American nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

He who opens the can of worms did not necessarily make the worms or the can. He opens it, letting forth whatever stinking rotten crap is inside. It was a minor issue until Trump made it a PRESSING NATIONAL ISSUE that everyone seems to need to feel passionately about. It is all that was on the telly all day yesterday. It is ridiculous media hype.
Anyone who says those six NFL players who were protesting are "racist" are basing their argument on a ridiculous presumption anyway. Now Trump is saying first responders are also "patriots?" They are heroes, but there's a difference between a patriot and a hero. The man is truly full of shit and you are wasting your time trying to shore up his arguments.
Bullshit. That's like blaming gun manufacturers when a terrorist uses one or the car makers when a drunk drives and kills. The racists started the kneeling disrespectful shit and got called on it. They deserve all the hell they catch and so does the NFL and advertisers if they support it. REAL SIMPLE.
They're not racists. It's not disrespectful. And your argument about gun manufacturers makes no sense whatsoever.
They are racists since it's all about how BLACKS are treated. Fuck everyone else...just me and mine. Kneeling or staying in the locker room is disrespectful - OR are you saying they are kneeling as a show of respect? Your move...LOL.
Again, when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, in the economic system, in the social sphere, then they will have nothing to complain about. Why SHOULDN'T they be focused on "me and mine?" It's what the whole thing is about.

You and I are going to disagree on whether it is disrespectful, Pupps. Saying it back and forth ain't gonna change that.

"....when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, blah blah blah...."


Can you provided any laws that single out blacks???

Of course you can't.
Well we all know the ratio of blacks to whites in prison shows a bias towards blacks.

The fact men fill 90% of prisons is irrelevant because shut up.
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.
when the stands are 1/2 full, or 1/2 empty (trying to cover both sides) - they care.

If you pay 10,000 dollars for a ticket and don't show up, they DON'T care.

Just ask the airlines.

Not true, revenue is heavily projected on concession, parking, souvenirs, etc.

Nearby businesses also take a hit
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.

Let me help. What they are saying is they won't be buying any more tickets because they don't approve of the disrespect for our flag. I won't be buying a Steelers jersey today. Or tomorrow...
Unless it is the jersey of the 1 Pittsburgh player that had the intestinal fortitude to stand with his hand on his heart.
When it comes to patriotism, our flag is more important to Americans than football players.

If NFL management does not put an end to this bullshit, I am going to record me burning all my NFL horse shit and posting it on FB.

Fuck the NFL.
Until now I had a good opinion of Trump but he can go fuck himself now.He is no differerent than that mass murderer HELLERY,same as her,he does not believe in free speech.

Everytime they play the national anthem,it makes me sick and nauseating that I leave and go to the restroom at that point and that is BECAUSE the words in that song are the biggest bullshit propaganda the part where they sing the words- THE LAND OF THE FREE.

We have been brainwashed our whole lives to believe this is a free country.that is the biggest bullshit lie taught in our corrupt schools in american history.we are the land of the OPPRESSED.:rolleyes: We are one of the most oppressed countries in the world.a facist dictatership.

Well, by all means if you dont like it here, GTFO. Go to North Korea, who is less oppressed than we are, according to you. Maybe you could stop by Iran on the way there.

And in 2 days when you have an eye opening about how good you have it here, don't come back. Because you wore out your welcome.

sorry but i am not a coward like you are,.If everybody was like you there would be no patriots out there who took a stand against government corruption and changed things the corruption in our government such as martin luther king and that black lady who had courage to not go to the back of the bus where all blacks had to back in the 50's. i rather follow their example and stand up and take a stance against government corruption and try and fight evil instead of cowardly running from it coward.:asshole:
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.
when the stands are 1/2 full, or 1/2 empty (trying to cover both sides) - they care.

If you pay 10,000 dollars for a ticket and don't show up, they DON'T care.

Just ask the airlines.

Not true, revenue is heavily projected on concession, parking, souvenirs, etc.

Nearby businesses also take a hit

Airplaneface is not really capable of understanding your points, Sassy.

But it is good you keep exposing his stupidity as it further illustrates the mental bankruptcy of most libs.
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.
when the stands are 1/2 full, or 1/2 empty (trying to cover both sides) - they care.

