American nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

The NFL is going to learn a hard lesson and that is you don't take on the President of the United States period, and turning down a invitation to the White House shows how stupid these jigs are. I disliked Obama but if invited to the White House to meet him your damn right I would have been there. The NFL is going to lose this battle bigtime.
screw Drumpf. No one wants to go to the WH to see his silly pathetic ass. Like Lebron said. Going to WH was an honor until Drumpfs monkey ass moved in.

That just proves how stupid Lebron is the fact he is ignorant to the fact that Obama is just as much of a mass murderer as Bush is.:biggrin:

If Lebron ever took two hours of his time sometime to watch the movie THE OBAMA DECEPTION,he would see the proof in the pudding with his own eyes how Obama is every bit as corrupt as Bush is.:rolleyes::D:lmao:

Some kook film. Obamas may have been too liberal but neither he nor Bush was corrupt. Trump is corrupt.

Another troll to the ignore list....makes about 4 today
Trump supporters are burning their tickets. Trump supporters are rednecks and rubes who are too stupid to realize they are being conned. We ought to take every Trump supporter and put them on a deserted isle. Or maybe we could put them in 1 state and fence off the state so none of them can escape. They should be familiar with burning since they were probably burning crosses.

You obviously don't know much about Trump's supporters. I'm from Massachusetts...have two college degrees and have run businesses for almost four decades before retiring. I'm neither a "redneck" nor a "rube" and yet I voted for Donald Trump! Why? Because he was the best choice of the two we were given.

As for your plan to separate conservatives from all of you "progressive" liberals? Massachusetts is probably the most liberal State in the US and has been for a long...long...time! If you look at the history of the State you'll notice something quite astounding though, Busybee! The citizens of Massachusetts elect Republicans to be their Governor and run their State on a regular basis. Do you know why? I'll give you a's because the people from Massachusetts may be liberal on social issues...but they're also intelligent enough to realize that liberals don't govern well. They spend too much...they tax too much...they don't make the trains run on time! So before you put all of us conservatives on your "deserted isle" you'd best give some serious thought as to who's going to show up to do all of the hard work that goes into making systems work!
They elect liberal Reublicans.
Trump supporters are burning their tickets. Trump supporters are rednecks and rubes who are too stupid to realize they are being conned. We ought to take every Trump supporter and put them on a deserted isle. Or maybe we could put them in 1 state and fence off the state so none of them can escape. They should be familiar with burning since they were probably burning crosses.

You obviously don't know much about Trump's supporters. I'm from Massachusetts...have two college degrees and have run businesses for almost four decades before retiring. I'm neither a "redneck" nor a "rube" and yet I voted for Donald Trump! Why? Because he was the best choice of the two we were given.

As for your plan to separate conservatives from all of you "progressive" liberals? Massachusetts is probably the most liberal State in the US and has been for a long...long...time! If you look at the history of the State you'll notice something quite astounding though, Busybee! The citizens of Massachusetts elect Republicans to be their Governor and run their State on a regular basis. Do you know why? I'll give you a's because the people from Massachusetts may be liberal on social issues...but they're also intelligent enough to realize that liberals don't govern well. They spend too much...they tax too much...they don't make the trains run on time! So before you put all of us conservatives on your "deserted isle" you'd best give some serious thought as to who's going to show up to do all of the hard work that goes into making systems work!
They elect liberal Reublicans.

Gee, Fort...folks on the left accused Mitt Romney of being a hardcore conservative when he ran for President! Now you're claiming he was really a liberal? The truth is that Massachusetts tends to elect moderate Republicans. But they're STILL Republicans!
Trump supporters are burning their tickets. Trump supporters are rednecks and rubes who are too stupid to realize they are being conned. We ought to take every Trump supporter and put them on a deserted isle. Or maybe we could put them in 1 state and fence off the state so none of them can escape. They should be familiar with burning since they were probably burning crosses.

You obviously don't know much about Trump's supporters. I'm from Massachusetts...have two college degrees and have run businesses for almost four decades before retiring. I'm neither a "redneck" nor a "rube" and yet I voted for Donald Trump! Why? Because he was the best choice of the two we were given.

As for your plan to separate conservatives from all of you "progressive" liberals? Massachusetts is probably the most liberal State in the US and has been for a long...long...time! If you look at the history of the State you'll notice something quite astounding though, Busybee! The citizens of Massachusetts elect Republicans to be their Governor and run their State on a regular basis. Do you know why? I'll give you a's because the people from Massachusetts may be liberal on social issues...but they're also intelligent enough to realize that liberals don't govern well. They spend too much...they tax too much...they don't make the trains run on time! So before you put all of us conservatives on your "deserted isle" you'd best give some serious thought as to who's going to show up to do all of the hard work that goes into making systems work!
They elect liberal Reublicans.

