American nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Already did, check the post number 236.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

The game operations manual is very clear. They are not required to hold their hands over their hearts, but are required to stand. By the words of the manual, not standing for the anthem is disrespectful to the flag and the country. And I agree.

The NFL is not enforcing their own rules. They should be boycotted 100%. Disbanded even.

So why isnt the NFL enforcing the rule?
I don't know, what do I look like, the NFL? Ask them, not me.

I mean the rulebook says they MAY be fined and suspended. Means the NFL can choose not to, which they are doing. Doesn't change the fact that they are breaking a rule and their own rulebook states its disrespectful to the country and the flag not to stand.
I don't know, what do I look like, the NFL? Ask them, not me.

I mean the rulebook says they MAY be fined and suspended. Means the NFL can choose not to, which they are doing. Doesn't change the fact that they are breaking a rule and their own rulebook states its disrespectful to the country and the flag not to stand.
Oh It says "may". So its not really a rule. Its a statement with the threat of consequences determined by random perspective.
No, I tell them if they don't like it here, go somewhere where people really ARE oppressed.

They'll experience real oppression and come crying back and would gladly stand for the anthem.
But you arent the judge of how oppressed one person is over another. Furthermore another person being more oppressed has jack shit to do with the point. You deal with your situation of being oppressed first. Thats like allowing someone to rape your wife because your neighbors wife is being killed.

Are we having a 'Worst Analogy Of All Time" contest and nobody told me? Only a world class idiot such as yourself, Milkweed...could turn a protest about the flag into your wife getting raped! Seriously...what is wrong with you? You can't possibly walk around in real life and spout this nonsense! They'd put you in a padded room!
Wide awake and have no wish. There are lots of things to do on Sunday. My income doesn't depend on how well my team is supported. Players are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. And it is showing. While my nose is still intact..

The left tards love their polls, a Reuters poll reveled 72% of Americans think it's unpatriotic to kneel like these fools are doing.

Guess what lefties? You're the minority

61% believe that they should not be fired. Trump is in the minority on that.


At least I don't use the image of a cross to spew your hatred. Piggyirishlass.

You'll live. Unfortunately

How's that? :)

I'll live and I will fight Trump until my last breath.
The left tards love their polls, a Reuters poll reveled 72% of Americans think it's unpatriotic to kneel like these fools are doing.

Guess what lefties? You're the minority

61% believe that they should not be fired. Trump is in the minority on that.


At least I don't use the image of a cross to spew your hatred. Piggyirishlass.

You'll live. Unfortunately

How's that? :)

I'll live and I will fight Trump until my last breath.

It's futile and you'll only die worn out
Pretty sad day when millionaires protest their own country.

If they don't like it here they can move out. At their own expense since they have more money than god, most of them.

They are not protesting America. They are protesting Trump's attacks on them. If anyone should move out, it is Trump. He divides America for his political gain.
Already did, check the post number 236.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

The game operations manual is very clear. They are not required to hold their hands over their hearts, but are required to stand. By the words of the manual, not standing for the anthem is disrespectful to the flag and the country. And I agree.

The NFL is not enforcing their own rules. They should be boycotted 100%. Disbanded even.

If the wording is right then it says "may" not "will". "May" means that they could but are not required to.
I'm sick of all the police & military worshiping! Most are covering for their fellow thugs in uniform. They steal over $6,000 a year from every home in the USA! Criminals have never taken close to that much. Soldiers & police jobs are safer than those that put food on your table & a roof over your head. They aren't even a top 10 dangerous jobs. Hell cab drivers get shot more than police & soldiers! Fuckin soldiers go overseas for a few months & then sponge off us hard working citizens for life! They GET FREE SHIT EVERYWHERE! They don't pay taxes, get free healthcare, education, pensions & cheap loans, insurance & food just to name a few! It's time for me to stop saying the pledge & anthem & start flipping the bird!
Pretty sad day when millionaires protest their own country.

If they don't like it here they can move out. At their own expense since they have more money than god, most of them.

They are not protesting America. They are protesting Trump's attacks on them. If anyone should move out, it is Trump. He divides America for his political gain.

And those who Protest against Trump protest the DISRESPECT that is given to our soldiers, our veterans, and what American stands for if they no respect for them they have no respect for ANYBODY let alone their Country.
That's a leftist sold MSM BS LINE " protesting Trump"

FK them assholes.............They are ANTI AMERICAN little bitches who are no different than ANTIFA only they beat their wives instead.
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.
You assholes disrespected this country when you elected a business cheat. liar accused child rapist, bigot, woman groper, Russia lover & fraud to be President of the United States.,

Fuck you & your false patriotism.

fraud to be president of the united states? that sir would describe EVERY president we have had since reagan since everyone starting with him was a mass murderer and have all put a lighter to the constitution.:biggrin:
People from the hometowns are weighing in. The players don't like that a bit.

Steelers' Ramon Foster: 'We Didn't Ask For This'

They have family back in those towns.
Its almost amazing your dumb ass didnt take the time to read your own link. :laugh:

“If you choose not to watch it, we hate to lose you but we want to play football right now. We’ll deal with everything else when we can.”
Already did, check the post number 236.

Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

The game operations manual is very clear. They are not required to hold their hands over their hearts, but are required to stand. By the words of the manual, not standing for the anthem is disrespectful to the flag and the country. And I agree.

The NFL is not enforcing their own rules. They should be boycotted 100%. Disbanded even.

If the wording is right then it says "may" not "will". "May" means that they could but are not required to.

Read the link. It doesn't say they may stand, it says they may be fined. It says they should stand facing the flag, holding their helmets in their left hand.
I'm sick of all the police & military worshiping! Most are covering for their fellow thugs in uniform. They steal over $6,000 a year from every home in the USA! Criminals have never taken close to that much. Soldiers & police jobs are safer than those that put food on your table & a roof over your head. They aren't even a top 10 dangerous jobs. Hell cab drivers get shot more than police & soldiers! Fuckin soldiers go overseas for a few months & then sponge off us hard working citizens for life! They GET FREE SHIT EVERYWHERE! They don't pay taxes, get free healthcare, education, pensions & cheap loans, insurance & food just to name a few! It's time for me to stop saying the pledge & anthem & start flipping the bird!

You never really cared for the flag anyway, did you? So if you're ever in trouble like someone trying to break into your house, then call a cabdriver instead of a cop.
Looks like its working.

He didn't leave voluntarily. He got his ass handed to him.

Oh and look his HERO USED THE N word such a shame isn't it.

Colin Kaepernick Fined For Using N-Word: REPORT | HuffPost

Colin Kaepernick Fined For Using N-Word: REPORT | HuffPost
He can use the word nigga. I even use it from time to time. Hes Black.
So, blacks can use the N-word but whites can't?
Where does the black privilege end?
Americans Nationwide Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts in Solidarity With Trump

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah we told you fk with the people and see what happens.. Bye bye to your millions lazy asses.

This is what real American lovers do.

No it's not. REAL Americans put the US Constitution before partisan politics. A real American president wouldn't shit in the constitution HE SWORE TO PROTECT.

You know what else REAL AMERICANS would do?

They would burn their silly ass shirts to protest the US "president" throwing one of his tantrums while more than 3million (American) people are struggling to survive.

US governors are doing what pino trump can't/won't.

BTW, I suspect you didn't mean to write what "American lovers" would do.

And finally, post a legit link.


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So these people are burning tickets and gear they paid for, in order to cost the NFL money? Wow.

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