American Revolutionists Needed


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Chris Hedges argues the time has come for a class of US activists modeled on Plato's philosophers, Calvin's saints, Machiavelli's Republican Conspirators, and Lenin's Vanguard.

A professional class of revolutionists without which Revolution is impossible:

"The revolutionists call on us to ignore the political charades and spectacles orchestrated by our oligarchic masters around electoral politics.

"They tell us to dismiss the liberals who look to a political system that is dead.

"They expose the press as an echo chamber for the elites.

The revolutionist is a curious hybrid of the practical and the impractical.

"He or she is aware of facing nearly impossible odds.

"The revolutionist has at once a lucid understanding of power, along with the vagaries of human nature, and a commitment to overthrowing power.

"Revolutions can be crushed by force—history has amply demonstrated that—or hijacked by movements or individuals, such as Lenin, Trotsky and later Stalin, that betray the populace.

"Through the careful manipulation of counterrevolutionary forces, faux revolutions can demand not reform but the restoration of retrograde power elites.

"The Central Intelligence Agency mastered this technique in Iran when it organized street demonstrations and protests in 1953 to successfully overthrow Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh and his Cabinet and again in 1973 when it ousted Chile’s President Salvador Allende. We see the same tactic at work today in Venezuela."

Chris Hedges Why We Need Professional Revolutionists - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
And yet, RWs whined about outsiders going to Ferguson to protest.

But, its always funny to read that the militia-types actually think they can go up against the biggest military in history and accomplish anything.

But hey, maybe they'll go help Americans save their homes from the land-grabbing Keystone pipeline thugs. Ya think?
Machiavelli was a rather nasty sort, knowing his MO he would even turn on his own revolution for advancement...
But, its always funny to read that the militia-types actually think they can go up against the biggest military in history and accomplish anything.
The point Hedges makes, I think, is that the systems of indoctrination and propaganda are so sophisticated and pervasive the initial revolutionary activity has to focus on political education.

"'[The] really difficult challenge is to accompany the attempt to gain power with an equally strong emphasis on public education that makes it, so to speak, a potentially responsible repository of that power...”

Chris Hedges Why We Need Professional Revolutionists - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

If a way to insulate government from the effects of private wealth can be found, humanity will fire the second shot heard 'round the world.
He was the master of the back stab...
Machiavelli would be welcome in most Fortune 500 boardrooms:
"There is nothing rational about rebellion.

"To rebel against insurmountable odds is an act of faith.

"And without this faith the rebel is doomed.

"This faith is intrinsic to the rebel the way caution and prudence are intrinsic to those who seek to fit into existing power structures.

"The rebel, possessed by inner demons and angels, is driven by visions familiar to religious mystics.

"And it is the rebel alone who can save us from corporate tyranny.

"I do not know if these rebels will succeed.

"But I do know that a world without them is hopeless."
Chris Hedges Why We Need Professional Revolutionists - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

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