If you pay 10,000 dollars for a ticket and don't show up, they DON'T care.

Just ask the airlines.
i can't think of a single time the NFL oversold and counted on pissing off people in order to still have a seat "somewhere" for an NFL fan.

"i know you paid for the 50 yard line but we sold that seat 4 times. we do have section 303 row ZZ available, please take the long hike to the top of the stadium..."

yea, that will "fly" well.

if you're gonna make an analogy, make a good one.

NFL fans around the country are burning their gear after hundreds of players kneeled, sat or stayed in the locker room during the performance of the National Anthem.

The End of the NFL?
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.
when the stands are 1/2 full, or 1/2 empty (trying to cover both sides) - they care.

I dont know about that. You would think that to be correct but ever since that asshole evil prick owner of the niners Jed York moved them out of SF and into santa clara where they now have no fan support there because the idiot catered to all the wealty bigwigs out there instead of taking care of the blue collar fans in SF that supported them through thick and thin in SF,they are only getting half filled empty stadiums there because the niner faithful have been priced out of the tickets and cannot afford them so they are not going to the games and as a result,they are getting half empty stadiums all the time.:biggrin:

people like to use the lame excuse that because they are losing that they are not supporting them,yeah right,thats why they were ALWAYS packed in SF even when they were horrible and the joke of the league for over 10 years.:rolleyes::rofl:

you would think that he would swallow his pride and admit he made mistake and talk about bringing them back to SF if that was the case but he doesnt seem to care about having a half empty stadium though.:rolleyes-41:
LOL Stupid 'Conservatives' are going to be reduced to swilling their beer while watching re-runs of Howdy Doody if they continue to hate every athlete that disagrees with the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

"...hate every athlete..."

Gads, you're a dunce.

so they don't think protesting is ok, American, etc unless it's for their cause--per Charlottesville
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.
when the stands are 1/2 full, or 1/2 empty (trying to cover both sides) - they care.

I dont know about that. You would think that to be correct but ever since that asshole evil prick owner of the niners Jed York moved them out of SF and into santa clara where they now have no fan support there because the idiot catered to all the wealty bigwigs out there instead of taking care of the blue collar fans in SF that supported them through thick and thin in SF,they are only getting half filled empty stadiums there because the niner faithful have been priced out of the tickets and cannot afford them so they are not going to the games and as a result,they are getting half empty stadiums all the time.:biggrin:

people like to use the lame excuse that because they are losing that they are not supporting them,yeah right,thats why they were ALWAYS packed in SF even when they were horrible and the joke of the league for over 10 years.:rolleyes::rofl:

you would think that he would swallow his pride and admit he made mistake and talk about bringing them back to SF if that was the case but he doesnt seem to care about having a half empty stadium though.:rolleyes-41:
SF is just odd. moving the stadium really made no sense. 9'er fans that i know are pretty damn loyal. but it does hurt even this cowboys fan to see the 9'er stadium 1/2 empty.
NFL - No Fans Left
good stuff


another more better name for them is the NO FAN LOYALTY league.I wish fans would take the same stance I have of not supporting the corrupt NFL cartel because these asshole owners dont give a shit about the fans or the history of the game or tradition putting shiny brand new stadiums ahead of all that because they are such greedy selfish assholes who would kill their OWN MOTHERS if it meant they would profit in the millions from it.

That is the main reason I wont support the NFL is because of this bullshit of the chargers going to LA when LA already had a team.the one team that does belong there,the rams.and now the raiders talking about going to vegas. proof it NEEDS to be called -the NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE

I know how hurtful it was for me when I lost the Rams from LA so my heart goes out to the fans in SD and in oakland who have to go through this crap because they asshole owners put money ahead of history.

i wont support a league like that anymore as everyone should not.

the people who think it is no big deal obviously never had their team taken away from them,when it happens to you,you then understand how depressing it is.Its like losing a girlfriend you were loyal to and devoted your life to leaving you for another man.i t has that same affect.

