American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

So holding a sign with Bible quotations is 'fighting words'?

I see bumperstickers with verses from the Quran. Should those be fighting words too? Do I have a right to throw garbage and stones at their car?

Sorry, no comparison at a PUBLIC festival.

Im just wondering if those who are saying "both sides are retards" would be saying that same thing if it were Muslims walking thru a christian festival with Islamic signs, and the christians were hurling rocks.

Wonder if the cops would have walked away?

After all... christians do not have special interest groups, such as CAIR, defending them.

The 1st Ammendment was not put there for a reason... and it was not to protect the speech we all like... it was put there for offensive speech.

Those particular "American" muslims need to get that thru their thick skulls.... that is if they are even being taught that at the Dearborn schools.
As the one who said both sides are retards, yes, I would say the same thing.

I'm not a big fan of the "fighting words" ruling, so I'm not going to go there. I am more a fan of simple incitement rulings.

The xtians didn't incite a thing. They certainly were insulting and just plain nasty, so I defend their free speech rights to be obnoxious. I have to believe, if you watched the video of them, that you agree that their speech was obnoxious.

But, folks have an absolute right to be obnoxious and the thin skinned have to respect that right.

So, my reason for calling the xtians retards is, if they didn't expect some sort of reaction from the Muslims, then they are retards. As I am pretty sure that such a reaction is EXACTLY what they expected and intended, based on their communications with the cops, then they are retards for thinking I and others will buy their story that they had no part in the resulting reaction.

On the other hand, the Muslims were retards for reacting to them. They were fucking retards for giving the xtians exactly what they wanted - to make themselves look bad. And, no words justify a violent reaction.

Flip the players, and my view remains the same.

I believe you Si Modo... I just had to say something, and knew you would be grown up enough to respond in kind.

Yes, I watched it (most anyway) and the "christians" and I use it lightly, were obnoxious.. I still think certain "Americans" need to be versed on how things work here... otherwise its going to get real ugly real fast.

Americans are expected to act like Americans, no matter what their beliefs are....most of the comments you read on these forums from liberals are Americans standing up for the rights of other Americans.

You've just proven by your comment that you didn't know about the pig head that you suffer terribly from confirmation bias. In other words, someone posts a half-truth on the internet and you believe it like gospel simply because you want to.

What pig head...? Where?

Did you watch it? I did... :eusa_eh:
at 3:27 in that video you can read the sign " Islam is a religion of blood and murder"

at 17:14 you can read the sign "Muhamed is a liar, false profit, murderer, child molester,pervert"

the edit on this video tried really hard to keep you from seeing the signs.

at 3:27 in that video you can read the sign " Islam is a religion of blood and murder"

at 17:14 you can read the sign "Muhamed is a liar, false profit, murderer, child molester,pervert"

the edit on this video tried really hard to keep you from seeing the signs.


Go read the 1st Amendment

and dont mistake this post with me agree'ing with them OK?
Imagine walking into a Irish festival and carrying signs that read "jesus it a liar, false profit, murderer, child molester, pervert"

you would get one big beat down
there are limits to free speach.

You can NOT scream fire in a crowded theater.

this is the same fucking thing
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So the OWS are responsible for inciting riots by standing there with their "We are the 99%" signs which I find so offensive?

Good to know. Maybe better to know that I have good impulse control and am not an animal like the video exemplified.

By the way, this is nothing short of the 'she was asking for it dressed like that' rape defense that is the core of muslim male adulthood.
Its called inciting a riot and yes it is illegal
No one incited a thing, moron.

Urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts. 18 USC
Imagine walking into a Irish festival and carrying signs that read "jesus it a liar, false profit, murderer, child molester, pervert"

you would get one big beat down
Key differences here.

1. It was not a religious festival. It was public.

2. Those attackers would have been arrested.
You've just proven by your comment that you didn't know about the pig head that you suffer terribly from confirmation bias. In other words, someone posts a half-truth on the internet and you believe it like gospel simply because you want to.

What pig head...? Where?

Did you watch it? I did... :eusa_eh:
You watched the video that confirmed your bias.


I concede... there was a pig head, and I didnt see it.... I will also repeat what I said earlier.... "its low brow" but does not warrant violence.

The "christians" were idiots... that does not warrant violence.

But good for you Ravi.... :eusa_clap:
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Personally, I think those who were violent should have been AT LEAST, cited for it.

Also, the cops have a duty to maintain the peace, so I applaud them for not making it worse.
No--idiocy does not warrant violence--but it does seem to encourage it, though!
Imagine walking into a Irish festival and carrying signs that read "jesus it a liar, false profit, murderer, child molester, pervert"

you would get one big beat down
Key differences here.

1. It was not a religious festival. It was public.

2. Those attackers would have been arrested.

dear idiot, It was an arab festival , I gave the example of an Irish festival.

lots of Arabs are muslim, lots of Irish are catholic.

Im of Irish decent.

believe me they would have had their fucking asses trashed by people at an Irish festival.

This was inciting a riot.

THAT is why the police made them leave.

they wanted the police to act like their personal body gaurds.

That is NOT why the police were there.

The police are there to keep the peace.

that is what they did, they made the incitors leave
I have worked for a muslin for over two years, I have never met a better company owner. He treats all employee equaly and farily. I am the only white employee. The need to shoot the terriorist but it is really hard to tell the difference and they know it.
[ame=]Die Hard with a Vengeance - YouTube[/ame]

Who is wrong here? Those animals that do the assaulting, or the stupid act of wearing a sign like that? Better case of 'fighting words', yes. The question remains though, is anyone then given permission by the constitution to commit a felony against another by seeing or hearing something they disagree with?

Is now violent intolerance protected action by the law?

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