American nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Is there any fucking possibility whatsoever that we could focus on something more important than a few people who chose not to salute the flag for political reasons? Look at what a circus this is becoming. It is ALL about race, too, beneath all the patriotism bullshit. Dang that Pres. opening this can of worms over and over.
You so full of crap you stink! The NFL losers started this crap and now they are getting their ass handed to them for disrespecting America, the flag and American service men and women. With Trump we have a person in the white house that isn't afraid to stand up to the America haters. You are more used to having apologist ass kissers in the WH!
Mike, the only person who got his ass handed to him yesterday was Trump. 6 NFL players had taken a knee prior to the Trump Pronouncement. Yesterday 150 refused to salute the flag. Now people are burning their tickets and expensive NFL Jerseys? Why didn't they do it before ? Because this is now about supporting Trump saying that NFL players are sonuvabitches. The black ones who protest, anyway.
That's not American, either. This is troubling.
Maybe you'll get an idea of why they didn't do this before.

Hahah it's going on all over the place

Today I burnt my Patriots Gear, NO MORE NFL
I will be showing full video today on the Launch of
My show is from 5-6pm CST

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Bullshit. That's like blaming gun manufacturers when a terrorist uses one or the car makers when a drunk drives and kills. The racists started the kneeling disrespectful shit and got called on it. They deserve all the hell they catch and so does the NFL and advertisers if they support it. REAL SIMPLE.
They're not racists. It's not disrespectful. And your argument about gun manufacturers makes no sense whatsoever.
They are racists since it's all about how BLACKS are treated. Fuck everyone else...just me and mine. Kneeling or staying in the locker room is disrespectful - OR are you saying they are kneeling as a show of respect? Your move...LOL.
Again, when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, in the economic system, in the social sphere, then they will have nothing to complain about. Why SHOULDN'T they be focused on "me and mine?" It's what the whole thing is about.

You and I are going to disagree on whether it is disrespectful, Pupps. Saying it back and forth ain't gonna change that.

"....when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, blah blah blah...."


Can you provided any laws that single out blacks???

Of course you can't.
OMG. You think this is about LAWS? smh

So we've become our greatest source of Greenhouse gases?

Bullshit. That's like blaming gun manufacturers when a terrorist uses one or the car makers when a drunk drives and kills. The racists started the kneeling disrespectful shit and got called on it. They deserve all the hell they catch and so does the NFL and advertisers if they support it. REAL SIMPLE.
They're not racists. It's not disrespectful. And your argument about gun manufacturers makes no sense whatsoever.
They are racists since it's all about how BLACKS are treated. Fuck everyone else...just me and mine. Kneeling or staying in the locker room is disrespectful - OR are you saying they are kneeling as a show of respect? Your move...LOL.
Again, when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, in the economic system, in the social sphere, then they will have nothing to complain about. Why SHOULDN'T they be focused on "me and mine?" It's what the whole thing is about.

You and I are going to disagree on whether it is disrespectful, Pupps. Saying it back and forth ain't gonna change that.

"....when blacks are treated like whites, by the justice system, blah blah blah...."


Can you provided any laws that single out blacks???

Of course you can't.
OMG. You think this is about LAWS? smh

For your edification....and might want to review this plan, one that works for every race....with no exceptions:

" The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.
And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.
Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent .Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone
These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups."
Three rules for staying out of poverty

There is no racism in this country....'else why would the most successful, highest income, highest educational attainment be found in a race which isn't white.

Wise up.
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Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.
You assholes disrespected this country when you elected a business cheat. liar accused child rapist, bigot, woman groper, Russia lover & fraud to be President of the United States.,

Fuck you & your false patriotism.

Fuck you too and your indoctrinated pathetic Obama kiss ass self.

Your reaction is that of the Dumbass syndrome. :blahblah::clap::anj_stfu::asshole:

You can run & hide all you want. But you voted for business cheat, liar, accused child raping, admitted woman groper, fraud, and draft dodger.
someone please tell me what they are protesting?
because if it's police brutality against blacks--that's unsubstantiated
Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

No one cares what those people do. Burn your tickets. Burn your jerseys. You're the idiots who spent money buying them.

Boycott products that are endorsed by the Racist NFL Kneelers
So, wanting unarmed members of your race not to be murdered by police is racist?

I used to think you couldn't be this stupid.....but, you can.

Perhaps you'd care to explain this phenomenon, RealDumb:

"In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian. As a result, police presence and use of proactive tactics are much higher in Brownsville than in Bay Ridge.

This incidence of crime means that innocent black men have a much higher chance than innocent white men of being stopped by the police because they match the description of a suspect. This is not something the police choose. It is a reality..." The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement


'In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian.'

Brownsville population, ......60,000

Bay Ridge population.......70,000

And this:
"Standard anti-cop ideology, whether emanating from the ACLU or the academy,[or Barack Obama] holds that law enforcement actions are racist..."

You've learned to parrot that fabrication well, RealDumb
Boycott products that are endorsed by the Racist NFL Kneelers
So, wanting unarmed members of your race not to be murdered by police is racist?

Most Democrats are horrible racist cretins.
It is extremely rare that the Police murder a suspect. What is racist about the NFL player protest is that more than half of the suspects who are killed by the police are White and the Racist Democrats do not care about those suspects. If interracial murder was actually an issue for Democrats then they need to look inward first.

(Sydney Morning Herald), Justice Department Statistics: Blacks commit more than 50 times the number of violent interracial crimes as Whites commit………. The American Press would never print that because it goes against their left wing narrative.
Boycott products that are endorsed by the Racist NFL Kneelers
So, wanting unarmed members of your race not to be murdered by police is racist?
1. they are NOT murdered--they are justifiably shot in self defense....the courts/justice system has ruled on this have less information than they do
2. they are NOT shot because of their skin color--if you can prove otherwise, I'll protest with you are not even human are you?? you must be like the Six Million Dollar Man, Bruce Lee, James Bond--because after some criminal RAMMED your car, took you on a chase, you would NOT draw your weapon.... would talk nicely to the CRIMINAL--and, magically, he would comply !!!!!!
--or maybe you would use karate--or a kick like James Bond--because you would deal with the CRIMINAL differently than all the other cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they are not MURDERED--
ASterling and KScott had weapons
MBrown attacked the cop

Spend up to a few hundred dollars buying tickets. Burn them in protest. Good idea.
And they can buy a bunch of jerseys....and burn them.


Spend up to a few hundred dollars buying tickets. Burn them in protest. Good idea.
This is about the least thought out post I've seen so far.

So, if you purchased a ticket to something months in advance, and the discovered that the people who you trusted to entertain you decided they were going to do something you completely detested, you'd still go. Right?

This crap started out as a stunt and now the sheep in the NFL is following suit. A few here and there and most people can overlook it. Staying in locker rooms, standing only for another country's anthem, and disrespecting fans and people who have given their all for this nation, is just a bit too much for people who actually love this country.

They only true idiots here are those supporting the NFL.
Boycott products that are endorsed by the Racist NFL Kneelers
So, wanting unarmed members of your race not to be murdered by police is racist?
AND, they have looooong criminal records!
they wouldn't be a threat, would they??? :laugh::laugh::laugh: they are going to act like law abiding citizens--right??!!!!!!???
I wouldn't care if they were white, black, yellow ,blue--I feel better know a lifetime criminal is dead
Yea I definitely am against the NFL guys kneeling, but my love of the game itself and my lack of desire to destroy something I've paid for with my own money keeps me from burning anything I own.

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