I know firsthand how the people in SD and oakland feel and i wont be part of it anymore.
Wide awake and have no wish. There are lots of things to do on Sunday. My income doesn't depend on how well my team is supported. Players are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. And it is showing. While my nose is still intact..

The left tards love their polls, a Reuters poll reveled 72% of Americans think it's unpatriotic to kneel like these fools are doing.

Guess what lefties? You're the minority

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Favorable Unfavorable Spread
RCP Average 8/8 - 9/20 -- 39.8 55.6 -15.8
CNN 9/17 - 9/20 RV 43 55 -12
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/14 - 9/18 900 A 39 49 -10
Economist/YouGov 9/17 - 9/19 1292 RV 41 55 -14
FOX News 8/27 - 8/29 1006 RV 44 55 -11
IBD/TIPP 8/23 - 8/31 905 A 38 58 -20
Quinnipiac 8/17 - 8/22 1514 RV 36 60 -24
PPP (D) 8/18 - 8/21 887 RV 39 55 -16
GWU/Battleground 8/13 - 8/17 1000 RV 42 55 -13
Marist 8/8 - 8/12 883 RV 36 58 -22
All Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable Polling Data

Double digit disapproval, hardly an indication of a majority of Americans supporting the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. Seems you love polls only when they back your bigotry.
Wide awake and have no wish. There are lots of things to do on Sunday. My income doesn't depend on how well my team is supported. Players are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. And it is showing. While my nose is still intact..

The left tards love their polls, a Reuters poll reveled 72% of Americans think it's unpatriotic to kneel like these fools are doing.

Guess what lefties? You're the minority

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Favorable Unfavorable Spread
RCP Average 8/8 - 9/20 -- 39.8 55.6 -15.8
CNN 9/17 - 9/20 RV 43 55 -12
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/14 - 9/18 900 A 39 49 -10
Economist/YouGov 9/17 - 9/19 1292 RV 41 55 -14
FOX News 8/27 - 8/29 1006 RV 44 55 -11
IBD/TIPP 8/23 - 8/31 905 A 38 58 -20
Quinnipiac 8/17 - 8/22 1514 RV 36 60 -24
PPP (D) 8/18 - 8/21 887 RV 39 55 -16
GWU/Battleground 8/13 - 8/17 1000 RV 42 55 -13
Marist 8/8 - 8/12 883 RV 36 58 -22
All Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable Polling Data

Double digit disapproval, hardly an indication of a majority of Americans supporting the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. Seems you love polls only when they back your bigotry.

BBbbuuutt TRUUUMP!!!!!!

Stop annoying me ya old ck sucker. You're the loons who buy into polls, not me now choke on that one. Crazy old fucker
The NFL is going to learn a hard lesson and that is you don't take on the President of the United States period, and turning down a invitation to the White House shows how stupid these jigs are. I disliked Obama but if invited to the White House to meet him your damn right I would have been there. The NFL is going to lose this battle bigtime.
screw Drumpf. No one wants to go to the WH to see his silly pathetic ass. Like Lebron said. Going to WH was an honor until Drumpfs monkey ass moved in.

That just proves how stupid Lebron is the fact he is ignorant to the fact that Obama is just as much of a mass murderer as Bush is.:biggrin:

If Lebron ever took two hours of his time sometime to watch the movie THE OBAMA DECEPTION,he would see the proof in the pudding with his own eyes how Obama is every bit as corrupt as Bush is.:rolleyes::D:lmao:
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.

Only those T lovers who think whatever he says is good and whatever he does is just great. Most Americans support the kneelers.

I dont know about most americans,I dont think thats accurate,there are a lot of brainwashed sheep in america who are brainwashed zombies that dont get it that we dont live in a free country so i doubt thats true that most americans support them,the PATRIOTS support the kneelers though.

If not saluting a corrupt and evil government with criminals that run the country in washington is disreaspecting the national anthem,than I am damn proud of that.:up:

Spoken like a true commie anarchist.

spoken like one of the brainwashed sheep in america who thinks it is a free country.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Wide awake and have no wish. There are lots of things to do on Sunday. My income doesn't depend on how well my team is supported. Players are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. And it is showing. While my nose is still intact..

