American nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Wide awake and have no wish. There are lots of things to do on Sunday. My income doesn't depend on how well my team is supported. Players are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. And it is showing. While my nose is still intact..

The left tards love their polls, a Reuters poll reveled 72% of Americans think it's unpatriotic to kneel like these fools are doing.

Guess what lefties? You're the minority

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Favorable Unfavorable Spread
RCP Average 8/8 - 9/20 -- 39.8 55.6 -15.8
CNN 9/17 - 9/20 RV 43 55 -12
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 9/14 - 9/18 900 A 39 49 -10
Economist/YouGov 9/17 - 9/19 1292 RV 41 55 -14
FOX News 8/27 - 8/29 1006 RV 44 55 -11
IBD/TIPP 8/23 - 8/31 905 A 38 58 -20
Quinnipiac 8/17 - 8/22 1514 RV 36 60 -24
PPP (D) 8/18 - 8/21 887 RV 39 55 -16
GWU/Battleground 8/13 - 8/17 1000 RV 42 55 -13
Marist 8/8 - 8/12 883 RV 36 58 -22
All Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable Polling Data

Double digit disapproval, hardly an indication of a majority of Americans supporting the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. Seems you love polls only when they back your bigotry.

nice work,you guys were playing checkmate and you ended up saying checkmate to the poster.doubt that poster will be mature enough to admit defeat though.:biggrin:
Listen, if every single white person in this country, refuse to support the NFL and NBA, prices will decrease and maybe us little people can attend the games in support...that I would love. Keep in mind the fake hair weave business takes in billions each years and that's just from black me, we go the coins to keep them bye bitches!!

americans SHOULD have stopped supporting the NFL years ago when shady brady and his asshole coach Bill BeliCHEAT tainted the great sport and created the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal.:rolleyes: what a lot of people in the sports section are in denial on is that it is the CHEATRIOTS organization on WHY the NFL ratings are down big time because the FACTS are that it was SIX years ago when the ratings really started taking a big nosedive.This was WAY before kapernick started doing all this.:D this helped it of course but it started way before kapernick got the ball the fact the entire stadium booed that prick duing halftime two years ago at santa clara and the thursday night game was them being the only game in town,it doesnt take a genuis to see that the cheatriots have had a huge hand in the decling of the ratings as well.:D

sorry cheatriot fans.i know the truth hurts.:D
Trust me, this winter when all hell breaks loose and with below temperature numbers, you hicks will not only enjoy football, you'll reek of its scent

I WILL enjoy COLLEGE football.I wont deny that.:up:
Is there any fucking possibility whatsoever that we could focus on something more important than a few people who chose not to salute the flag for political reasons? Look at what a circus this is becoming. It is ALL about race, too, beneath all the patriotism bullshit. Dang that Pres. opening this can of worms over and over.
Has nothing to do with race.
Fuck Trump, Trump supporters and their hatred......who gives a fuck about you people
A lot of brothers are fixing to be poor brothers if they keep it up. People watch football to get away from politics. They should stand because this great man made the ultimate sacrifice for him to be free.
Fuck Trump, Trump supporters and their hatred......who gives a fuck about you people
A lot of brothers are fixing to be poor brothers if they keep it up. People watch football to get away from politics. They should stand because this great man made the ultimate sacrifice for him to be free.View attachment 151277
Black and whites make the sacrifice together. So keep your race card to yourself.
I wonder if these stupid people burning their tickets realize they're only hurting themselves? They PAID FOR the ticket, which means the NFL got their money. They could give a rats ass whether you attend or not.

God some people are so stupid.
when the stands are 1/2 full, or 1/2 empty (trying to cover both sides) - they care.

I dont know about that. You would think that to be correct but ever since that asshole evil prick owner of the niners Jed York moved them out of SF and into santa clara where they now have no fan support there because the idiot catered to all the wealty bigwigs out there instead of taking care of the blue collar fans in SF that supported them through thick and thin in SF,they are only getting half filled empty stadiums there because the niner faithful have been priced out of the tickets and cannot afford them so they are not going to the games and as a result,they are getting half empty stadiums all the time.:biggrin:

people like to use the lame excuse that because they are losing that they are not supporting them,yeah right,thats why they were ALWAYS packed in SF even when they were horrible and the joke of the league for over 10 years.:rolleyes::rofl:

you would think that he would swallow his pride and admit he made mistake and talk about bringing them back to SF if that was the case but he doesnt seem to care about having a half empty stadium though.:rolleyes-41:
SF is just odd. moving the stadium really made no sense. 9'er fans that i know are pretty damn loyal. but it does hurt even this cowboys fan to see the 9'er stadium 1/2 empty.

