American Presidents Should Not Promote Democracy


Sep 23, 2010
Barack Taqiyya went to the United Nations. The Washington Post went bonkers although I can’t see why. The president got in all of the UN-loving garbage along with every global busybody talking point. There’s nothing new here:

Yet the WAPO’s editorial board found something to complain about. I suspect it is a con job trying to make their guy look like he loves America after all.

In what may be the most morally crimped speech by a president in modern times, Mr. Obama explicitly ruled out the promotion of liberty as a core interest of the United States. Instead, he told the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, America’s core interests consist of resisting aggression against allies; protecting the free flow of energy; dismantling terrorist networks “that threaten our people” and stopping the development and use of weapons of mass destruction.

Much to my delight a few —— damned few —— of the president’s words sounded like the words of a president rather than the words of a dirty little moralist cum spiritual leader. Whatever action follows the speech remains to be seen. In the past the president’s domestic actions had nothing to do with his words.

The WAPO editorial board goes on to say:

No president should cite democracy promotion as the United States’s only core interest or even, invariably, its first priority. A superpower always must juggle competing concerns of security and commerce. But has a president ever boasted that promoting democracy will not be a core interest?

No president should promote democracy at all. Not ever. American presidents should be promoting limited government and property Rights not fomenting revolutions for the benefit of democracy sharpshooters like the Muslim Brotherhood.

NOTE: Woodrow Wilson made the world safe for democracy. Rhetorical question: How’s that been working out? Serious question: What would the world be like today had Wilson made the world safe for America’s form of government before it morphed into a half-ass democracy.

Every other Right is meaningless without property Rights protected by limited government. Criminals love the Fifth Amendment, but who would honestly give a tinker’s damn about freedom of the press, religion, speech, and all of the rest when property Rights are gone? No one ever started a revolution for any of those First Amendment Rights. Show me one Communist revolution where the people ended up with freedom of the press, or religion, or speech.

The American Revolution was fought for independence. It is called the War for Independence. Rights came later and only became important in limiting the size of government. Should Americans turn to violent revolution it will be for independence from tyrannical government no different than the war colonial Americans fought.

It is to cede the exceptionalism argument to Vladi-mir Putin.

America’s exceptionalism was born of limited government not democracy. Proof: Before 1913 America was the most admired and respected country the world had ever seen. Had property Rights been reserved for America’s ruling class —— as they were for ruling classes throughout history —— there never would have been American exceptionalism to cede to a Russian pistolero. If anything, democracy cedes American exceptionalism to Russia and the world. Notice that there were many democracies in the past but only one America. The president showed that he did NOT understand American exceptionalism when he said:

I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism. Barack Hussein Obama

Nobody with an understanding of America’s singular form of government would put Americans in a category with foreign peoples. That is not a criticism of Brits or Greeks. Individuals the world over can be exceptional in their chosen fields. America’s Founding Fathers were exceptional as were many men and women throughout history. American exceptionalism encompassed an original form of government without crushing individuality as does every form of collectivism; Socialism, democracy, theocracies, dictatorships, and so on.

In his speech, Mr. Obama said that America’s core interests are not “our only interests” and that the United States “will continue to promote democracy and human rights and open markets, because we believe these practices achieve peace and prosperity.”

Trouble at the core of U.S. foreign policy
By Editorial Board,

Trouble at the core of U.S. foreign policy - The Washington Post

I do not know what game Barack Taqiyya is playing. The United Nations is the love of his life. Ditto the WAPO’s editorial board. So let’s look at what the WAPO is advocating in addition to democracy.

The president did not say he would abandon the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Since the editorial board was commenting on a speech delivered to the United Nations that is what the WAPO implies by mixing “. . . human rights and open markets . . .”.

Here’s the WAPO’s message. Open markets should fund human Rights. In other words legislate love on an international scale. All things considered, I’m fairly certain Barack Taqiyya is an honorary member of the WAPO’s editorial board.

More importantly, WAPO’s strategists must know they are defending coerced charity and funding UN charity hustlers no less than Barack Taqiyya & Company defends and funds them. Regardless of anything the president says not one American tax dollar will be taken away from the money UN charity hustlers receive annually.

Bottom line: The WAPO’s criticism of their guy in the White House does not ring true.
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Linda Chavez also looked at the WAPO article:

The Post was reacting to what will now go down as the Obama Doctrine in foreign policy. In what has become Obama's signature tone, much of the address was focused on America's "failures," as he defines them: the war in Iraq, past efforts to "impose democracy," unilateral U.S. military action, Cold War politics. But he also laid out in the clearest terms of his presidency what he defines as America's "core interests" in the Middle East and North Africa -- a list so narrow it embarrasses even the president's supporters among the liberal media.

Chavez is right about this “. . . America’s "failures," as he defines them:”.

