American Patriot Ted Nugent Asked To Play Concert Honoring Nations U.S. Military

Nugent was reclassified as 4-F. A reject,,ahhhhh.....too bad......But that is not what he stated in mag. interviews as the reason.
Ted sure took a long time to put on a concert for the troops, since the last wars have been going on for what 12 years. What took him so long another deferment?

The Nuge was unfit to die for his country in Nam. :lol:
WOW. Wonder what Cat Steven's draft card looks like. Paul McCartney never served. Simon and Garfunkel? Joan Baez? Arlo Guthrie? Jane Fonda? Bill Ayers? Bernadine Dohrn? Barry Obama? Bill Clinton?

I could go on for two hours. You are beating the shit out of a dead horse. Oh, by the way - You served when and where?

Fuckers who live in glass houses ought to be careful about where they throw their rocks... :D

A swing...and a miss! It's a nutter miscommunication clown car!!!!

Answer the question, dumbass. You going to hold everyone else to the same standard? Or just those you have decided to play "internet tough guy" with?


You don't even understand the OP. You missed the OP's point. You stupid fuck. You and the OP.......,ARE IN COMPLETE AGREEMENT. Idiot.

I hold all stupid people to the same standard. You ought to pay attention.
What a noble thing to do. Yes, American patriot Ted Nugent who has just played his 6,500th concert will perform honoring our nations men and women in the military. Ted Nugent has always kept our military in the highest regard. As we all know, Ted attempted to do his patriotic duty to defend his country and enter the U.S. military (unlike true liberal draft dodgers who burned their draft cards and fled to Canada) and put his life on the line for this country as he was selected in the draft but when he took his physical, the military rejected him with a medical condition as his United States Selective Service Record proves. Despite that, Ted decided the best thing to do was dedicate much time and resources over the years helping veterans raising money for them and taking the disabled ones on hunting adventures. There is no doubt, this man is well respected individual to the military and especially to the USO organization where he was asked to play for the troops in Afghanistan. This concert will be no different. As a conservative taxpayer, I salute Ted Nugent and ask you all to do the same.

Show of Support - Hunt for Heroes - Honoring Men & Women of our Military - West Texas Area - Volunteer

Ted Nugents selective service record proving he was rejected for a medical reasons


The record above indicates, he actually got on the bus and went to take his physical when true liberal draft dodgers didn't. He was classified 1-S (high school student deferment) in 1967 and 2-S (college student deferment) in 1968; then after being reclassified 1-A (available for military service) in 1969 he was rejected as a result of a physical examination (most likely loss of hearing according to Snopes at one time) and given a 1-Y classification. (The 1-Y classification denoted persons "qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency" and was generally assigned to registrants who had exhibited medical conditions that were limiting but not disabling). After the 1-Y classification was eliminated at the end of 1971, Nugent was reclassified as 4-F. Ted Nugent did have a student deferment for part of the time he was eligible for the draft, but he did also fail a physical examination and receive a medical exemption.

This is not a record produced at the time Ted was dodging the dradft. There is no explanation for the rejection due to an alleged medical exam. It could be proof of the truth to his poopy pants story. It was not made at the time of his draft era period. Look at the lower left corner. The alleged document didn't come into use until July 1977 and if you look in the lower right you will see it was prepared on March 14, 2007. There is no supporting evidence that it is even issued by the FRC. It could be a totally fabricated fake photo copy.
The author of this thread is exactly the kind of person that one would expect to be an ardent Ted Nugent fan at this point.
What a noble thing to do. Yes, American patriot Ted Nugent who has just played his 6,500th concert will perform honoring our nations men and women in the military. Ted Nugent has always kept our military in the highest regard. As we all know, Ted attempted to do his patriotic duty to defend his country and enter the U.S. military (unlike true liberal draft dodgers who burned their draft cards and fled to Canada) and put his life on the line for this country as he was selected in the draft but when he took his physical, the military rejected him with a medical condition as his United States Selective Service Record proves. Despite that, Ted decided the best thing to do was dedicate much time and resources over the years helping veterans raising money for them and taking the disabled ones on hunting adventures. There is no doubt, this man is well respected individual to the military and especially to the USO organization where he was asked to play for the troops in Afghanistan. This concert will be no different. As a conservative taxpayer, I salute Ted Nugent and ask you all to do the same.

Show of Support - Hunt for Heroes - Honoring Men & Women of our Military - West Texas Area - Volunteer

Ted Nugents selective service record proving he was rejected for a medical reasons


