American nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Of course its your choice. Have at it. But you're not hurting those who are pissing you off. Just wondering if you even realized that but guess not.

Are you always this freaking stupid? Think hard now...if I and thousands or hundreds of thousands choose to do it then the revenue dries up....who gets hurt now, Einstein?

You're clueless on this one
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.
You assholes disrespected this country when you elected a business cheat. liar accused child rapist, bigot, woman groper, Russia lover & fraud to be President of the United States.,

Fuck you & your false patriotism.

Fuck you too and your indoctrinated pathetic Obama kiss ass self.

Your reaction is that of the Dumbass syndrome. :blahblah::clap::anj_stfu::asshole:

Where did you get your foul mouth from again?
No wonder you don't even know the def of liberal.
Sucking off you socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
You never admit to it
I watch the game for the game, I'm usually so busy I don't even turn the game on until some time into the 1st quarter so this doesn't bother me. I just don't care. I look the game of football, played it as a child, love it as an adult.
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.
You assholes disrespected this country when you elected a business cheat. liar accused child rapist, bigot, woman groper, Russia lover & fraud to be President of the United States.,

Fuck you & your false patriotism.

Fuck you too and your indoctrinated pathetic Obama kiss ass self.

Your reaction is that of the Dumbass syndrome. :blahblah::clap::anj_stfu::asshole:

Where did you get your foul mouth from again?
No wonder you don't even know the def of liberal.
Sucking off you socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
You never admit to it

I got it from fkrs like you
Of course its your choice. Have at it. But you're not hurting those who are pissing you off. Just wondering if you even realized that but guess not.

Are you always this freaking stupid? Think hard now...if I and thousands or hundreds of thousands choose to do it then the revenue dries up....who gets hurt now, Einstein?

You're clueless on this one

Not the people on the field who have signed contracts and will get paid no matter what, Einstein.
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.

Any numbers?
Why don't you post the guys burning his dumb Nazi BB hat.?

Of course its your choice. Have at it. But you're not hurting those who are pissing you off. Just wondering if you even realized that but guess not.

Are you always this freaking stupid? Think hard now...if I and thousands or hundreds of thousands choose to do it then the revenue dries up....who gets hurt now, Einstein?

You're clueless on this one

Not the people on the field who have signed contracts and will get paid no matter what, Einstein.


Bullshit. That's like blaming gun manufacturers when a terrorist uses one or the car makers when a drunk drives and kills. The racists started the kneeling disrespectful shit and got called on it. They deserve all the hell they catch and so does the NFL and advertisers if they support it. REAL SIMPLE.
They're not racists. It's not disrespectful. And your argument about gun manufacturers makes no sense whatsoever.
They are racists since it's all about how BLACKS are treated. Fuck everyone else...just me and mine. Kneeling or staying in the locker room is disrespectful - OR are you saying they are kneeling as a show of respect? Your move...LOL.
Again, when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, in the economic system, in the social sphere, then they will have nothing to complain about. Why SHOULDN'T they be focused on "me and mine?" It's what the whole thing is about.

You and I are going to disagree on whether it is disrespectful, Pupps. Saying it back and forth ain't gonna change that.

"....when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, blah blah blah...."


Can you provided any laws that single out blacks???

Of course you can't.
Well we all know the ratio of blacks to whites in prison shows a bias towards blacks.

The fact men fill 90% of prisons is irrelevant because shut up.
You are correct....most criminals are men.
Of course its your choice. Have at it. But you're not hurting those who are pissing you off. Just wondering if you even realized that but guess not.

Are you always this freaking stupid? Think hard now...if I and thousands or hundreds of thousands choose to do it then the revenue dries up....who gets hurt now, Einstein?

You're clueless on this one

Not the people on the field who have signed contracts and will get paid no matter what, Einstein.



You think that is funny Hairy Back? Really? You're no veteran you lying sack
Dude, I'm not supporting these people kneeling. I'm not supporting anything I'm simply saying that you burning tickets you already bought arent hurting people on the field who have signed contracts. You saying "think" doesn't change that. A contract is a contract, the only way their contract would be voided was if they would get kicked off the team or their team go bankrupt. Kneeling for the anthem won't get them kicked off the team.
Of course its your choice. Have at it. But you're not hurting those who are pissing you off. Just wondering if you even realized that but guess not.

Are you always this freaking stupid? Think hard now...if I and thousands or hundreds of thousands choose to do it then the revenue dries up....who gets hurt now, Einstein?

You're clueless on this one

Not the people on the field who have signed contracts and will get paid no matter what, Einstein.



You think that is funny Hairy Back? Really? You're no veteran you lying sack
I laugh at you....thinking the two things are linked. The Soldier is a great hero......perhaps he's having a chuckle at your expense also.....
Dude, I'm not supporting these people kneeling. I'm not supporting anything I'm simply saying that you burning tickets you already bought arent hurting people on the field who have signed contracts. You saying "think" doesn't change that. A contract is a contract, the only way their contract would be voided was if they would get kicked off the team or their team go bankrupt. Kneeling for the anthem won't get them kicked off the team.

If you're responding to me learn quote....dude
I'm responding to anyone who doesn't realize that this won't hurt anyone but future NFL players who quite possibly fully support Trump and stand gladly at their high school games.
I'm responding to anyone who doesn't realize that this won't hurt anyone but future NFL players who quite possibly fully support Trump and stand gladly at their high school games.

Good grief, you're all over the gone

I'm not all over the map I'm very consistent. From day 1 I've said this will not hurt the people on the field that are kneeling. Please show me where I contradicted myself even once in this thread.

Be gone yourself dumb fuck.

LIVE: URGENT WHITE HOUSE Press Briefing Amid NFL Anthem Protests LIVE STREAM 9/25/17
Is there any fucking possibility whatsoever that we could focus on something more important than a few people who chose not to salute the flag for political reasons? Look at what a circus this is becoming. It is ALL about race, too, beneath all the patriotism bullshit. Dang that Pres. opening this can of worms over and over.
You so full of crap you stink! The NFL losers started this crap and now they are getting their ass handed to them for disrespecting America, the flag and American service men and women. With Trump we have a person in the white house that isn't afraid to stand up to the America haters. You are more used to having apologist ass kissers in the WH!
Mike, the only person who got his ass handed to him yesterday was Trump. 6 NFL players had taken a knee prior to the Trump Pronouncement. Yesterday 150 refused to salute the flag. Now people are burning their tickets and expensive NFL Jerseys? Why didn't they do it before ? Because this is now about supporting Trump saying that NFL players are sonuvabitches. The black ones who protest, anyway.
That's not American, either. This is troubling.
Maybe you'll get an idea of why they didn't do this before.


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