Gee, Fort...folks on the left accused Mitt Romney of being a hardcore conservative when he ran for President! Now you're claiming he was really a liberal? The truth is that Massachusetts tends to elect moderate Republicans. But they're STILL Republicans!
"folks on the left accused Mitt Romney of being a hardcore conservative when he ran for President!"

Because he shifted hard right to win the primary. He was liberal, for a Republican. "moderate republican"... I'm fine with that phrase, too
Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.

Burning stuff that you spent hundreds of dollars? Real stupid Americans I'd say.

I hope that these people realize that when you burn an NFL jersey, the NFL still gets to keep the $150 you paid for it.
Looks like its working.



^^^ an idiot who's already spent thousands of dollars on NFL merchandise and will spend thousands more in the future when this all passes and he wants to wear a jersey on game day.
Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.

Burning stuff that you spent hundreds of dollars? Real stupid Americans I'd say.

I hope that these people realize that when you burn an NFL jersey, the NFL still gets to keep the $150 you paid for it.

It's ok, I was called all kinds of names for pointing this out on one of the first pages of this thread earlier today.
Looks like the Cowboys took a knee as well. The whole damn NFL thinks Drumpf is a pathetic embarrassment to mankind.!!! :laugh:

Pretty sad day when millionaires protest their own country.

If they don't like it here they can move out. At their own expense since they have more money than god, most of them.
Is there any fucking possibility whatsoever that we could focus on something more important than a few people who chose not to salute the flag for political reasons? Look at what a circus this is becoming. It is ALL about race, too, beneath all the patriotism bullshit. Dang that Pres. opening this can of worms over and over.
So, its Trumps fault again. Ok. eyeroll
Pretty sad day when millionaires protest their own country.

If they don't like it here they can move out. At their own expense since they have more money than god, most of them.
Or they could stay and talk shit you cant do anything about because youre poor.
The national anthem is about a country, not a president.

If they don't like the country, they need to leave the country. They won't leave because they know they got it real damn good here.

Why not go to NK where, if you take a knee during their anthem, your head parts from your body very quickly?
The national anthem is about a country, not a president.

If they don't like the country, they need to leave the country. They won't leave because they know they got it real damn good here.

Why not go to NK where, if you take a knee during their anthem, your head parts from your body very quickly?

The national anthem is also about killing slaves fighting to be free.

Even if they didnt like the country they are going to stay here and change it or give indigestion to those that want them to leave.

Because they were born here and you cant make them go to NK.
They can be fined or ejected from the game for not standing. It's in the NFL game operations manual.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

So no, they do NOT have a right to kneel. They should be ejected from the game for not following the rules.
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No, I tell them if they don't like it here, go somewhere where people really ARE oppressed.

They'll experience real oppression and come crying back and would gladly stand for the anthem.
But you arent the judge of how oppressed one person is over another. Furthermore another person being more oppressed has jack shit to do with the point. You deal with your situation of being oppressed first. Thats like allowing someone to rape your wife because your neighbors wife is being killed.
No, I tell them if they don't like it here, go somewhere where people really ARE oppressed.

They'll experience real oppression and come crying back and would gladly stand for the anthem.
But you arent the judge of how oppressed one person is over another. Furthermore another person being more oppressed has jack shit to do with the point. You deal with your situation of being oppressed first. Thats like allowing someone to rape your wife because your neighbors wife is being killed.

Doesn't matter. They are required to stand by the NFL. When they signed the contract that keeps them employed, they agree to follow the rules. One of them is to stand for the Anthem. They refuse, they should be suspended and fined.

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
No, I tell them if they don't like it here, go somewhere where people really ARE oppressed.

They'll experience real oppression and come crying back and would gladly stand for the anthem.
But you arent the judge of how oppressed one person is over another. Furthermore another person being more oppressed has jack shit to do with the point. You deal with your situation of being oppressed first. Thats like allowing someone to rape your wife because your neighbors wife is being killed.

Doesn't matter. They are required to stand by the NFL. When they signed the contract that keeps them employed, they agree to follow the rules. One of them is to stand for the Anthem. They refuse, they should be suspended and fined.
Show me this rule. Why isnt anyone enforcing it?
Already did, check the post number 236.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

The game operations manual is very clear. They are not required to hold their hands over their hearts, but are required to stand. By the words of the manual, not standing for the anthem is disrespectful to the flag and the country. And I agree.

The NFL is not enforcing their own rules. They should be boycotted 100%. Disbanded even.
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