The record above indicates, he actually got on the bus and went to take his physical when true liberal draft dodgers didn't. He was classified 1-S (high school student deferment) in 1967 and 2-S (college student deferment) in 1968; then after being reclassified 1-A (available for military service) in 1969 he was rejected as a result of a physical examination (most likely loss of hearing according to Snopes at one time) and given a 1-Y classification. (The 1-Y classification denoted persons "qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency" and was generally assigned to registrants who had exhibited medical conditions that were limiting but not disabling). After the 1-Y classification was eliminated at the end of 1971, Nugent was reclassified as 4-F. Ted Nugent did have a student deferment for part of the time he was eligible for the draft, but he did also fail a physical examination and receive a medical exemption.
. There is no explanation for the rejection due to an alleged medical exam. It could be proof of the truth to his poopy pants story.
You don't get rejected for pooping in your pants. They would have simply turned the water hose on Ted and cleaned him up and made him fall in line at his physical. Snopes at one point stated he failed for loss of hearing which is understandable with him playing with the Amboy Dukes in front of loud ass speakers back then. I tend to believe that is the case of what really happened.
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Then how do you claim this is Ted's reject form from the military when it was not even in existence when Ted saw the draft board?
In 67 he was already performing with the Amboy Dukes. Signed his first record deal in 73. During that time over 50,000 American soldiers were KIA in Vietnam. I don't blame him or anyone else using whatever method to not go. Student deferment, trip to Canada, Papas friends gets you in the front of the line for a plumb seat in the Reserves, good for you.

[ame=]Return of of the Son of Shut up 'n Play Yer Guitar - YouTube[/ame]
Ted playing for the cannon fodder he once called Imbeciles? Hope they don't frag his draft-dodging ass.

Really? I was just hoping they'd beat the crap out of him for all the shit he sat in so he could get out of the draft.

He has always been very vocal in his derision for our military - just like so many other RWs.

And yes, he did say he sat in his own shit for two weeks before getting on that bus. The link was posted here yesterday. Just because the Pootartarian, the tee potties and other anti-Americans (like the OP) don't like it doesn't mean it will go away.

Gawd, isn't this the most disgusting thing we've heard in a while?
What a noble thing to do. Yes, American patriot Ted Nugent who has just played his 6,500th concert will perform honoring our nations men and women in the military. Ted Nugent has always kept our military in the highest regard. As we all know, Ted attempted to do his patriotic duty to defend his country and enter the U.S. military (unlike true liberal draft dodgers who burned their draft cards and fled to Canada) and put his life on the line for this country as he was selected in the draft but when he took his physical, the military rejected him with a medical condition as his United States Selective Service Record proves. Despite that, Ted decided the best thing to do was dedicate much time and resources over the years helping veterans raising money for them and taking the disabled ones on hunting adventures. There is no doubt, this man is well respected individual to the military and especially to the USO organization where he was asked to play for the troops in Afghanistan. This concert will be no different. As a conservative taxpayer, I salute Ted Nugent and ask you all to do the same.

Show of Support - Hunt for Heroes - Honoring Men & Women of our Military - West Texas Area - Volunteer

Ted Nugents selective service record proving he was rejected for a medical reasons


The record above indicates, he actually got on the bus and went to take his physical when true liberal draft dodgers didn't. He was classified 1-S (high school student deferment) in 1967 and 2-S (college student deferment) in 1968; then after being reclassified 1-A (available for military service) in 1969 he was rejected as a result of a physical examination (most likely loss of hearing according to Snopes at one time) and given a 1-Y classification. (The 1-Y classification denoted persons "qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency" and was generally assigned to registrants who had exhibited medical conditions that were limiting but not disabling). After the 1-Y classification was eliminated at the end of 1971, Nugent was reclassified as 4-F. Ted Nugent did have a student deferment for part of the time he was eligible for the draft, but he did also fail a physical examination and receive a medical exemption.

This is not a record produced at the time Ted was dodging the dradft. There is no explanation for the rejection due to an alleged medical exam. It could be proof of the truth to his poopy pants story. It was not made at the time of his draft era period. Look at the lower left corner. The alleged document didn't come into use until July 1977 and if you look in the lower right you will see it was prepared on March 14, 2007. There is no supporting evidence that it is even issued by the FRC. It could be a totally fabricated fake photo copy.

[MENTION=44680]Camp[/MENTION] - Could you post the link you posted yesterday? The one that has his statement where he describes all the shit he went through to get out of the draft?
Why is he noble?
Is he doing the show for nothing?
Is he giving money to the fund?
Ted Nugent and Romney ? The ?Cluck Cluck Gang,? America?s Biggest Chickens | Veterans Today

His own words on how he dodged the draft. Published by Veterans Today.
As I stated, Nugent sensationalized the story to sell albums to anti-war hippies. It's called strategic marketing and it worked. You don't get a medical deferment for shitting in your pants.

I wonder what his purpose was for "sensationalising" a story that he'd be dead or in gaol by now?
Ted Nugent and Romney ? The ?Cluck Cluck Gang,? America?s Biggest Chickens | Veterans Today

His own words on how he dodged the draft. Published by Veterans Today.
As I stated, Nugent sensationalized the story to sell albums to anti-war hippies. It's called strategic marketing and it worked. You don't get a medical deferment for shitting in your pants.

Oh, so you're saying he lied then but he's not lying now?

You're the personification of the RW dupe.

Ted Nugent and Romney ? The ?Cluck Cluck Gang,? America?s Biggest Chickens | Veterans Today

His own words on how he dodged the draft. Published by Veterans Today.
As I stated, Nugent sensationalized the story to sell albums to anti-war hippies. It's called strategic marketing and it worked. You don't get a medical deferment for shitting in your pants.

Oh, so you're saying he lied then but he's not lying now?

You're the personification of the RW dupe.


I'm upset...if I can't believe The Nuge who can I trust?

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