Why Bernie Wins in One Word: Class

More broken windows....Gubmint has no money of their own, therefore "gubmint spending" comes from the pockets of the productive, who would have spent, saved, invested, or given away those funds themselves.
Government creates money, Moron. It also provides all the infrastructure capitalists require to "earn" their vast fortunes. Without "Gubment" you and brain-dead Koch-suckers like Stossel would be whining about a lack of law and order.

"There is only one choice in this election.

"The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the consolidation of oligarchic power under Joe Biden.

"The oligarchs, with Trump or Biden, will win again.

"We will lose.

"The oligarchs made it abundantly clear, should Bernie Sanders miraculously become the Democratic Party nominee, they would join forces with the Republicans to crush him."

The One-Choice Election
lol..I don't see how I could make the point of capitalism over ideological communism any better than you just did with that post...why don't we compare the still "wallowing" of American millionaires in luxury to the soviet union of today?...huge gaffes like this are what happens when the ideology must always be defended and at all costs, ya forget that once it devours itself all that's left is the ideology.
lol..I don't see how I could make the point of capitalism over ideological communism any better than you just did with that post...why don't we compare the still "wallowing" of American millionaires in luxury to the soviet union of today?...huge gaffes
Putting aside the fact the Soviet Union dissolved a generation ago when US-style capitalism shrank Russian GDP by half and increased the official poverty level (less than $4 a day) spiked from 2% to 50%, the Soviet economy functioned more like state capitalism than communism.

State capitalism - Wikipedia

"State capitalism has also come to be used (sometimes interchangeably with state monopoly capitalism) to describe a system where the state intervenes in the economy to protect and advance the interests of large-scale businesses.

"Noam Chomsky, a libertarian socialist, applies the term 'state capitalism' to economies such as that of the United States, where large enterprises that are deemed 'too big to fail' receive publicly funded government bailouts that mitigate the firms' assumption of risk and undermine market laws, and where private production is largely funded by the state at public expense, but private owners reap the profits.[13][14][15]

"This practice is in contrast with the ideals of both socialism and laissez-faire capitalism."
Whose fault is it when you have household debt GP? When I had debt, it was my fault. I don't blame others
Perhaps your individual circumstances permit you to engage with debt in a voluntary manners. That isn't true for others who are required to use a credit card (with usurious interest rates) if they want to be able to pay for shelter and food in the same month.

There's a strong suspicion that capitalism's dirty little secret is excessive lending since the only way for millions of Americans over the last five decades to maintain living standard has been to normalize borrowing for expenses that were previously covered by wage income.

This was done at a time when income and wealth were being concentrated in the hands of ten percent of Americans.

Do you believe that was a coincidence?

One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe
lol..I don't see how I could make the point of capitalism over ideological communism any better than you just did with that post...why don't we compare the still "wallowing" of American millionaires in luxury to the soviet union of today?...huge gaffes
Putting aside the fact the Soviet Union dissolved a generation ago when US-style capitalism shrank Russian GDP by half and increased the official poverty level (less than $4 a day) spiked from 2% to 50%, the Soviet economy functioned more like state capitalism than communism.

State capitalism - Wikipedia

"State capitalism has also come to be used (sometimes interchangeably with state monopoly capitalism) to describe a system where the state intervenes in the economy to protect and advance the interests of large-scale businesses.

"Noam Chomsky, a libertarian socialist, applies the term 'state capitalism' to economies such as that of the United States, where large enterprises that are deemed 'too big to fail' receive publicly funded government bailouts that mitigate the firms' assumption of risk and undermine market laws, and where private production is largely funded by the state at public expense, but private owners reap the profits.[13][14][15]

"This practice is in contrast with the ideals of both socialism and laissez-faire capitalism."

US-style capitalism shrank Russian GDP by half

Did you believe the "official" Russian GDP figures under Communism? LOL!


We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us.

receive publicly funded government bailouts that mitigate the firms' assumption of risk

Which bailouts mitigated which company's risk?
Post a list. Name some names.

and where private production is largely funded by the state at public expense, but private owners reap the profits

Post a list. Be specific.
Thats pretty much a fact.
There a certainly a large number of experts who agree with you about the New Deal's effect on the Great Depression.

FDR did put millions of Americans back to work on infrastructure jobs before Pearl Harbor solved US unemployment:

National Association of Scholars - Ask a Scholar: Did the New Deal End the Great Depression? by Steven Horwitz

"The old view argued that the New Deal’s spending on public works and other programs put people back to work and thereby began that slow growth in GNP that characterized the post-1933 period (except for the recession of 1937-38).

"This argument rests on what became fairly standard economic theory that emphasized the ways in which increases in government spending could substitute for reductions in private investment and consumption expenditures..

"In particular, spending financed by borrowing (running a deficit) and not by taxes would, through the famed “multiplier process,” lead to higher GNP.

"When government spends on programs such as public works, the incomes of the workers and owners of resources involved with those projects is increased, enabling them to spend on other goods and services, whose sellers then see higher income, and spend more and so forth."
He did no such thing.
Sure, he did.
Otherwise Democrats and Republicans would be as extinct as Whigs.

How FDR Saved Capitalism

"How FDR Saved Capitalism
by Seymour Martin Lipset, Gary Marks
Tuesday, January 30, 2001

"With the coming of the Great Depression in the 1930s, a sharp increase in protest and anticapitalist sentiment threatened to undermine the existing political system and create new political parties.

"The findings of diverse opinion polls, as well as the electoral support given to local radical, progressive, and prolabor candidates, indicate that a large minority of Americans were ready to back social democratic proposals.

"It is significant, then, that even with the growth of class consciousness in America, no national third party was able to break the duopoly of the Democratic and Republican Parties.

"Radicals who operated within the two-party system were often able to achieve local victories, but these accomplishments never culminated in the creation of a sustainable third party or left-wing ideological movement.

"The thirties dramatically demonstrated not only the power of America’s coalitional two-party system to dissuade a national third party but also the deeply antistatist, individualistic character of its electorate."
Putting aside the fact the Soviet Union dissolved a generation ago when US-style capitalism shrank Russian GDP by half and increased the official poverty level (less than $4 a day) spiked from 2% to 50%, the Soviet economy functioned more like state capitalism than communism.

State capitalism - Wikipedia

Why put it aside? it was my point in response to what Lenin was quoted as saying.

"State capitalism has also come to be used (sometimes interchangeably with state monopoly capitalism) to describe a system where the state intervenes in the economy to protect and advance the interests of large-scale businesses.

"Noam Chomsky, a libertarian socialist, applies the term 'state capitalism' to economies such as that of the United States, where large enterprises that are deemed 'too big to fail' receive publicly funded government bailouts that mitigate the firms' assumption of risk and undermine market laws, and where private production is largely funded by the state at public expense, but private owners reap the profits.[13][14][15]

"This practice is in contrast with the ideals of both socialism and laissez-faire capitalism."
My post was dealing with the ignorance of Lenin, not chomsky
I don't consider it classy that when he asked if he would close the borders if the virus got worse and his response was NO. Its classy to put all americans at risk???
I don't consider it classy that when he asked if he would close the borders if the virus got worse and his response was NO. Its classy to put all americans at risk???
The word, class, is used in the title in the sense of class warfare.

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