American Marxism

And had zero effect on the transfer of power unlike the riots across the country that have cost billions in damage, but yeah "its basically the same".
The riots had nothing to so with the peaceful transfer of power.

You can dismiss and diminish Jan 6th all you want. That's up to you. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
Vaccine mandates for Federal workers and Federal contractors is a Marxist move for one. The Democrat party has been taken over by Marxists who want to re-educate our children and tell them they are racist and confused as to which gender they are. That is pure Marxism. Putting the Jan 6th protestors in Guantanamo and labeling them 'terrorists' is Marxist. You must be blind and ignorant or both.
Only if you don't care about the health of the People. Is it any wonder why we elect politicians who do.
Vaccine mandates for Federal workers and Federal contractors is a Marxist move for one. The Democrat party has been taken over by Marxists who want to re-educate our children and tell them they are racist and confused as to which gender they are. That is pure Marxism. Putting the Jan 6th protestors in Guantanamo and labeling them 'terrorists' is Marxist. You must be blind and ignorant or both.

No. Sorry comrade. He was elected to care for Every one including you.
None of that is Marxism. You know nothing but hate and ignorance.
Not at all. My point is you are paranoid about anything Democrat and label it Marxist etc.
He has not done one thing that would indicate He has move the country towards Marxism and you know it. It's just your childish ignorant hatred and nothing else.

Open borders, unconstitutional mandates, encouraging his DOJ to label parents domestic terrorists in the face of real CRT being taught.....need I go on?
The riots had nothing to so with the peaceful transfer of power.

You can dismiss and diminish Jan 6th all you want. That's up to you. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
The Jan 6th protest had nothing to do with the peaceful transfer of power either. The only one killed was an unarmed woman. A known BLM activist (John Sullivan) was instigating there as well. We also now know that FBI instigators, or as the MSM called them, unindicted co-conspirators, were also there trying to urge the crowd to riot. At the same time the D.C. cops hurled tear gas into a peacefully assembled crowd to try to stir up trouble.
No. Sorry comrade. He was elected to care for Every one including you.
None of that is Marxism. You know nothing but hate and ignorance.
Well 'comrade'....The President of the U.S. is not elected to 'care' for US he is elected to uphold the Constitution which does not include mandating needle sticks or mask wearing. In fact it upholds the right to privacy. He is elected to protect US from foreign invasion at which he has dismally failed at our Southern border. He as wasted millions by killing the wall for which we already have piles of building materials sitting idle. He is elected as Commander In Chief yet he left Americans behind in Afghanistan. Biden also killed our energy sector by killing drilling and championing the fake 'climate change' boondoggle to please the far left loonies in his party and single handedly caused our fuel costs to skyrocket.
Holy crap. Perhaps you haven't been told what was going on inside the Capitol.

Who knows what you've been told.

According to the HBO Special on it, it was basically a firearmless medieval push n' pull riot. Even that Italian cop who thought he was gonna die when separated into the rioters, was saved by some of them and thrown back to friendly lines.
It was a good special if you turned the propaganda narrative off and just watched what actually happened.
Seeing is believing in an objective sense.
Mark Levin's books, including "American Marxism" should be taught in schools and at West Point even

Holy crap. Perhaps you haven't been told what was going on inside the Capitol.

Who knows what you've been told.
'Holy crap' you don't know There is a 3 part series on Fox Nation with investigative reporting, videos and an in depth look at inside the Capitol on Jan 6th? Tucker Carlson did it. I posted on it already in another thread. I know what the MSM has told you however this is a more complete description of the event not controlled by the MSM controlled Democrat party.
According to the HBO Special on it, it was basically a firearmless medieval push n' pull riot. Even that Italian cop who thought he was gonna die when separated into the rioters, was saved by some of them and thrown back to friendly lines.
It was a good special if you turned the propaganda narrative off and just watched what actually happened.
Seeing is believing in an objective sense.
OR see Tucker Carlson's 3 part series on Fox Nation.
Well 'comrade'....The President of the U.S. is not elected to 'care' for US he is elected to uphold the Constitution which does not include mandating needle sticks or mask wearing. In fact it upholds the right to privacy. He is elected to protect US from foreign invasion at which he has dismally failed at our Southern border. He as wasted millions by killing the wall for which we already have piles of building materials sitting idle. He is elected as Commander In Chief yet he left Americans behind in Afghanistan. Biden also killed our energy sector by killing drilling and championing the fake 'climate change' boondoggle to please the far left loonies in his party and single handedly caused our fuel costs to skyrocket.

That's what you think but he will have his way and you can stick with your conspiracy theories until you die . Who cares?

All your scenarios listed above are twisted to suit your cause and hatreds.
It's bullshit and you know it.
'Holy crap' you don't know There is a 3 part series on Fox Nation with investigative reporting, videos and an in depth look at inside the Capitol on Jan 6th? Tucker Carlson did it. I posted on it already in another thread. I know what the MSM has told you however this is a more complete description of the event not controlled by the MSM controlled Democrat party.
"Fox Nation". Tucker Carlson.


Yes. We agree. What you know about Jan 6th is what they have told you about it.
Mark Levine's book is selling like hotcakes! He gave an epic speech on Hannity

400,000 copies sold so far. The American people are rising up against Democrat Marxism.

Excellent book and a must-read book. It explains exactly what the Marxist Democrats are doing right now.

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