Failure means not fighting touchy-feely UN wars.

Taking the war against Islamic fundamentalism to the enemy in Iraq, and the Cold War ending with the Soviet Union imploding were America’s greatest failures in Barack Taqiyya’s definition of failure.

The path the president has charted for the U.S. is circumscribed. Only in rare circumstances will the U.S. intervene directly -- and even then only with the cooperation of other nations.

Self-defense is the only justification for America to “intervene.”

Nowhere in the president's speech was his lack of commitment to human rights clearer than in his overtures to Iran.


There is some irony in Obama's abandonment of human rights as a priority.

Obama Doctrine Makes America Weak
Linda Chavez | Sep 27, 2013

Obama Doctrine Makes America Weak - Linda Chavez - Page 1

He did not abandon anything. He tortured American exceptionalism until it fit the UN’s agenda:

President Obama defended American exceptionalism in a speech mostly dealing with America’s diplomatic efforts in the Middle East at the UN Tuesday: “Some may disagree,” he noted, “But I believe America is exceptional, in part because we have shown a willingness, to the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up, not only for our own narrow self-interests, but for the interests of all.”

American Exceptionalism Revisited
By Gracy Olmstead • September 25, 2013, 6:46 AM

American Exceptionalism Revisited | The American Conservative

That’s doublespeak for the same old Leftist garbage; Americans must die in foreign lands so that others might live. Socialists will never renounce that core belief, nor will they stop trying to put the US military under UN control. If there is such a thing as an Obama Doctrine that’s it.
Your analysis is terribly flawed.

We don't have a government that is at all different from many that proceeded it and many that exist today.

And government, by it's very nature, is collectivist.
Your analysis is terribly flawed.

To Sallow: It’s bad enough replying to Lefties are who all seem to enter this world devoid of reading comprehension skills many of them respond in a shorthand only they understand. I can’t tell if you are responding to the OP, or #2 permalink, or both. My analyses covered several premises. BE PRECISE. Exactly which premise do you see as flawed?

We don't have a government that is at all different from many that proceeded it and many that exist today.

To Sallow: No government before or since the USA ever codified limited government. Let me know of another if you disagree.

Surely, you do not see this comparison to democracy as flawed?

From OP
Notice that there were many democracies in the past but only one America.

And government, by it's very nature, is collectivist.

To Sallow: Government by its nature is totalitarian empowering the ruling class. The word “collectivist” implies governments (ruling classes) act for the good of all. Were that true there would be no need to enumerate a government’s duties and responsibilities in order to give everyone individual liberties.

Note that so long as every American had individual liberties they never objected to the wealthy, yet our current ruling class is hellbent on replacing those liberties with behavior dictated by an institution; i.e., legislating love. Obviously, the ruling class is legislating the love it wants from the parasite class when, in fact, they are legislating hatred.

Let me sum up my case against big government Socialists and where they are taking the country. I’ve posted these three observations many times in previous messages:

1. Every generation produces a legion of fools and parasites who believe a benign totalitarian government is possible.

2. Totalitarian government is one extreme. Anarchy is the other extreme. Limited government is the permanent center; it never moves.

3. Government and organized religion will always plague mankind. America’s Founders codified a way to minimize the inherent evil in both; limit the government and keep organized religion voluntary. Give either one too much power and freedom dies.
Your analysis is terribly flawed.

We don't have a government that is at all different from many that proceeded it and many that exist today.

And government, by it's very nature, is collectivist.

Definitely agree
Democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. That is why this is good for news freedom-loving Americans, and bad news for Cubans:

For World's Democracy Campaigners, Obama's Cuba Move Means Crackdowns
Posted 12/31/2014 06:39 PM ET

For World s Democracy Campaigners Obama s Cuba Move Means Crackdowns -

For as long as I can remember democracy advocates sold the natural evolution of America’s political system when the opposite should be committed to destroying democracy. Instead of eliminated democracy Taqiyya the Liar sees democracy as the final step to achieving totalitarian government. Cuba gave him the golden opportunity to bypass democracy and go right to Communist totalitarianism. He got away with in Cuba, but he has to work around it in this country. Note the following:

Report: 21,000 regulations so far under Obama, 2,375 set for 2015
By Paul Bedard | December 31, 2014 | 11:54 am

Report 21 000 regulations so far under Obama 2 375 set for 2015


Why Obama could regret executive action
By Brian Hughes | December 31, 2014 | 5:00 am

Why Obama could regret executive action

Once again I must point out that most people in the federal government, and many in local governments, fully support more power in the president’s hands —— but only so long as the president’s imperial power advances Socialism/Communist.

Sad to say, future presidents will surely acquire more political power but not a one of them will top Taqiyya the Liar:

As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H. L. Mencken
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