The left tards love their polls, a Reuters poll reveled 72% of Americans think it's unpatriotic to kneel like these fools are doing.

Guess what lefties? You're the minority

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Favorable Unfavorable Spread
RCP Average 8/8 - 9/20 -- 39.8 55.6 -15.8
CNN 9/17 - 9/20 RV 43 55 -12
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/14 - 9/18 900 A 39 49 -10
Economist/YouGov 9/17 - 9/19 1292 RV 41 55 -14
FOX News 8/27 - 8/29 1006 RV 44 55 -11
IBD/TIPP 8/23 - 8/31 905 A 38 58 -20
Quinnipiac 8/17 - 8/22 1514 RV 36 60 -24
PPP (D) 8/18 - 8/21 887 RV 39 55 -16
GWU/Battleground 8/13 - 8/17 1000 RV 42 55 -13
Marist 8/8 - 8/12 883 RV 36 58 -22
All Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable Polling Data

Double digit disapproval, hardly an indication of a majority of Americans supporting the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. Seems you love polls only when they back your bigotry.
Same polls that Hillary was the next Prez.
Listen, if every single white person in this country, refuse to support the NFL and NBA, prices will decrease and maybe us little people can attend the games in support...that I would love. Keep in mind the fake hair weave business takes in billions each years and that's just from black me, we go the coins to keep them bye bitches!!

americans SHOULD have stopped supporting the NFL years ago when shady brady and his asshole coach Bill BeliCHEAT tainted the great sport and created the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal.:rolleyes: what a lot of people in the sports section are in denial on is that it is the CHEATRIOTS organization on WHY the NFL ratings are down big time because the FACTS are that it was SIX years ago when the ratings really started taking a big nosedive.This was WAY before kapernick started doing all this.:D this helped it of course but it started way before kapernick got the ball the fact the entire stadium booed that prick duing halftime two years ago at santa clara and the thursday night game was them being the only game in town,it doesnt take a genuis to see that the cheatriots have had a huge hand in the decling of the ratings as well.:D

sorry cheatriot fans.i know the truth hurts.:D
Trust me, this winter when all hell breaks loose and with below temperature numbers, you hicks will not only enjoy football, you'll reek of its scent
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.
when the stands are 1/2 full, or 1/2 empty (trying to cover both sides) - they care.

I dont know about that. You would think that to be correct but ever since that asshole evil prick owner of the niners Jed York moved them out of SF and into santa clara where they now have no fan support there because the idiot catered to all the wealty bigwigs out there instead of taking care of the blue collar fans in SF that supported them through thick and thin in SF,they are only getting half filled empty stadiums there because the niner faithful have been priced out of the tickets and cannot afford them so they are not going to the games and as a result,they are getting half empty stadiums all the time.:biggrin:

people like to use the lame excuse that because they are losing that they are not supporting them,yeah right,thats why they were ALWAYS packed in SF even when they were horrible and the joke of the league for over 10 years.:rolleyes::rofl:

you would think that he would swallow his pride and admit he made mistake and talk about bringing them back to SF if that was the case but he doesnt seem to care about having a half empty stadium though.:rolleyes-41:
SF is just odd. moving the stadium really made no sense. 9'er fans that i know are pretty damn loyal. but it does hurt even this cowboys fan to see the 9'er stadium 1/2 empty.

Thats cool hearing that even a Cowboy fan hates it and thinks it is so stupid.:thup:

oh and dont forget the chargers going to LA where they are experiencing the same outcome the Rams did when they were in st louis the majority of their years there,half empty stadiums with most the crowd being from the opposing team,how did that one work out for the NFL?:D that was easily the most retarded the thing the NFL did was allowing that move.

I did not think the NFL would ever do anything so asinine and retarded as that was back then but boy was i ever wrong.The niners going there and the chargers now going to LA,they dont ever learn from their mistakes and I dont see the league being around too much longer as a result. you just dont take team that has been in its city so long over 50 years and just leave like that.

I was happy as hell that the Rams came back to LA obviously last year and things were getting back to normal but as i said earlier,i wont support this corrupt organization anymore.I dont want no part of a cartel that treats their fans like shit as they do and are constantly allowed time after time to get away with it.

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