .
Anyone who cheers for the extinction of a species in any area, in my book, their soul belongs to the Devil. Not much we can do with you.
------------------------------ species have been going extinct these last 6000 years as well as ancient prehistoric history . You keep rallying for your taxpayer paid job and i'll keep telling the truth about you 'government woods police' BWK .
Is there any other species of animal on the planet that kills helpless prey for fun?

Wow, can't believe you really asked that. You're usually a fairly bright poster.
Unless you're being sarcastic ?

It's not unusual at all, and may be right in your own household if you have a pet cat.

Ever read about Bottlenose Dolphin's ? Those bastards can be nothing short of hideously cruel.

There's plenty more out there.
The idea that animals kill for pleasure seems a bit far fetch because there is a purpose in just about everything animals do in the wild. Watching animals, it's easy to attribute human emotions such as love, hate joy, sorrow, and fear to animals but the truth is the actions of most animals in the wild are dictated by instinct and learned survival skills.

When domestic cats or cats in the wild appear to be playing with prey they actually lessening the risk of injury. To deliver a fatal bite the cat must sever the spinal cord by biting hard into the prey’s neck. To be able to deliver this bite the cat may have to release the prey momentarily while they re-position. In doing this they risk a bite or peck to their face which could injure their eyes or cause a wound that risks infection. Rather than take this risk the cat will tire out and weaken their prey by batting it around. They learn this behavior as kittens.

We really don't know why Bottle Nose Dolphins attack porpoises, possible to eliminate completion for food or to claim a hunting area. I doubt it's for the joy of the kill.
As i said , Grizzly disappeared from 'kalifornia' since the early 20s and nobody missed them BWK . Same would happen if cougar disappeared except for the pointy heads that make a living off taxpayer money trying to preserve the animals . BWK .
Anyone who cheers for the extinction of a species in any area, in my book, their soul belongs to the Devil. Not much we can do with you.
------------------------------ species have been going extinct these last 6000 years as well as ancient prehistoric history . You keep rallying for your taxpayer paid job and i'll keep telling the truth about you 'government woods police' BWK .
Stupidity and evil are limitless in this world.
As i said , Grizzly disappeared from 'kalifornia' since the early 20s and nobody missed them BWK . Same would happen if cougar disappeared except for the pointy heads that make a living off taxpayer money trying to preserve the animals . BWK .
Anyone who cheers for the extinction of a species in any area, in my book, their soul belongs to the Devil. Not much we can do with you.
------------------------------ species have been going extinct these last 6000 years as well as ancient prehistoric history . You keep rallying for your taxpayer paid job and i'll keep telling the truth about you 'government woods police' BWK .
Anytime a species goes extinct it creates an imbalance in nature. The extinction of a predictor increases the prey which result in other imbalances. Natural extinction can take hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years and nature adjusts. However, when you throw man into picture, extinction can occur too rapid for nature to adjust.
yeah , GrizzLy disappeared for all intents and purpose from 'kalifornia' in the early 1920s or thereabouts and nothing bad happened because of a lack of Grizzly BWK and Flopper .
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As i said , Grizzly disappeared from 'kalifornia' since the early 20s and nobody missed them BWK . Same would happen if cougar disappeared except for the pointy heads that make a living off taxpayer money trying to preserve the animals BWK .
How can people miss them. Few people in California have ever seen one. We drove the California Grizzly to extinction over 30 years ago.

The Grizzly improves the health of our forests and the environment. They play a key role in the balance of a natural area. By digging for roots and insects, a bear freshens soil like a rototiller. Its scavenging and digestion of dead animals returns energy quickly to the ground, fertilizing the soil that grows the plants upon which a place’s food web relies. Meanwhile, the presence of grizzlies keeps deer and elk herds on the move, preventing them from lingering in an area so long that they overgraze its shrubs and grasses. It adds up to a simple biological truth: where grizzly bears walk the land, other plant and animal species are healthier. In scientific terms, this wide-reaching impact makes the grizzly an umbrella species.
and they were driven to extinction in the 20 or 30s according to my link that i posted . Point is that they weren't missed Flopper .
yeah , GrizzLy disappeared for all intents and purpose from 'kalifornia' in the early 1920s or thereabouts and nothing bad happened because of a lack of Grizzly BWK and Flopper .
There are always bad things that happen in the wildness areas when you eliminate a species that protects many other species. Most people don't make the connection.
yeah , GrizzLy disappeared for all intents and purpose from 'kalifornia' in the early 1920s or thereabouts and nothing bad happened because of a lack of Grizzly BWK and Flopper .
There are always bad things that happen in wildness areas when you eliminate a species that protects many other species.

Don't go so philosophical on this Flopper.

It's simple

DO NOT KILL WILDLIFE, respect animal life.

There....was that so hard to say?
point is that no one KNEW about the bad things that happened when the Grizzly disappeared in ' kalifornia' Flopper .
and they were driven to extinction in the 20 or 30s according to my link that i posted . Point is that they weren't missed Flopper .
When I say people don't miss them it's because they have never seen how they make our forest more healthy, improve grazing area and control other large animal populations.
and they were driven to extinction in the 20 or 30s according to my link that i posted . Point is that they weren't missed Flopper .
When I say people don't miss them it's because they have never seen how they make our forest more healthy, improve grazing area and control other large animal populations.
----------------------------- yeah , only the expurts are aware eh Flopper [chuckle] . Course 'kali' has lots of wild areas and Grizzlys aren't missed eh Flopper .
Why do people do shit like this ?


Images of hunters celebrating their trophies often draw widespread support and widespread condemnation - something Tess Talley knows first hand. In 2017, she killed a giraffe in South Africa. In 2018, her photo of the kill went viral and prompted worldwide outrage.

Talley joined "CBS This Morning" Friday to say that she's "absolutely" still going hunting.

"It's a hobby, it's something that I love to do," she said. Talley said that the controversial kill was part of a conservation hunt, designed to manage the amount of wildlife in a given area.

"I am proud to hunt," she said. "And I am proud of that giraffe."

American hunter in viral photo of slain giraffe is "proud to hunt"
Good stuff. Cutey pie too. I wonder what giraffe tastes like?

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