Thats cool hearing that even a Cowboy fan hates it and thinks it is so stupid.:thup:

oh and dont forget the chargers going to LA where they are experiencing the same outcome the Rams did when they were in st louis the majority of their years there,half empty stadiums with most the crowd being from the opposing team,how did that one work out for the NFL?:D that was easily the most retarded the thing the NFL did was allowing that move.

I did not think the NFL would ever do anything so asinine and retarded as that was back then but boy was i ever wrong.The niners going there and the chargers now going to LA,they dont ever learn from their mistakes and I dont see the league being around too much longer as a result. you just dont take team that has been in its city so long over 50 years and just leave like that.

I was happy as hell that the Rams came back to LA obviously last year and things were getting back to normal but as i said earlier,i wont support this corrupt organization anymore.I dont want no part of a cartel that treats their fans like shit as they do and are constantly allowed time after time to get away with it.
a friend of mine from LA said a HUGE reason no one goes is the area where the stadium is. west hollywood apparently has a "diamond" stadium being built that should be interesting.
Also boycott the products that are advertised during the Racist NFL Protester games.
The dumb racist NFL Kneelers won't get until they feel it in their pockets.
He who opens the can of worms did not necessarily make the worms or the can. He opens it, letting forth whatever stinking rotten crap is inside. It was a minor issue until Trump made it a PRESSING NATIONAL ISSUE that everyone seems to need to feel passionately about. It is all that was on the telly all day yesterday. It is ridiculous media hype.
Anyone who says those six NFL players who were protesting are "racist" are basing their argument on a ridiculous presumption anyway. Now Trump is saying first responders are also "patriots?" They are heroes, but there's a difference between a patriot and a hero. The man is truly full of shit and you are wasting your time trying to shore up his arguments.
Bullshit. That's like blaming gun manufacturers when a terrorist uses one or the car makers when a drunk drives and kills. The racists started the kneeling disrespectful shit and got called on it. They deserve all the hell they catch and so does the NFL and advertisers if they support it. REAL SIMPLE.
They're not racists. It's not disrespectful. And your argument about gun manufacturers makes no sense whatsoever.
They are racists since it's all about how BLACKS are treated. Fuck everyone else...just me and mine. Kneeling or staying in the locker room is disrespectful - OR are you saying they are kneeling as a show of respect? Your move...LOL.
Again, when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, in the economic system, in the social sphere, then they will have nothing to complain about. Why SHOULDN'T they be focused on "me and mine?" It's what the whole thing is about.

You and I are going to disagree on whether it is disrespectful, Pupps. Saying it back and forth ain't gonna change that.

"....when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, blah blah blah...."


Can you provided any laws that single out blacks???

Of course you can't.
OMG. You think this is about LAWS? smh
These people signed contracts. Whether or not you go, whether or not you buy hot dogs and t shirts, they get paid.

You're not hurting them.
These people signed contracts. Whether or not you go, whether or not you buy hot dogs and t shirts, they get paid.

You're not hurting them.

Future contracts will depend on available funds...keep pissing off the people providing the funds

Leftists never see the end game
So you hurt FUTURE people in the NFL, but the people who are actually kneeling, you're not hurting them.

So is the point just to hurt someone, doesn't really matter who?
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.
You assholes disrespected this country when you elected a business cheat. liar accused child rapist, bigot, woman groper, Russia lover & fraud to be President of the United States.,

Fuck you & your false patriotism.
Of course its your choice. Have at it. But you're not hurting those who are pissing you off. Just wondering if you even realized that but guess not.
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.
You assholes disrespected this country when you elected a business cheat. liar accused child rapist, bigot, woman groper, Russia lover & fraud to be President of the United States.,

Fuck you & your false patriotism.

Fuck you too and your indoctrinated pathetic Obama kiss ass self.

Your reaction is that of the Dumbass syndrome. :blahblah::clap::anj_stfu::asshole:

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