American Marxism

Levin is an American Patriot, someone we used to have in both political parties until the Democrat party was hijacked by commies.

Which one of them is communists?
I'll bet you cannot name one who is affiliated with any communist party.
Again, your problem lies in the fact trump was cleverly beaten By Biden in a well planned campaign to focus on the silent majority. You know. The ones you all believe voted for trump?
They didn't. They voted for Joe.
IS that the best you've got?
You come here and spray your shit everywhere but when challenged you have nothing but bile. Why do you bother you fascist pig.
Challenged? You don't know what a fascist is, you pusillanimous putrid cocksucker.
Your depiction of him pumping up rage and paranoia for one. Exposing Marxism in the U.S. is informative and Levine reflects the frustration that many of US feel about the openly Marxist Democrats in power. Maybe you should get the book and come back when you are more properly informed. CNN is not informative.
What the fuck are you braindead arseholes on about? I remember listening to yanks come out with shit like this for the last 50 years since I was a teenager. So the Democrats are Marxists are they? You haven't got a fucking clue what Marxism is, have you?
So when did they nationalise the banks? The power companies and all other utilities? When did they ban all non-communist political parties? Your so-called Marxist Democratic party is funded by billionaires you fucking arsehole. They are not even considered left-wing in Europe. Admit it - you are a total fucking numpty! Just shut to fuck up. I'm sick to death of reading the total shite a totally braindead wus like you thinks it's OK to write.

Get a life, but try first to develop a fecking brain!
What the fuck are you braindead arseholes on about? I remember listening to yanks come out with shit like this for the last 50 years since I was a teenager. So the Democrats are Marxists are they? You haven't got a fucking clue what Marxism is, have you?
So when did they nationalise the banks? The power companies and all other utilities? When did they ban all non-communist political parties? Your so-called Marxist Democratic party is funded by billionaires you fucking arsehole. They are not even considered left-wing in Europe. Admit it - you are a total fucking numpty! Just shut to fuck up. I'm sick to death of reading the total shite a totally braindead wus like you thinks it's OK to write.

Get a life, but try first to develop a fecking brain!
Ever hear of the Federal Reserve? Power companies are regulated by the government. Marxist Democrats ARE funded by billionaires like George Soros through his many 'nicely named' foundations that contribute to Marxist causes like Antifa and BLM. 'Yank' is a swear word here in America, you call someone that and you'll get a knuckle sandwich. Fuck off asshole. Stay in whatever shithole country you live in. If you live in the U.S......LEAVE!!! :scared1:
An article to add to the discussion. It is a well thought out and fine written article on Marxisim.

Your link:

"Belying its utopian theorizing, Marxism failed everywhere it was tried. No other ideology was more thoroughly repudiated in more places by more people's experiences.

"As the 'Black Book of Communism' details, Marxist regimes in the 20th century killed tens of millions of people, while savaging political, economic, religious, artistic and sexual freedom. In 21st century North Korea and China, the killings keep."

How do those numbers compare to capitalism's death toll since it replaced feudalism? In case you haven't noticed, capitalism destroys as much as it creates and has never existed without war and debt.
Putting the Cost of COVID-19 in Perspective


Le Livre noir du capitalisme - Wikipedia

"An appendix provides an incomplete list of 20th-century death-tolls which editor Gilles Perrault attributes to the capitalist system.

"The list includes certain death-tolls covering the two World Wars, colonial wars, anticommunist campaigns and repressions, ethnic conflicts, and victims of famines or malnutrition; bringing the incomplete total to 100 million deaths attributed to capitalism in the 20th century"
Which one of them is communists?
I'll bet you cannot name one who is affiliated with any communist party.
Again, your problem lies in the fact trump was cleverly beaten By Biden in a well planned campaign to focus on the silent majority. You know. The ones you all believe voted for trump?
They didn't. They voted for Joe.

Where all the Marxist in America? Hiding behind bushes waiting to pounce. Sharpening their invasion skills for when capitalist Armageddon comes. It shouldn't be long now with a Chinese operative in the WH. Get thise guns ready boys. Train all the animals to use them. This will be bigger than the civil war.

You people are all paranoid bonkers and barking mad. Leftism has atrophied the small brains you had. Marxism my arse.
Wake up to yourselves.
Levin is one of the chief architects of the alternate universe, for those who don't know.

He was a guest and fill-in for Hannity, and then got his own show, just as Hannity did with Rush.

Excellent at pumping up the rage and paranoia of his listeners, often going completely off the rails with anger.
Unlike the Left, the Right doesn't burn shit to the ground in their rage.
Where all the Marxist in America? Hiding behind bushes waiting to pounce. Sharpening their invasion skills for when capitalist Armageddon comes. It shouldn't be long now with a Chinese operative in the WH. Get thise guns ready boys. Train all the animals to use them. This will be bigger than the civil war.

You people are all paranoid bonkers and barking mad. Leftism has atrophied the small brains you had. Marxism my arse.
Wake up to yourselves.

Bidenista's my boy, Bidenista's; of which there are plenty!
Are you still trying to sell Joe as a moderate, you cagey fool??
Bidenista's my boy, Bidenista's; of which there are plenty!
Are you still trying to sell Joe as a moderate, you cagey fool??

Not at all. My point is you are paranoid about anything Democrat and label it Marxist etc.
He has not done one thing that would indicate He has move the country towards Marxism and you know it. It's just your childish ignorant hatred and nothing else.
They just attack the nation's Capitol trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

On a lie.
And had zero effect on the transfer of power unlike the riots across the country that have cost billions in damage, but yeah "its basically the same".
Not at all. My point is you are paranoid about anything Democrat and label it Marxist etc.
He has not done one thing that would indicate He has move the country towards Marxism and you know it. It's just your childish ignorant hatred and nothing else.
Vaccine mandates for Federal workers and Federal contractors is a Marxist move for one. The Democrat party has been taken over by Marxists who want to re-educate our children and tell them they are racist and confused as to which gender they are. That is pure Marxism. Putting the Jan 6th protestors in Guantanamo and labeling them 'terrorists' is Marxist. You must be blind and ignorant or both.

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